@Starthrower - when I first came on here I was desperately searching for those people who I really believed had this 'thing' as bad as I did.
Perhaps I was the worst case ever ???
I just had to find serious sufferers.
Without that I would be lost.
I soon found
@Ed209, yourself and others.
Reading your histories I absolutely knew that your Tinnitus was severe.
You were not lightweight 'hobbycraft' psychobabblers.
You were like me!
I did have the will to succeed, but not the belief that I would in fact make it.
I reminded myself daily of your incredible progress each time you guys posted.
Your examples held me together throughout the coming days.
I clung on to your examples.
Like you guys, I still have low times, low days, I still have noise, of course, but the difference is that I am coming through, I am coping, I am making it, I am living my life again.
By being heroes, you showed us all that we could be heroes.
Of course, it is a terrible shame that we need heroism to come through this thing, when we should be living carefree lives, like everybody else, but I believe that courage is a necessary ingredient for our survival.
Courage can grow inside us.
A big thank you for your shining examples, and for sharing your stories and encouragement.
You made a very real difference..
Love to everybody - especially to
just now.
Dave xx