Chit Chat and All That...

@Bob90 I'm a huge rewatcher. Normally I rewatch Jackie Chan's Police stories every year, Die Hards 1-4, and Lethal Weapons. Then at Halloween I either watch Hocus Pocus or Ghostbusters! I love revisiting good movies. I'll try and remember to drop a note about RH3.
The funny thing a lot of the student teachers learned fast that any homework could not be assigned that needed the internet. Over half my glass still did not have it, not sure about below us. Yeah, well they were taking advantage of people. So . . .
All good points. We'll see what happens.
No, I totally get it. The authors normally have no power over their book once the publishing house gets them. It's fun some of my favorite Urban Fantasy authors are going published. One finally got a few of her series back and is revamping covers AND writing it how she originally wanted it to go. She rereleased the original books and is now writing more for the series. A lot of authors are finding success going that way and I love it. Which means more creative freedom and less "you must have love triangle, you much have this, this, this" and so on.
Just googled The Owl House and it looks good! Yeah! LOL! My avatar was the old She-ra, but I saw this scene in the new show and loved it! I'm loving the reboot. I kind of miss that they don't really give her a theme song with her name in it. Once when I went to a book signing the author actually sang the She-ra theme to me! It was great!
@aot Thank you! I will definitely give it a view then. I love hidden gem animation that I never heard of. I just recently found one: Over The Garden Wall.
So I got on the waiting list for Star Wars Rise of Skywalker ASAP after I realized our rental store was open! First one on the list! I kept getting this vibe all May 4th that it was coming!!!!!!! (y)
Though after avoiding spoilers since the movie came out stupid Pininterest spammed me with Starwars and ruined one key thing about the end. :mad::confused::grumpy:
Still the one thing I really asked for happened and I'm happy! But sad. I enjoyed the movie. Though it was crammed full and I think they could have gotten away with two movies, or better pacing. One of Abrams better endings.
Once when I went to a book signing the author actuall
How sweet of her! I met Candi Milo (the 2nd voice of Dexter from Dexter's Labratory.) And she did the voice for me.
Though after avoiding spoilers since the movie came out stupid Pininterest spammed me with Starwars and ruined one key thing about the end. :mad::confused::grumpy:
Ugh, I know the feeling all too well. A coworker a few years back spoiled Mr. Wednesday's true identity in American Gods for me. In the break room. As I was reading the book. In fairness this guy was an actual pagan, so maybe it was obvious for him.

And of course a ton of plot details for The Last Of Us Part 2 got leaked, and dodging those have been difficult, but so far successful.
@Shera When I was a kid I would rewatch movies a lot. I have Babe memorized and I know the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies like the back of my hand. I'd sneak downstairs on weekend mornings and try to get a movie in before my parents woke up lol. But these days I mostly go for watching new stuff. This may sound odd but I also haven't been big on watching movies/shows on my own for years. I see it as a social experience. Like you both/all watch something then talk about it. If I watch something by myself there's no one to talk about it with lol.

Yeah but in this country you don't see companies taking advantage of people get campaigned against nearly often enough. Not to get political but Amazon in particular deserves a good boycott.

Oh wow that is awesome! I thought most contracts they put you in at a publisher last for years upon years. That's great though they can get their work out now like they want to. (Don't get me started on Love Triangles lol)

Awesome, I heard the new She-ra takes a little bit to get into but has been consistently good overall. I never saw the old She-ra. The only 80's action show I got into was Thundercats. That theme was just too classic and badass lol.

That sucks about learning a spoiler for Rise of Skywalker :(. I had two big moments from Last Jedi spoiled before I saw it. I asked for 2 things specifically from RoS and technically got both...but only technically lol. I don't know if you'd want to PM or DM (whatever it's called here) spoiler stuff.

@Shera @aot (When I see people who appreciate well done animation)


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And she did the voice for me.
That's awesome!!! :eek:Yeah, it was nice she did that. It was actually my first book signing ever!! :X3: It was Sarah Jessica Day George. One of my favorite authors.

Ugh, I know the feeling all too well.
Oh, no! Oooo, I plan to read American Gods before watching the show.

It's funny. The Walmart employees are the worse for spoilers. Like when End Game came out. I had to scream "SHUT UP!" to the Walmart employees so the didn't ruin it! It was okay, cause I knew them. :ROFL:
How sweet of her! I met Candi Milo (the 2nd voice of Dexter from Dexter's Labratory.) And she did the voice for me.

Ugh, I know the feeling all too well. A coworker a few years back spoiled Mr. Wednesday's true identity in American Gods for me. In the break room. As I was reading the book. In fairness this guy was an actual pagan, so maybe it was obvious for him.

And of course a ton of plot details for The Last Of Us Part 2 got leaked, and dodging those have been difficult, but so far successful.
That sucks. So bad!

I've been meaning to watch that! I just need to get off my butt and actually do it.
I just learned about Over the Garden Wall to be honest!
@Bob90 Ah! I use to try and sneak in Saturday Morning Cartoons like that.:X3: It actually worked if the shows I wanted to see started at 6am. I'd get to snag an hour before the work day started. Oh, I get you. My sister is my movie gossip/anime. Though now that her husband is so controlling we can't plan it and he loaths that she watches anime. I actually end up chatting online a lot about anime/dramas/TV/Movies. Mainly because I just consume so much!

I agree about Amazon. Don't even get me started on how they've killed the book market!! :mad::mad::mad: Or how they bully independant/self pub authors while taking over as the best platform for them to sell ebooks to consumers.

A lot of them try, but many author's agents try to give them a way out. Especially as self publishing is on the rise. It's a combo of as long as the book publisher makes X amount of money still, and then a certain amount of years before it's released back to the author. It's complicated, but I love that kind of stuff.

Yeah, after episode 2 or 3 I was all in for the new She-ra! Thundercats! It's been ages. Love the theme.

Oh, yeah! Totally DM me (or whatever) so we can gossip!! I'm curious what your two things were.
@Shera Oh god Saturday Morning Cartoons (epic feels time lol). Were you into Cartoon Network as a kid when they had Cartoon Cartoon Fridays? And were you around for original Toonami? Those (and Nick) = Childhood lol

That doesn't sound good...or healthy, unless I'm seeing too deeply into that statement. Still, him not liking that she watches anime? Where does he get off?

Ah cool, where do you chat about the stuff you watch (besides here)? Since 90% of what I watch I watch with this one friend of mine we basically watch an episode of this, talk about it, then watch an episode of that, and talk about it lol.

I've been putting a lot of thought recently into how regular folks like us can build platforms that can achieve success as an alternative to the Corporate Overlords, cause Amazon is on it's way to being Buy N Large from WallE.

Oh that is very good on the agent's part then. I guess like how you wouldn't talk to the police without a lawyer you don't talk to a publisher without an agent.

Very good, can't wait to try She-ra out!

Ok, bout to check out the message you sent me.
@Labyrinthine That Iroh meme, man, I can't even imagine that guy committing war crimes.

He legit seems like the type to sit the leader of the city he was about to invade down for tea and a game of Pai Sho and casually persuade them to just surrender without fighting.
@Bob90 Cartoon Network and stuff like that switched over to cable only, so the Network stations did it. Though one kid at school had cable so Toonami was like a hot ticket item. He'd record it on a couple VHS and then all the kids would pass it around! It was hilarious! More kids got cable so there were more tapes floating. :ROFL:

He's a control freak jerk. That's why. :depressed:No you're not reading into it. I tried to get her into Game of Thrones and he told her she couldn't watch. :mad:Then he turned around and "approved it". He thinks anime is childish (at least it's not the other way like everyone else) and blah-blah-blah. He also band Asian Dramas, but now that Netflix has stuff like Kingdom on it and he watched it it's okay.

Let's see. My goodreads friends and groups, Twitter, reddit (reddit is a magical place most of the time), and My Drama List. The last is geared towards Asian dramas, but I have a group that we watch anime together as well. I hear Facebook is good too, but I'm never on it.

It's something to consider. When people tell me they just buy it from Amazon, I want to punch them. Especially when they tell me they're the better deal.:grumpy: Amazon is rarely ever the better buy. Even way back when in the 90s and 00s I could always find a better by elsewhere. I HAVE NEVER SEEN CLEARANCE BOOKS FOR 49 CENTS ON AMAZON. Ever. Not to mention they bought out all those other companies that offered the better buy.

Yep. Finding an Agent might be harder then finding a publisher. Ah, book query. :cry:

I hope you like it when you finally get a round to it! :)
Cartoon Network and stuff like that switched over to cable only, so the Network stations did it
I remember when right after Billy and Mandy ended, Cartoon Network changed management and there was legit two or three years when they didn't play cartoons... On Cartoon Network.
He's a control freak jerk. That's why. :depressed:No you're not reading into it. I tried to get her into Game of Thrones and he told her she couldn't watch. :mad:Then he turned around and "approved it". He thinks anime is childish (at least it's not the other way like everyone else) and blah-blah-blah. He also band Asian Dramas, but now that Netflix has stuff like Kingdom on it and he watched it it's okay.
I don't know him personally (obviously.) but your brother in law sounds like a massive douche.
@Shera That is mad interesting. I feel like most kids either had cable or had a friend who had cable in my hood. You could maybe watch something at a sleepover if you couldn't watch it yourself but passing tapes around sounds way more social than even that, and fun tbh.

Yeah that would be one of the lines that once it's crossed (maybe a couple times just to see what happens) I'm yeeting out. Not to pry but are things good for them outside of that? No pressure to answer that of course. Also, anime isn't childish, that attitude that it is is childish.

Ah yeah Goodreads and Reddit. Those are big hubs for groups I'm sure. I've used both, but more for learning about things than socializing.

Agreed on Amazon, I always look if I can get something I need from somewhere else first. I only buy from them if I can't get it elsewhere or I NEED it in 2 days. I have a Barnes and Noble account which, I know, they aren't a smaller book store, but they're a good alternative if I can't get out to something smaller.

At least finding an agent in a haystack should be easier than finding a needle ;):LOL:
@Bob90 I'm thinking we're about the same age! By the time I was in High School probably half of everyone had cable. We never, ever, got it. Even in High School my English teacher would tape Heroes for me. I had Pointe on the night it aired. Then we'd gossip the day after I watched it! It was funny!! It really was a social thing. It was hit and miss what episodes you'd get, and everyone was trading. I remember my sister recording some anime from adult swim for me. I got many unsuspecting people addicted to Inuyasha from there.

Oh, he's still a jerk. He's a bit better and I don't have to make threats to go down and knock him on his ass. As much. Yeah, anime is not for kids. Most of it. Even the kid stuff isn't.

Yeah, I get it. I like to chat and most of the things I consume I can't find people in real life to chat with about it. I'm kind of new to chatting on reddit. But I've been on goodreads for over a decade.

There are no words to describe how much I miss Borders. :cry::cry::cry: One of the most affordable prices to buy books was actually Overstock. I bought tons of clearance books for 49 cents from them. Sadly Amazon pushed, and they quit. They mainly sell craft/cooking books now. I remember Barnes and NOble tried to get me to join for a while because they bought Borders memberships and I was a Gold Member at Borders. was cheaper and I bought from them for quite a while. I still try, but Amazon is actually they're supplier. :mad: So bye-bye decent sales. Dollar Tree has been amazing lately for finds!

:ROFL::ROFL: That's good!
Happy Belated Birthday @Labyrinthine!
Hope you are feeling better these days.

Ive been extremely busy for the past 2 weeks! :eek::mad::banghead:
Tired. Tired. Tired.
I need a vacation after this quarantine crap!

We've made and delivered over 300 masks now.
My girls were in the local news. So proud of them.
They are my champions. :joyful::joyful:

Stay safe my friends!
Happy Belated Birthday @Labyrinthine!
Hope you are feeling better these days.

Ive been extremely busy for the past 2 weeks! :eek::mad::banghead:
Tired. Tired. Tired.
I need a vacation after this quarantine crap!

We've made and delivered over 300 masks now.
My girls were in the local news. So proud of them.
They are my champions. :joyful::joyful:

Stay safe my friends!
Excellent work Once and to your girls for making masks for those who need one.
Ugh, my nephews are good boys but they're so loud. :banghead:
They keep getting reminded to keep quiet around their uncle, but they're only five so of course they forget.

Anyone else have similar problems?
Ugh, my nephews are good boys but they're so loud. :banghead:
They keep getting reminded to keep quiet around their uncle, but they're only five so of course they forget.

Anyone else have similar problems?
Oh, yeah. My niece and nephew. Even my parents. Which is funny because my mom has worse H then me. I think my dad has H too.
Ugh, my nephews are good boys but they're so loud. :banghead:
They keep getting reminded to keep quiet around their uncle, but they're only five so of course they forget.

Anyone else have similar problems?
Look further up the thread... I have a 4-year old and a 1-year old.

I live with my muffs around my neck... but unavoidable spikes are inevitable!!

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