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2024 US Presidential Election

I'd say that many users, me included, find the politics section quite entertaining. If you find it otherwise, then don't view it. It's that simple.
Like I say, it was just a suggestion. If you don't appreciate it, then don't take it. It's that simple.
EPOCH TIMES EXCLUSIVE: J6 Attorneys ID More Than EIGHTY "Suspicious Actors" Not Being Sought By FBI.
300 Americans will die today from Fentanyl poisoning.

Every day, there is a violent insurrection at our Southern border.

Children are assaulted; guns, drugs, diseases & humans are trafficked into our country.

If Democrats truly care about women, science, & gun violence, then demand a closed border.
Trump refused to sign the Illinois' loyalty oath pledging not to overthrow the government, something he had no problem signing in 2016 and 2020.

I guess pledging not to overthrow our democracy is a hard thing to do when you've already attempted it once.

This goes well with what Trump said at an Iowa rally Friday: "I just hope we get fair treatment, because if we don't, our country's in big, big trouble. Does everybody understand what I'm saying?"
Now that it's confirmed the Supreme Court will address whether Trump can be barred from the 2024 presidential ballot, I still think they might attach a criminal or impeachment conviction condition to the 14th Amendment, ignoring the fact that individuals have already been prevented from running for other various offices without any specific insurrection convictions.

They'll magically add-on a requirement that section 3 of the 14th Amendment needs an insurrection conviction through the normal court system (trial courts) in order to be triggered. They'll simply shift the decision making to the juries in Trump's criminal cases. Quite the bunch of evaders, aren't they?
Politics can be very divisive and if you have ear/head noise you most likely are irritable, so not a good combination.
Or maybe it's just because I wasn't anticipating a tinnitus forum to be a place for political banter. But I'm the new kid on the block, and that was clearly an incorrect assumption. So, have at it. I'll just stay out of this thread.
I watched Meet the Press this morning and was impressed by Elise Stefanik; how smart and sensible she is. I also watch 3 other Sunday morning political programs, so I get a well rounded informed opinion from both political parties.

Why can't Liz Cheney be deported along with some of the illegal immigrants? Wyoming overwhelmingly rejected her as their House Representative. All she wants to do is to sell her book and talk nonsense. I would much sooner listen to Mike Johnson.
Trump had the nerve to tell the truth: That the Civil War should have been avoided with negotiations. This is sacrilege, Lincoln is like a GOD in this country, but he was wrong. Seven hundred and fifty thousand men and boys died in in that bloody war, millions more were seriously wounded, millions of children were left fatherless, hundreds of thousands of women were left as widows unable to support their families, etc.

I have expressed this opinion, on this forum, long before Trump made his statement. This is verifiable.

My respect for Trump has increased, substantially.
Trump had the nerve to tell the truth: That the Civil War should have been avoided with negotiations. This is sacrilege, Lincoln is like a GOD in this country, but he was wrong. Seven hundred and fifty thousand men and boys died in in that bloody war, millions more were seriously wounded, millions of children were left fatherless, hundreds of thousands of women were left as widows unable to support their families, etc.

I have expressed this opinion, on this forum, long before Trump made his statement. This is verifiable.

My respect for Trump has increased, substantially.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Well, I don't know whether there is or isn't a God, but Lincoln existed and was by far the worst president in this country's history, IMHO. I have a great-great-grandfather who served in the Union Army, who I am proud of, but I would prefer if he had not enlisted, or dodged the draft. Another ancestor, a 2nd great-grandmother, lost her first husband in the Civil War, leaving her with a baby and three children under ten years old. She did nothing wrong to anybody, yet was left destitute with four minor children.

Julia Ward Howe, the author of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, was a Lincoln supporter who was in favor of war with the Confederacy. After the war, presumably because of the massive amount of bloodshed and deaths, she became an advocate of peaceful political solutions to problems.

Trump is a proponent of peaceful solutions and, therefore he is not wanted by many of those who profit from warfare and the Military Industrial Complex.
Seven hundred and fifty thousand men and boys died in in that bloody war, millions more were seriously wounded, millions of children were left fatherless, hundreds of thousands of women were left as widows unable to support their families, etc.
Just end slavery and none of this would've happened. That's the peaceful political solution you're advocating for, right? Right...?

Too bad that literally no one in the 1860s thought of negotiations. If only we had Trump back then.
Trump had the nerve to tell the truth: That the Civil War should have been avoided with negotiations. This is sacrilege, Lincoln is like a GOD in this country, but he was wrong. Seven hundred and fifty thousand men and boys died in in that bloody war, millions more were seriously wounded, millions of children were left fatherless, hundreds of thousands of women were left as widows unable to support their families, etc.

I have expressed this opinion, on this forum, long before Trump made his statement. This is verifiable.

My respect for Trump has increased, substantially.
And I remember dismantling that opinion of yours, piece by piece back then too. I'll gladly shred Trump's remarks now too.

Trump's ignorant comments shows how very little he knows about US history. We did negotiate to avoid the Civil War... I mean, come on, the whole lead-up to the Civil War was nothing but 30 years worth of concessions to pro-slavery/slave owning factions and their endless demands. Think 3/5 Compromise, Missouri Compromises, Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), etc. And when a president finally dared to speak against slavery, particularly aiming to stop its expansion into new territories, they threw a hissy fit and seceded before he even had time to enact any policy... Actually, South Carolina seceded before Lincoln even assumed office. Like WTF, what could Lincoln have done in that situation? At that point, it was about preserving the Union.

Trump suggesting it could've been negotiated is the most absurd thing to say, especially for today. Seceding to perpetuate and protect slavery isn't exactly a legitimate cause by any stretch.

If only Lincoln had read "The Art of the Deal," I'm sure things would've been different :rolleyes: Because, you know, handling the complexities of abolishing slavery in the 1800s should've been as simple as a modern business negotiation... what a clown.

Ultimately though, it's 2024... like seriously, come on... Whether aliens could've swooped in to halt the Civil War is beside the point. It's done, it's a part of history now. There's absolutely zero to gain in rehashing stuff unless we're promoting some Confederate nonsense.
Well, I don't know whether there is or isn't a God, but Lincoln existed and was by far the worst president in this country's history, IMHO. I have a great-great-grandfather who served in the Union Army, who I am proud of, but I would prefer if he had not enlisted, or dodged the draft. Another ancestor, a 2nd great-grandmother, lost her first husband in the Civil War, leaving her with a baby and three children under ten years old. She did nothing wrong to anybody, yet was left destitute with four minor children.

Julia Ward Howe, the author of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, was a Lincoln supporter who was in favor of war with the Confederacy. After the war, presumably because of the massive amount of bloodshed and deaths, she became an advocate of peaceful political solutions to problems.

Trump is a proponent of peaceful solutions and, therefore he is not wanted by many of those who profit from warfare and the Military Industrial Complex.
Oh and that was the only war that left women and children fatherless? The Vietnam war being the worst with the US Government not claiming responsibility for exposing Agent Orange to troops, and those exposed dying after returning home to families.

Get a grip.
And I remember dismantling that opinion of yours, piece by piece back then too. I'll gladly shred Trump's remarks now too.

Trump's ignorant comments shows how very little he knows about US history. We did negotiate to avoid the Civil War... I mean, come on, the whole lead-up to the Civil War was nothing but 30 years worth of concessions to pro-slavery/slave owning factions and their endless demands. Think 3/5 Compromise, Missouri Compromises, Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), etc. And when a president finally dared to speak against slavery, particularly aiming to stop its expansion into new territories, they threw a hissy fit and seceded before he even had time to enact any policy... Actually, South Carolina seceded before Lincoln even assumed office. Like WTF, what could Lincoln have done in that situation? At that point, it was about preserving the Union.

Trump suggesting it could've been negotiated is the most absurd thing to say, especially for today. Seceding to perpetuate and protect slavery isn't exactly a legitimate cause by any stretch.

If only Lincoln had read "The Art of the Deal," I'm sure things would've been different :rolleyes: Because, you know, handling the complexities of abolishing slavery in the 1800s should've been as simple as a modern business negotiation... what a clown.

Ultimately though, it's 2024... like seriously, come on... Whether aliens could've swooped in to halt the Civil War is beside the point. It's done, it's a part of history now. There's absolutely zero to gain in rehashing stuff unless we're promoting some Confederate nonsense.
Why should three-quarters of a million men and boys have had to die? Is that your idea of success? This was 2.5% of the entire country, and for what? He should have negotiated a deal to end slavery slowly, the way the North did it over 30 years, from the late 18th Century through the late 1820s. It was not realistic to expect them to just do it immediately. And, if they still would not stay in the Union, he should have let them go. They likely would have had to come back and beg to be admitted again. But Lincoln was an opportunist.

There is no doubt in my mind that Lincoln's goal was to make the North, and his backers, lots of money. The first American female millionaires made their fortunes by investing in the Union War industry.

Many of the self-righteous pro-Civil War people today, would have been against it back then, along with others in the North, who saw it for what it was.

The Party of Slavery was the Democrats, and Malcolm X said in the 1960s that Blacks who believed their claims of being on their side, were "Political Chumps". He was correct then and still is.
Oh and that was the only war that left women and children fatherless? The Vietnam war being the worst with the US Government not claiming responsibility for exposing Agent Orange to troops, and those exposed dying after returning home to families.

Get a grip.
Did I ever say that I supported U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War? I did not, it was a horrible travesty but we did not lose 2.5% of our population in it.

I despise Lincoln and feel that he's the worst president in our history. Biden is the worst since Lincoln.

Trump had a peaceful presidency, which made no windfalls of money for the Military Industrial Complex, and more importantly, there were few if any deaths from conflict due to his policies. That is the type of administration which is best.
Why should three-quarters of a million men and boys have had to die? Is that your idea of success? This was 2.5% of the entire country, and for what? He should have negotiated a deal to end slavery slowly, the way the North did it over 30 years, from the late 18th Century through the late 1820s. It was not realistic to expect them to just do it immediately. And, if they still would not stay in the Union, he should have let them go. They likely would have had to come back and beg to be admitted again. But Lincoln was an opportunist.

There is no doubt in my mind that Lincoln's goal was to make the North, and his backers, lots of money. The first American female millionaires made their fortunes by investing in the Union War industry.

Many of the self-righteous pro-Civil War people today, would have been against it back then, along with others in the North, who saw it for what it was.

The Party of Slavery was the Democrats, and Malcolm X said in the 1960s that Blacks who believed their claims of being on their side, were "Political Chumps". He was correct then and still is.

Did I ever say that I supported U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War? I did not, it was a horrible travesty but we did not lose 2.5% of our population in it.

I despise Lincoln and feel that he's the worst president in our history. Biden is the worst since Lincoln.

Trump had a peaceful presidency, which made no windfalls of money for the Military Industrial Complex, and more importantly, there were few if any deaths from conflict due to his policies. That is the type of administration which is best.
You should go back and read my post, not a fucking thing about your Civil War, my only comment was that it was not the only war where families were lost. Lincoln and his presidency is history. So is this post, once said it becomes history.
I despise Lincoln and feel that he's the worst president in our history. Biden is the worst since Lincoln.
Bill O'Reilly is a historian/journalist and he said James Buchanan is the worst President in history. He said Biden is the 2nd worse President in his opinion. O'Reilly has written many historical books over the years. I have never heard O'Reilly say anything negative about Lincoln. I googled worst President below:
21st-century surveys mostly consider James Buchanan (left), Lincoln's predecessor, as the worst president for his leadership during the build-up to the Civil War. Others vote Lincoln's successor Andrew Johnson (middle), for blocking civil rights for freed slaves and undermining Reconstruction.

Rankings by liberals and conservatives
Rank Liberals (n = 190) Conservatives (n = 50)
1 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
2 Franklin D. Roosevelt George Washington
3 George Washington Franklin D. Roosevelt
4 Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson
5 Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt
6 Woodrow Wilson Andrew Jackson
7 Andrew Jackson Harry S. Truman
8 Harry S. Truman Woodrow Wilson
9 Lyndon B. Johnson Dwight D. Eisenhower
10 John Adams John Adams
... ... ...
30 Calvin Coolidge Jimmy Carter
31 Franklin Pierce Richard Nixon
32 James Buchanan Franklin Pierce
33 Andrew Johnson Andrew Johnson
34 Ulysses S. Grant James Buchanan
35 Richard Nixon Ulysses S. Grant
36 Warren G. Harding Warren G. Harding
You should go back and read my post, not a fucking thing about your Civil War, my only comment was that it was not the only war where families were lost. Lincoln and his presidency is history. So is this post, once said it becomes history.
Does it make you feel more like a man, to use curse words on the internet? Do you have a chip on your shoulder, in your armchair? That is pretty pathetic but I'm not surprised at much, considering the way many men of today have become, and the president we have.
What cracks me up about Trump is he couldn't sell gambling, football, steak or alcohol to Americans FFS.

And his knowledge of magnetism is amazing: "All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets."

What a loser.
What cracks me up about Trump is he couldn't sell gambling, football, steak or alcohol to Americans FFS.

And his knowledge of magnetism is amazing: "All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets."

What a loser.
Yes, he's a loser who is worth $2.6 billion dollars, owns hundreds of companies, and was the President of the United States for four years.

He stands a good chance of being nominated and winning the presidential race of 2024, but I'm sure that if he does this, those with TDS will still believe what they will because they have lost touch with reality.

In the meantime, Biden's illegal migrants are destroying the communities in which they are being placed, stabbing each other, robbing people and stores, begging, sending their children out to beg and demanding more than any city can afford to give them.

A mob of them just robbed Bloomingdale's in New York City, of $5, 300.00 worth of designer sunglasses.

Send them back, send them back, send them back, send them back..............
Trump is an utter moron hardly able to negotiate anything. That being said, his inability or reluctance to act, in particular engage in military conflicts could be vastly preferable to war-mongering of the cabal pulling Biden strings.

For example, I don't give a shit about Taiwan being taken over by China, a conflict likely to erupt at some point. The senile moron Biden is going to send American troops there should China invade.

If we want to help these folks, let's give them easy immigration visas and let them move here, and fuck that island. Would be a better outcome that letting in the unwashed illegals from Latin America. Or, for that matter, the hordes of Chinese from the mainland that crowd the colleges and corporations. Half of them spying for Guóānbù, anyway (they have no choice, for the most part).
I would take utter moron Trump over senile moron Biden any day. Trump's 4 years were way better than Biden's 3 years. The stock market is setting new highs, but the dollar has lost about 12% of its value under Biden. At least Trump would secure the border and try to deport some of the illegal aliens, if they can find them.

I'm not sure what will happen to Taiwan if China gets aggressive. I have my doubts that China will invade Taiwan with all the US bases nearby in Japan and South Korea. Also, China's economy relies heavily upon exports to the US.
I didn't realize this forum was so overrun with Trump nutjobs. Interesting.
Anybody who still supports Biden, after his numerous failures as a president, has to be off their rocker. It's not only "Trump nutjobs" who want to rid the White House of Biden - the majority of Democrats want him out, as well. Editorials in the NYT are extremely critical of him. Even Kamala would be better than Biden, despite her incompetency, refusal to work, moronic ways of communicating, and the fact that she used sex to get into politics.
Why should three-quarters of a million men and boys have had to die? Is that your idea of success?
If you're asking was this war and the bloodshed necessary to preserve the Union and unite all the states together again into one nation, then sadly, the answer is a definite YES. Unless Lincoln was willing to allow the country to break apart, which would have been far more disastrous by the way, then war was a necessity. The real issue was the expansion of slavery into new territories. If Lincoln had allowed the Confederates to secede, it probably would've led to more conflicts, disagreements, and more bloodshed or war over its expansion.
this was 2.5% of the entire country, and for what?
Union was preserved. It paved the way for the creation of the 13th, 14th, and 15 Amendments, and freed American Slaves. Although not in the beginning of the civil war, Lincoln saw the end of slavery as a crucial outcome, as the war progressed. I hope you agree slave Americans needed to be free, right? US slavery was such an abhorrent part of our history which inflicted years of immense suffering upon Black people. Let's also acknowledge that. Slavery needed to abolish.

Hate on Lincoln all you want, it's not going to change that the fact he upheld the constitution and ensured the country's unity.
He should have negotiated a deal to end slavery slowly, the way the North did it over 30 years, from the late 18th Century through the late 1820s
Before the Civil War, it was all about deciding whether new territories would be free or slave states. And dear lord did the North capitulate a ton. Appeasing the South left and right in their demands. Then Lincoln gets elected, and on day one, he has to deal with Ft. Sumter.

7 states had already seceded (with South Carolina being the first) from the Union before Lincoln assumed office as President. And some of those states were seizing federal government properties like armories and forts. And not to mention, blood was also already shed over slavery before Lincoln was even elected in "Bleeding Kansas". They teach you this in school I hope?
Many of the self-righteous pro-Civil War people today, would have been against it back then, along with others in the North, who saw it for what it was.
Let's get back to Trump, I see no point in reacquainting people with the concept of Civil War again. It's like his statement is trying to hint at a second Civil War if the Justice Department and Supreme Court don't play ball and let him dodge prosecution to run for office again. He's trying to provoke his supporters without understanding the historical context of the Civil War. Someone get this man a history book.
The Party of Slavery was the Democrats, and Malcolm X said in the 1960s that Blacks who believed their claims of being on their side, were "Political Chumps". He was correct then and still is.
Political parties evolve their stances and policies over time, just like the Republicans. Under Trump, the GOP has gone from the Party of Lincoln... to the party of: Who Lincoln? Screw that guy...
What cracks me up about Trump is he couldn't sell gambling, football, steak or alcohol to Americans FFS.

And his knowledge of magnetism is amazing: "All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets."

What a loser.
The poor idiot was probably dropped on his head numerous times as a baby. Water on magnets if that doesn't prove stupid people should NOT BREED.
If you're asking was this war and the bloodshed necessary to preserve the Union and unite all the states together again into one nation, then sadly, the answer is a definite YES.
I do not agree that the answer is a resounding "Yes".

I lost relatives in that War, and it was wrong.

For every five slaves freed, one man or boy soldier died. If their lives had been in danger, and one rescue worker had to die for every five rescued in a disaster, this would not have been acceptable. The slaves were not in danger of losing their lives, no worse than most free people, but 2.5% of the population, boys and men who fought, most of whom did not own slaves, died and millions more suffered lifetime disabilities as a result of this war.

Most people today will just dismiss this and say that Lincoln did the right thing, without considering the millions of live that were taken or ruined.

Trump does not have to evaluate every single aspect of whatever choices and options Lincoln had, to express the opinion that there must have been a better way. And if he is wrong, then at least his heart is in the right place.
Trump does not have to evaluate every single aspect of whatever choices and options Lincoln had, to express the opinion that there must have been a better way. And if he is wrong, then at least his heart is in the right place.
I hope Trump can settle the Ukraine war diplomatically if he gets elected. I know Trump will secure the southern border. Deporting the illegal immigrants may be difficult, especially the criminals and terrorists that got through. I don't have much faith in Biden or Mayorkas closing the border, as they care more about potential Democratic voters than Fentanyl deaths, human smuggling, etc.

I've heard George Soros wants open borders, so he could be giving under the table money to both Biden and Mayorkas. That would explain why Mayorkas has a smug grin on his face while repeatedly lying under oath to Congress that the border is secure.

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