@Bob90 Huh, I think I kind of new that.

I'm actually very happy she finished up Inuyasha! It's one of the few anime fillers that are actually good and I liked that by wrapping it up we could get the Final Act anime.

Cause I don't read her manga. Once upon a time I owned Ramna 1/2 on DVD. Upon finishing them I promptly sold them on Ebay and only kept one movie.

Because the movie summed up the entire series for me. Anime wise.
To each their own anime experience!

(Silently judging you.

JK.) I'm not 100% sure. I know I had watched a few off and on when I was super little. But when I finally realized that what I was watching was anime was right after Princess Mononoke and I wanted to watch more like this. (Man I was so young! The arms flying off and violence was a bit intense being that little.) Soon I watched Castle in the Sky and I fell down the well.

I think my first boxsets were Fruits Basket, Scrapped Princess, El Hazard, Slayers, Ranma, and R.O.D. Luckily at that time my sister's roommates were anime fans, tuned her in, and then my sister taped some Inuyasha and Witch Hunter Robin for me.
I got into MLP after the movie. Consumed all the season up to that date.

I'm a bit bummed it's all over now!! I didn't get to enjoy the live years!

Be proud of your fandom!!! Though I rarely said I was a comic book fan or anime fan in the early years. Mainly because dudes were

May your Dollar Tree adventure be magical!
I hope so!