- Jul 23, 2022
- 519
- Tinnitus Since
- 02/2022
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Ear wax or COVID-19 infection
I don't see how the time it took to reach the stage where we are now at has any relevance - unless you are saying that because humans are not as smart as we think - we should accept creation stories and tweak them so that they do not contradict scientific discoveries. Genesis has nothing in it which could not have been made up by the people who wrote it. They actually get things wrong - such as the order of creation does not agree with what we know actually happened. God creates the sun and stars and moon AFTER plant life is created (Genesis 1:14-16). If the sun was created in verses 14-16 there could have been no light as is claimed in verse 3 let alone vegetation.I think you and @Stuart-T give people too much credit. They're not as smart as you think. Look at what they used to believe... that the earth was flat, for example. They didn't even know about microbial bacteria until 1676. It's commonly said that our ancestors have existed for 6 million years and modern humans about 200,000. So it took humanity hundreds of thousands of years to figure out this simple stuff, that the earth is a sphere and bacteria exists? I'm not that impressed and you shouldn't be either.
The technological and medical boom didn't occur until the last century, so why we sat around twiddling our thumbs for millennia after millennia is weird. At best, we're a lazy and unmotivated species, but we're probably not that smart either in the big scheme of things. Science is always evolving and should never be stubborn or arrogant in its thinking. The Big Bang Theory and Theory of Evolution provide their own shortcomings and contradictions, too. As I said before, the ultimate folly of humanity is to assume we know everything.
I agree that proven science is irrefutable. I'm not talking about theories. What I said in my previous post backs that up, too. I am simply questioning the nature of time itself. If the universe was born as a 13 billion year old entity, then that doesn't change the fact that its scientific attributes are still true. Why God would've created an old universe instead of a young one makes sense — to expedite the process and allow life to work right away, as intended, rather than waiting billions of years for it to adjust. Why would he want to wait 4 billion years when he could just bypass time to join a mature creation in progress? The Genesis account shows that he did that in multiple ways. If God could create it to begin with, then he could do anything he wants.
The universe is gigantic. Bypassing time would allow all the light of the great expanse to be visible in the sky and through telescopes. We wouldn't even know God's vast creation exists if it wasn't for this bypass in time. We wouldn't be able to see it because of the way light works.
There are a lot of things in this universe that go beyond the realm of scientific understanding, like paranormal events. One time, for example, I saw a picture fly off the wall and a light come unscrewed in an adjacent room, both simultaneously, and phantom voices were heard, too, in the same house. Multiple witnesses saw these things. What does science say about that?
You are erecting straw men - who claims to know everything? Science is always striving for the best answer and there are scientists out there looking for ways to overturn existing science. The conclusions are always tentative - because new information could become available. So nothing is proven as such - but theories can be confirmed and they can be falsified. So you are not denying the findings of cosmology and biology - you are just trying to find a way of validating biblical claims by inventing hypotheses such as universe created with age. I get that. Though I don't see any evidential justification.
There is no confirmation that the paranormal or supernatural even exist. Did you video these pictures flying off the wall - record the phantom voices? Science has nothing to say about claims unless there is some evidence to examine. Sadly - verbal claims and testimonials alone are not evidence which is going to lead to any other conclusion than - "unexplained and unconfirmed".