Thank you. I appreciate it. That goes for everyone.
My tinnitus is really firing away... my left ear is in pain, too. It's related but I am not sure what increases the pain. Maybe clenching and grinding at night? I dunno.
I have St. John's Wort.
About benzos and meds: I live in Canada. There is a doctor shortage. Some doctors accept new patients but they will be more conservative than the one I have, I would bet on it. Some haven't even been practicing long or are from another country. I think the chance of 'showing up ' on a first visit and getting a benzo is pretty slim.
I didn't say that I am suicidal or had thoughts as I am not sure of our laws. I can't accept being forced to a mental health place. My tinnitus is so loud and high pitched so taking my freedom away like that... no. I read here of others being in such places and it didn't help them so it is something I want to avoid.
The tinnitus noise or sound is like cicadas. It's so loud outside I sometimes think it is real ones or I am not sure. It is really depressing. I wish it would be gone but if I have tinnitus, why can't it be mild?!?
What went so wrong? Loud sounds around here, maybe? Why did it worsen since April?!? :-(
I am broke. I have bills and social assistance programs here pay squat i.e. below standard of living. Disability doesn't cover tinnitus. I have trouble concentrating and focusing. I need to fill out forms but it's a struggle to do anything. Requirements that would be no problem before tinnitus.
I don't know how I can work with this. This is torture but people think I can live with this? But, you don't have exactly what I have. I still need dental work. I am worried about whether that will affect the tinnitus. I also have loud sounds on a regular basis around here. I don't have the $$ to move. I want to get ear plugs but a) I don't know if I will get irritated canals or ear pain and b) I will hear the tinnitus noise only as outside sounds are blocked or muffled. Also, they are $300+ for custom ones.
All these problems and the worst one being the state of the tinnitus.
I feel like I am forced to either suffer (and look for a job I will struggle with) or eventually take my life. I don't see other options.