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2024 US Presidential Election

Are you @Jammer using another poster's name? You sure sound a lot like him. If you are from Norway, why are you so interested in US politics? The so called insurrection was a Fedsurrection caused at least in part by Nancy Pelosi. Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops to be at the Capital, but Pelosi denied them because of optics. Trump was never charged with causing an insurrection.
What the fuck do you mean by "the so called insurrection"? Do you not know what an insurrection is? Do you not have eyes? You're like a small child that keeps denying that literally the most obvious thing happened and all you have are conspiracy theories and fart noises.
What the fuck do you mean by "the so called insurrection"? Do you not know what an insurrection is? Do you not have eyes? You're like a small child that keeps denying that literally the most obvious thing happened and all you have are conspiracy theories and fart noises.
If this was an insurrection, it was the most pathetic insurrection in the history of mankind. Bunch of fat morons rioted for a bit. Big fucking deal.

The real question is WTF happened to security and intelligence to stop that riot in its tracks, well before the morons got inside.
If this was an insurrection, it was the most pathetic insurrection in the history of mankind. Bunch of fat morons rioted for a bit. Big fucking deal.

The real question is WTF happened to security and intelligence to stop that riot in its tracks, well before the morons got inside.
Check out the Wikipedia page 'Attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election' for clear elucidation on each effort Team Trump put forth, including the January 6 Capitol attack. It's very enlightening.
What the fuck do you mean by "the so called insurrection"? Do you not know what an insurrection is? Do you not have eyes? You're like a small child that keeps denying that literally the most obvious thing happened and all you have are conspiracy theories and fart noises.
I listened to a journalist who was there on January 6th. It was over an hour long. I will try to find it.
Read this.

Then come back and tell me "big fucking deal" one more time.
Of course, several personal tragedies. Happens all the time where there is violence. Again, showing incompetence of Capitol police. Still, just a violent riot, not an insurrection.
If this was an insurrection, it was the most pathetic insurrection in the history of mankind. Bunch of fat morons rioted for a bit. Big fucking deal.

The real question is WTF happened to security and intelligence to stop that riot in its tracks, well before the morons got inside.
Of course. If they didn't want people in that building, they wouldn't of got in there. Classic divide and conquer. Problem, solution. Left wing, right wing... same bird ;)
What the fuck do you mean by "the so called insurrection"? Do you not know what an insurrection is? Do you not have eyes? You're like a small child that keeps denying that literally the most obvious thing happened and all you have are conspiracy theories and fart noises.
You do realise all mainstream politicians and parties are owned by the same people, right? (Hint: these people don't partake in circus theatre on camera). Politics and politicians are merely there to give you the illusion of choice. They present both of their own candidates, and then you choose between them, lol.

I'll give you an example. Both George Bush and John Kerry were part of the same "secret society" at Yale (Skull & Bones). You can search this yourself, it's well documented. You really think that two buddies from the same secret society frat just so happened to coincidentally go head-to-head for the job of... President Of The United States? Of course not.

Again, left wing/right wing = same bird. They're just given different scripts. One of the new candidates, btw, Vivek Ramaswamy, is from the other secret society at Yale, Shabtai.

If you didn't have the illusion of choice and these "elections" to vote in, then you'd be asking who's really running the show, right? Better to have you distracted and arguing about two puppets on a podium :p

"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it" ;)
Did you know Mike Johnson and his son keep tabs on each other's porn intake?
I've heard that someplace, whether it's true or not I don't know. I care more about his leadership ability as the Speaker of the House. When is your "boss" going to secure the border? 80% of Americans are very concerned about our sovereign border and the record number of illegal immigrants crossing over into the US and the societal ills they bring with them.
I'll give you an example. Both George Bush and John Kerry were part of the same "secret society" at Yale (Skull & Bones). You can search this yourself, it's well documented. You really think that two buddies from the same secret society frat just so happened to coincidentally go head-to-head for the job of... President Of The United States? Of course not.
Imagine believing unironically that a fraternity club of pimpled edgelords secretly controls the universe.
I've heard that someplace, whether it's true or not I don't know.
Dude, it came out his mouth verbatim.
the Louisiana representative talked about how he installed "accountability software" called Covenant Eyes on his devices in order to abstain from internet porn and other unsavory websites.

"It scans all the activity on your phone, or your devices, your laptop, what have you; we do all of it," Johnson told the panel about the app.

"It sends a report to your accountability partner. My accountability partner right now is Jack, my son. He's 17. So he and I get a report about all the things that are on our phones, all of our devices, once a week. If anything objectionable comes up, your accountability partner gets an immediate notice. I'm proud to tell ya, my son has got a clean slate."
Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other's Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video
I care more about his leadership ability as the Speaker of the House.
I honestly don't expect much leadership skills from someone who denies election results... and is a Christian nationalist hoping for the end of the world, so that we can get on with the rapture. :rolleyes:
when is your "boss" going to secure the border? 80% of Americans are very concerned about our sovereign border and the record number of illegal immigrants crossing over into the US and the societal ills they bring with them.
Boss? -.- I already said it before — Biden's been a letdown on Immigration. He lacks a solid plan. But let's face it, Republicans aren't exactly great either. Border militarization? Seriously? All that talk about fiscal responsibility this past year, yet they propose actions that could put us in far more greater debt. It'd be a huge burden on the tax payer. Please... it's hypocrisy at its finest. There's also another controversial matter (ethics) which I won't bother to get into, of using the military to handle domestic affairs. It's such a short sighted plan.

I rather much prefer civilian agencies to handle immigration and border enforcement and give them the adequate funding and resources they need.
Most Americans think phrases like "in God We Trust" and "one nation under God" date back to the founding fathers' era, but the truth is, they were actually added far later after its founding (refer to Eisenhower and Red Scare). Framers were secularists, through and through
I'd take Eisenhower any day over Biden. Eisenhower served 2 terms and was a highly respected President.
Of course, several personal tragedies. Happens all the time where there is violence. Again, showing incompetence of Capitol police. Still, just a violent riot, not an insurrection.
Well, you're not wrong about them (the rioters) being a bunch of amateur morons. The stupid Q Shaman was there after all. I remember seeing this one guy in the Jan 6. footages, going through documents in the Senate chamber and then proceeds to tell his group, "Look, Ted Cruz was going to sell us out all along, look his objection to the electoral votes for the state of Arizona." Lke WTF, how dumb can these people be? These losers might want to know what their motivations are if they're going to end up in jail for it. Amazing they made it that far when such big words like "objection" tripped them up.

But ultimately though, those individuals stormed the Capitol building to disrupt the certification of the 2020 election results. They were chanting phrases like 'hang Mike Pence', inciting mob violence, destroying government property, assaulting police officers (over 100+), forcing Congress members to run for their lives, including Pence. And despite the amateurish attempt at overthrowing the government, it undeniably constituted an insurrection due to its intent to subvert the democratic process and overthrow a lawful governmental procedure. Trumpists like to deny it, but Trump did play a significant role in fueling their actions. He organized the whole entire sham event to begin with.
Imagine believing unironically that a fraternity club of pimpled edgelords secretly controls the universe.
On a serious note, a more better argument would be to emphasize the flaws of a two-party system within a winner-takes-all electoral framework. I mean, even George Washington was warning Americans about the divisive nature of political parties (2 party system began to solidify in the early 19th century) and its potentially negative impact on a functioning government. He was right all along.

No conspiracy theories even needed lol.
And despite the amateurish attempt at overthrowing the government, it undeniably constituted an insurrection due to its intent to subvert the democratic process and overthrow a lawful governmental procedure.
Eh, maybe it was their intent but it takes more than an intent to "subvert the democratic process" to essentially take over control of the government in a country like this. The morons weren't organized enough to have shot at anything but creating a riot. No real conspiracy, no money, no plan or means to control media, military, installing illicit lawmakers or government. Just a bunch of fat, violent morons. Calling them insurrectionists is giving them more legitimacy than they deserve. It is like calling a violent village idiot that robbed a gas station, a mafia leader.

This is done by Dems for obvious political purposes, but it is disingenuous and false like most of what the leftist represent. And ultimately hurt them.
My Supreme Court prediction for the Colorado case: Trump's appeal will be allowed for any one or more of the following baloney reasons by his pet Supreme Court judges:

(1) The disqualification doesn't apply to the Presidency because the founders didn't intend it to.

(2) Even if the disqualification applies to the Presidency, the disqualification requires a conviction because the Presidency is the highest position in the land, so requires special treatment different from historical precedents.

(3) Even if a conviction was not required, Trump did not take part in insurrection either on the facts (he was just "asking questions" or didn't specifically call for insurrection), or on the law (an insurrection requires a total civil war not just trashing Congress).

(4) Even if Trump took part in insurrection, the case was procedurally flawed because it was brought by the wrong plaintiff, brought too early/too late, there's a missing comma in the court form, etc.
Eh, maybe it was their intent but it takes more than an intent to "subvert the democratic process" to essentially take over control of the government in a country like this. The morons weren't organized enough to have shot at anything but creating a riot. No real conspiracy, no money, no plan or means to control media, military, installing illicit lawmakers or government.
My dude.

What you're describing is a coup d'état.

Please open a dictionary.
I'd take Eisenhower any day over Biden. Eisenhower served 2 terms and was a highly respected President.
We would have been better off with Stevenson, who had a brain and would not have chosen a political animal like Richard Nixon as the VP.

My father hated Eisenhower with a passion. He (my father) was a WWII paratrooper in Europe, which Eisenhower was in charge of. As my father was a very intelligent and well-informed person, he had his reasons.

Eisenhower won because his campaign was better - he used TV ads to portray him as a "family man" to the women voters because everybody knew that Stevenson was divorced. Of course, marital status has absolutely nothing to do with being a good president, but they thought that it did, which was an extremely stupid reason to choose a General over a Statesman, for president, but when brainwashed people vote, that's what happens.
Imagine believing unironically that a fraternity club of pimpled edgelords secretly controls the universe.
Your knowledge of these topics is clearly limited. No offence.

Secret societies are Freemasonic. All U.S Presidents up until Gerald Ford were openly Freemasonic, then they stopped being overt about it. ALL mainstream political candidates are Freemasons (or from similarly connected groups for the women). Freemasons are ultimately controlled by the generational banking families (ie those who own, and control the world's financial systems). Who do you think runs America? Those behind the Federal Reserve who print the money and are creditors for $34 Trillion dollars worth of government debt... or some guy presented to you on a podium that you "voted" for? :ROFL:

List of Presidents of the United States Who Were Freemasons

I see you're in Europe. All of your countries are now controlled by the EU, who answer to the IMF and beyond. In other words, the bankers. Emmanuel Macron, "leader" of France. What was his job before he became President? He was a Rothschild banker. What about Boris Johnson, UK? His father Stanley worked for the Rockefeller bankers. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. These people are not "voted" for, they're selected. They serve their banking overlords, not you. And just like they've done with the European Union, they will continue to consolidate their power across the world.

In their own doctrines, Freemasons refer to you general population as "the ignorant and profane", and the "vile multitudes". In other words, they think you're an idiot, and you're only supporting their beliefs by falling into the most base level part of their control system (politics and "voting"). The people I speak of own everything. They are the majority shareholders in all mainstream media conglomerates, entertainment, big pharma, major corporations etc. They own your political systems, your judicial systems, your various institutions, and anyone of importance within them. Freemasonic lodges all feature the black & white checkerboard floor. This is to symbolise a chess board and the fact that you're ALWAYS getting played. They're always multiple steps ahead. Their masters own the board, and all the pieces on it. You cannot win. And no, you won't "vote them out" of THEIR OWN SYSTEM, that THEY CREATED, and have controlled for well over a hundred years :ROFL: To put the final nail in the coffin of your "left vs right wing" politics, I give you a quote from Vladimir Lenin (a Freemason): "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves".

Stop engaging in political theatre; it's merely puppets playing out a dramatic script. The folk who actually make the decisions are those you've never seen (or likely even heard of). They stay out of the spotlight for good reason. To put it another way: you're seeing the actors, not the director.

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players"
— William Shakespeare
I've watched Bill O' Reilly latest No Spin News episode and how Mark Zuckerberg's $400 million dollar infusion into 5 states affected the 2020 election. Why wasn't Zuckerberg investigated? I believe Trump's campaign is presenting their evidence to the Supreme Court regarding Zuckerberg's influencing the Democratic votes for Biden.

MSM will never cover this, except for maybe Fox and NewsMax. People shouldn't be paid to vote for Biden with Zuckerberg's huge amount of money. That should be illegal, but that's how Democrats operate.
MSM will never cover this, except for maybe Fox and NewsMax. People shouldn't be paid to vote for Biden with Zuckerberg's huge amount of money. That should be illegal, but that's how Democrats operate.
Zuckerberg donated to two nonprofit organizations, Center for Tech and Civic Life and The Center for Election Innovation and Research. Their job is to consult and issue grants to local and state governments to help them organize and hold elections. The claim that people got paid to vote for Biden is utter crap. Please realise that O'Reilly, Fox and Newsmax are lying to you and trying to manipulate their viewers by constantly putting out rage bait. It takes literally two seconds of research to figure out that they're spewing a bunch of bullshit.
Zuckerberg donated to two nonprofit organizations, Center for Tech and Civic Life and The Center for Election Innovation and Research. Their job is to consult and issue grants to local and state governments to help them organize and hold elections. The claim that people got paid to vote for Biden is utter crap. Please realise that O'Reilly, Fox and Newsmax are lying to you and trying to manipulate their viewers by constantly putting out rage bait. It takes literally two seconds of research to figure out that they're spewing a bunch of bullshit.
Why should I listen to someone from Norway instead of a longtime reputable journalist like Bill O'Reilly? What don't you listen to O'Reilly yourself? I've never heard it on Fox or Newsmax yet. Maybe you're full of bullshit? Why are you so interested in US politics anyway? You seem to defend the Democrats in this country.

Bill O' Reilly said he can't verify what the Trump campaign said without subpoena power. I just listened to him again on The First.
This side-by-side comparison shows the dramatic difference in how CTCL funneled Mark Zuckerberg's private wealth to Democratic-leaning counties to drive up turnout there, while underinvesting in counties likely to break for Trump.

Trump + Vivek or Nikki? I have listened to Vivek a lot more than Nikki. It was nice to see Speaker Mike Johnson and 64 House Republicans at the border shown on C-SPAN. I see Mike Johnson was also on CNN with Jake Tapper.

Has anyone watched the J6 video by Epoch Times? I've read they are a far right media company.
Given that tinnitus - you know, that thing Tinnitus Talk was created for - is known to be exacerbated by stress, maybe a topic as incendiary and polarizing as politics should be left to other social media platforms. Just a suggestion...
Given that tinnitus - you know, that thing Tinnitus Talk was created for - is known to be exacerbated by stress, maybe a topic as incendiary and polarizing as politics should be left to other social media platforms. Just a suggestion...
I'd say that many users, me included, find the politics section quite entertaining. If you find it otherwise, then don't view it. It's that simple.
My Supreme Court prediction for the Colorado case: Trump's appeal will be allowed for any one or more of the following baloney reasons by his pet Supreme Court judges:

(1) The disqualification doesn't apply to the Presidency because the founders didn't intend it to.

(2) Even if the disqualification applies to the Presidency, the disqualification requires a conviction because the Presidency is the highest position in the land, so requires special treatment different from historical precedents.

(3) Even if a conviction was not required, Trump did not take part in insurrection either on the facts (he was just "asking questions" or didn't specifically call for insurrection), or on the law (an insurrection requires a total civil war not just trashing Congress).

(4) Even if Trump took part in insurrection, the case was procedurally flawed because it was brought by the wrong plaintiff, brought too early/too late, there's a missing comma in the court form, etc.
I agree with this outline of what to expect from the SCOTUS. I think there's a good chance either 1, 2, 3 will be the prevailing opinion of the court. Leaning towards 2.

But I bet we're going to see a decent amount of concurring opinions though, meaning justices agree with the majority opinion but for different reasons, all falling within the numbered points that you've outlined. Predictable court huh...
My dude.

What you're describing is a coup d'état.
I think what keeps getting overlooked is that this attempt was fueled by a false and baseless belief in a stolen election, heavily propped up by Trump. This is what led to chaos, violence, and the Capitol getting occupied.

Also another thing is consider—their actions really highlight how vulnerable/fragile our democratic institutions can be when faced with an attack like this and that's a massive problem.

It doesn't take away the point that it was amateur hour with those morons. But there's plenty of reasons to characterize these individuals as insurrectionists. You don't just storm in a government building to stop a crucial governmental process. That's simply unacceptable.
I'd say that many users, me included, find the politics section quite entertaining. If you find it otherwise, then don't view it. It's that simple.
It could also be a good distraction from tinnitus too -.-

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