As a hypnologist, neural plasticity is of high interest to me, because helping a person to find her own way, via hypnotic transe, to "re-wire" her brain is basically what we do during a hypnosis session.
Although tinnitus emerges from cochlear damage, it is the interaction between the brain and the ear that is an issue with tinnitus.
As to your question, this is how it would relate to plasticity:
"The GABA Receptor Complex and Benzodiazepines Receptors: γ-Aminobutyric acid is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system, eliciting its physiological effects through interaction with several distinct classes of cell-surface receptors: GABAA, GABAB, and GABAC receptors. The GABAA receptor is the most abundant and is a member of the super family of ligand-gated ion channels. The interaction of GABA with this receptor determines the opening of the intrinsic chloride ion selective channel, which is followed by an increase in chloride flux, with the result of a hyperpolarization of the neuronal cell membrane and a concomitant decrease in neuronal transmission.
This means that under BDZ
action neural networks are, in general, less responsive. At this point, we think that this fact implies not only a reduction in the mental performance of the individual, which is understandable due the known effects of these drugs,
but that there may be also restrictions for the development of the network itself for adapting to new life challenges. The ability for neural networks and systems to re-configure their internal connectivity in order to modify its performance is known as neural plasticity."
Full link:
Although I'm struggling with all the technical terms (English is not my mother tongue), from what I understand, using benzodiazepines for tinnitus is basically the worst idea ever and until a cure is found.
I would compare it to scratching when it itches. It feels good to scratch but you're actually making the skin itch more.
If I had known about hypnosis before I started Clonazepam, I would have first gone through the hypnosis route or any kind of way to naturally rewire the brain (meditation, sophrology, you name it) and never taken benzos.