I was habituated, then I got worse. Unimaginably worse. I've gotten 1/3 better since then due to avoiding triggers that seem to be indicative of what's happening to me, but I know where my suicidal point is.the "habituation" part is subjective but I believe the possibility is related to severity. Which makes sense to me. I don't care about alleged exceptions. Just what makes sense to me.
My shit doctor said the mind is a powerful thing instead of helping me, until the mind breaks of course.
I've had the static tinnitus before. Don't tell me there isn't a difference. One is completely livable and annoying at best, or a maskable ringing/pinch behind your head/tone on one side. The other... complete chaos, filling the void around you with garbage humming wavering sound effects with volumes you can't hide from, or pain listening to anything outside your home. It's the real meaning of fear. Your life stops and you realize what's waiting for you.