Hi all.
As someone that did made the tretament either in Dr Wilden an Anne. Maybe is time to put some imput.
@Philip83 said Anne is fully in "alternative medicine -vibe" and it is, trust me Dr Wilden it is as well.
Booth of them had been pressure from the big pharamcie companies so they have that is comum.
I did discuss with Anne why she does not make audiograms, she said she had done that in the past, and stoped. The reason is easy, you are a judge in your own case. Dr Wilden is acused of faking the results with audiograms, ( wich i do not think so), being such a controversial treatment it is best to do it by someone else to show the results of the treatment. Before you to Dr Wilden or Anne or any other you should do an audiogram and then you should do it after, exactly at the same audiologist and machine. That way you see if treatement worked or not, and that "comprove" by a 3rd party.
Now about me.
It´s dificult for me to give an extimate value of how better am I. The reason is simple, I had in one ear only and now i have it in the two ears.
Concerning my right ear, wich is the one started in December 2013 and i start LLLT in June 2014, I can say now that I have days where I only notice in the morning and in the afternoon. As I said I have two sounds, one is a SSSSSSHHHHH sound, and then the pure tone. The SSSHHHH sound I consider it the regeneration sound( Hansi agres with me) and when that sound ends I change to a pure tone sound, wich is low now. Some times it take weeks other time is just a few days. My pure sound is getthing thinner, so it prove is moving to the high frequencies.
I putting here a conversation with Hansi. Since he was and still is a music, those change he could notice them.
Hello Mr Cross My Name is Fernando, I´m from Portugal. As you i`m a T sufferer. Doing LLLT ince June last year, started at Dr Wilden and went to Anne for two treatments already. Fellin better, but I know still a long way to go. As you describe you your blog, your main problem was(still is I think but much less) on the high frequencies. I do have a lost on the 10, 12 and 16Mhz up too 70 db. On 8 Mhz is on 10, so there is no problem. Mostly i´m writing toy say that you are a big inspiration to me and help on those bad moments. I want to ask well if how long and if still it is, that you had the SHSSSS sound ( like the wrinstling leafs) as you say and the pure tone sound. I already had two day without T ( just noticed when I wake up) and during the rest of the day only 3/4 times i noticed. Since i restarted to laser right after that day, the T is being up and down as usual. But what really get´s me confused, is why sometime is a pure Tone all day, and most of the time is low, and other days is the s SHSSSS sound. This did happen to you as well? Of corse it happens the same to me as did happen to you, after 3 months of the treatments is when you fell the results. All the best AN best regards My problem was due an infection.
08/16/2015 9:00PM
Yes. It happened to me to. It's is often a new area that starts to improve, It starts with a clear tone and after awhile it becomes more fuzzy and then a sshhh. If you have some testtones in different frequencies to compare with you would notice that the clear tone often is a little bit more high frequent that it was before. It then becomes more an more high frequent until it some day might disappear or be myuuch more quiet. Sometime sit is the same tone as before wghen they didn't succed to heal correctly. But also ythen it is mopst of the times a little bit less loued every time. I had such a tone at 8 kHz that camne back for several years, but everytime it was a liitlöe less loud and after2-3 years when I heard it was almost gone. I don't know ehen it disappeared but I havent heard it in a couple of years now.
The T in my left ear is a more high frequente sound, so is more dificult for me to notice the diference between the SSSHHH sound and the pure tone. But as the T in my right ear , i have days whee i do not notice almost all day.
So is a big mess for me to say how much better I ´m. A perfect day is when the two T are way low all day ( where i notice them in a quite place) , but that is rare to happen, but they are happening more frequently than in the past.
Just today I wake up and T was really low in my right ear, and nothing on the left ear. Stayed like that during most part of the day, around 3 PM had a spike in my right ear, after that i did NOT notice it for a wille, and around 7 PM start to have a high pitch in the left ear that last for 2 hours, and now nothing again.
So I can say now is a roller coast, with very good days and some not so good.
In December I had 5 days where T was high all day, I did made 2 hours a day of LLLT in each ear, and then it start to low to the point whee i´m now.
I t´s been a wille I promised ATEOS it´s time to make an audiogram, and I keep posting the date to make it. Cause everytime I intend to do it i think to wait a little more for the ear to get better. But I start to feel the time is coming.
Unfornatly I have to say that LLLT does not work for everybody, each person reacts to the treatment diferenttly. Only trying it you can say if it works or not. And even if you make it only once, it does not make any effect and maybe only on a second time later it can work. But no treatment in the world is the same for everybody, so it would not be LLLT diferent from any other.