Dunno'...maybe this will be useful to you
@Viking ...or others, (and
me when my Potiga arrives some century).
Seeing as Urinary Retention is one of the most likely
early unwanted side effects (plus a dangerous one - and if you don't know why please go back and do homework on this thread rather tan re-igniting that debate with
more pages. Ta much!), I talked with a neighbour who is an NP, working in urology for past 8 years. Here's the skivvy:
~ Do NOT add more fluids or force fluids. Obvious really, as if it's not coming out just pouring more in will just increase the problem.
~ "Timed Voiding" helps to keep the bladder going on the: "Oh yeah, my function here is to pee this out" track. So, even if you don't feel like peeing just go pee every two hours or so anyway. Thus the retention tendency may get a kick in th crotch and not set in so easily. [Gawd, like when at times there is nowhere to pee and if I/you? hold it in waaaaay over the time limit, then
can't pee when finally get a chance. Takes me forever for the bladder to calm down and go: "You sure? There's not 500 people watching the poor white man trying to pee by the side of a bleedin' teeming highway? (One of my least fun moments in India...Actually there were lots of un-fun moments. Talk about NOISE on steroids... but I digress). I can really do this? I can stop being a martyr and make this liquid offering?" Etc., etc.].
~ The Crede Maneuver...Google it for videos and whatever...
"By bearing down and squeezing the abdominal muscles, the pressure within the bladder will be increased and voiding can be facilitated. Crede Maneuver—This is a medical term for manual pressure on the lower abdominal wall in an attempt to better eliminate urine."
~ "Intermittent catheterization"...In other words, not keeping a catheter in all the time but just when you need it to try and get through a tough spot, which possibly is temporary. An "in and out" strategy. Ummmmmm...I have never had a catheter in (well when conscious) so not sure how hard it is to do or if you need a friendly urologist neighbour, or doc.
OK, that's the basics. And yeah, you will know if you have genuine Urinary Retention as you will get
really uncomfortable and bloating will kick at bladder location, etc., etc. If so, don't leave it forever or you will end up in the ER well before that 'kidney that wandered too near the Pleiades during meteorite season' photo comes into effect.
Best, Zimichael