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Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

It's clear, particularly given that you've made some wild accusations against us in the past, that you are in fact making some veiled insinuations against us, so why not just state explicitly what you believe to be true about us?
What do you think I am insinuating? That you're all scamming us into buying a Lenire? No. That the people running the ESIT and BTA like Derek Hoare and David Stockdale are dreadfully uninspired? Maybe.

I actually think Lenire probably will work for a good deal of sufferers, therefore not a scam.

My point is this:

This is real tinnitus research:
"Tinnitus behavior and hearing function correlate with the reciprocal expression patterns of BDNF and Arg3.1/arc in auditory neurons following acoustic trauma"

The above article is trying to understand the fundamental mechanisms of tinnitus which will help lead us to a pharmacological intervention.

This is goofy gobedly guk research done by obvious SJW NPC's:
Sex-Specific Association of Tinnitus with Suicide Attempts

The above article is looking into who commits suicide more when they get tinnitus, owners of penises or owners of vaginas, which gets us 0 percent closer to a pharmacological intervention and actually wasted money.

At least we have corporations like Decibel Therapeutics, Frequency Therapeutics, and Otonomy, etc. that actually care about curing us, even if their goal is making money. One thing that is clear is that when a cure is found, it will have had nothing to do with the main tinnitus "research?":ROFL: organizations like the ESIT.
This is real tinnitus research:
"Tinnitus behavior and hearing function correlate with the reciprocal expression patterns of BDNF and Arg3.1/arc in auditory neurons following acoustic trauma"

The above article is trying to understand the fundamental mechanisms of tinnitus which will help lead us to a pharmacological intervention.

This is goofy gobedly guk research done by obvious SJW NPC's:
Sex-Specific Association of Tinnitus with Suicide Attempts

The above article is looking into who commits suicide more when they get tinnitus, owners of penises or owners of vaginas, which gets us 0 percent closer to a pharmacological intervention and actually wasted money.
I don't per se disagree with you. I just wanted to make clear that we have no power over the research agenda, and I don't like that you're insinuating this (which you clearly did!).

I also fail to see how any of this is related to your initial comment that we're giving Lenire a suspicious amount of attention.

As usual, you respond selectively and never publicly admit that you might have misinterpreted our intentions.

Any further responses in this thread will be deleted, as I believe we've now officially "hijacked" this thread.
Well, Lenire plays 3 layered sets of music... a hiss, a distant piano and then electric chirps or beeps you could call them. At the same the tongue tip buzzes your tongue in line with the electric chirps. As Hubert Lim was involved in your trial I'm wondering if this was what they did to you too?

All I can say about mine at the minute is that it is definitely not fading and old noises that seemed to fade away on their own a while back are coming back. I'd just like to know if you experienced any periods when it seemed worse?

I'm quite concerned about it.
I hope Lenire helps you in the long run.

Is there a trial period where you can return the device? Maybe this was brought up on previous posts? SoundCure had a one or two month trial. I ended up returning it after about 2 months.

How much does the Lenire device cost?
Don't worry about it. It has been stated it can get worse first before it gets better.

It's hard not to worry @annV. As soon as I take the headphones off my tinnitus is elevated and keeps ramping up as the day goes on plus old noises that had disappeared are coming back.

I know they said at the time it could happen and the manual says it can happen but it's really worrying when it does and I just need to know from them & anyone else I guess that things can invariably get worse before it gets better.

It's really easy to say but damned difficult when you're in it.
Wow, that's entirely unrelated to the topic of this thread, and only tangentially related to your previous comment that I was responding to. That makes it a bit difficult to hold a conversation, but ok lemme respond:

You're right that the world of tinnitus research is small. I don't really know whether it's as interwoven you insinuate, but even if there is some kind of core group that holds most of the power or influence over research agendas, then it sure as hell does not include us! :D

You seem to think that we hold some kind of sway or influence that we truly don't. I mean, I wish we had the power - even a little bit - to dictate research agendas and to make research truly patient-driven. We certainly would want that - not for us, but for the patient community at large. But it's currently not the case.

Yes, we have collaborated with Berthold Langguth, but we will collaborate with any serious tinnitus researcher if they want to work with patients (many of them don't have the time or inclination), if we think the research topic is worthy, and if it seems we can somehow add value. I can give you a list of publications that we've co-authored on if you like.

I'm not going to comment on the quality of those ESIT papers, as I've not had the opportunity to study them. Our only direct involvement in one of the ESIT studies is this paper on heterogeneity - You know, the subtyping that everyone agrees is crucial to finding a cure? We supplied the survey data that the study is based on.

We also don't get any money from ESIT, apart from reimbursement of travel expenses to attend their meetings. Our role in the ESIT consortium is officially as patient representatives, but in practice it's quite limited and unfortunately we get no input into the research agenda; that's personally something I'd like to see done differently if we're part of any future consortiums. But it's not surprising since patient involvement in research is a relatively new phenomenon and will need time to develop.

You say you're stating facts, but they sound more like assumptions to me. And, as is your usual MO, you don't check the facts with us before making public statements about us. But I guess it's useful that I get the chance to clarify these misunderstandings publicly nonetheless.

So really, I don't know what you're getting at. This all started with you saying that Lenire is getting a suspicious amount of attention from us. I explained why this is the case, and that it doesn't have anything to do with any external parties. Then you go on to say we're suspiciously interwoven with certain third parties, but "hey, I'm not claiming any impropriety!"

It's clear, particularly given that you've made some wild accusations against us in the past, that you are in fact making some veiled insinuations against us, so why not just state explicitly what you believe to be true about us? Then at least we have a chance at rebuttal. I don't expect you to believe us, but it's important that we clarify our position to all our other members nonetheless.

If you wish to discuss this further, let's do it outside of this thread, because the thread would get too off-topic otherwise.
I am hugely grateful for all your hard work on Lenire, in particular the real-time audit of outcomes.

This is just absolutely unprecedented with a treatment for a chronic condition.

Hi there.

I went to Neuromod but was refused the device - too much hearing loss.

We have both met Caroline the audiologist I expect. Could you talk on the telephone with her? She might be able to reassure that continuing is the correct way forward.

So much extra stress for you, I'm so sorry.

Hi Allan,

I agree with Nanny Chocolate.

My two cents:
You are their customer, so if you're feeling concerned you should be allowed to call them.
My perception is this should be part of the customer service.

Now I start wondering about the other early users of the device, are they experiencing anything

Good luck
It's hard not to worry @annV. As soon as I take the headphones off my tinnitus is elevated and keeps ramping up as the day goes on plus old noises that had disappeared are coming back.

I know they said at the time it could happen and the manual says it can happen but it's really worrying when it does and I just need to know from them & anyone else I guess that things can invariably get worse before it gets better.

It's really easy to say but damned difficult when you're in it.
I know it may sound blunt now but perhaps it's even good news that you experience a change in your tinnitus, this means indeed Lenire is doing something with your tinnitus.

Let's hope that if it can spike tinnitus in the early stages of treatment it will not only bring it down to baseline later on but also reduce below it.

I remember Clare B reported a worsening at first as well but it ended up as a great success for her.
I know it may sound blunt now but perhaps it's even good news that you experience a change in your tinnitus, this means indeed Lenire is doing something with your tinnitus.

Let's hope that if it can spike tinnitus in the early stages of treatment it will not only bring it down to baseline later on but also reduce below it.

I remember Clare B reported a worsening at first as well but it ended up as a great success for her.
Clare B said hers got worse. Well, that's reassuring I suppose. Thanks.

Hi there.

I went to Neuromod but was refused the device - too much hearing loss.

We have both met Caroline the audiologist I expect. Could you talk on the telephone with her? She might be able to reassure that continuing is the correct way forward.

So much extra stress for you, I'm so sorry.
Sorry you were refused Nanny Chocolate.

I've emailed them for advice. From what I'm gathering on the forum and behind the scenes this is not uncommon at all.

As you know though we all freak out in various degrees to changes in our tinnitus, especially negative ones.
I remember Clare B reported a worsening at first as well but it ended up as a great success for her.
I searched through some of her posts here and it doesn't appears to me as "worsening at first", but it seems that there were some louder tones/pitch for a few days during the treatment and surprisingly her tinnitus faded mostly after the treatment was over.

These are few of snippets that I found promising:





Will try and provide an update on Wednesday as that will be the one week mark since starting the treatment.

I can absolutely sympathise with Allan, the ringing has become more prominent for certain tones and there's been more frequent fleeting tinnitus spikes. One ear does feel full more than it did and I also feel like my visual snow is worse since starting.

I'm going to give it longer before making any actual statements, to make sure it's not just a case of me overthinking tinnitus and focusing more on my symptoms due to the treatment.
Came back from hiatus because I saw @Allan1967 was distressed.

In one of the testimonials one of the patients describes there being changes that were good and bad. I think it was Noel, but I can't remember. Go back and watch them because someone does describe it getting worse at first. I specifically remember this because I also remember @kelpiemsp describing his tinnitus being made worse during his treatment temporarily as well.

Back to hiatus! Good luck!
I'm due to collect my device on Friday. Now I'm in two minds about whether to proceed or not.
Definitely go with it mate, I'm not going to stop.

Lenire did mention side-effects and it's been repeated in each meeting with them as well as in their user manual. The way I see it, these situations are part and parcel of the treatment. They're well aware of what it can do on a temporary basis and it's important to push on through.
I'm due to collect my device on Friday. Now I'm in two minds about whether to proceed or not.
I'd do it. In fact these reports have convinced me to get on the waiting list for one. Change, in my mind, is evidence of function. Got an ENT visit next Monday. I will get the most extensive audiogram I can and then contact Neuromod.
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it.

I'm in a Tinnitus Clinic right know where they have lots of experience for many years but when I tell them there might be a cure soon they just say I should not think about it. It would hinder acceptance. Instead they do CBT, acceptance and commitment and mindfulness. It's a joke if you ask me. Could have stayed at home and screwed on my trailer. But I give it a go. 5 weeks left between anorexic and borderliners.

Cheers from Germany!
These are important:

No, I didn't notice improvements session by session.

It wasn't until nearly the end of the treatment and afterwards that it improved.
Yes, silence SILENCE. All I can hear is the ticking clock right now!
It was near the end of the treatment I noticed the improvement. The tinnitus was quieter. It continued to improve until I had my first quiet day and then came and went for a few weeks. The quiet days became more frequent and then it was completely gone! The full treatment was for 12 weeks. We had check ups after that up to 12 months.

One other thing I forgot to mention, I think actually having the device and doing the treatment helped me psychologically too because I had something to do that was supposed to be helping my tinnitus. Even though I didn't have much improvement until near the end of the treatment because I was actively doing something twice a day to treat the tinnitus I felt more hopeful. I felt like I was doing something! Which was better than nothing.
Nearing the end of the time period of using the device I had some fluctuation in my tinnitus that I hadn't had before, some higher pitch sounds, some louder days. It wasn't until shortly after the end of the trial that I noticed the tinnitus quietening and having my very first day of silence for a very long time, then it came back and went away again. It was very gradual, I didn't just wake up one morning and it was completely gone, not at all. It just gradually tapered off and then went for good.

So I'm a solid year without tinnitus. I cannot say that it was definitely the device, I can't possibly know that 100% for sure. I believe it did have an effect, the timing is too much of a coincidence.
I do remember that for a short period during treatment (a couple of days) my tinnitus did fluctuate, I still had the same tone, but it became faster (the beeps were more rapid) then I had a second higher pitch tone (more like a screech) as well as my usual tone. That did worry me a lot but thankfully it subsided after a day or two. I don't know why that happened during the treatment but it did all settle down in the end and as you know the results were good in my case.

The only other incident I can remember that had anything to do with my ears/balance, this was actually after the tinnitus had gone was an episode of vertigo, it lasted a week.
They followed my progress for just the 12 month period, that was the length of the trial. My tinnitus had completely gone by that last check up at 12 months. They are not contacting me now for outcome data or for anything else. The last time they contacted me was last November to invite me to a presentation of results of the Neuromod device, I wasn't able to attend unfortunately.

I had my tinnitus for a year and a half before using the device.
I'm due to collect my device on Friday. Now I'm in two minds about whether to proceed or not.
I'd still go with it @Redknight.

In fairness it was mentioned at the training; it's in the manual and I'm not the only one experiencing this. Neuromod did state that anyone who didn't improve went back to baseline and as my wife says I'm might be bailing on something that could help me, if only I keep the lid on my anxiety and think through it logically.

It is too early to say and anecdotal evidence is that if it does get worse push through it plus I'm sure Neuromod are on hand to offer advice.
I'd still go with it @Redknight.

In fairness it was mentioned at the training; it's in the manual and I'm not the only one experiencing this. Neuromod did state that anyone who didn't improve went back to baseline and as my wife says I'm might be bailing on something that could help me, if only I keep the lid on my anxiety and think through it logically.

It is too early to say and anecdotal evidence is that if it does get worse push through it plus I'm sure Neuromod are on hand to offer advice.
It's good news @Clare B appeared to have some kind of initial worsening. Hopefully Neuromod are on hand to reiterate to anyone concerned that worsenings were temporary.

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