I am a open-minded person who has searched for truth on countless subjects throughout my life, including this one. I just come up completely empty-handed on religion. I was married to a Christian and was immersed in her families beliefs for over 20 years and nothing. Read their Bible with them, went to their churches, sat as they prayed before meals. Like @Stuart-T, I think that the Bible is a fine piece of work and, despite some of the content like beating slaves, it has many good ideas put forth to its readers. Where I just cannot square the whole thing is the endless mass death and suffering at the hands of other human beings. The Jews during WWII, Rwanda, the women and children of the Ukraine now. All the talk of free will and the devil still leaves us with killing on the level of a million people for sport or in the name of some God, hatred of fellow man, monumental intolerance and racism, etc. To me the whole story line looks reverse engineered to fit the long-standing human condition.
As I always say, if you're not hurting anyone ,then I'm good with what someone else believes and if it brings you comfort, then I am glad for you, but as I look throughout my life, I see a roughly equal amount of misery, happiness, early physical suffering, longevity, good and bad behavior, contentment, fear, and so on in both camps. It just doesn't seem to make any difference here on earth which is all I can see and understand. The big differences are all supposed to be in the afterlife, something nobody can ever verify by definition.
As I always say, if you're not hurting anyone ,then I'm good with what someone else believes and if it brings you comfort, then I am glad for you, but as I look throughout my life, I see a roughly equal amount of misery, happiness, early physical suffering, longevity, good and bad behavior, contentment, fear, and so on in both camps. It just doesn't seem to make any difference here on earth which is all I can see and understand. The big differences are all supposed to be in the afterlife, something nobody can ever verify by definition.