Don't See the Point Anymore to Staying

Discussion in 'Support' started by jdjd09, Feb 3, 2016.

    1. ceauses97

      ceauses97 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music/chemotherapy/hypercalcemia
      The auditory nerve is comprised of thousands of tiny nerve fibers responsible for transmitting sound information to and from the ear and the brain, damaged nerve fibers can cause tinnitus and hearing loss, and I think that's what @Boy Helios is trying to tell, nerve fibers do recover and heal in time.
    2. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      @jdjd09 ,All I know it's 40db and can hear loud sounds in it.
      When he sleeps on his good ear it's hard wake him up .
      He has a second op at 16 as the mass grew back and awaiting a CT scan following a MRI as might need another op.
      He copes ok but hates having colds as makes his hearing drop more.
      He adapted well over time and now doesn't notice the drop.
      He drives and at Derby uni and done a gap year as a architect and they will be keeping him on during his last uni year and then will have a perminant job as a architect.

      I know you are suffering with the loss of your hearing and feels like your my son over again so understand totally how you feel.
      Life can suck at times but you will get through this big change with hearing impairment and do everything a young man can do and protect your ears when you can......
      Thinking of you....lots of love glynis
      • Like Like x 1
    3. Michael2013

      Michael2013 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      September 2013
      Which is why I asked if he was referring to the auditory nerve. Either way, sensorineural hearing loss is more than just damage to the auditory nerve as he tried to say, but it also includes damage to the cochlea hair cells, nerve cells, nerve endings, or whatever you want to call them. SNHL in most cases is a result of damage to the cochlea itself, not the nerve leading to the brain. Corticosteroids are intended to reach the cochlea to help with possible inflammation, not regenerate the auditory nerve. At least I have seen no study or research that suggested as such.

    4. Boy Helios

      Boy Helios Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      ^ i don't know what planet you are living in. Most people recover completely from SNHL.. if your theory was correct, then hair cells can regenerate. we know for the most part they can't.

      I am just trying to help people. Why do you keep arguing based on nonsensical data?

      Check the full recovery rates for SNHL esp. within the first 48 hours. If hair cells were involved there would be no full recovery. It's a nerve issue, that's why people can go back to normal.

      noise induced is diff. because it's damage to HAIR CELLS and they don't regenerate.

      also Mike.. if you read what OP wrote he said he experienced a more than 40 db loss in various frequencies. that qualifies as SNHL.. so steroids would have helped him.. .and may even help him now since he's barely just outside the 1 month window.
    5. ceauses97

      ceauses97 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music/chemotherapy/hypercalcemia
      It's common to lose our hair cells in the inner ear as we age. That doesn't necessarily mean it will result in hearing loss and tinnitus. All noise-induced tinnitus is because of damaged hair cells, but there is still many cases where noise-induced tinnitus actually resolves on its own after a while.
    6. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      I think some posts are going off jdjd09 original posts who needs support.....lots of love glynis
    7. Michael2013

      Michael2013 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      September 2013
      That is flat out not true. Most people see some spontaneous improvement within the first 2 weeks, but the majority do NOT recover completely.

      Now you're just making stuff up.

      Are you talking about SNHL in general or SSNHL? It feels like you just jumped in saying a bunch of words but don't actually understand what any of it means. Especially when you say things like "noise induced is diff. because it's damage to HAIR CELLS." There are so many different methods and theories as to how hair cells inside the cochlea become damaged, not just from noise. And it's all sensorineural hearing loss, you know this, right? I have enlarged vestibular aqueducts which is associated with progressive sensorinueral hearing loss in a step loss pattern. Most people with this experience a large drop in hearing, then over a few weeks and months it recovers partially. This keeps happening usually until the person is profoundly deaf. Nobody knows why, but it results in damaged hair cells inside the cochlea, not the auditory nerve. This is obvious because otherwise these people would not be candidates for cochlear implants. So many people with profound Sudden SNHL ultimately end up getting a cochlear implant which effectively bypasses the cochlea and stimulates the auditory nerve directly. There would not be a high success rate for this if the damage was in the auditory nerve itself.

      Nobody is saying the hair cells die completely and regenerate. What is more likely is that they become damaged and then recover partially rather than fully die off. The truth is, despite your insistence, is that nobody really knows. There is so much yet that doctors and researchers don't know, and yet here you are acting like you've solved it all!


      • Informative Informative x 1
    8. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      What else can I do to protect my hearing? I wore earplugs when I was listening to music so not sure how that caused it :/. I guess beyond earplugs are there anything I can take as preventative measure to prevent further loss?

      Also is there really any realistic hope of a hearing loss cure by 2025?
    9. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      Also is there anything else possible I can do for hearing loss at this point outside steriods which may not even work. What else could I really do besides hearing aid?

      I mean it sounds like Michael got over his hearing loss. I wonder if I can ever truly get over this. I'm literally a person who is insane right now. All I do is look around for an idea of when a hearing loss cure will come . This isn't probably healthy at all...but if I did this early on I would have gotten a chance at steriods earler. Sure they may not have helped...but I could at least be satisfied I did everything I could.

      I'm just not a person meant for this problem. I am not someone made to handle these problems. There is a reason this thread I so long...even after seeking therapy and anything here is still am. All day. Only time I get a break is sleeping. If I could stay asleep forever I would. I would be happy to just sleep until I died. Even people on here will get bored of my bitching. But the only semi releaf I get is some of these responses...sigh. I went from someone who had it going to now an insane person ;/.
    10. Bobby B

      Bobby B Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Large caliber rifles&machine guns, +30 years of loud clubs
      Didn't you get some improvements from the am 101 ?
    11. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Hearing aids will help and be careful if use headphones or earphones best not use them to protect your hearing.

      Not sure if you have had a MRI or not for reassurance ?
      Maybe your hearing might comeback a little over time.
      Try join Action ON Hearing Loss forum also for support.....lots of love glynis
    12. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      Not really no, I feel this is related to the hearing loss.
    13. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      I haven't and doctors don't seem concerned at all. I've seen three so far. Idk how to get them to give me an mri.

      Seriously, people really get over tinnitus and hearing loss? I really have no idea how this is done. I have ruined friendships over this (they still stick around but distance themselves) and I distance myself too. All I do is complain all the time, but that seems mainly so I can somehow stay alive I guess.

      Really I see no purpose to living if all it will mean is I get to suffer with ringing and uneven hearing 24/7.
    14. Fangen

      Fangen Member Benefactor

      Stockholm, Sweden
      Tinnitus Since:
      December 2nd, 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma (loud concert for 1h)

      I can recognize myself very well with your feelings. I know it is hard right now, it may be for a while longer too. You will become better and then you'll have bad days too. I was devastated when my T started. A lot of self-blame, went to a concert in a small underground venue, didn't even think about plugs. I used to party a little now and then during 20-22, attended two concerts (at big venues where sound didn't bounce back the same way as in a small concrete one). Never had a "scare" of T, never really reflected with the fact that the ringing I had gotten several times after clubbing could be permanent. So I hated myself for going to the concert, ME, who wasn't even really hyped, I just tagged along because my boyfriend's sister wanted me to come (and I didn't want to say no because it was the first time we'd meet). I remember how I complained to a friend that I was sleepy and tired, had a fight with my boyfriend a day before and I wasn't really feeling the whole "go out and hang with them and act like you're still not mad at him".
      But I did anyway out of courtesy and it lead to having permanent T. Now there is not just the concert that played a role, my headphone usage, the volume I listened to etc all had something to do that this one, single concert that lasted roughly over an hour would lead to T. I spent 5-6 hours in clubs before and got some ringing afterwards that was gone by the time I woke up.

      I knew something was off when I woke up the day after and still heard the ringing. Tried to talk to myself and be logical, I only slept 4 hours so the body probably didn't recover yet. But the days went by, I called doctors that told me to wait it out, then I found out that you can get steroids for the inflammation but now it was too late by the time I called the "right" doctor. Fell into hopelessness again, I had a potential cure or maybe at least something that would lower my T, but it was just at the grasp of my hand and I missed it.
      I stopped talking to my friends, they couldn't understand and it just made me miserable to talk to people that tried to be like "oh but it'll go away". No it won't, how can you not know more?! But it wasn't their fault, I'd given the same shitty advice it was someone else that had T and I never experienced it. Don't be too hard on them, or on yourself.

      People do get over it, in the sense that they stop feeling that bothered by the noise. We all have bad and good days, sometimes the T is more intrusive and some days you forget about it almost completely. I had lots of those days, where I didn't think about T until bedtime. Now I am in the middle of a bad week, the T has been present and bothersome and I try to remember how on Earth I wasn't bothered before. Usually I scare myself when I have been exposed to any louder noise that I think could harm my hearing more. It starts with a feather and then I end up with a giant hen. A lot of that is in my mind, so I haven't (most likely) damaged my hearing or worsen my T in anyway, the sound is probably the same, but I feel that it is louder because I allow myself to keep listen and compare it. Likewise with the quote "happiness is a state of mind" - it is the same with T. I know it is hard and you see no light, I didn't either. Somehow days go by and slowly you'll accept the sound. You will feel shit and horrible about it, we have all been there too. But it will get better, even if you don't believe it just yet, believe in us!

      Take care and hoping for the best for you!

      • Agree Agree x 1
    15. AlexSongitus

      AlexSongitus Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      Yep T can make us be pretty annoying to others who don't have problems, so you have to be careful not too put to much on them, and in you're case you are probably draining them times 100x and yes, could come across very stubborn, dreadful and annoying, but we love ya anyway;)

      The thing is you are far too stubborn and persistent in your personality that you can't get through this. I'd say it's almost IMPOSSIBLE that you WON'T figure it out. You just haven't figured out how to flip that around and turn it against T and hearing loss, and working towards beating it...yet.

      But I have no doubt, you will!
      • Like Like x 1
    16. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      That is sort of the problem though, it's not just T, its offbalanced hearing loss in one ear too. The T is annoying, but I could get over it with balanced hearing.

      So, instead, I get off balanced hearing, which is what is causing the T anyways. T reminds me of off balanced hearing, regardless music does it. It's both things at once.

      It's an endless loop of hell. Only cure is bringing back hearing, and they can't do that. I mean, I'm not kidding you when I say I'm giving myself 2 more months then I'm ending it. I don't even think I'll make it to two months though.

      The uneven hearing is killing me.
    17. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      Do you still have uneven hearing loss now? Or did you get your hearing back in both ears?

      I'm dead serious, I'm ending my life in the next month or two if things don't get better. I went to emergency room again today and they won't prescribe me stronger drugs. Trying another doctor next week. Probably going to loss my job here soon. No one else understands what I'm going through.

      Already decided I'm going to pretty much go under a train and get my head chopped off. Its the quickest way of doing this, if I get to that point. I will feel sorry for the train driver having to see that, but unfortunately my country doesn't provide euthanasia and this is the best I can do at this point.
    18. AlexSongitus

      AlexSongitus Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      Like I said, I have probably had it for a long time and they just detected some of it and honestly I don't even notice it. Try not to lose your job, but even if you do, you will find another job, once you get through this. As for the rest of your post, I won't comment on it. You have to stop that type of thinking. A lot of people here understand what you are going through. It's you that has to believe there are others in your shoes or even worse that really do understand, feel for you, and found a way through it. You can too!
    19. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      What is your hearing loss level at now? Did they retest?

      Anyways, I had t before the hearing loss (or it wasn't detectable at the time). This is WAY louder.l with the hearing loss. I understand others have it and I was destressed to when I first got the mild version. But what most people on here sound like they are describing is the milder version of t without hearing loss.

      I'm not diminishing there suffering either, I hope they can get better. Also not saying mine is the worst in the planet, but it's close. Most T sufferers are not going to the er and seeing multiple doctors over 2 months at the threat of losing my job...I'm having something that imo is more severe than most. Yes, that sounds rude potentially, but I'm being honest. I highly doubt most are doing what I'm doing at this point to where I'm potentially going to voluntarily ward myself soon.

      Anyhow , is there anyway I can get voluntary eutenasia in Europe over this? I saw someone was able to do this. I can't handle this I'm sorry....I just trul can't.
    20. zeroday

      zeroday Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Driving Truck
      I've lived with my T over 20 years. When someone asks how it sounds I tell them that if they heard what I hear all the time they would...well insert solution my T is as much as me as my mind...

      6 months ago I had my eyes checked for a new eyeglass prescription...I have Macular Edema in my right eye caused by CRVO Central Retina Vein Occlusion which means one of my main retina veins burst...the treatment involves hypodermic injections directly into my right eye every 30 days for 12 can only imagine how that feels...and I have a debris in the right eye
      that looks like a thin piece of gauze covering my entire central vision...but I can see thru it.

      No advice to give on this thread...the human condition is definitely perilous, nothing guaranteed...
    21. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      So, guess the world is fucked then :/? If there is an actual chance that hearing regeneration will happen in 10 years or less, I would be happy enough.
    22. zeroday

      zeroday Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Driving Truck
      I don't think of the world as "fucked". That is a personal viewpoint.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    23. Cheza

      Cheza Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Barking dogs/stress
      You have no idea what it does to a train engineer to be unable to stop in time to prevent a death, whether it be a suicide or accident. They have to undergo vigorous interrogation by the Railroad Board to make sure that not only did they do everything they could to stop the train in time, but also whether they are capable of returning to work.

      I have listened to the testimony of train engineers who were involved in fatal accidents, one possibly a suicide with the car moving onto the track at the last minute. It haunts them for the rest of their life. Why would you drag an innocent person into your misery? This is your depression talking, it's not who you are.

      This thread is very long because everyone is trying to help you find a solution. These are people who have been in your shoes. They aren't just making up advice to coddle you. They are sincere. Your inability to get out of the emotional rut you're in is a clear indication that you need something to balance the chemicals in your body that are causing this serious depression. It's like a five-alarm fire alarm going off and you're not paying attention to it.

      Neither suicide nor euthanasia are the answer. Start from the beginning and read the entire thread again. You may see something you missed the first time around. And whether you realize it or not, there are those of us who think about you even when we're not on the forum or posting on this thread.
      • Agree Agree x 4
    24. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      Then I'll just have to jump between a slow moving one after the main train passes. That way they don't get traumatized and won't even find out they did it.

      I hate to say this on this board, there are many who have been in my shoes on this board. But, many who haven't too (although some probably have it worse than me on here too). This volume is not what the majority on here are experiencing according to a poll on here I read. This stuff can't be masked.

      I read through the tread again. It's too late it seems. Outside hearing loss cure, I can't really move on from this hell I don't feel. The hearing loss is causing the ringing. The hearing loss WAS treatable by prednisone on SOME level. This WAS SNHL (it happened overnight a week or a few days after headphone use. So, even if it was related, headphones don't destroy that much hearing I don't think. I had earplugs in too while listening to them rated 32db. How loud could the headphones been?). I did seek help. I was misguided by multiple doctors.

      Some people get hit by trucks and randomly die, some people get terminal illnesses randomly, and I got some thing that won't kill me but instead ruin my life (and essentially kill me from the inside slowly).

      I have zero idea how to survive this hell. I read multiple times these posts. I feel I'm a lost cause at this point. I guess I keep posting I guess, hoping someone will reach out and say "hey, we can cure your hearing loss". Oh well.

      This is insane. I turned into a fully functioning human into a complete nutjob in 2 months. This is crazy.
    25. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      Also, found out there are some companies saying that hearing loss will be somewhat possibly "cured" in 10 years about. Only thing really stopping them is funding. But, of course, that assumes everything goes as planned which appears won't probably happen given my life.

      I was feeling ok, but I literally can't concentrate at work or in class (well the class I DROPPED OUT OF because I couldn't concentrate). The noise is heard over EVERYTHING. I had tinnitus before this, it was NOTHING like this.

      I hate to compare, but even a pool on here says the majority on here don't have LOUD tinnitus that can't be blocked over anything. I used to have that kind of tinnitus, but I could bare with it. It didn't annoy me. I had my normal hearing and could live on randomly hearing the noise in quiet areas. But, now, its EVERYWHERE. I really don't think people on here, who don't have loud tinnitus, can truly comprehend the loudness of this. I don't say that with offense, I used to be one of those. I thought people were bitching about nothing before, when I got it. I thought people were just not "adapting" to a minor noise in life.

      All this was potentially treatable with prednisone. I realize that people on here disagree, but my hearing loss came a few days to week after headphone use and probably was unrelated. I just thought it caused it. It just came while I was sleeping. This is so fucking insane this happened to me.

      Sorry, I don't see this getting better now. I was calm a bit about this, but I just realized I can't concentrate on shit. This isn't my 20s. This is insane.

      I can't continue like this. Like I literally can't. This was my one asset, concentrating on shit for a long time and being able to think about problems and problem solve. I can't do any of that now.

      Seriously, can someone in Europe tell me the process to sign up for dignitos (sp?)? I saw someone else get to leave this world because of debilitating tinnitus. This whole thing is crazy.

      Yes, I'm seeing a therapist, yes I'm taking treatment for this, and guess what nothing is helping. I am screwed at this point in my life. It was a good run and it was headed in the right direction but seriously its over.

      Seriously, I was somewhat hopeful earlier on about this week earlier, not so much now.
    26. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      Please just cure my hearing loss so that I can have some of my hearing back and make this ringing go back to the say it was. This is all because of the hearing loss, make it stop please. I need a cure. I'm sorry, I had a good life before this somewhat and was headed in the right direction, but this hearing loss and ringing is too much.

      • Hug Hug x 1
    27. NathanielDaniel

      NathanielDaniel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Noises
      Do you take medicine?
    28. Boy Helios

      Boy Helios Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Did you try hyperbaric? tinnitus is curable within 3 months.

      i've met a few that cured tinnitus with hyperbaric
    29. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      There is no medicine to take at his point it's too late.
    30. AUTHOR

      jdjd09 Member

      I'm in the USA, I can't fucking afford hyberbalic treatment and have no idea where to go for that. Much less the fact that my job don't let me off work to do that. It's over.

      Either I continue living this current life and suffer until I did of old age or die now. If I continue living I can't seek further treatment otherwise I lose my job for taking off work too much.

      I'm just trying to figure out how to kill myself off at this point. Even people on here have given up on me. There is no help anymore. I either stay Ali e and suffer or die now. It's sad life is that way, but I got hit with two things the med community can do NOTHING about. Hearing loss and tinnitus in 20s.
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      • Hug Hug x 1

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