At My Wit's End — Tinnitus from a Combination of Neomycin, Z-Pak and Methylprednisolone

My tinnitus reacts to running water, fridge, microwave, city traffic, everything that is buzzing or humming. It is also a sort of hyperacusis. My ears crack and pops too. I have no idea what's going on, and I'm getting desperate. Have you experienced that?
Hi @Aline Mohymont, my reactivity is very similar to yours: running water (like water fountains), city traffic, road noise while driving, fans, AC/heaters, high-pitched stuff like birds chirping, children's voices.

I'm 4 months since onset. My reactivity and sound hyperacusis were at their peak at 2 months. It took me about 7 weeks for them both to calm down to something manageable and not so anxiety-inducing. I still have my bad days, but overall it's improved. I did sound therapy in those 7 weeks, which I feel helped reduce the symptoms.

Give it time, I'm hopeful yours will improve too. To get my anxiety and insomnia under control, I opted for prescription medication and also group therapy to learn CBT and DBT. These helped me stabilize. I hope this helps.
Does it mean that there is a chance that the reactivity is going to go away? I'm struggling more with that than hyperacusis.
Of course (y)

About the struggle though, try and stop fighting it. I know it's easier said than done, but I insist: managing your stress level is the first thing you should be worrying about right now.
Of course (y)

About the struggle though, try and stop fighting it. I know it's easier said than done, but I insist: managing your stress level is the first thing you should be worrying about right now.
I am trying to not fight it, but I'm seeing that my life as I knew it is gone. I can't even listen to music or watch TV. My tinnitus only calms down when I am in absolute silence. How can it get any better? I'm losing hope as I do not see anyone that had the same as I do and who got better. If there are people, where are they? I'm really at my wit's end. I need some type of hope that I cannot find anywhere.

My tinnitus is always better in the morning, and it gets worse during the day. At night, I just want to bang my head against the walls. What do I do?
I'm 4 months since onset. My reactivity and sound hyperacusis were at their peak at 2 months. It took me about 7 weeks for them both to calm down to something manageable and not so anxiety-inducing. I still have my bad days, but overall it's improved. I did sound therapy in those 7 weeks, which I feel helped reduce the symptoms.
@Joe Cuber, are you now able to listen to music or watch TV?
Oh yes I have. Reactive tinnitus + hyperacusis is a pretty standard issue among people with tinnitus, but it's usually a matter of months. Give it a whole year, let your ears do their stuff, it will calm down in time. Just treat your hearing capital with respect though: no concerts, no headphones, no fireworks, no cellphone conversation unless you're using speakers, etc. Basic care.

Reactivity, TTTS and hyperacusis crisis is stuff you have to deal with once your ears start messing up with you. Put it in a different category than the constant tones you may have, whether they are pure tones, hissing, buzzing, etc (centralized or lateralized). It's a different beast and doesn't necessarily follow the same rules.

When it comes to reactivity/TTTS/hyperacusis, pay attention to stress management. It's a must-do. Give your brain something to deal with that is more important than your symptoms. It's really, really important during these times that you treat your body/mind with respect and care.
You're my hero Pitseleh (which means tiny). When I was little I had a hamster named Pitsi (also a Hebrew variation of tiny). He was about a year old and once fell off our 5th floor apt building balcony and the next day I found him on the stairway on the 4th floor. I had no idea how he got back upstairs and with hind legs were paralyzed and knowing which way back to our apt, but he made a full recovery.
How can it get any better? I'm losing hope as I do not see anyone that had the same as I do and who got better. If there are people, where are they?

My tinnitus is always better in the morning, and it gets worse during the day. At night, I just want to bang my head against the walls. What do I do?
Well you've got at least one person here that went through the same issues: me :D

It got a bit better, but give it some time, be patient.

Again, some of us here have been living with these symptoms for years. Some of the symptoms got better, others got worse.

Reactivity usually calms down on its own, but it's definitely not a matter of days.
I feel exactly the same! Don't feel bad. One day I got vertigo and nausea with pressure in my ears. After a course of Prednisone nearing the end, I noticed sensitivity, then the tinnitus started. I couldn't sleep, would toss and turn and contract at the pulse of the tinnitus while trying to relax before sleeping. Hyperacusis kicked my butt for a few weeks, then I just started to come back outside with earplugs in just a bit. Then I took them out and started living.

I tried my ENT's advice of nasal spray, low sodium diet, and a mouth guard and began taking sleeping meds.

After a few weeks my tinnitus got quieter and I pushed it a little bit too much with the volume in my car and going to a loud place without protection. Then sensitivity started to worsen and autophony got bad and I ended up with extreme pain hyperacusis. Not sure if you have autophony or your body functions are loud but if not, and you can talk without your voice rattling your ears, that's a good sign.

I'm in a horrible place in life. Something is destroying my nerves or something is causing inflammation. I have a lot of nerve pain and I can't tell if it's like neuralgia or hyperacusis because loud noise and sometimes any noise (or me just talking) causes a bunch of pain.

Thanks for sharing.
Well you've got at least one person here that went through the same issues: me :D

It got a bit better, but give it some time, be patient.

Again, some of us here have been living with these symptoms for years. Some of the symptoms got better, others got worse.

Reactivity usually calms down on its own, but it's definitely not a matter of days.
Today is soooo bad. The hissing in my ears is sooo loud, a 10 out of 10. Reactive tinnitus is getting worse. I have dysacusis. I'm losing hope. I'm still stuck in my bathroom in a small futon all day/all night. I can't tolerate my neighbors anymore. My sleep is bad again. I'm exhausted. I have zero family since I'm not born in this country and never lived with my mom and don't know my father. All friends have run away as soon as my problems started and NOT ONE has checked on me. My body is breaking down from stress, fatigue and I have now an infected cyst on my neck.
I feel exactly the same! Don't feel bad. One day I got vertigo and nausea with pressure in my ears. After a course of Prednisone nearing the end, I noticed sensitivity, then the tinnitus started. I couldn't sleep, would toss and turn and contract at the pulse of the tinnitus while trying to relax before sleeping. Hyperacusis kicked my butt for a few weeks, then I just started to come back outside with earplugs in just a bit. Then I took them out and started living.

I tried my ENT's advice of nasal spray, low sodium diet, and a mouth guard and began taking sleeping meds.

After a few weeks my tinnitus got quieter and I pushed it a little bit too much with the volume in my car and going to a loud place without protection. Then sensitivity started to worsen and autophony got bad and I ended up with extreme pain hyperacusis. Not sure if you have autophony or your body functions are loud but if not, and you can talk without your voice rattling your ears, that's a good sign.

I'm in a horrible place in life. Something is destroying my nerves or something is causing inflammation. I have a lot of nerve pain and I can't tell if it's like neuralgia or hyperacusis because loud noise and sometimes any noise (or me just talking) causes a bunch of pain.

Thanks for sharing.
Sorry for what's happening to you.
I wish. Right now, it's so loud that my head hurts. It's so reactive that nothing will mask the tinnitus. It's so sickening that I have dry heaves.
I wish there was some advice I could give. It's even worse that you have noisy neighbours and have to lock yourself in a bathroom to get some peace. Hang in there though - as others have said - it can get better.
I wish there was some advice I could give. It's even worse that you have noisy neighbours and have to lock yourself in a bathroom to get some peace. Hang in there though - as others have said - it can get better.
Oh please, I hope so. It is so incredibly bad today. My tinnitus is hissing sooo loud, it's louder than everything in my environment. It's torture. How can one live with that? How is it possible?
Oh please, I hope so. It is so incredibly bad today. My tinnitus is hissing sooo loud, it's louder than everything in my environment. It's torture. How can one live with that? How is it possible?
How many more people do you need to tell you what you have already been told? The brain is an amazing apparatus, in 6-24 months you can be feeling totally different and today feels like a distant memory.

You suffer now, doesn't mean you suffer forever. Commit suicide now and you won't experience the happier future times.
How many more people do you need to tell you what you have already been told? The brain is an amazing apparatus, in 6-24 months you can be feeling totally different and today feels like a distant memory.

You suffer now, doesn't mean you suffer forever. Commit suicide now and you won't experience the happier future times.
I'm here to find comfort, not for people to be nasty. I'm in extreme pain and discomfort. It's extremely bad. Unbearable. Tinnitus on its own would be easy to deal with. Not with hyperacusis and dysacusis on top. And in my case, I don't see any improvement. In fact, it seems that it is getting worse. What you just said just made me feel much worse. My tinnitus is ototoxic related and I haven't seen one person who said that people who had their ears destroyed by Neomycin got better. My future is already over as I can't return to my previous activities! It's not compatible.
I'm here to find comfort, not for people to be nasty. I'm in extreme pain and discomfort. It's extremely bad. Unbearable. Tinnitus on its own would be easy to deal with. Not with hyperacusis and dysacusis on top. And in my case, I don't see any improvement. In fact, it seems that it is getting worse. What you just said just made me feel much worse. My tinnitus is ototoxic related and I haven't seen one person who said that people who had their ears destroyed by Neomycin got better. My future is already over as I can't return to my previous activities! It's not compatible.
Others are suffering and in a bad mood - so not so careful with their words. I can imagine how wretched you feel. I think you need to do some self help - are you careful with your diet? Eliminate sugar if you can - and go low salt. Check out some of the exercises - on YouTube - they may not work - but you need to feel you are doing something positive. Maybe try a supplement that people are recommending on here. Keep going - a day at a time - even a minute or second at a time.
I'm here to find comfort, not for people to be nasty. I'm in extreme pain and discomfort. It's extremely bad. Unbearable. Tinnitus on its own would be easy to deal with. Not with hyperacusis and dysacusis on top. And in my case, I don't see any improvement. In fact, it seems that it is getting worse. What you just said just made me feel much worse. My tinnitus is ototoxic related and I haven't seen one person who said that people who had their ears destroyed by Neomycin got better. My future is already over as I can't return to my previous activities! It's not compatible.
I'm really sorry that you're having a hard time with it Aline, I'm in the same boat with dysacusis for a month now, though mine is probably from noise. A certain high frequency loss makes every sound of that pitch sound distorted and terrible (and music with high pitches sounds false) and it's pretty hard to live with. I don't know what it's like for you but I hope you can find a way to distract yourself until it starts improving, one day at a time.
Yeah that poster above is rude and should just say nothing. Sorry he bothers anyone with his useless posts. I've seen it in other threads...

You need to talk to someone to help you not feel so crushed and alone right now. A good therapists will help, a friend to talk to, online communities, etc. I did this myself and it's very hard but I now have 2 people to talk to and rely on for rides and social contact and my ex will be here soon for a visit. It was very hard reaching out but they are why I'm still here!

Also, you need to leave your bathroom and go out to the apartment when it's quiet. Right now you are making your ears ultra sensitive and you will be very fearful off all sounds very soon

Let your ears and mind relax for a few minutes each day. Hugs and love!
I'm here to find comfort, not for people to be nasty. I'm in extreme pain and discomfort. It's extremely bad. Unbearable. Tinnitus on its own would be easy to deal with. Not with hyperacusis and dysacusis on top. And in my case, I don't see any improvement. In fact, it seems that it is getting worse. What you just said just made me feel much worse. My tinnitus is ototoxic related and I haven't seen one person who said that people who had their ears destroyed by Neomycin got better. My future is already over as I can't return to my previous activities! It's not compatible.
My tinnitus is ototoxic induced related as well. Caught COVID-19, gave me tinnitus. Doctor gave me antibiotics, all ototoxic ones because my ear was slightly red. And Prednisone. It immediately changed to nasty high pitched tinnitus. I finished the Prednisone. And only did 3 days of the antibiotic ear drops. But the damage was done. But I'm here to tell you. With exercise, protecting for loud sounds, and mainly time, IT WILL GET BETTER! I promise. I'm living proof. It'll never be the same as before but it will get better.

Mine got worse for 4-5 months straight. My hyperacusis did as well. Then it started turning around.
Others are suffering and in a bad mood - so not so careful with their words. I can imagine how wretched you feel. I think you need to do some self help - are you careful with your diet? Eliminate sugar if you can - and go low salt. Check out some of the exercises - on YouTube - they may not work - but you need to feel you are doing something positive. Maybe try a supplement that people are recommending on here. Keep going - a day at a time - even a minute or second at a time.
My diet is terrible because I can't get fresh produce and I can't get groceries and no one will bring me some. I don't have a car, so I have to take the bus. I have vertigo at this point either due to the problem or fatigue. Ordering online doesn't work either as I live in a very old gated building and I need to get down three flights of stairs (two with no elevator) to get to the gate.

I only have tap water and ramen noodles and sometimes a salad and fish sticks when I can get them.

I have vitamins that the people have suggested.

I also have two 17-year-old sick cats to take care of. And it takes the little energy that I have left for the whole day. I don't sleep.

And to know that I was doing martial arts before and being reduced to a shadow of myself doesn't make me feel any better. I worked so hard on staying fit and healthy and this reactive tinnitus/hyperacusis and dysacusis destroyed my life.
I'm really sorry that you're having a hard time with it Aline, I'm in the same boat with dysacusis for a month now, though mine is probably from noise. A certain high frequency loss makes every sound of that pitch sound distorted and terrible (and music with high pitches sounds false) and it's pretty hard to live with. I don't know what it's like for you but I hope you can find a way to distract yourself until it starts improving, one day at a time.
Thanks. Has it improved for you? I get the reactive tinnitus that gets louder and competes with every sound, but I still have the distortion. The distortion is awful because I don't know if the sound is real or not. Standing by the outdoor light in front of my building gives me some Morse code sounds. Running water and plastic bags have a feedback effect like a microphone getting too close to a speaker. Some sounds just don't seem right. Otherwise it's constant electricity zapping sounds in my ears.
Thanks. Has it improved for you? I get the reactive tinnitus that gets louder and competes with every sound, but I still have the distortion. The distortion is awful because I don't know if the sound is real or not. Standing by the outdoor light in front of my building gives me some Morse code sounds. Running water and plastic bags have a feedback effect like a microphone getting too close to a speaker. Some sounds just don't seem right. Otherwise it's constant electricity zapping sounds in my ears.
It's about the same for me. Things like the refrigerator sound louder, shower and bags and many other things have an added high sound to it. But the worst is the beeping noises on TV when people speak, and music with certain high pitches sound false. I could live with distorted sounds if it didn't mess up a lot of music for me.

It hasn't improved much yet as far as I've noticed since I've had it for a bit over a month, and I still need to get help. Feels like more things have an added sound to them than when I got it but maybe I hadn't caught on yet. I do hope it'll improve over time because it's not easy to deal with. But most people will tell you that the first months are the hardest.
My diet is terrible because I can't get fresh produce and I can't get groceries and no one will bring me some. I don't have a car, so I have to take the bus. I have vertigo at this point either due to the problem or fatigue. Ordering online doesn't work either as I live in a very old gated building and I need to get down three flights of stairs (two with no elevator) to get to the gate.

I only have tap water and ramen noodles and sometimes a salad and fish sticks when I can get them.

I have vitamins that the people have suggested.

I also have two 17-year-old sick cats to take care of. And it takes the little energy that I have left for the whole day. I don't sleep.

And to know that I was doing martial arts before and being reduced to a shadow of myself doesn't make me feel any better. I worked so hard on staying fit and healthy and this reactive tinnitus/hyperacusis and dysacusis destroyed my life.
If you can improve your diet, I am sure you will feel better. You need to find a way of getting fresh produce. How old are you? You must know someone that can get some shopping done for you?
Yeah that poster above is rude and should just say nothing. Sorry he bothers anyone with his useless posts. I've seen it in other threads...

You need to talk to someone to help you not feel so crushed and alone right now. A good therapists will help, a friend to talk to, online communities, etc. I did this myself and it's very hard but I now have 2 people to talk to and rely on for rides and social contact and my ex will be here soon for a visit. It was very hard reaching out but they are why I'm still here!

Also, you need to leave your bathroom and go out to the apartment when it's quiet. Right now you are making your ears ultra sensitive and you will be very fearful off all sounds very soon

Let your ears and mind relax for a few minutes each day. Hugs and love!

I put several requests in to get a therapist, but here in Los Angeles, it can take up to 3 months if not longer to get one. Long waiting list.

I have absolutely no family. Been on my own since I was 20. I have no kids, no husband/boyfriend, no exes, nothing.

I have reached out over and again and over and again. No one cares. The people I know just don't understand the seriousness of these conditions. They don't understand the distress we are in. Therefore, I have no friends to help or to depend on. Those people were my 'friends' because I was always there to help them with anything they needed. Harsh reality. Some have even picked a fight with me so that they can walk away. They keep telling me that I should be in a hospital. I don't know what a hospital can do. Nothing. I volunteer in one so I know that there is nothing that a hospital can do for tinnitus sufferers. So, those 'friends' call me stupid, saying it's my fault if I'm sick, and they have their excuse to walk away.

My apartment is never quiet with loud neighbors that are noisy around the clock, and honestly my bathroom is not that quiet, but at least I don't have to put up with those neighbors.

I'm stressed. I have two 17-year-old sick cats to take care of, and now these horrific conditions. There is no way that I can find comfort or relax.

The worst at this time is the reactive tinnitus and the sound distortion from dysacusis.
My tinnitus is ototoxic induced related as well. Caught COVID-19, gave me tinnitus. Doctor gave me antibiotics, all ototoxic ones because my ear was slightly red. And Prednisone. It immediately changed to nasty high pitched tinnitus. I finished the Prednisone. And only did 3 days of the antibiotic ear drops. But the damage was done. But I'm here to tell you. With exercise, protecting for loud sounds, and mainly time, IT WILL GET BETTER! I promise. I'm living proof. It'll never be the same as before but it will get better.

Mine got worse for 4-5 months straight. My hyperacusis did as well. Then it started turning around.
What kind of ear drops did you get? I had the Neomycin ones (the worst of all). I wish I had never gone to that doctor who misdiagnosed me with an ear infection I didn't have. I was fine. I would have been fine.

He gave me the triple whammy. Neomycin drops, Z-Pak and Methylprednisolone. What an idiot! I had no clue those were ototoxic. I stopped the drops after using them 4 times. It was already too late.
It's about the same for me. Things like the refrigerator sound louder, shower and bags and many other things have an added high sound to it. But the worst is the beeping noises on TV when people speak, and music with certain high pitches sound false. I could live with distorted sounds if it didn't mess up a lot of music for me.

It hasn't improved much yet as far as I've noticed since I've had it for a bit over a month, and I still need to get help. Feels like more things have an added sound to them than when I got it but maybe I hadn't caught on yet. I do hope it'll improve over time because it's not easy to deal with. But most people will tell you that the first months are the hardest.
I wish you luck. I also hope it improves because it's just hell.
If you can improve your diet, I am sure you will feel better. You need to find a way of getting fresh produce. How old are you? You must know someone that can get some shopping done for you?
I have no one. Not one person. I asked the people who call themselves my friends. No one. Their excuse: they work, they live too far, they don't like to come to my neighborhood.
I'm stressed. I have two 17-year-old sick cats to take care of, and now these horrific conditions. There is no way that I can find comfort or relax.
Hi. Just before this occurred, my 16-year-old cat passed and as I got this, my 17-year-old one got very sick. I had to put her to sleep at the vet's while a dog was barking in the next room and I was crying my eyes out (awful for your ears). My poor girl did not receive the care or attention she needed in her last weeks as I was lost in the horror of my ringing head.

If you cannot care for them, don't blame yourself, you know how sick you are! If they get too far along in ill health, you need to make sure they do not suffer. Don't let them linger. You cannot handle the extra stress. 17 years is a long cat life. If they can be nursed back to health with low cost care, do that as long as you can. If it's more severe, you have to make a choice.

Best wishes!

P.S. I can't stand when people say to me I MUST have friends and family to rely on right now. No, I don't. I had to make new ones quickly to survive the 1st weeks and dealing with my ex who believes I'm making all this up when I'm only trying to live and get some help from him while I try to recover.

A lot of people, men and women, through age, divorce, abuse, social anxiety end up alone in life. It's a fact I can't believe so many people on here are lucky enough to be ignorant of.

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