I had two little bit milder days. Milder means just a buzzing head instead of 2-3 loud, high-pitched tones oscillating (my normal catastrophic T).
But today I woke up with louder T. Not catastrophic, but for me a 7/10 or 8/10. I decided taking my second Trobalt (took one some weeks ago without any effect). So I took one 100 mg and took a 20 minute shower afterwards (for relaxing and maybe a little bit residual inhibition). My T went down to a 2/10. Also I got somewhat a "high" feeling.
T came down to a buzzing head, but not very loud. I went outside to a football tournament (just watching). Was a little bit louder there. My T was easily covered and I forgot about it the one or other minute.
Now, 5 hours later, I am sitting on my balcony and my T is maybe on a 3/10, 4/10, maybe still a 2/10. Of course it still annoys me. I am exhausted, I am depressed and would like have it gone forever - who not?
So difficult to say what effect Trobalt has here. I will continue testing this the one or other day.
My opinion is that there are possible treatments with AUT00063, Trobalt or other brain drugs. The question is how high the price will be (side effects, dependence, tolerance). So let's hope there will be a cure or something close to a cure one day.
PS: My friend is travelling to Spain next week again. I could get as much Trobalt as I want. But I want taking it only on occasion. Most days I want going through this without meds (just Mirtazapine) towards habituation. On the other side I doubt someone could habituate to my catastrophic T.
PPS: My T was not caused by noise (although I have normal hearing loss in the high frequencies). Mine was caused by stress/anxiety. I am 100% sure my T sound is produced by the brain. All calming brain meds have a positive effect on my T. A huge dose of lorazepam would nearly kill it completely. My T is not tonal, baseline is more a buzzing head and oftentimes in addition high-pitched tones.