Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

Sigh. This study is about me. What I'd like to understand is why low dose THC now quiets my tinnitus, and why going without makes it worse. Something is fundamentally broken.
Who knows. Cannabis is generally not recommended. Maybe a rebound effect.

I trialled a Deanxit today. It helps!
Sigh. This study is about me. What I'd like to understand is why low dose THC now quiets my tinnitus, and why going without makes it worse. Something is fundamentally broken.
Tinnitus really does just steal the life from the party. Honestly can't do anything but drink water and color a coloring book, that is assuming you still have the attention span to do so.
Who knows. Cannabis is generally not recommended. Maybe a rebound effect.
I took 6 months off cannabis when I first got tinnitus and when I started using again, at much lower doses, the tinnitus got better. So I've kept it up while being concerned that the long term outcome of doing so will be worse than not using at all. Clearly the lower risk option is not using, but it helps too much day to day (again relatively low doses, <5mg).
Tinnitus really does just steal the life from the party. Honestly can't do anything but drink water and color a coloring book, that is assuming you still have the attention span to do so.
I'm pretty much back to my old self but slightly healthier version of it in terms of sleep hygiene (still shit sleep), and added cardio. The more you can get back to what you view as normal life, the better.
I know this is over 6 months since the last entry, and this thread is almost dead.

Here's my today's optimistic entry.

My friend is able to grow novel cannabinoids, in this country it is legal if you have a prescription, but it is difficult to find a physician who will prescribe, especially for tinnitus, since the evidence is lacking. However, the theory is we have a chronic neuropathic pain disorder, so some form of chronic pain treatment is called for.

So, everyone knows, THC will frequently cause a (usually temporary) in my experience, spike. It didn't used to. It used to work well for me, but I got inadvertently exposed to noise that worsened my condition, which made it frustrating, since neither THC or CBD really did much. THC is definitely bad for me, CBD is tolerable, and I can take it, but the effects are dubious/questionable.

So my friend procured: THCV seeds (come from Kannabia, or GTR seeds) and finally grew them out. Also, CBG (GTR seeds). And CBDV (GTR seeds).

THCV is known as the "THC antidote", or "diet Pepsi", means it is anti-munchie.

So last night, I took sublingual CBD, and vaped THCV to kill my appetite. I also vaped CBG. I'm overweight and struggle with it. THCV killed my appetite. That part worked.

The result was I got to sleep fairly well, I slept for 4 hours, I got up, repeated the above, and I had a really nice sedative effect. Sleep is so frustrating for me, I usually just lie there, and nothing happens. I feel dead, and can't crawl out of bed, I feel so dead. Usual sedatives don't help. This time was different. I slept for another 4 hours, woke up, felt great, and got up to start the day. I went on my exercise bike for 20 minutes and for the first time in years, felt normal.

I know everyone has given up on cannabis, but that is usual cannabis, the is CBG THC THCV and CBD. CBDV is in the works. My friend is growing out CBDV, which will be ripe within a week.

So that's my result. I am a really bad case, if you read my entries, they go into the self-harm discussion, end it all etc.

Now I'm glad to be alive, for the first time in years. It is worthwhile to persevere. I'm going to see if this keeps up. The problem with cannabinoids is downregulation of receptors, so you need "drug holiday" for receptors to regenerate. Drug holiday will have rebound insomnia.

I know everyone has given up. But not me. I don't quit. I don't have any choice. If I pass away with nothing found, that's fine, at least I didn't give up. And today, I think I've found it.

Vaping of THCV needs 230℃ minimum. But you don't need much, just a small bud. CBG vapes very easily, is not psychoactive, but will interact slightly with CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD is a CB1 modulator (changes the shape of the receptor), and I believe it's the same for THCV, a strong CB1 modulator.

There has to be an answer somewhere, and I'm optimistic enough to re-open this stale thread, based on the real results I got. Plus, when I got up this a.m. the tinnitus was even quieter.
I thought my last entry was premature, based only on one day. Last night I slightly overindulged, meaning 100mg s.l. CBD, an hour later followed by 3 tokes (from 250℃ table top Arizer vape) of THCV/CBG. After 30 seconds it was clear I took a wee bit over, as I could barely walk lol, but certainly my appetite was killed, I almost felt nauseous.

Anyways, it was no issue with taking my proper food, and not stuffing myself. I should add, I actually did 20 minutes on exercise bike, and today (no breakfast, this is supposed to be a 24-hour fast technique method) I got up at around 5 a.m. I actually felt pretty good, I did another 25 minutes on exercise bike, and the tinnitus is there, but no big deal at all.

I was worried I was going to get a prolonged tinnitus spike, but that was not the case. I'm pretty sure I can recommend, if you can find, CBD, followed by CBG and THCV. By the way, the THCV is 14% cannabinoid, 7% THC 7%THCV, but you won't get your usual THC effect at all, this is totally different. I can recommend Kannabia, which is what I'm taking, and my friend checked her GTR Durban THCV and she tells me the bush is ripe, and ready to chop and dry.

My diet, consisted of cultured soy bean sprouts, sprouted to 7 days, ground up, steeped in milk at 150℉, allowed to cool to 110℉, and then cultured with probiotics. This will give you a massive amount of isoflavones, what other people talk about in other threads, except this is home/kitchen/self-prepared, not a purchased supplement, so both cheap, good, and nutritious. Isoflavones act like steroids, they get into your cell's nucleus and promote transcription. They also promote sleep. I don't just restrict myself to one modality, I pull out all the stops, lol.
It's interesting, the CBDV bush finally ripened, I can set my vape to 260℃, which lets me vape fresh cannabis. GTR seeds CBDV and GTR seeds THCV. I also chopped some buds up and put them on a slightly warm plate and set a fan to speed dry.

It is completely different situation from regular cannabis, meaning regular THC or CBD.

Certainly not a cure-all, but at least something that can help a bit.
Man, going from a stoner who would have a bong in his hand nearly every waking moment when I'm at home to completely cold turkey out of it making the ringing (or perceived) louder... This sucks, man.

Pot was sort of "the miracle plant" I discovered 3 years ago after I had spent my teenage years to young adulthood (16-21) in and out of psychologist & psychiatrist appointments, battling with Complex PTSD and OCD and trialing cocktails upon cocktails of different anti-depressant medications. I went on every single SSRI on the market, SNRIs, MAOIs. The whole kit and caboodle. I don't even know the number of them... I truthfully hated every waking moment during those years. It was months of waiting out for hope & smoke blown up my ass by psychologists. Many people have such success with these medications, and I was losing hope as to why I received absolutely none of that (except for when I was on Seroquel, but that's a huge indicator of what I'm about to reveal), but then I realized. I needed to express my emotions authentically; I just needed relief at the end of the day with the crippling anxiety. That's the way I cope. It was, genuinely, the only thing I found effective for me. I got on one of the medicinal marijuana schemes we have here in Australia, and my life had a turnaround. I started bloody loving it and living it for the first time in my life! Feeling good & going with the flow.

And well... I don't want to say that's useless for me now, but I'm gutted.

At this point, I'm kind of tired of letting my tinnitus overpower me. Perhaps some unwise words for me to say. But I am so so so tired of feeling this restless and anxious again every day. And there's part of me that's hoping I'll get back to my carefree, dopey self, always having a laugh and coming back home to my palace to smoke it up after an anxiety-filled day. Whether I just push through and handle the distress of the ringing getting louder or adapting to see what works for me but... I don't feel that I'm ready just yet for me to make that... Er... Research again. :ROFL: I feel like I will soon. My bong is calling for me like it's the Green Goblin mask.

Very occasional social drinker. Psychonaut rarely. But hey, we all need our vice at the end of the day. It's lame that I've essentially replaced it by puffing on my nicotine vape every time an inkling of anxiety arises... But this shit is toxic, man. Genuinely. Banana Pomegranate Cherry Ice or whatever fruit salad flavor I'm getting doesn't replace the same relief that I got. Nor do I know what's in them. In fact, it's embarrassing, man. I'm a vaper now. One of the obnoxious ones, HA! I used to smoke cigs, and they made me ill every time, so I mean... Picking my poison in a way. Lung cancer inevitably. Live till you die, or whatever.

I'm posting this here now for the future. Part of me is manifesting that I'll be one of the success stories that boldly declare that they're still a useless pothead, first and foremost, like I truly used to be. :cool: Delusional hope, perhaps. I just had to make myself known.
Man, going from a stoner who would have a bong in his hand nearly every waking moment when I'm at home to completely cold turkey out of it making the ringing (or perceived) louder... This sucks, man.

Pot was sort of "the miracle plant" I discovered 3 years ago after I had spent my teenage years to young adulthood (16-21) in and out of psychologist & psychiatrist appointments, battling with Complex PTSD and OCD and trialing cocktails upon cocktails of different anti-depressant medications. I went on every single SSRI on the market, SNRIs, MAOIs. The whole kit and caboodle. I don't even know the number of them... I truthfully hated every waking moment during those years. It was months of waiting out for hope & smoke blown up my ass by psychologists. Many people have such success with these medications, and I was losing hope as to why I received absolutely none of that (except for when I was on Seroquel, but that's a huge indicator of what I'm about to reveal), but then I realized. I needed to express my emotions authentically; I just needed relief at the end of the day with the crippling anxiety. That's the way I cope. It was, genuinely, the only thing I found effective for me. I got on one of the medicinal marijuana schemes we have here in Australia, and my life had a turnaround. I started bloody loving it and living it for the first time in my life! Feeling good & going with the flow.

And well... I don't want to say that's useless for me now, but I'm gutted.

At this point, I'm kind of tired of letting my tinnitus overpower me. Perhaps some unwise words for me to say. But I am so so so tired of feeling this restless and anxious again every day. And there's part of me that's hoping I'll get back to my carefree, dopey self, always having a laugh and coming back home to my palace to smoke it up after an anxiety-filled day. Whether I just push through and handle the distress of the ringing getting louder or adapting to see what works for me but... I don't feel that I'm ready just yet for me to make that... Er... Research again. :ROFL: I feel like I will soon. My bong is calling for me like it's the Green Goblin mask.

Very occasional social drinker. Psychonaut rarely. But hey, we all need our vice at the end of the day. It's lame that I've essentially replaced it by puffing on my nicotine vape every time an inkling of anxiety arises... But this shit is toxic, man. Genuinely. Banana Pomegranate Cherry Ice or whatever fruit salad flavor I'm getting doesn't replace the same relief that I got. Nor do I know what's in them. In fact, it's embarrassing, man. I'm a vaper now. One of the obnoxious ones, HA! I used to smoke cigs, and they made me ill every time, so I mean... Picking my poison in a way. Lung cancer inevitably. Live till you die, or whatever.

I'm posting this here now for the future. Part of me is manifesting that I'll be one of the success stories that boldly declare that they're still a useless pothead, first and foremost, like I truly used to be. :cool: Delusional hope, perhaps. I just had to make myself known.
I know what you mean. I haven't had a hit in 8 years since my tinnitus became severe. Getting a spike took the enjoyment away.
Man, going from a stoner who would have a bong in his hand nearly every waking moment when I'm at home to completely cold turkey out of it making the ringing (or perceived) louder... This sucks, man.

Pot was sort of "the miracle plant" I discovered 3 years ago after I had spent my teenage years to young adulthood (16-21) in and out of psychologist & psychiatrist appointments, battling with Complex PTSD and OCD and trialing cocktails upon cocktails of different anti-depressant medications. I went on every single SSRI on the market, SNRIs, MAOIs. The whole kit and caboodle. I don't even know the number of them... I truthfully hated every waking moment during those years. It was months of waiting out for hope & smoke blown up my ass by psychologists. Many people have such success with these medications, and I was losing hope as to why I received absolutely none of that (except for when I was on Seroquel, but that's a huge indicator of what I'm about to reveal), but then I realized. I needed to express my emotions authentically; I just needed relief at the end of the day with the crippling anxiety. That's the way I cope. It was, genuinely, the only thing I found effective for me. I got on one of the medicinal marijuana schemes we have here in Australia, and my life had a turnaround. I started bloody loving it and living it for the first time in my life! Feeling good & going with the flow.

And well... I don't want to say that's useless for me now, but I'm gutted.

At this point, I'm kind of tired of letting my tinnitus overpower me. Perhaps some unwise words for me to say. But I am so so so tired of feeling this restless and anxious again every day. And there's part of me that's hoping I'll get back to my carefree, dopey self, always having a laugh and coming back home to my palace to smoke it up after an anxiety-filled day. Whether I just push through and handle the distress of the ringing getting louder or adapting to see what works for me but... I don't feel that I'm ready just yet for me to make that... Er... Research again. :ROFL: I feel like I will soon. My bong is calling for me like it's the Green Goblin mask.

Very occasional social drinker. Psychonaut rarely. But hey, we all need our vice at the end of the day. It's lame that I've essentially replaced it by puffing on my nicotine vape every time an inkling of anxiety arises... But this shit is toxic, man. Genuinely. Banana Pomegranate Cherry Ice or whatever fruit salad flavor I'm getting doesn't replace the same relief that I got. Nor do I know what's in them. In fact, it's embarrassing, man. I'm a vaper now. One of the obnoxious ones, HA! I used to smoke cigs, and they made me ill every time, so I mean... Picking my poison in a way. Lung cancer inevitably. Live till you die, or whatever.

I'm posting this here now for the future. Part of me is manifesting that I'll be one of the success stories that boldly declare that they're still a useless pothead, first and foremost, like I truly used to be. :cool: Delusional hope, perhaps. I just had to make myself known.
I know exactly how you feel. Weed was a part of my life (a BIG part of my life) for decades. It made music more enjoyable and we would laugh and laugh at the smallest thing. Who could complain? But it had a ton of downsides, too. Going out stoned on my eBike was suicidal. One's reaction time is slowed down, and a lot of drivers are "not there" because they're on their phones or they're stoned, too!

I like living and have no desire to get killed because I or someone else is stoned or inattentive and kills me in their car or truck. Weed also had me gaining weight because I always got the munchies. That brings you down, so you need to toke up again, then you get the munchies. It really is a trap in that respect. It does change your thinking, and it can boost creativity because your focus is on point. But again, the downsides were as big as the upsides. Plus, it was and is expensive unless you grow your own.

I think if someone can use it occasionally, that's great. But I have a seriously addictive personality. If smoking two hits is good, let's smoke four hits. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I got tinnitus. Being high and experiencing a big increase in tinnitus is not my idea of fun, but that's what it does to me. I've had some major traumas in my 72 years on this earth, but tinnitus is the worst thing that ever happened. It's always there, and it can amp up for no reason. Fortunately, I have some control over what makes it worse (I haven't found much that makes it lesser, LOL) and don't take it due to the reasons I listed. There's a lot of sound evidence that regular pot smokers are much more likely to have heart attacks or strokes, too. But sure, if someone can moderate it, no problem. That someone ain't me, though. I may have a hit a few times a year, and every time, those downsides occur.
Man, going from a stoner who would have a bong in his hand nearly every waking moment when I'm at home to completely cold turkey out of it making the ringing (or perceived) louder... This sucks, man.

Pot was sort of "the miracle plant" I discovered 3 years ago after I had spent my teenage years to young adulthood (16-21) in and out of psychologist & psychiatrist appointments, battling with Complex PTSD and OCD and trialing cocktails upon cocktails of different anti-depressant medications. I went on every single SSRI on the market, SNRIs, MAOIs. The whole kit and caboodle. I don't even know the number of them... I truthfully hated every waking moment during those years. It was months of waiting out for hope & smoke blown up my ass by psychologists. Many people have such success with these medications, and I was losing hope as to why I received absolutely none of that (except for when I was on Seroquel, but that's a huge indicator of what I'm about to reveal), but then I realized. I needed to express my emotions authentically; I just needed relief at the end of the day with the crippling anxiety. That's the way I cope. It was, genuinely, the only thing I found effective for me. I got on one of the medicinal marijuana schemes we have here in Australia, and my life had a turnaround. I started bloody loving it and living it for the first time in my life! Feeling good & going with the flow.

And well... I don't want to say that's useless for me now, but I'm gutted.

At this point, I'm kind of tired of letting my tinnitus overpower me. Perhaps some unwise words for me to say. But I am so so so tired of feeling this restless and anxious again every day. And there's part of me that's hoping I'll get back to my carefree, dopey self, always having a laugh and coming back home to my palace to smoke it up after an anxiety-filled day. Whether I just push through and handle the distress of the ringing getting louder or adapting to see what works for me but... I don't feel that I'm ready just yet for me to make that... Er... Research again. :ROFL: I feel like I will soon. My bong is calling for me like it's the Green Goblin mask.

Very occasional social drinker. Psychonaut rarely. But hey, we all need our vice at the end of the day. It's lame that I've essentially replaced it by puffing on my nicotine vape every time an inkling of anxiety arises... But this shit is toxic, man. Genuinely. Banana Pomegranate Cherry Ice or whatever fruit salad flavor I'm getting doesn't replace the same relief that I got. Nor do I know what's in them. In fact, it's embarrassing, man. I'm a vaper now. One of the obnoxious ones, HA! I used to smoke cigs, and they made me ill every time, so I mean... Picking my poison in a way. Lung cancer inevitably. Live till you die, or whatever.

I'm posting this here now for the future. Part of me is manifesting that I'll be one of the success stories that boldly declare that they're still a useless pothead, first and foremost, like I truly used to be. :cool: Delusional hope, perhaps. I just had to make myself known.
I've gone to 6+ years of therapy, and being authentic and expressing emotion is great. I used to be totally withdrawn and isolated, being able to do something that other people take for granted, such as like make friends or have meaningful conversations, which I never used to be able to do. Child abuse and PTSD took care of that. And ruined my life more than anything. I would say, ultimately, the cause of my tinnitus would be traced right back to child abuse and PTSD.

About cannabis, I'm pretty expert there, and I just don't give up, and I believe hope is not all lost.

The researchers are working on novel cannabinoids, CBG, and CBD, which were unheard of 20 years ago.

Every night, I take CBG 40 mg, CBD 40 mg (sublingual oil form).

Every other day or so, I can take and enjoy a hit from the THCV/THC strain. It is 7% THCV, 7% THC. Oregon GTR Seeds does sell the seeds, so you need someone to grow for you, but you only need 0.2 g to really send you blazingly baked. I only take THCV/THC every third day; that way, the effect will always be strong (you need to avoid tolerance).

The strain is called GARLIC BERRY THCV or DOUBLE DURBAN THCV. Those are the best THCV strains.

Farmers in Oregon, USA, grow acres of CBG and CBD under a hemp license, which drives prices down to very reasonable.

THCV is anti-munchie. It's called the THC "antidote." I use a vape bag with the vape set to 245℃. One vape bag gives you three good hits, and it will seem as if you've been kicked in the head by a mule. And yes, I enjoy the effect. That's my special treat.

With my method, there is a very minimal THC-type spike, and the spike always gets better within 24 hours. Any other conventional THC strain just sends the tinnitus wild, but THCV is a CB1 modulator, so I think that's where this beneficial effect comes from. GTR Seeds is currently working on other novel cannabinoids, uncharacterized cannabinoids that currently just show up as an HPLC peak and require more work to hybridize.

I know it sounds like I'm a druggie, and if you checked my medicine cabinet, you'd also find Lyrica, Tegretol, Mirtazapine, and I even take Clonazepam every now and then if I need to suppress a spike, so you could call me a druggie, and not be far off the truth, but too bad, someone else, please try living with what I've got, for let's say, just 12 hours.

Besides that, I try to eat properly, exercise a bit every day, get proper rest, and take my vitamins, and I'm all set.

Because really, what "drug" do you really actually want to get a "high" from? I've never taken Cocaine/Crystal Meth/Bennies/Heroin/Oxycodone, none of that hard shit that will really mess you up and even kill you, or worse, make you psychotic. Really, cannabis, to me, is the most pleasant thing that the tinnitus person loses; I mean, besides infernal listening to constant high-pitched, whatever.

I have gradually worked on my emotional response to tinnitus. I also listen to 60 dB of soft, easy-listening music ALL DAY at work, so my hyperacusis and low-frequency hypersensitivity are a bit better.

I'm very grateful my workplace is quiet and I can listen to music; not many people have that luxury.
I think if someone can use it occasionally, that's great. But I have a seriously addictive personality. If smoking two hits is good, let's smoke four hits.
Honestly, I feel you there 110%. And that's how I was before all of this. Three cones of my bong in the morning of sativa before I go to work, and when I get home, I keep sinking and sinking indica until I fall asleep. Always hankering for a hit. Irritable and anxious days without it. I'm with you there in the addictive personality sense. So the fact that I can just have one hit, and it's more than enough for me, and I'm not reliant on it now in controlling my emotions, has one positive in all of this.

Moderation is hard when the leaf is too damn good!
I know it sounds like I'm a druggie
Mate, it's quite the opposite of how I read it. You sound like a smart person who has gone out of their way to research something that works for them!
Every other day or so, I can take and enjoy a hit from the THCV/THC strain. It is 7% THCV, 7% THC. Oregon GTR Seeds does sell the seeds, so you need someone to grow for you, but you only need 0.2 g to really send you blazingly baked. I only take THCV/THC every third day; that way, the effect will always be strong (you need to avoid tolerance).
This is super informative for me! I'll look into THCV strains through my medicinal supplier, possibly. I'm in Australia (and live in the city with no backyard or shed), so growing my own plants is pretty hard, apart from all the weird laws we have with it as it is. But hey, it didn't stop my mate, who grew some pretty decent stuff out of a tiny cupboard hydroponics setup... :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
and it will seem as if you've been kicked in the head by a mule. And yes, I enjoy the effect. That's my special treat.
Hey man, that's how I know you're being truthful that it hits ;) If I'm not feeling like I've lost at least half my brain cells, it's not as good!

Thanks for sharing that all with me :) Hope is not lost! I'm a stoner first and a sufferer second in my heart. Bahahaha.
This is super informative for me! I'll look into THCV strains through my medicinal supplier, possibly. I'm in Australia (and live in the city with no backyard or shed), so growing my own plants is pretty hard, apart from all the weird laws we have with it as it is. But hey, it didn't stop my mate, who grew some pretty decent stuff out of a tiny cupboard hydroponics setup... :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Hey man, that's how I know you're being truthful that it hits ;) If I'm not feeling like I've lost at least half my brain cells, it's not as good!

Thanks for sharing that all with me :) Hope is not lost! I'm a stoner first and a sufferer second in my heart. Bahahaha.
Thanks, mate, you make my day. It's almost like we are instant friends.

The CBG I describe is difficult to procure and expensive outside of the USA. As for the THCV I describe, I have not seen it sold in any government store or dispensary. I've got access to CBDV as well. CBDV has poorly characterized properties, but a strain that has balanced THC/THCV/CBD/CBDV seemed to work well for me.

Last year was the first time GTR Seeds started selling seeds to the public. Prior, it was farmer/commercial growers. I notice the website price for seeds has gone up considerably. I was fortunate to buy a good stock of seeds while their prices were low, and they sold packs of 50 seeds for less than $200 USD. They are now selling 100 seeds for $600 USD and no packs of 50.

The mental health issues I describe are real; I was just extremely fortunate to "accidentally" find a social worker who was a friend of mine. I just didn't know she was a social worker or knew anything about psychology since she was on LTD for back pain; all I knew was she was great at prayer warrior. I used to call her up with what must be a panic attack type of reaction, and she would say a prayer for me. I didn't know she actually went to school for how to say prayers, she did, as a matter of fact.

On one occasion, like usually, I'm not really into prayer/JC/imaginary guy in the sky sort of thing, but on one occasion, I just said, OK, I'm going to "run with it." My friend now has a "green light" to go into prayer warrior mode, which she enjoys; after 20 min, she goes into "JC is always with you, even to the depths of hell, and even deeper, he is always there with you." I'm thinking: so, I can tell Val my darkest deep and not be judged for it? Then, all of a sudden, it felt as if JC was actually there, sitting right on the edge of my bed, like, wtf? However, to Val, this is not the "power of suggestion or imagination"; it is reality. JC showing up is real life for her, and she does the "now JC enters into your body" ritual, which I can easily tell is just a clinical psychology technique method, so I'm saying to myself, "I didn't know Val knows clinical psychology." That is my freak chance occurrence.

So, in a couple of weeks, another strange chance occurrence: I've been invited to dinner with people who study the Word, so I went into Google; since I don't know scripture or anything, I don't go to church, but I wanted to have something prepared, so I went with the following prayer. JC's words are, "If you abide in me and my word abides in you, anything you ask for it shall be given unto you." So, I thought about that, and my requests were as follows: "Remove the sorrow from my heart, and replace it with your love and joy; remove my fear from outwardly expressing your inner presence in me; remove my anguish and comfort me with your presence."

The host/dinner people did not understand my request, but I called Val up the next day with the same thing; she instantly made a child abuse diagnosis and agreed to be my therapist. That's how my five years (finally) of therapy started out. I later saw some TikTok videos on #mentalhealth, and what she did was reparenting; I had an abandoned childhood and child neglect, so Val was an adopted mother/big sister. She also did a lot of Healing Temple visualization trauma healing.

According to the world-famous clinical psychologist Dr. Jack Kornfield, Buddha and JC were the two greatest healers in human history. I bought Dr. Kornfield's CD, in which he describes how to do Healing Temple visualization healing.

Val had never heard of Dr. Kornfield, but it is intuitive and easy. Dr. Kornfield does not see patients; he just gives seminars, writes books, and records CDs. You can create your own Healing Temple with yourself. The CD is about 20 bucks US on Amazon.

At my workplace, we have trainees. One of our third-year trainees was going into a more advanced program, so she gave me a card: "I'm so thankful to have a friend like you." Inside the card, she wrote: "Everything you have overcome in life has made you the remarkable person you are today, and I am grateful to know you. You have shown me what perseverance looks like. You have helped me find the confidence to get through medical school. I hope to be a brilliant, altruistic, and exceptional pathologist like you someday."

I wish Val were still alive so I could show her the card. Without mental health therapy, it would have been impossible for me to develop that type of interpersonal relationship. How does a person "help someone else find their own confidence?". Some kind of mystery wizard powers, also known as what you get from therapy, I guess.

Thanks again for the thoughtful reply; I wish we lived in closer proximity.
@object16, first of all, thank you for opening up like that with your healing journey :) I have recently been going on my own discovery with meditation, spirituality and healing of my own, so suggesting Jack Kornfield's work to me is extremely helpful! Another avenue to research.

I recently opened up about my tinnitus and my pain to a dear friend's partner, who is big into yoga and meditation, and they suggested I look into the concept of the "HU." Mystic sounds. The phenomenon in many religions, spirituality, and human experience of being overwhelmed and confronted by a powerful sound from an unknown source, be it God, the universe, forces unknown, or even inside you. I was butchering the explanation here, but I found it interesting and helpful to my meditation, and I was almost comforted in a way by the connections I have with the noise perceived in my ears. Perhaps you might too if you aren't familiar with it already:

I listened to an audiobook of it on Audible:

The Mystic Sound - Hazrat Inayat Khan

But of course, I have a long way to go with this journey I'm trekking on. I can't act like I've really even begun to figure it out. :nailbiting: But it's helping as someone who needs some guidance. (I need a lot of it, really :cautious:)
The CBG I describe is difficult to procure and expensive outside of the USA. As for the THCV I describe, I have not seen it sold in any government store or dispensary. I've got access to CBDV as well. CBDV has poorly characterized properties, but a strain that has balanced THC/THCV/CBD/CBDV seemed to work well for me.

Last year was the first time GTR Seeds started selling seeds to the public. Prior, it was farmer/commercial growers. I notice the website price for seeds has gone up considerably. I was fortunate to buy a good stock of seeds while their prices were low, and they sold packs of 50 seeds for less than $200 USD. They are now selling 100 seeds for $600 USD and no packs of 50.
That's a bummer! Oh well, maybe one day I'll be able to get ahold of it and try it for myself. But you telling me what works for you also helps! The stuff I smoke through my medicinal is pretty much a 0:25 CBD-THC ratio, so maybe I'll get a hold of something more balanced. It can't hurt to give it a shot!
I wish Val were still alive so I could show her the card. Without mental health therapy, it would have been impossible for me to develop that type of interpersonal relationship. How does a person "help someone else find their own confidence?". Some kind of mystery wizard powers, also known as what you get from therapy, I guess.
We need more Vals in this world who are empathetic and gentle to those who are clearly in pain and believe that they can heal. From what I understand from what you detailed to me, it sounds like her impact was significant. And just like big ol JC, Val is with you always. :) Thank you for sharing that with me, mate. Similar to you, my childhood was unstable and damaging.
How does a person "help someone else find their own confidence?". Some kind of mystery wizard powers, also known as what you get from therapy, I guess.
Constructive empathy, in my mind, is on tier with wizard powers. Not everyone has it, and when you figure it out and put it to good for others, you're making magic baby! :cool:
Thanks again for the thoughtful reply; I wish we lived in closer proximity.
Thank you for yours! Me too, mate. If you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods, we'll have a smoke and a long chat about all of this.
My wife has been telling me she's been stressed and wanted to get stoned. I quit smoking a few years ago, but last week, she came home with some weed a friend gave her from work. Saturday night, she asked me to pack a bowl for her. My ears were ringing moderately that day, but she kept asking if I was going to smoke with her. I wasn't planning on it. I had a bad experience last summer when I first got tinnitus and had the bright idea of seeing if smoking would help. Bad idea, huge spike.

But I ended up taking a tiny little toke. We're talking just enough to get a bit of smoke in my lungs. And wow, what a great time. The ringing didn't increase, but my relaxation did by 1000%. I had that old smile on my face. I just felt great the rest of the night. Made me completely forget my ringing.

I had 10 hours of the best sleep I had had since my onset last summer. I woke up to complete silence—like, level 0.5 all day.

I'm not going to make a habit of this, and I'm not recommending it. But I call this a huge win. Some might think that's crazy... A relapse into something I had a big problem with in the past. But tinnitus rewrites the rules, so fuck it. I will, too.
My wife has been telling me she's been stressed and wanted to get stoned. I quit smoking a few years ago, but last week, she came home with some weed a friend gave her from work. Saturday night, she asked me to pack a bowl for her. My ears were ringing moderately that day, but she kept asking if I was going to smoke with her. I wasn't planning on it. I had a bad experience last summer when I first got tinnitus and had the bright idea of seeing if smoking would help. Bad idea, huge spike.

But I ended up taking a tiny little toke. We're talking just enough to get a bit of smoke in my lungs. And wow, what a great time. The ringing didn't increase, but my relaxation did by 1000%. I had that old smile on my face. I just felt great the rest of the night. Made me completely forget my ringing.

I had 10 hours of the best sleep I had had since my onset last summer. I woke up to complete silence—like, level 0.5 all day.

I'm not going to make a habit of this, and I'm not recommending it. But I call this a huge win. Some might think that's crazy... A relapse into something I had a big problem with in the past. But tinnitus rewrites the rules, so fuck it. I will, too.
Do you still have silent days with no tinnitus?
My wife has been telling me she's been stressed and wanted to get stoned. I quit smoking a few years ago, but last week, she came home with some weed a friend gave her from work. Saturday night, she asked me to pack a bowl for her. My ears were ringing moderately that day, but she kept asking if I was going to smoke with her. I wasn't planning on it. I had a bad experience last summer when I first got tinnitus and had the bright idea of seeing if smoking would help. Bad idea, huge spike.

But I ended up taking a tiny little toke. We're talking just enough to get a bit of smoke in my lungs. And wow, what a great time. The ringing didn't increase, but my relaxation did by 1000%. I had that old smile on my face. I just felt great the rest of the night. Made me completely forget my ringing.

I had 10 hours of the best sleep I had had since my onset last summer. I woke up to complete silence—like, level 0.5 all day.

I'm not going to make a habit of this, and I'm not recommending it. But I call this a huge win. Some might think that's crazy... A relapse into something I had a big problem with in the past. But tinnitus rewrites the rules, so fuck it. I will, too.
I'm happy you enjoyed a toke with your wife and that it was beneficial. It's been a while for me since I swore off weed the last time I took a single small hit from my wife's vaporizer; I got extremely high, and so did my tinnitus.
I'm happy you enjoyed a toke with your wife and that it was beneficial. It's been a while for me since I swore off weed the last time I took a single small hit from my wife's vaporizer; I got extremely high, and so did my tinnitus.
I had the same experience as you last summer when I took a hit from a vape pen. My ringing went from a 7 to off the chart in 5 minutes. Very scary.

But thank you; it was very enjoyable. I think the fact that it was an Indica strain was crucial. And again, just a tiny, tiny poke. But the effect was truly calming, making me forget my ringing and giving me an amazing night of sleep.
Do you still have silent days with no tinnitus?
I do, some weeks more than others. However, I still get a massive spike at least once a week.

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