JD, I am so sorry that you are going through this, truly. I got T and hearing loss in my 20s - 25 I think if I'm remembering correctly. I said and thought all of the things you're saying and thinking. We are not the same, but I also left my job and coursework for months, contemplated (very seriously) suicide, and just could not see any way forward. I also have other health issues for which I will have to take medication for the rest of my life to manage them.
Even if you are in the AM 101 trail and cannot take anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication, I think it would really be worth your time to see a psychologist or psychiatrist. Also, are you able to take a leave of absence from work or school? What you are going through is a severe trauma and it's normal that you don't feel able to handle anything, it's normal that you don't see any way out and that this feels like the last straw, it's normal that no matter how bad off others were and still made it, you feel like you just can't make it. You're going through your own difficult time and comparing doesn't really help when you feel you're barely surviving - I know and so many others here know, too. Just having a real person across from you to talk to can make a big difference and if you need time away to take care of yourself - allow that for yourself - it is normal.
It's hard to hear, but you are, at the end of the day, the only one who can pull yourself up. We are all here to lend a helping hand and share our stories, but you have to see a sliver of light and have just a little faith in our stories to hang on. Time will change things for you, without question. I can't, nor can anyone, guarantee that your hearing loss will improve, or your T will become quieter, but your mindset can absolutely improve and likely will, with time. I know the thought of a hearing aid may be upsetting, but it is amazing what we can adjust to.
Many people face hearing loss, it just happens gradually in a way we notice less - the same as wrinkles appearing on the skin or our vision dims. If we went from 20 to 70 in a day - it would be wildly traumatic and it's hard to see parts of our mortal bodies breaking down beyond repair when we're in our 20s and feel it's too early. It's hard to face our own mortality at an age when we fee like we shouldn't have to yet. All your feeling are totally valid and normal, but you can get better.
Please hang in there, and reach out to me via PM if you wish. I'm not sure where you are in the world, but I have a lot of good resources I found while going through the worst of my recovery.
We're all here for you, and it's okay to whine, just don't give up - time will help and you will not feel this way forever.