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Chit Chat and All That...

Poor @Damocles gotten his buttons pushed all weekend and now love of his life Miss Stubby is sour as a toad.

And what about stupid pineapple eating Rob "Living the best days of our life" with little Miss Chubby...?

The Romanian Easter sure is a hard nut to crack...

Poor @Damocles gotten his buttons pushed all weekend and now love of his life Miss Stubby is sour as a toad.

And what about stupid pineapple eating Rob "Living the best days of our life" with little Miss Chubby...?

The Romanian Easter sure is a hard nut to crack...

View attachment 50047
You're having a blast huh lol :D
And what about stupid pineapple eating Rob "Living the best days of our life" with little Miss Chubby...?
I'm going swimming tonight to try and trim down for when we finally move into together. No one wants to see a fat person w*nking off in silence from the other side of the room.
Hey @Steph1710, just wanted to ask how you were doing with COVID-19 and comment on your hilarious profile photo.
Hey @Barry098, thanks for dropping me a line. :)

Tinnitus has been bad post-COVID-19. When I was sick with it, my tinnitus was actually really quiet, but once I was over it, the volume increased and my bird chirp sound is now pretty intrusive - and, the past few days, I've had loads of head static. So yeah, not so great I'm afraid. Not what I needed at all.

Haha! The profile picture is great, isn't it! It did have a caption at the top which said 'don't threaten me with a good time.' :ROFL:

Anyway, how are you doing? Are the ears behaving themselves?
I'm sorry that I can't be a part of this, a lot of funny stuff here but unfortunately I got reminded in a very brutal way about the reason I joined this forum in the first place.

I'm having a huge spike atm, it's the worst thing I have experienced since this crazy journey started and I can't joke, I can't laugh now, I'm just busy being scared to death that this won't subside.

I hope I will be back here soon.
I've read a lot of your post about COVID-19 vaccines
You clearly haven't. ▼
Looks like it's a 50/50 chance of worsening permanently?! That's crazy...
Covered this.
I am just counting the days till my daughter brings Omicron home.
"Omicron" and variants. Covered this.
Kinda surprised we haven't had it yet,
Covered this.
but I test twice a week and all have been negative
Covered this.
I agreed with almost all of them, which you will see if you look back at your posts.
I just scrolled through an entire search page of almost 60 posts I made on the topic of "COVID", and not one of them received an "agreement" or "like" from you.
The people who have recently replied on that thread are having horrible spikes and are really struggling. They do not deserve to be mocked. To say they have low intelligence is extremely offensive.
I didn't mock or accuse anyone of having low intelligence, but your last two posts have me about ready to accuse you of the latter.
But there is really no other way to interpret:
"The proof is everywhere if you're smart enough (low bar) to join the dots."
This reminds me of a time in secondary school when a boy in my Maths class told the teacher there was no other way of adding or subtracting fractions without first finding the fraction's common denominators... except there was, and just because you're incapable of something, doesn't mean it's not possible.
Besides, just look at this thread and its recent responses. Not a damn word I said was ever understood or acknowledged, evidently.
This is me saying: nothing I posted here about statistical likelihood of developing (worse) tinnitus, lack of difference between "variants", or the utter impossibility of not having caught the virus yet, was ever acknowledged by the people of this forum; as demonstrated by the continuity of that thread, and by you as outlined at the top of this post.
Let the panic stricken do/think what they like
This is me saying: I've washed my hands of people who won't do a small amount of research, or even pay attention to a calming voice in a sea of pandemonium when it's offered to them on a plate, and instead have chosen to buy into the hype sold to them.
The proof is everywhere if you're smart enough (low bar) to join the dots.
This is me saying: You do not have to be highly intelligent to understand what is taking place, should you take the time to do that small amount of research I was talking about.

If I had written: a cook book will show you how to bake a cake, if you're smart enough (low bar)* to follow the recipe.

*you do not have to be smart

Would you read that as:

a) if you can't bake a cake you're dumb.


b) I encourage you to use a cook book to bake a cake, as it is unlikely you won't be smart enough to follow the recipe.

I suppose if you want to be offended you'll pick the first one; which is what you've done.
particularly if you do not reference the 'post/information' you are referring to.
I didn't reference or specify anything here because I did not want to re-open the debate; which is what you and @aura are now coaxing me into doing.
I'm sure some of the smartest people in the world have been vaccinated, some, dare I say it, even smarter than you @Damocles.
What the hell has this got to do with anything?

So I've said people who got "vaccinated" were dumb, also? Or you're putting more words in my mouth.

Practically all my own family accepted the COVID jabs, including my own parents and siblings (you'd know this if you had read as many of my posts as you think/claim you've read (on this topic)). So you're alleging I'm calling my own family members unintelligent?

@makeyourownluck, you've either greatly exaggerated or outright lied about your level of support for, and recognition of, my posts on this topic in the past. You've also made false allegations regarding me mocking and calling people stupid on the forum (also just in general), and I don't appreciate slander.

Not to mention also disrespected the wish I had (which I highlighted several times yesterday and Saturday) to no longer discuss this subject.

Please don't tag or speak to me again.
I still know of no one who died or became severely ill from the virus neither personally or via word of mouth (meaning: friends of friends and friends of extended family etc.), but have family who are now suffering from heart disease or have become immunocompromised, out of the blue, as of this last year.
This @aura, was me saying: experimental genetic therapy has had a bigger negative impact on my life than any virus. I made no statement about the severity of COVID-19 or how many people I believed it was responsible for killing.

I just asked you a simple question.
It wasn't a simple question, it was a loaded question, and would have required me to re-open the debate here, to answer it.
It isn't even about the vaccines.
This is one of the dumbest things I've read on here in a while, and we both know you're not dumb @aura, so why be deliberately obtuse?
I also told you once that this was my comfort place and that I intended to keep it that way. And we never talked about this subject until now.
Actually, that was in the Photo Album of Tinnitus Talk Members thread, but unlike some people, I acknowledge the same difference despite the fine detail; because I don't like to play dumb.

My posts on this were to @Wrfortiscue and @UKBloke, telling them: I have not abandoned my belief in, and desire to fight for, bodily autonomy. And I continue to acknowledge people who were injured by the new experimental treatments, but could they please respectively leave me out of any future conversations on the matter on this forum.

This is all very clear from the point @Wrfortiscue mentioned me in his response to @Juan.

But same as @makeyourownluck, you clearly cannot keep to, or respect the boundary you set with me, or the boundary I attempted to set as of Saturday.

Therefore, please do not tag or speak to my aggressive, ET finger having, skinny white ass again @aura, and good luck with the spike.
I'm sorry that I can't be a part of this, a lot of funny stuff here but unfortunately I got reminded in a very brutal way about the reason I joined this forum in the first place.

I'm having a huge spike atm, it's the worst thing I have experienced since this crazy journey started and I can't joke, I can't laugh now, I'm just busy being scared to death that this won't subside.

I hope I will be back here soon.
Noise trauma again? Or just random? Hope you get better soon but kinda troubling how bad your spikes have been getting.

My son just clanked the marble counter top in front of me and made my left ear kinda crazy and slight burning. Couldn't sleep last night. He's been killing me since day one lol.
LOL. It's like dealing with a child in a tantrum. You cannot write such an aggressive message and then expect me to just sit and take it. The fact that YOU no longer want to talk about it does not stop me from wanting to defend myself or say how I feel about a subject. You do not control what I say or do.

'Please don't tag or speak to me again' is a technique typically seen in narcissists. You are not being polite, you are trying to control my actions. If you cannot see how your post comes across as offensive then there is something wrong with you.

There are people on that thread going through hell, and you think it's appropriate to use them as and example of how clever YOU are. It's heartless, unkind and borderline abusive. This is a support forum! Do you think that someone who has had a huge and life changing spike from a booster dose doesn't feel bad enough without someone like you saying "I told you so"?

Your post IS offensive. Whether you intended it like that I am unsure, but how I interpreted it, IS how it comes across. You did not reference any specific information about what you are talking about, but still took the time to reference several people who are suffering horrible spikes just so YOU can prove that YOU are right, how very thoughtful of you. As my dad used to tell me (when I was a child), "nobody likes a smart arse".

Please scrawl through your posts again, several 'winner' awards I'm sure, and you will see me replying to people saying similar things in the past.

Also, when I wrote those posts I was going through hell, ended up prescribed valium because I was in such a panic. That was a horrible time in my life and the last thing I need is someone dragging it up just so they can WIN an argument. This is a habit of yours isn't it...

"While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people."

Just saying...

I won't tag you in this post, or speak to you again, not because I was SO politely asked not to, but because I think you are wrong and I don't like how you operate. Being RIGHT is NOT the most important thing in life.
This @aura, was me saying: experimental genetic therapy has had a bigger negative impact on my life than any virus. I made no statement about the severity of COVID-19 or how many people I believed it was responsible for killing.

It wasn't a simple question, it was a loaded question, and would have required me to re-open the debate here, to answer it.

This is one of the dumbest things I've read on here in a while, and we both know you're not dumb @aura, so why be deliberately obtuse?

Actually, that was in the Photo Album of Tinnitus Talk Members thread, but unlike some people, I acknowledge the same difference despite the fine detail; because I don't like to play dumb.

My posts on this were to @Wrfortiscue and @UKBloke, telling them: I have not abandoned my belief in, and desire to fight for, bodily autonomy. And I continue to acknowledge people who were injured by the new experimental treatments, but could they please respectively leave me out of any future conversations on the matter on this forum.

This is all very clear from the point @Wrfortiscue mentioned me in his response to @Juan.

But same as @makeyourownluck, you clearly cannot keep to, or respect the boundary you set with me, or the boundary I attempted to set as of Saturday.

Therefore, please do not tag or speak to my aggressive, ET finger having, skinny white ass again @aura, and good luck with the spike.
Actually, Damocles, it was a simple question, as hard as it is for you to understand.

This is exactly what I wanted you to do, a statement about the severity of COVID-19 or how many people you believed it was responsible for killing.

Not even a statement, but a simple "yes , I believe COVID-19 killed people (including young and healthy ones) even if I didn't see that" or "no, if I didn't see it it didn't happen".

I would have been pretty shocked if you answered "no, it didn't happen" but even if you did, I would have tried to tell you that from my experience, it happened.

Because that's what we do, Damocles, we share our experience with others and then get the bigger picture. This is how it works.

I haven't really thought about the scenario where you still didn't believe me and that's because you are actually a smart person and that just wouldn't make any sense in my head.

It's like telling somebody to put a fork in a socket because you have never seen somebody being electrocuted.

So yeah, I guess I decided to finally face the truth about your (possibly extreme) opinion on this, but you avoided answering my question and kept telling me things about bodily autonomy and experimental treatments that I didn't want to get into.

Regarding your white skinny ass and ET fingers, all I can say is that, as I've noticed before (but I thought and hoped it was all in my mind), you don't really know how to take a joke.

I guess it's all fun and games until the joke is about you.

We make a lot of fun here of each other but I've never seen somebody getting so triggered like you did.

I understand that everybody has their limits and feel the need to set some boundaries (even I did that with Exit once) but in a polite manner and not an aggressive (well semi-aggressive) one as you do.

Like why would I be upset on Exit because he said I have stubby fingers and greasy hair? I do have fat fingers and greasy hair and I'm extremely happy with them, thank you.

I plan to wash my hair daily, follow that finger diet he told me about and then fight to death with Steph for the place I deserve on his stinky couch!

This is how adults handle things, Damocles, not getting upset like a 5 y/o and throwing with toys in other children.

Was I upset when you photoshopped that picture of me with the saggy tits because Steph and Exit "pushed your buttons" by making jokes about you and me in the weekend?

No, I didn't. I reacted quite well IMO.

So yeah, I guess that is my unrequested opinion on the subject.

And thank you for wishing me "good luck" with my spike.

It's funny how it's all rainbows and butterflies and you being supportive when I'm having problems and then all of a sudden ironic and uncaring because I asked you a simple question and rubbed your skinny ass the wrong way.

Just grow up, Damocles.

Also, I didn't tag you but quoted you.

And a last thing.

If anybody else here was offended by my jokes please speak now or forever hold your peace. I wouldn't like to see this happening again, I'm disappointed enough about what happened with Damocles.
@Damocles, whoa buddy! Slow down - you're making my head pressure raise even higher than it already is! Remember, not everyone is going to agree on everything. I have friends who opinions are radically different to my own, but I don't care. If I stopped speaking to everyone I disagreed with, I wouldn't have any friends at all lol. :love:
We should totally move in together everyone :p
You know I would actually do that. Think how amazing it would be to live in a house where everyone knew how to be respectful of each other's ears. We would have paper plates and wooden forks, and a foam floor so if anything was to drop it wouldn't make a sound... absolute bliss. :headphone:
You know I would actually do that. Think how amazing it would be to live in a house where everyone knew how to be respectful of each other's ears. We would have paper plates and wooden forks, and a foam floor so if anything was to drop it wouldn't make a sound... absolute bliss.
Steph, this is actually my FANTASY. :rolleyes:
Hey @Barry098, thanks for dropping me a line. :)

Tinnitus has been bad post-COVID-19. When I was sick with it, my tinnitus was actually really quiet, but once I was over it, the volume increased and my bird chirp sound is now pretty intrusive - and, the past few days, I've had loads of head static. So yeah, not so great I'm afraid. Not what I needed at all.

Haha! The profile picture is great, isn't it! It did have a caption at the top which said 'don't threaten me with a good time.' :ROFL:

Anyway, how are you doing? Are the ears behaving themselves?
Hey @Steph1710, I'm reading about your last bout of COVID-19 and just want to tell you I'm so sorry you are going through this new, increased tinnitus.

I wanted to just chime in here and say that this sounds almost identical to what I was/am experiencing post COVID-19. My pre-existing tinnitus and hyperacusis has been notably worse since getting over COVID-19 almost 4 months now. I used to just have pure tonal tinnitus which was, quite frankly, easy to get used to.

This new "chirp" is so intrusive at times, but then at times can also be so faint that I almost forget I have it sometimes. I just don't get it - my pre-existing tinnitus is not like that in the sense that it's always there, but easily pushed to the side since it's just the same tone for 20+ years. COVID-19 also flared up my recently acquired hyperacusis (almost a year now :grumpy:) and has now dipped me into mild noxacusis territory. I thought I was progressing, but this weekend makes me think otherwise. I'm still able to do most normal things without protection, but reactive tinnitus and slight noxacusis is always lurking in the background - on top of the new chirp I'm welcomed with everytime I enter my home.

Anyways, I just wanted to reach out and let you know that you aren't alone on this - in fact our cases sound almost identical. I'm having equally good and bad days right now - a month or two ago I was in despair basically everyday. Keep your head up, and keep up the good fight!
Noise trauma again? Or just random? Hope you get better soon but kinda troubling how bad your spikes have been getting.

My son just clanked the marble counter top in front of me and made my left ear kinda crazy and slight burning. Couldn't sleep last night. He's been killing me since day one lol.
I have no idea what happened, @Wrfortiscue. Multiple episodes of extremely loud tinnitus, ear pain,ear pressure and headache.

Also loud tinnitus and new tones in between the episodes.

Only slept for 2-3 hours last night because of it. I guess I'll be taking Clonazepam tonight.
All right, this is getting out of hand lol. Let's go back to the orgies and food talk.

It's true Damocles you shouldn't let stuff like this get you... we are just jerking around lol. Feel free to make fun of me, none of it honestly bothers me. My own wife/son troll me with worse things than friends tell me to my face. Just shrug it off bud, you're a beast ;)
F*ck it @Wrfortiscue, you're so on point! :LOL:

"Are you not entertained?!"

Yeah, they pretty much are now... :)
Lol I just realised that I thought @Wrfortiscue wrote this post and gave Damocles the Golden Buzz award :LOL:

This spike really got me bad indeed.

Still haven't tagged him though. :D

I won't take back the award because he actually deserves it. For the joke and his sense of humor.

For his reaction today, unfortunately not so much.

ZomboMeme 25042022195842.jpg
All right, this is getting out of hand lol. Let's go back to the orgies and food talk.

It's true Damocles you shouldn't let stuff like this get you... we are just jerking around lol. Feel free to make fun of me, none of it honestly bothers me. My own wife/son troll me with worse things than friends tell me to my face. Just shrug it off bud, you're a beast ;)
Well I just need to say there's 2 sides of every story.

Pointing index fingers at each other is my very least favourite thing on the forum.

And if you do it because you're "going through hell" than you should realise that other person most likely goes through just the same, and let it slide yourself.
Well I just need to say there's 2 sides of every story.

Pointing index fingers at each other is my very least favourite thing on the forum.

And if you do it because you're "going through hell" than you should realise that other person most likely goes through just the same, and let it slide yourself.
What do you mean, Exit?
nyways, I just wanted to reach out and let you know that you aren't alone on this - in fact our cases sound almost identical. I'm having equally good and bad days right now - a month or two ago I was in despair basically everyday. Keep your head up, and keep up the good fight!
This almost made me cry. Thank you so much for messaging @Matt G. It means so damn much.

You're absolutely right! Your old and new tinnitus sounds identical to my own. The chirp sound is so annoying. I could deal with my other tones which are as you said, easy to push to the back of your head. But this bloody chirp! My goodness! I can't seem to get any relief from it when I hear it. When I'm out and about, I can't notice it. And similar to your chirp, sometimes it's so quiet I forget I have it. COVID-19 has definitely ramped its volume up now. And, my hyperacusis is most definitely worse. Guess what? My partner just dropped another glass onto the worktop. That's two days in a row now... my right ear is very sore. :(

Matt, has your chirp or hyperacusis settled down at all since getting COVID-19?

Massive hugs to you my friend. :love:

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