I never had tremor in my hands before taking RTG.
Now when RTG wears off i get a strange tremor in my hands like the start of seizure.
I can not synchronize hand movement.Maybe RTG lowers seizure thresholds and iam getting "mini seizure".
1MW, I had that briefly as a side effect. It went away with time and "familiarity" with the drug, as nearly all symptoms I developed at 300mg TID have done.
Folks, I'm still playing hokey from these threads compared to my previous post-rate, but I stopped by to say that after my bad experience of the 16th I've had no further trouble at my regular dose. Having experienced symptoms when I first went on 300mg that relaxed in time, I'm convinced now that the problem came from going up in dose too precipitously. I had only done 375mg a few times before jumping to 450, partly because I was unfomfortable cutting the pills into 1/4ths.
If I ever do try to go up in dose again, I mean to do so by asking my doctor for a 50mg prescription so I can take it to 350mg for a good week. I'll also have to plan when to do this, as it made work impossible. It did help me bond with my workmates, however! I've already had occasion to drop what I was doing and help the lady who cared for me in my distress, and I've expressed my appreciation to my boss for taking me to the ER, not freaking out, etc.
Let me close by saying I'm a big fan of Potiga. It doesn't cure me, but it gives me a much better experience with my tinnitus. For all it's negative side effects, it compensates by revving up the imaginative part of my brain. That's my favorite part, much missed after the stress of the past few years (and last year in particular) beat it into quiescence. I'm quite confidence tinnitus is in my brain, and treating it with brain drugs is the right way to squash it. As soon as we get the safer versions of RET on the market - from either of the two sources with a ready-to-trial drug - I look forward to taking a whopping big dose of the stuff, bringing up Dark Side of the Moon on whatever streaming service has it...and watching it on mute.