Imagine believing unironically that a fraternity club of pimpled edgelords secretly controls the universe.
Your knowledge of these topics is clearly limited. No offence.
Secret societies are Freemasonic. All U.S Presidents up until Gerald Ford were openly Freemasonic, then they stopped being overt about it. ALL mainstream political candidates are Freemasons (or from similarly connected groups for the women). Freemasons are ultimately controlled by the generational banking families (ie those who own, and control the world's financial systems). Who do you think runs America? Those behind the Federal Reserve who print the money and are creditors for $34 Trillion dollars worth of government debt... or some guy presented to you on a podium that you "voted" for?
List of Presidents of the United States Who Were Freemasons
I see you're in Europe. All of your countries are now controlled by the EU, who answer to the IMF and beyond. In other words, the bankers. Emmanuel Macron, "leader" of France. What was his job before he became President? He was a Rothschild banker. What about Boris Johnson, UK? His father Stanley worked for the Rockefeller bankers. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. These people are not "voted" for, they're
selected. They serve their banking overlords, not you. And just like they've done with the European Union, they will continue to consolidate their power across the world.
In their own doctrines, Freemasons refer to you general population as "the ignorant and profane", and the "vile multitudes". In other words, they think you're an idiot, and you're only supporting their beliefs by falling into the most base level part of their control system (politics and "voting"). The people I speak of own everything. They are the majority shareholders in all mainstream media conglomerates, entertainment, big pharma, major corporations etc. They own your political systems, your judicial systems, your various institutions, and anyone of importance within them. Freemasonic lodges all feature the black & white checkerboard floor. This is to symbolise a chess board and the fact that you're ALWAYS getting played. They're always multiple steps ahead. Their masters own the board, and all the pieces on it. You cannot win. And no, you won't "vote them out" of THEIR OWN SYSTEM, that THEY CREATED, and have controlled for well over a hundred years

To put the final nail in the coffin of your "left vs right wing" politics, I give you a quote from Vladimir Lenin (a Freemason):
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves".
Stop engaging in political theatre; it's merely puppets playing out a dramatic script. The folk who
actually make the decisions are those you've never seen (or likely even heard of). They stay out of the spotlight for good reason. To put it another way: you're seeing the actors, not the director.
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players"
— William Shakespeare