Fare enough, each to there own.Haha. Yeah..no offense to these members but think I will let my doc make the call.
Fare enough, each to there own.Haha. Yeah..no offense to these members but think I will let my doc make the call.
Well said Dan,If I recall correctly, benryu's chart had 600mg max daily maintenance dosage.
I believe Mpt's max dosage was 300mg/day ? (shows efficacy at lower dosages)
Also, Christian needs to stay on the drug for at least 3 months in order to draw conclusions.
I don't think he should give up, but I feel that people should be more supportive and be more patient.
If you're not on the drug you should be thankful somebody who is on it is sharing his experience on a public forum - a drug that hasn't been trialled for tinnitus ever before on a human being.
Keep in mind, people who are on this drug are scared of the unknown - so be considerate.
You were tapering off benzodiazepines recently. Return to your normal dosage and it will probably return tinnitus to where it was. Stop complaining about being a lab rat you knew that as soon as you read the first post about this drug the whole point is to speculate about how this works and how it may help people.
I agree with dan here Hengist. This is not a forum to reprimand people for sharing their stuggle, especially under the precarious circumstances of taking an untested drug!! The primary function of this board is a one of support. Christian is obviously having a hard time. The last thing he needs to hear, is what you wrote. Don't go shooting people down or telling them what or what not to do. It's not the first time your bullish attitude on this forum has infuriated me. Our primary "selfish" concern is to recover from T, not be here for the use of others. You should be grateful that people on here are willing to try it and report their experience. Not the other way around.@Hengist ,I think you owe Christian an apology.
F--k ya. Couldn't agree more!!!I agree with dan here Hengist. This is not a forum to reprimand people for sharing their stuggle, especially under the precarious circumstances of taking an untested drug!! The primary function of this board is a one of support. Christian is obviously having a hard time. The last thing he needs to hear, is what you wrote. Don't go shooting people down or telling them what or what not to do. It's not the first time your bullish attitude on this forum has infuriated me. Our primary "selfish" concern is to recover from T, not be here for the use of others. You should be grateful that people on here are willing to try it and report their experience. Not the other way around.
Ain't that interesting... so you calculated him being more valuable and should be given special treatment not to be upset at all costs even if he might upset a lot of other members by his dismissive and rude tone towards friendly and possibly helpful advice? While the interest of others was genuine and possibly helpful, your is probably not, as I do not see you defending those people who had their advice being dismissed without an argument by accusation of experimenting and treating him as a guinea pig.
Fow what? This is something that deserves an apology as I would not blame @Zimichael and @locoyeti if they just ignored him after this.
I know he is suffering but there is no reason to lash out on people who are trying to help! A simple "no thank you, I will do as I see fit" is enough.
Going by a few of our fellow posters that are in the know, one has to start with a low dose of 50mgs 3x a day and slowly increase over a period of weeks to a maximum dose of 1200mgs a day, I believe @Christian78 increased either too quickly or started on too higher a dose to begin with,(someone may be able to correct me if I'm slightly incorrect on the doses).
Well said! Big copper ones there CathodeRaySound. I nearly said something along those lines but in the fear of my message being deleted, I toned it down. Agreed, Christian has NO obligation to update us. It is his process and should be respected.Only a psychopathic antisocial asshole would disregard the feelings of frustration, hopelessness, desperation, and fear others on here go through, especially when they themselves go through it too.
@Mpt Could you please clarify about your Nasonex use from the user experiences, please? Like how often and for how long have you been using it? Nobody on here is going to think this way, but when presenting our case to doctors, some of them may say, "That guy must have been a clogged Eustachian tube, and the Nasonex cured it."
@locoyeti I do apologize.
@Zimichael I do apologize
I took it on my own responsibility. I did not expect that I will feel accused that I made mistake here or there. We are not and you are not Neuroscientists, and what and why it happen we can not know. When you say it is not possible that problem is getting used to medicine, i wonder how you feel when a doctor comes and tells you something you know it is opposite, but you cant do nothing, but say when you get out office this doctor does not know what he talks about. If feel hypocritical. And I am not bad person, I wish I had power to cure you all, and that T stay with me. I just feel injustice when my dear friends start saying it is not possible and saying I made error. nothing, is 100.00% sure, so none medicine is too. It is life.
And if you comment sometimes bad on me i will go over it, and I will not ignore you. Maybe you had supper bad day, and you were sad and you told something you did not want. If you did not seen, we are just humans and I assume i have a right to make mistake. I did not call you bad names, and swear or something. I am human too. Try to understand me too, i can make mistakes, can I.
I suppose biggest mistake was to be open what i take, and how do I feel. Then I would not be on stage to be dissected into how and what. I fell you are also said medicine stooped working for me, and afraid it can happen to you, in 3 months or 1 year. But I said 100.00% we are not same it maybe happen ONLY to me.
Dont be easy to judge. Please![]()
I've been using Nasonex for the past 10 years basically-- my tinnitus had nothing to do with eustachian tube conjestion, etc...it was from trauma after having my ear syringed. I used Nasonex over the course of my first 5 months withs tinnitus, then I started retigabine and within two weeks my tinnitus was basically imperceptible so I have no doubt that my improvement was not due to nasonex
Dear foremost neurosientist, I got of 1 mg of diazepam/valium 3 weeks ago. but as this worse i was forced to take clnazepam that is 20x stronger than valium and there was no effect.
People here listen and then become foremost worlds neouroscientist and say you done this ot that, but when they come to doctor and say this happen to me, and doctor gives them explanation that they know it is not possible then they feel bad, a bit hypocracy, here you become doctors.
Thank you for clarifying.I've been using Nasonex for the past 10 years basically-- my tinnitus had nothing to do with eustachian tube conjestion, etc...it was from trauma after having my ear syringed. I used Nasonex over the course of my first 5 months withs tinnitus, then I started retigabine and within two weeks my tinnitus was basically imperceptible so I have no doubt that my improvement was not due to nasonex
It is a mixed bag. Mpt is cured after two months+, Bogdan has had good success, Viking had to stop, Christian78 has had many side effects so has elected not to increase his dosage at this time, SoulStation is in his first three weeks, Johno are Hengist are in their first two weeks. It's really too soon to say. Personally I feel there are a number of mitigating factors, but one thing that is clear from the user experiences is that some effect on tinnitus severity, loudness, or quality is perceived.Seems like retigabine is yielding less than impressive results thus far....Hope aut00063 doesn't follow suit.
Of course we are not scientists but since we would like to see your problem go away we have an urge to tell what we see is a cause of it and how it can be changed positively. I would not play around with dosages as they suggested but I would consider returning benzodiazepine dosage and uptake to where it was a short time before you completely stopped using them for a short duration, a day or two. Is it a test? Yes, but is is harmful? No, it is not as you have been previously on those things. Your spikes might go away on their own if you provide stable situation for a few weeks or months, benzodiazepine withdrawal tinnitus often lasts only a few weeks. I do not think that the medicine has stopped working because you developed resistance as that happens over much longer periods of time than a month or even half a year. Is it possible? Yes but that would mean that your body is just completely weird and that is not something that I would assume as the most likely cause. Among the things that I am most concerned with retigabine is blindness and skin discoloration which they did not clarify are they permanent or not, this drug is so rare in usage because of it's very frequent sideeffects, the drug dropping in effectiveness is not nearly as problematic as those NEW possible problems. A member that used some other drugs was talking about how he now has new neurological problems because of those. That is much more problematic than taking a drug and having no effect at all. Other possible explanatoins could be that you are eating some fruit that is decreasing the active quantity of the drug in your metabolism or that you use some toothpaste with ototoxic or neurotoxic substances which actually a lot of toothpastes have, any change related to something you put in your body in last 2-3 weeks can affect your tinnitus. Especially if you have any neck and jaw problems that are getting worse.
Can you tell me what frequency was your tinnitus? Most usual is around 7khz, there are videos with full human hearing range on youtube.
Its called taking matters into your own hands when the support that everyone here was seeking from a Doctor got "live with it" in every language. This is clearly a group effort deciding to do something about it instead of waiting. I respect you and everyone else who is volunteering themselves and spending the money. Advice is coming from people who want to help you and help each other. No one is claiming to be a neurologist but are likely offering advice from experience or a simple opinion. Don't forget we all under stand each others suffering here with T. And remember, Doctors practice medicine on you as a patient and you are to remain patient while they practice. Keep that in mind the next time your Doc prescribes you something with many side effects.
We need more information on how dosage of anti epyleptic drugs are given. The dosage differs for each person and, such strong medication should be supervised. I've read everywhere that there is too much loose action on Clonazepam for example. Some doctors say just quit cold turkey, some say taper off very slowly. Nobody really seems to know, people get bad instructions. That's why I never started anti depressants, not even in the first months of my T when it was sick loud at sleep. The taper up and down instructions where absent. I just got drugs for 100 days which are highly addictive. Ridiculous. Who knows what the long term effects of Retigabine are? The body gets used to it, that's why you need higher dosages to get the same effect. And I'm doubting still how long you have to take this. Until T is gone, remain every month? Even AM-101 or AM-102 have effects nobody knows. What is the half time of these drugs? Hours, days? Also depends on each person. Users here may be heavier than another, smoking or not, drinking caffeine, or not. You cannot say hey it is THE solution. It's promising, yes, but we need much more information.
I started doing Vitamin B12 this weekend and yet another decrease in volume. Made me very tired. Like if my body was screaming for energy It's from a paper from 2013, try it. Here is the paper (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23909117) A can of these mini pills costs next to nothing at your local vitamin store. I'm sick and tired of the ENT's saying that nothing will help, as magnesium does help, and that is been researched over 20 years ago. It might not be permanent, , but it does help in the short term. So many of this research is not significant, but can work. But try it, especially the supplements which can't do any harm (watch out for overdose though).
Theoretically, the cure could be permanent. Mpt is currently reducing his dosage gradually to see if symptoms return. You can see on the User Experience thread that as of Thursday he was on 800mg, down from his original 900mg. If he is able to come off completely, it lends credence to the recovery theory, but it is possible that some people might require continued dosing. Search for benryu's posts on this thread if you want the technical explanation.has it been determined or even speculated if retigabine is successful as it seems for mpt, will T come back once stopped or will a person have to take retigabine all the time?
I only see our amateur Retigabine trial as a proof of concept that Autifony is on the right track. I actually don't expect anyone to be cured/treated by this. Since Autifony is concentrated to a target and this is a "shotgun approach", I think some people might get lucky with Retigabine, like mpt for example. But just that something happens to the T proves that the science being done on the potassium channels is on the right track.
has it been determined or even speculated if retigabine is successful as it seems for mpt, will T come back once stopped or will a person have to take retigabine all the time?