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2024 US Presidential Election

Trump was a total failure as president. We can't afford another four years of that.

He wants to cut Social Security and Medicare, cut the Affordable Care Act (which included Expanded Medicaid), not defend NATO countries, not provide aid to Ukraine, and put 100% tariffs on all Chinese imports (which Americans will pay the higher price for), and give more tax cuts to multi-millionaires and billionaires.

During his last presidency, he failed to secure the border as promised with a wall paid for by Mexico, was unable to achieve the 6% GDP that he promised, failed to respond effectively to the pandemic, resulting in countless deaths, signed laws to flood the economy with money that caused a surge in inflation, urged for an invasion of the U.S. Capitol and the democratic processes for voting.

One promise he delivered is taking away a woman's choice to end a pregnancy, which the vast majority of Americans did not agree with Trump on.

Let's remember that the border situation exists now because Trump didn't secure it while president, and then he told the Republicans in Congress not to pass the bipartisan negotiated border bill they were going to sign until Trump stepped in for his political gains to the detriment of the country.

Simply listening to him, you can tell he has low intelligence, as he always had, but is now suffering from dementia as well. Harris isn't perfect, but she is a much better choice than Trump.
Trump was a total failure as president. We can't afford another four years of that.

He wants to cut Social Security and Medicare, cut the Affordable Care Act (which included Expanded Medicaid), not defend NATO countries, not provide aid to Ukraine, and put 100% tariffs on all Chinese imports (which Americans will pay the higher price for), and give more tax cuts to multi-millionaires and billionaires.

During his last presidency, he failed to secure the border as promised with a wall paid for by Mexico, was unable to achieve the 6% GDP that he promised, failed to respond effectively to the pandemic, resulting in countless deaths, signed laws to flood the economy with money that caused a surge in inflation, urged for an invasion of the U.S. Capitol and the democratic processes for voting.

One promise he delivered is taking away a woman's choice to end a pregnancy, which the vast majority of Americans did not agree with Trump on.

Let's remember that the border situation exists now because Trump didn't secure it while president, and then he told the Republicans in Congress not to pass the bipartisan negotiated border bill they were going to sign until Trump stepped in for his political gains to the detriment of the country.

Simply listening to him, you can tell he has low intelligence, as he always had, but is now suffering from dementia as well. Harris isn't perfect, but she is a much better choice than Trump.
Total nonsense, as usual. You must watch "The View" or other left-wing media.
Several news outlets are now reporting on the NABJ's side of the story regarding delays and audio problems:
It turns out, Trump almost bailed on the program before he even took the stage — insisting that there be no real-time fact-checking of his responses by the panelists and/or an internet page established for just that purpose.

Ironically, Trump should've been fact-checked on one of his first comments: that the 30-minute delay in the program was caused by faulty audio equipment. In fact, it was caused by Trump's temper tantrum, event organizers revealed on Friday.

Just as NABJ members were crafting a statement to announce that Trump had backed out, he walked on stage.

Trump's team eventually asked NABJ not to post the fact-checking on its social media platforms or allow the moderator to disclose that there would be fact-checking.
He refused to be fact-checked while on stage and threatened to walk out, causing the delay. Ultimately, while the NABJ was preparing a statement regarding Trump's cancellation, he walked out on stage.
Let's remember that the border situation exists now because Trump didn't secure it while president, and then he told the Republicans in Congress not to pass the bipartisan negotiated border bill they were going to sign until Trump stepped in for his political gains to the detriment of the country.
Similarly, Trump was the one who struck a deal with the Taliban to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan but failed to follow up with a proper evacuation operation or planning. Yet, Republicans all blame Biden.

Nevertheless, Biden certainly could have handled it better despite the lack of a proper handover from the previous administration.
Elon created this with AI and a fake voiceover. I don't think we should be actively engaging in this type of content, as we know the ethical issues of using fake voiceovers and what that could potentially lead to when people see someone like Elon using it.

I recommend you delete this post.
There was relative peace in the world during Trump's term. By this, I mean no attacks in Eastern Europe by Russia, the Middle East was calm, etc. Despite this, most European leaders supported the Democratic party, Biden and Harris, in 2020. During Biden's term, Russia attacked Ukraine; Hamas attacked Israel; Iran supported terrorism using funds that Biden returned to them; the Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster, etc.

For the most part, European countries will likely support Harris in 2024, who, like Biden, is a War Hawk.

I'm sticking with Trump - he is the Peace Candidate and will get my vote. The attempt to kill him is highly suspicious and not surprising, given the stakes. The anti-Trump messages ignore the most important issue, which is world peace, preferring to focus on various complaints that are not nearly as serious, even if some are true.
Elon created this with AI and a fake voiceover. I don't think we should be actively engaging in this type of content, as we know the ethical issues of using fake voiceovers and what that could potentially lead to when people see someone like Elon using it.

I recommend you delete this post.
It is satire and not vicious. I won't delete it.

The media is almost unanimously against Trump, and that is a much more serious issue than videos like this. This War Hawk, the Democrats are running for president, is probably the worst presidential candidate they've picked in the past one hundred years. She has accomplished virtually nothing as VP and, if elected, may even be worse than Biden was. If you want more illegal aliens, wars, higher taxes, inflation, crime, and more problems, vote for Kamala.
Elon created this with AI and a fake voiceover. I don't think we should be actively engaging in this type of content, as we know the ethical issues of using fake voiceovers and what that could potentially lead to when people see someone like Elon using it.

I recommend you delete this post.
X is Elon Musk's platform, so why delete it? Musk was a Democrat and changed to a Republican after seeing all the corruption on Twitter. He is now supporting Trump and all of his policies because they are common sense and beneficial to this country. How many deaths has Biden/Harris caused by the open border? In addition, they fly illegals into the U.S., which is ridiculous.
Kamala Harris' mother was born in India, and her father in Jamaica. Why is she referred to as "African American"?
Kamala Harris' mother was born in India, and her father in Jamaica. Why is she referred to as "African American"?
Can I ask why it matters so much to you? Kamala is of mixed heritage, and she's tapping into that to appeal to voters who share similar backgrounds. It seems pretty innocuous.

To answer your question, originally, Jamaica was home to the indigenous Arawaks and/or Tainos. Black people weren't native to Jamaica; they were imported. Modern Jamaican ancestry is largely made up of people who were imported from West Africa as slaves.

As you can see, this is nearly identical to the ancestry of many other African Americans. America wasn't the only country that imported African slaves.

I hope this answers your question.
Can I ask why it matters so much to you? Kamala is of mixed heritage, and she's tapping into that to appeal to voters who share similar backgrounds. It seems pretty innocuous.

To answer your question, originally, Jamaica was home to the indigenous Arawaks and/or Tainos. Black people weren't native to Jamaica; they were imported. Modern Jamaican ancestry is largely made up of people who were imported from West Africa as slaves.

As you can see, this is nearly identical to the ancestry of many other African Americans. America wasn't the only country that imported African slaves.

I hope this answers your question.
This explanation proves that her current political career results from DEI and Cancel Culture. Her stint as VP has been a total failure. She has never been popular. When she attempted to get nominated for the 2020 presidential election, she received about 4%. Biden chose her as a way to get votes and because he thought he would not be asked to step down with her as VP, but the second strategy failed. There is no racism or anti-woman reasoning in my being against her, as I have voted for both Obama and Hillary for president. Kamala is not even close to being as qualified as either of them or virtually any other high-ranking Democrats who have recently been interested in running for POTUS.

Those Americans who have had real-world experience with many DEI hires know she is a candidate who is not qualified for the position of POTUS based on her record as VP. She is the closest example of the Leftist lunatic fringe to be nominated by a major political party in our history and will further destroy the United States if elected. Of course, this does not bother our allies who compete with us, as they prefer weak leadership in larger countries, which are more powerful than their own. If she wins, this rationale will backfire, as it did with Biden, but they never learn.
Biden chose her as a way to get votes and because he thought he would not be asked to step down with her as VP, but the second strategy failed.
I certainly agree. Securing the Presidency largely depends on optics and securing a diverse voter base. Either that or Presidential candidates select a vice president who might prove key to swinging certain states in their favor—which is probably what Harris will do.

Since you gracefully answered my question, I'd like to ask you another one. How do you feel about America's two-party political system? The Democratic and Republican parties completely dominate the current political landscape. Would it work in America's favor if there were a more diverse choice between different parties and political views?

To an outsider like me, it seems American voters can only choose between the political left or right, whereas one could also lean to the center, center right, center left, etc. Perhaps it's time for a shake-up in the system? Of course, this is easier said than done, but it's an interesting thought.
Can I ask why it matters so much to you? Kamala is of mixed heritage, and she's tapping into that to appeal to voters who share similar backgrounds. It seems pretty innocuous.

To answer your question, originally, Jamaica was home to the indigenous Arawaks and/or Tainos. Black people weren't native to Jamaica; they were imported. Modern Jamaican ancestry is largely made up of people who were imported from West Africa as slaves.

As you can see, this is nearly identical to the ancestry of many other African Americans. America wasn't the only country that imported African slaves.

I hope this answers your question.
You have patience. This is a beautiful attribute.
There is no racism or anti-woman reasoning in my being against her, as I have voted for both Obama and Hillary for president.
"I have many black friends."

I'm sure your weird obsession with her ethnicity and straight-up calling her a whore is not even remotely rooted in misogyny and racism. Like, not even an itty bitty tiny bit.
If I had referred to other women, such as Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Pelosi, etc. as opportunistic whores, this would be considered "misogynist rhetoric", as there is no evidence to support the claim. I have never done this, as I don't think they are (whores), so your claim is not valid. The only high-profile whore in politics right now, that I know of, is Kamala Harris.
I certainly agree. Securing the Presidency largely depends on optics and securing a diverse voter base. Either that or Presidential candidates select a vice president who might prove key to swinging certain states in their favor—which is probably what Harris will do.

Since you gracefully answered my question, I'd like to ask you another one. How do you feel about America's two-party political system? The Democratic and Republican parties completely dominate the current political landscape. Would it work in America's favor if there were a more diverse choice between different parties and political views?

To an outsider like me, it seems American voters can only choose between the political left or right, whereas one could also lean to the center, center right, center left, etc. Perhaps it's time for a shake-up in the system? Of course, this is easier said than done, but it's an interesting thought.
There are seven other parties, six of which can have presidential candidates. Of those, the following are running:
  • Chase Oliver, of the Libertarian Party
  • Jill Stein, of the Green Party
  • Randall Terry, of the Constitution Party
  • Robert F. Kennedy and Cornel West are running as independent candidates.
"I have many black friends."

I'm sure your weird obsession with her ethnicity and straight-up calling her a whore is not even remotely rooted in misogyny and racism. Like, not even an itty bitty tiny bit.
I'm not "obsessed with her ethnicity" - she is, and it's ludicrous because she has at least three different racial groups in her background, two of which she uses as she sees fit to market herself as a candidate. If a white person did that, they'd be roasted and hung out to dry.

I never said, "I have many black friends." I live in NYC and have probably known more black people than live in your entire country.

There is an absurd idea, which you seem to subscribe to, that anybody who does not support Kamala Harris is a racist and a sexist.
I certainly agree. Securing the Presidency largely depends on optics and securing a diverse voter base. Either that or Presidential candidates select a vice president who might prove key to swinging certain states in their favor—which is probably what Harris will do.

Since you gracefully answered my question, I'd like to ask you another one. How do you feel about America's two-party political system? The Democratic and Republican parties completely dominate the current political landscape. Would it work in America's favor if there were a more diverse choice between different parties and political views?

To an outsider like me, it seems American voters can only choose between the political left or right, whereas one could also lean to the center, center right, center left, etc. Perhaps it's time for a shake-up in the system? Of course, this is easier said than done, but it's an interesting thought.
That's a good question on only two political parties, Republicans and Democrats. Since the beginning of media involvement, I would guess that they have separated the American people into two types of political structures. There's never been an outsider elected to the office of the presidency. Mainly, I would venture that money hides everything.
There's never been an outsider elected to the office of the presidency. Mainly, I would venture that money hides everything.
Technically George Washington was :)
The Trump team is overjoyed that Kamala has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her VP running mate. Walz isn't even from a swing state and is a dangerous liberal who supports free college for illegal aliens, signed a bill to put tampons in boys' bathrooms, and supported the BLM deadly riots in Minnesota in 2020.

Kamala helped bail out violent rioters who were arrested in the Minnesota riots, one of whom later murdered somebody.

Kamala is not going to get any new voters by adding him. She passed over her best option, Josh Shapiro, who is moderate and from a swing state, to run with a pro-Palestinian radical progressive.

He is now called "The worst VP candidate in United States history."
The Trump team is overjoyed that Kamala has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her VP running mate. Walz isn't even from a swing state and is a dangerous liberal who supports free college for illegal aliens, signed a bill to put tampons in boys' bathrooms, and supported the BLM deadly riots in Minnesota in 2020.

Kamala helped bail out violent rioters who were arrested in the Minnesota riots, one of whom later murdered somebody.

Kamala is not going to get any new voters by adding him. She passed over her best option, Josh Shapiro, who is moderate and from a swing state, to run with a pro-Palestinian radical progressive.

He is now called "The worst VP candidate in United States history."
As a Minnesota resident who voted for Gov. Walz twice, this is a laughably incorrect biography.
As a Minnesota resident who voted for Gov. Walz twice, this is a laughably incorrect biography.
I do not know why. Perhaps you could explain a bit.

Do you think he is a good choice for VP, and would he make a good president if it came to it?
As a Minnesota resident who voted for Gov. Walz twice, this is a laughably incorrect biography.
You probably voted for Biden too. I would prefer a Republican governor because of their policies. I have a friend that is extremely pro-life and he moved to South Dakota at least partially because of Walz. The Twin Cities area is probably mostly Democratic.

It's been 13 days since Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee of the Democrat Party, and she still hasn't sat for a single interview with the media.
Tampon Tim.jpg
Do you think he is a good choice for VP, and would he make a good president if it came to it?
He's a joke. I am a long-time, intimately involved political Minnesotan. Walz is a blowhard who is in a state full of hard-working people. If it were not for the city dwellers in Minneapolis, he would never get elected.
Geezer, I was going to ask you what your thoughts were on the choosing of the VP. It looks like you answered the question.
He is far worse than that humorous meme depicts him.
He's a joke. I am a long-time, intimately involved political Minnesotan. Walz is a blowhard who is in a state full of hard-working people. If it were not for the city dwellers in Minneapolis, he would never get elected.
I have some distant relatives who live in Minneapolis, non-city working people, and they despise Walz.
We obviously have a huge difference in opinion. Still, Walz as governor has achieved a ton for the state, namely legalized cannabis, which will bring tax revenue into the state a balanced budget surplus, which he has spent on helpful programs like universal lunch for kids at schools (a massive lifesaver for kids and parents across the state.) Not to mention, Trump is already being shown to be a hypocrite for saying he never supported Walz's handling of the George Floyd riots, yet audio was released today of his phone call with Walz praising him for his handling of the riots. It's especially sensitive for me, living just blocks away from 38th and Chicago and the epicenter of the riots, and anybody who is going back to that time to cast blame in an intensely chaotic time is doing it in bad faith. (If anybody failed that period, it was the mayor's office who was not prepared.)

Saying Walz "supports the BLM rioters" is just untruthful. You can disagree with his politics, but most of what is being said about him is completely misrepresented. Walz tells it like it is, which is why he is such a good match with Kamala Harris.
Republican Vice President nominee J.D. Vance talks about "border Czar" Harris relating to the southern border:
We have an extreme right-wing politician in the UK, a bit like JD Vance, called Nigel Farage. He may have a French name and a German passport, but all the UK's problems are due to immigration, according to him. And we've seen fighting on the streets of England this past week, fuelled by idiots like him. Remember the violence in the streets last time DJT was in power? The Right always fuels racial tensions and is not the supporter of law and order that it claims to be.

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