What do you think I am insinuating? That you're all scamming us into buying a Lenire? No. That the people running the ESIT and BTA like Derek Hoare and David Stockdale are dreadfully uninspired? Maybe.It's clear, particularly given that you've made some wild accusations against us in the past, that you are in fact making some veiled insinuations against us, so why not just state explicitly what you believe to be true about us?
I actually think Lenire probably will work for a good deal of sufferers, therefore not a scam.
My point is this:
This is real tinnitus research:
"Tinnitus behavior and hearing function correlate with the reciprocal expression patterns of BDNF and Arg3.1/arc in auditory neurons following acoustic trauma"
The above article is trying to understand the fundamental mechanisms of tinnitus which will help lead us to a pharmacological intervention.
This is goofy gobedly guk research done by obvious SJW NPC's:
Sex-Specific Association of Tinnitus with Suicide Attempts
The above article is looking into who commits suicide more when they get tinnitus, owners of penises or owners of vaginas, which gets us 0 percent closer to a pharmacological intervention and actually wasted money.
At least we have corporations like Decibel Therapeutics, Frequency Therapeutics, and Otonomy, etc. that actually care about curing us, even if their goal is making money. One thing that is clear is that when a cure is found, it will have had nothing to do with the main tinnitus "research?"