The weight I lifted was only 10 kg but it made my head explode. I knew at the time it wasn't good. This wasn't normal. The rest of the class were lifting 20 kg dumbbells for this particular exercise. 6 days later the headache was still there so I went to emergency and underwent a traumatic multiple attempt lumbar puncture. The opening pressure was 26, diagnostic of IIH but could have also been inaccurate because he did the procedure so badly. My interventional neuroradiologist says the leak was caused by lifting the weight but I'm not convinced. I think I have a dural tear from the LP. My gut tells me that. The headache difference were worlds apart. Regardless, he thinks I have both. Low and high CSF pressure. Low caused by a leak, and high caused by either an underlying IIH condition, or high due to compensatory over production of CSF which is what happens when you have been left leaking so long.
CSF leaks though can be caused by simple things though like singing, sex, going to the toilet, exercise, off roading, and more.
My story is long and I need to update my story in my intro. I was gaslit by doctors for so long I didn't put the pieces all together for many months, so my intro says things like - is this autoimmune, prescription meds etc etc etc. Now I know exactly what caused this - intracranial pressure.