2024 US Presidential Election

This perspective is completely ridiculous. The United States is the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world by an insane margin. You spend more money on the military than the next ten countries combined. Yet you don't guarantee basic services for all citizens like every other country in the Western world. Your healthcare system is utterly insane, with a million different overpriced private insurance plans that won't cover this and that, and when you actually need any treatment, you're still required to cough up a large amount of money. The average in-state tuition at public colleges and universities is just shy of ten grand a year. People go into insane amounts of debt in order to get the education they need so they can get a decent-paying job.

Any Norwegian citizen spends no more than $280 a year on public healthcare services. If you've spent $280 all services are free. You can see a doctor, a therapist, a physiotherapist, an ENT, or any healthcare specialist, all for free. If you need an ambulance to drive you to the hospital in an emergency, that is free, with no exceptions. Apparently, just being picked up by an ambulance in the US costs a minimum of $400, even with health insurance. Do you know how much I pay per year to go to university? I pay MINUS four grand. I get PAID to go to university and get the education I need. Four grand in US dollars. With some variations, the situation is, by and large, the same in other European countries.

You think the problem is that the United States is full. That there are no more resources to distribute. What you fail to realize is that the distribution of income and wealth in the US is utterly insane. Watch this video:


And if you think he's got to be a crazy commie socialist, take a look at the rest of his channel. The American working class and middle class are fighting for scraps, while a few people at the top hoard immense amounts of wealth and power. They own the media and brainwash you into hating immigrants and LGBT people and whatever else. They own your health insurance plan. They buy Congress to work for them rather than you. The economy is completely rigged in their favor, and yet you keep blaming immigrants instead of the ones who are actually sucking money out of your pockets.
I didn't blame immigrants for anything, so back the fuck up, Chuck. I said we need to close our borders to EVERYONE because, eventually, we won't have any resources to support who is already here. Look at the wider picture beyond the end of your nose, dumbass. There are also rules to follow, and quite frankly, my immigrant friends think it's bullshit that these people sneak in and are welcomed with open arms when they didn't do that and followed the rules. So get off your high horse, take off your blinders, and look at the big picture rather than the sliver you see through your personal lens.
I think we would all be better served if we talked about the issues rather than put each other down and sling mud at the candidates. It's not productive and doesn't solve anything. Who cares if the wife split and what the candidates look like?! It's like a kindergarten playground broke out in a fight.
You're expecting adults to act like them? How dare you!
Trump said the following on Monday the 18th in an interview with Sebastian Gorka, his former Deputy Assistant:

"Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves, because Israel will be destroyed,"​

This quote is right in line with Trump's antisemitism and stereotypes since he entered politics, openly demeaning Jewish Americans in ways similar to what other dictators have done. Remember that Trump praised Adolf Hitler, saying he 'did some good things.' Trump had also shared a social media post during Jewish New Year that said liberal Jews who did not support him "voted to destroy America & Israel." No wonder Jared rarely came over for dinner, and his family is no longer part of the Trump campaign.

Trump's affinity for despots and disregard for the Land of the Free makes it clear that he has his own ambitions for total control of the United States. His antisemitic trope and his doubling down on it this week is probably a political calculation to siphon votes from democratic Jews and divide the Jewish community; it's abhorrent, despicable, reprehensible and is clearly the last gasps of a man getting desperate about his election chances.

Only those who view Jews through this same lens or prefer autocrats will cast a vote for Trump.
I didn't blame immigrants for anything, so back the fuck up, Chuck. I said we need to close our borders to EVERYONE because, eventually, we won't have any resources to support who is already here. Look at the wider picture beyond the end of your nose, dumbass. There are also rules to follow, and quite frankly, my immigrant friends think it's bullshit that these people sneak in and are welcomed with open arms when they didn't do that and followed the rules. So get off your high horse, take off your blinders, and look at the big picture rather than the sliver you see through your personal lens.
This you?

Trump said the following on Monday the 18th in an interview with Sebastian Gorka, his former Deputy Assistant:

"Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves, because Israel will be destroyed,"​
This quote is right in line with Trump's antisemitism and stereotypes since he entered politics, openly demeaning Jewish Americans in ways similar to what other dictators have done. Remember that Trump praised Adolf Hitler, saying he 'did some good things.' Trump had also shared a social media post during Jewish New Year that said liberal Jews who did not support him "voted to destroy America & Israel." No wonder Jared rarely came over for dinner, and his family is no longer part of the Trump campaign.

Trump's affinity for despots and disregard for the Land of the Free makes it clear that he has his own ambitions for total control of the United States. His antisemitic trope and his doubling down on it this week is probably a political calculation to siphon votes from democratic Jews and divide the Jewish community; it's abhorrent, despicable, reprehensible and is clearly the last gasps of a man getting desperate about his election chances.

Only those who view Jews through this same lens or prefer autocrats will cast a vote for Trump.
I don't think that all people who would vote for him agree with all of his views. People just want someone to make things better, and some truly believe he would do that if given the chance. A lot of my associates don't care for him personally but feel that because he's successful, he can make our country better; they think Congress made it impossible for him last time.
A lot of my associates don't care for him personally but feel that because he's successful, he can make our country better; they think Congress made it impossible for him last time.
Yes, many feel that Trump, the businessman, is successful. This is primarily due to his buddy Mark Burnet casting him on his show The Apprentice, where he gained popularity.

He's famous for stiffing small businesses and putting them out of business while a citizen. He set the record for lying over 4,000 times during his presidency. Don't forget he had a huge leg up when his rich family made him a millionaire at eight years old and inherited more than $400 million when his father died. Self-made, he isn't.

I know he has 500 businesses, but he only built a couple of buildings; most of Trump's businesses are licensing management deals to put his name or products. A developer who is liable for the actual cost and responsibility of the contract uses Trump's name for their hotels.

I'd also suggest you direct your 'associates' to Trump's 91 criminal indictments, rape conviction, multiple bankruptcies, civil judgments, racism... not qualities that most presidential candidates possess.

If your associates don't know or believe these facts about Trump, then they most likely only partake in conservative media.

Successful in business is the last term I would prescribe to Trump; conman is more fitting. Presidential? I don't think so at all.
Trump said the following on Monday the 18th in an interview with Sebastian Gorka, his former Deputy Assistant:

"Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves, because Israel will be destroyed,"​

This quote is right in line with Trump's antisemitism and stereotypes since he entered politics, openly demeaning Jewish Americans in ways similar to what other dictators have done. Remember that Trump praised Adolf Hitler, saying he 'did some good things.' Trump had also shared a social media post during Jewish New Year that said liberal Jews who did not support him "voted to destroy America & Israel." No wonder Jared rarely came over for dinner, and his family is no longer part of the Trump campaign.

Trump's affinity for despots and disregard for the Land of the Free makes it clear that he has his own ambitions for total control of the United States. His antisemitic trope and his doubling down on it this week is probably a political calculation to siphon votes from democratic Jews and divide the Jewish community; it's abhorrent, despicable, reprehensible and is clearly the last gasps of a man getting desperate about his election chances.

Only those who view Jews through this same lens or prefer autocrats will cast a vote for Trump.
Trump has a Jewish daughter, a Jewish son-in-law, and Jewish grandchildren. There was peace in the Middle East during his term. He has had overwhelming support among orthodox Jews.
Yes, many feel that Trump, the businessman, is successful. This is primarily due to his buddy Mark Burnet casting him on his show The Apprentice, where he gained popularity.

He's famous for stiffing small businesses and putting them out of business while a citizen. He set the record for lying over 4,000 times during his presidency. Don't forget he had a huge leg up when his rich family made him a millionaire at eight years old and inherited more than $400 million when his father died. Self-made, he isn't.

I know he has 500 businesses, but he only built a couple of buildings; most of Trump's businesses are licensing management deals to put his name or products. A developer who is liable for the actual cost and responsibility of the contract uses Trump's name for their hotels.

I'd also suggest you direct your 'associates' to Trump's 91 criminal indictments, rape conviction, multiple bankruptcies, civil judgments, racism... not qualities that most presidential candidates possess.

If your associates don't know or believe these facts about Trump, then they most likely only partake in conservative media.

Successful in business is the last term I would prescribe to Trump; conman is more fitting. Presidential? I don't think so at all.
Absolutely. I think it's hilarious that insurance companies want cash for his bond rather than a promise. Exactly how successful is he really?
Trump has a Jewish daughter, a Jewish son-in-law, and Jewish grandchildren.
Thanks for the enlightenment.

Trump tells us every day what he will do if he regains power, threatening to jail political opponents and go after the separation of powers. We're watching a slow-moving train wreck.

The Nazis had a failed coup d'état in 1923. They were not held accountable, and in 1933, Hitler came into power. The formation of a Nazi-dominated government marked the beginning of Hitler's dictatorship and led to WWII. In Trump's last presidency, there were adults in the room who checked him on a daily basis. Those guardrails are gone.

He actually lied to the appeals court (on his civil fraud judgment) in the filing by inflating the value of his properties AGAIN. It seems to me that if he can't afford to get the bond, he can't pay the judgment either, and he will lose on appeal. Collections need to start against him as soon as possible.

BTW, the Trump Debt live tracker is now at $467,591,850. Interest really adds up when you can't pay your debts. Now, 6 days and counting.
Call Trump a Nazi or whatever you want - Biden is on the path to losing, that's all that counts.
Call Trump a Nazi or whatever you want - Biden is on the path to losing, that's all that counts.
What counts is that three recent polls now have Biden leading Trump. Looking like people don't like a loud mouth Nazi for president after all.
BTW, the Trump Debt live tracker is now at $467,591,850. Interest really adds up when you can't pay your debts. Now, 6 days and counting.
If Trump is unable to pay and the state starts seizing assets – will it be enough to cover his debts? I know that Trump has either wildly under or overvalued his assets depending on tax or loan purposes.

If his assets don't fully cover the debt, then what happens?

I've also seen several mentions of the Truth Social merger, with valuations ranging from 1 to 4 billion dollars. Is there any truth to this speculated value? It seems kind of outlandish.
Uh huh. This has been going on for years. Again, build a wall on one border, but what about the other three? We need policy changes, not walls. Did you pass through five countries to get here to seek asylum? Well, those aren't the rules, and you're out. You didn't come here legally? No, you don't get a trial; you're out. Period, no exceptions. All immigration needs to stop, no matter where people are coming from. Biden isn't helping, but all Trump did was create more hate and division and waste a lot of money on a wall that wouldn't do shit. There are already tunnels; what good is a wall?
If Trump is unable to pay and the state starts seizing assets – will it be enough to cover his debts? I know that Trump has either wildly under or overvalued his assets depending on tax or loan purposes.

If his assets don't fully cover the debt, then what happens?

I've also seen several mentions of the Truth Social merger, with valuations ranging from 1 to 4 billion dollars. Is there any truth to this speculated value? It seems kind of outlandish.
Trump owns 500 companies and numerous buildings and is worth billions. He likely does not keep hundreds of millions in cash; that would be a waste of assets. He employs many thousands and pays his taxes. His assets could cover the bond many times over, but he would rather not turn any over to somebody like Letitia James, the Attorney General of New York, who is trying to become the next governor of New York by "getting" Trump.

We will find out what he is going to do, next week. The Truth Social merger, according to many reputable sources for business reports, could bring Trump as much as 4 billion dollars.

His hair may be orange, but he won't be wearing an orange jumpsuit anytime soon; you can be sure of that.
If Trump is unable to pay and the state starts seizing assets – will it be enough to cover his debts? I know that Trump has either wildly under or overvalued his assets depending on tax or loan purposes.

If his assets don't fully cover the debt, then what happens?

I've also seen several mentions of the Truth Social merger, with valuations ranging from 1 to 4 billion dollars. Is there any truth to this speculated value? It seems kind of outlandish.
Everything 'Trump' is wildly overvalued.

He has $200M in outstanding loans against the properties, but that's by far not a full picture of the debt he carries around. I believe The Economist or Business Insider said that he has about $472M in loans, all coming due before the end of the year, and even that isn't his total debt.

Unfortunately for Trump, the 30 insurance companies he approached asking for a $465M bond said no thanks, as they don't take property as collateral. I would actually be very surprised if he even ended up with a positive number once you added together ALL of his assets and liabilities. Don't forget there's the tax liability from the sales of the properties as well.

His Truth Social merger won't help him as he needs cash now, and as I've said before, he's subject to a six-month lockout after the merger is final. He'll be looking at penny stock value after everyone unloads the stock before Trump can sell any shares and devalue the stock. Stock trading 101.
His assets could cover the bond many times over, but he would rather not turn any over to somebody like Letitia James, the Attorney General of New York
Letitia James, the Attorney General of New York, won't receive any funds from Trump; as an official of NY, she is responsible for getting the illegally defrauded funds from Trump back to the state of NY.
Did you pass through five countries to get here to seek asylum? Well, those aren't the rules, and you're out. You didn't come here legally? No, you don't get a trial; you're out.
Last year, more illegal immigration stemmed from tourist visa overstays than illegal border crossings. In 2023, the Border Patrol apprehended just over 370,000 undocumented border crossers. But more than 850,000 foreigners overstayed their 6-month visas and remained in the country well past two years.

This is the true immigration issue, rather than the political southern border issue used by Republicans to bash Biden. There won't be a solution any time soon since the Republicans, on Trump's order, refuse to pass Biden's bipartisan border legislation—legislation that would provide the needed funding to address this nation's generational lack of concern regarding immigration and border security over the past 50 years.
This is a campaign video for Letitia James, when she was running on a "Get Trump" platform, five years ago.

This entire case is political, from the beginning.

Because the Trump Corporation paid back their bank loans with principal plus interest and the bank(s) never complained, I don't understand who the victim was, or why there is a ridiculous large fine. I would guess most Americans are on Trump's side (unless they have TDS).
This is a campaign video for Letitia James, when she was running on a "Get Trump" platform, five years ago.

This entire case is political, from the beginning.
I liked her campaign video and, since she was elected, the voters in NY must really dislike Trump. That video must burn deep for Trump and his NY supporters.

Unfortunately for Trump, he treated his civil fraud trial as a political witch hunt, but the documentary evidence demonstrated that in fact, he falsely inflated his assets to basically enrich himself and his family. He continued to persistently engage in fraud. The numbers don't lie.

This civil penalty amount awarded to the state of NY started with Trump himself; if he didn't consistently lie to himself and everyone about his inflated income, the court would have adjusted the penalties accordingly... everyone stated his lies would catch up with him and they have.
I liked her campaign video and, since she was elected, the voters in NY must really dislike Trump. That video must burn deep for Trump and his NY supporters.

Unfortunately for Trump, he treated his civil fraud trial as a political witch hunt, but the documentary evidence demonstrated that in fact, he falsely inflated his assets to basically enrich himself and his family. He continued to persistently engage in fraud. The numbers don't lie.

This civil penalty amount awarded to the state of NY started with Trump himself; if he didn't consistently lie to himself and everyone about his inflated income, the court would have adjusted the penalties accordingly... everyone stated his lies would catch up with him and they have.
People who support this woman's witch hunt do not understand and choose to ignore the fact that all, not a few, but ALL real estate is overvalued in NYC by business owners and Trump is not guilty of anything that everybody else isn't doing. If she were to conduct the same indictments for overvaluing against everybody else, at least we would know that she is not specifically targeting Trump.
I want whoever ends up with Trump Tower to rename it to Obama Tower.

The tears would be delicious.
A bit off-topic, but: is the New York Times a good source for keeping up with national American news?

There's a deal on a 1-year subscription for €20 right now. It also includes Wordle and their cooking/recipe app – which is supposedly pretty good – and other perks.

I've been looking for an outlet that's relatively unbiased, but it appears that's pretty hard to find.
A bit off-topic, but: is the New York Times a good source for keeping up with national American news?

There's a deal on a 1-year subscription for €20 right now. It also includes Wordle and their cooking/recipe app – which is supposedly pretty good – and other perks.

I've been looking for an outlet that's relatively unbiased, but it appears that's pretty hard to find.
The NYT has become very left-leaning. No one media source is unbiased; you often have to look at all sides to determine what is closest to the truth. It has always been this way, but it is more so now.
People who support this woman's witch hunt do not understand and choose to ignore the fact that all, not a few, but ALL real estate is overvalued in NYC by business owners and Trump is not guilty of anything that everybody else isn't doing. If she were to conduct the same indictments for overvaluing against everybody else, at least we would know that she is not specifically targeting Trump.
Mary Trump started the ball rolling when she gave her copy of Trump's complicated tax records to two New York Times reporters; these records became the foundation of their reporting, which revealed the fictional portrait of Trump as a self-made success.

If you haven't read it, I suggest you read the New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation 'Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes As He Reaped Riches From His Father', which details the tax matters involving the Trump family. It will clear up your misconceptions about Trump the businessman; it details how Donald Trump was mollycoddled and enriched by his father, Fred, at every step of Fred's life. Fred taught Donald not only his tax and loan schemes on how to cheat and get away with it, but also how to swindle his way to the top successfully. That is, at least until now.

Also highly recommend it to all those who haven't read it, no subscription required.
A bit off-topic, but: is the New York Times a good source for keeping up with national American news?

There's a deal on a 1-year subscription for €20 right now. It also includes Wordle and their cooking/recipe app – which is supposedly pretty good – and other perks.

I've been looking for an outlet that's relatively unbiased, but it appears that's pretty hard to find.
The New York Times is currently rated as an unbiased news source and is a great deal for $20 for a year. After a year, you can decide if you find it biased or not.

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