My head is spinning with a morning bout of RTEx... Oh, that means; "
@Juan Carlos ... I'm not a doctor (re your questions). However, at 250 mg/day total I suspect that you are still in the 'unknown zone' of what might happen with your T and 'side effects'. As your dose increases I figure things will get more clear one way or another.
On the peeing thing, this may be helpful:
~ In case this link does not work, it is post # 1450, page 49 of this thread. Note that drinking more to see if you can pee more, is not a good idea. The 'timed voiding' should do it unless getting more serious. I also believe that this could be a transitory phenomenon and may settle down to normal in a few days - but monitor it for sure. It is a "known" side effect.
On your heartbeat and going to sleep...Yes, another potential Trobalt area c/o GSK though not in classic side effect list. If relevant, supposedly the 'Q wave' is affected (rhythm, etc.) but I would take that to mean
anything regarding heart. As I posted when doing my Trobalt I took my blood pressure daily as there were references to blood pressure from what I was reading in the "AUS - GSK data"...[Think it was there, so many articles and studies read!]
Overall though, I think you should expect some "tricks and trips" with this drug...I had numerous little things happen along the way that lasted no more than hours or a day or two. If you are 'nervous' about Trobalt, I suspect these will naturally 'magnify' somewhat.
Conclusion...If you are experiencing anything that makes you sincerely concerned...just hold at that dose and give it some days. No-one says everyone/anyone can or should jump up to 900 mg/day total, in a week.
@amandine ...Your desire to have all trialees post their dosage, age, T info, etc. on every post is commendable. However, if it happens I will fax you my Trobalt prescription as a reward.

I have been trying for quite some time to just get members to post basic info on their T (let alone personal information!) on their Profiles/Information tab...and I am afraid it has been rather unsuccessful despite how easy it would be.
Indeed as Juan Carlos has said I think this method could be a possibly somewhat likelier option regarding your request:
i have a better one: everyone in Trobalt, post their dosage and effects on his own profile, in the section "Profile Posts", like i did on mine. So no more need to ask, just go to the user's profile, will be like a diary.
@SoulStation ...I strongly believe there is no "one size fits all" taper, or optimal/effective dose for Retigabine and T. Look at how varied it has been for our small pool of testers. However, the evidence is clear from the research that it is all about DOSE, then maintaining that for long enough to re-boot the tinnitus/brain screw up via plasticity. IMHO all this is going to be as individual as hell and also related to how long one has had T, plus whether 'hard core tonal'.
Locoyeti has summed it up in a nutshell though:
i think
@Juan Carlos is spot on. take whatever dosage will you tamp the T down significantly, hold there for a month or two, then tamper down slowly. I think the taper up should be a week or two, hold for two month or longer (this is variable), and then taper down a month or less ( i think this should be slower than the taper up).
Enough, though wanted to ask Ricardo for more 'historical info' in his Profile, but others may ask those questions...I need more coffee to deter further 'RTEx'...
Best, Zimichael