@Bob90 Yikes! I was never brave enough to let anyone barrow any of my video games. Ever. Yeah, I think that was the grade for me too . . . memory hazy. Not too many people were interested in the anime VHS trade accept my close friends. Oh, my! The dropped Inuyasha the Final act and I had been doing a rewatch in 2016 to finally finish up the anime, and I couldn't believe all the stuff I had forgotten. I forgot "Sit boy!" I got pretty good at figuring out what anime was a good intro for people. Depending on you it was I'd start them off with Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Black Lagoon, or Full Metal Panic.

That would be something. Next time I have to threaten him I could be all "Rise my army!"
Too true. That's why I'm a pegasister!
Very true. I'm glad it worked well for you! I especially love my online book buddies!
Oh, man I miss book stores. There was a Waldens in every mall. So there was one 1 hr from me in state, and then 30 min over the border. I was so happy when Borders boughtt Waldens. Unsuspecting fool. We got a Borders in the same town as the 30min away Waldens so they got rid of the Waldens. I loved my 10% off and stackable coupons! If there be books I'll be finding them! Yeah, Dollar Tree is a great place. Dollar General is even better, but they're not always just $1. I really wish we had a Dollar General locally.
Probably not. I got burned one too many times with online used book shopping. Especially if you see that thriftstore sticker still on and it's in bad condition. Not to mention that inflated price. That's cool that he does that though! I had a rare find a while ago at thriftstore. A fairly old printing of Alice in Wonderland.
Yeah. We never really had a true comic book store anywhere near, and then boom they moved in 5 years ago. Even started branching out into other big cities. I hope they're just keeping things in boxes and not moving out.