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Have you tried an anti-inflammatory diet to see if that helps? I hate to be one of those "diet" people, but it's something I've been wanting to test out to see if it helps a tiny bit. If it is some sort of nervous system inflammation, perhaps it will take the edge off a tiny bit :/ my ears are burning right now too but I can't tell if it's because I have ear plugs in or not. The back of my neck also feels like there's cold wind blowing on it :(
At this point I am willing to try anything - my diet hasn't been the best but not the worst either - I could definitely do with cutting down on sugary desserts. I've also been taking turmeric curcumin and magnesium supplements - I think the turmeric has slightly reduced my tinnitus although no effect on the hyperacusis. It's definitely plausible that my entire nervous system is incredibly sensitised and on red alert atm - I basically haven't gone a day or even hour in the past 2 months of not thinking about my ears.

I also get the feeling of cold wind blowing in my affected ear - it's a really odd sensation coupled with the warm liquidy sensation. God, I feel like I'm in purgatory right now. Taking what steps I can to make progress - awaiting email reply from Myriam Westcott and also seeing an ENT next Saturday. My family have been generally supportive so that's nice but ugh this is the most challenging thing I have ever faced.
At this point I am willing to try anything - my diet hasn't been the best but not the worst either - I could definitely do with cutting down on sugary desserts. I've also been taking turmeric curcumin and magnesium supplements - I think the turmeric has slightly reduced my tinnitus although no effect on the hyperacusis. It's definitely plausible that my entire nervous system is incredibly sensitised and on red alert atm - I basically haven't gone a day or even hour in the past 2 months of not thinking about my ears.

I also get the feeling of cold wind blowing in my affected ear - it's a really odd sensation coupled with the warm liquidy sensation. God, I feel like I'm in purgatory right now. Taking what steps I can to make progress - awaiting email reply from Myriam Westcott and also seeing an ENT next Saturday. My family have been generally supportive so that's nice but ugh this is the most challenging thing I have ever faced.
To be honest I've been eating terrible lately, but this is mostly due to severe anxiety/stress. In the first few months of my tinnitus I would often go 2/3 days without eating at all. Ever since my hyperacusis got worse the stress is back so for me right now it's either McDonald's drive thru or I won't eat anything for a whole day or more. I know it's terrrible because I'm not providing my body with nutrients to heal but I'm just always so exhausted, feeding myself is the last thing on my mind.

I've never believed in "diets" and always thought that we can eat whatever we want and be healthy as long as it's in moderation and you're getting proper doses of vitamins. But Keto seems interesting because you're basically cutting out processed food/junk rather than eating anything "special" or monitoring calories or anything like that.


I think it's worth a try as it shouldn't make anything worse.
The fact that this is the most popular thread on Tinnitus Talk kind of speaks for itself.
Because as of right now, there are still only 2 options available to severe/catastrophic sufferers:

1) Continuous 24/7 inhumane suffering in complete isolation, with no care and no help available.

2) Death.

At the severe end of the spectrum, this is quite possibly the most horrid condition a human being can be exposed to, as nobody wants to die over something so senseless, pointless and idiotic as this POS condition.

But nobody wants to live like this either, as the sub-human existence with severe/catastrophic tinnitus cannot be called life even with the most optimistic of intentions.

What remains is just completely overwhelming sense of disbelief, that something this bad is even possible (or even allowed to exist in nature), without violating some kind of a universal law about unnecessary torture.
The fact that the medical community is not taking this seriously is simply unbelievable, as this level of tinnitus should be considered a medical emergency.

I never had much faith in the medical establishment, but I always thought that there have been at least some medical advances made to cut down on people's suffering, when it comes to incurable conditions.

There are literally dozens of different pain killers and other drugs to help the dying with pain, some countries even offer the end of life option.

Tinnitus sufferers have nothing to help them cut down the noise, which to me is worse than any pain I had ever experienced (I'm no stranger to pain).

Not one single thing, except for the bad joke attempts, such as the "at least you still have your legs" from their clueless ENTs and family doctors.
This is so true. Unfortunately the general public is not aware how badly tinnitus and hyperacusis can cut down one's quality of life. And there is this large community of "it's just a noise, have a positive mindset, it's just your reaction to the noise" people. Even tinnitus associations which actually should speak in the interest of tinnitus sufferers downplay this condition. But I have no idea how to change that.
This is so true. Unfortunately the general public is not aware how badly T and H can cut down ones quality of life. And there is this large community of "its just a noise, have a positive mindset, its just your reaction to the noise" people. Even tinnitus associations which actually should speak in the interest of T sufferers downplay this condition. But I have no idea how to change that.
The awareness out there is pretty much zero.
I would say that based on my own observation about 8 out of 10 people have never even heard of tinnitus.
I used to be one of them.

In the past, I have tried many times to point out the fact that the downplaying and pushing for acceptance of this condition will only reinforce the status quo, where in turn it won't be seen as a big deal or a major threat.
The research efforts are of course adjusted accordingly to mirror this attitude.

But then I realized that we simply don't have the numbers to make a difference.
Only about 2-5% of tinnitus sufferers are in the severe/catastrophic category.
We are not the bread and butter and it is better for others to pretend that we don't even exist.

Those attitudes cannot be changed, as we might as well be talking about two separate conditions.

Every now and then someone from the "won't let the tinnitus stop me" type of crowd crosses onto the dark side and from their posts (which are usually horror induced gibberish) one is able to deduct the following:
They had no idea it could get that bad and/or that such level of torture even existed.

The fact that there are different levels to this already erratic and elusive condition only further confuses people on the outside world.
Up the sh*t creek without a paddle comes to mind.
Orions Pain,

I see you're suffering so much.

Why don't you try to get a Lenire appointment?

You seem to have nothing to lose.
My hyperacusis is 10x worse than my tinnitus, to my understanding Lenire does not work for hyperacusis. I'm also located in the US so that would be too far for me to travel with how fragile my ears currently are plus I don't have the funds.
The awareness out there is pretty much zero.
I would say that based on my own observation about 8 out of 10 people have never even heard of tinnitus.
I used to be one of them.

In the past, I have tried many times to point out the fact that the downplaying and pushing for acceptance of this condition will only reinforce the status quo, where in turn it won't be seen as a big deal or a major threat.
The research efforts are of course adjusted accordingly to mirror this attitude.

But then I realized that we simply don't have the numbers to make a difference.
Only about 2-5% of tinnitus sufferers are in the severe/catastrophic category.
We are not the bread and butter and it is better for others to pretend that we don't even exist.

Those attitudes cannot be changed, as we might as well be talking about two separate conditions.

Every now and then someone from the "won't let the tinnitus stop me" type of crowd crosses onto the dark side and from their posts (which are usually horror induced gibberish) one is able to deduct the following:
They had no idea it could get that bad and/or that such level of torture even existed.

The fact that there are different levels to this already erratic and elusive condition only further confuses people on the outside world.
Up the sh*t creek without a paddle comes to mind.

THIS! I recently had a "friend" tell me I need to get over it because she has a lot of friends who also have tinnitus (mostly musicians) and "they get on with life fine" and I need Psychological help.

When I first got my T/H I actually asked her to ask her friends for tips with my noise sensitivity/masking and all of them came back saying they never experienced that at all so CLEARLY we're not dealing with the same thing. They're all able to continue playing in bands and going to shows and I'm here debating quitting my relatively quiet office job, giving up everything I've worked hard to accomplish to move back in to a crime ridden town with my parents that I worked so hard to escape from

Unfortunately even normal tinnitus sufferers are almost our enemies in a way because they're able to habituate thus researchers thinking this is the case for all of us and those who can't are "depressed" or need to get a grip on "anxiety"

It's equivalent of someone with a mild forum of removable skin cancer telling someone with Stage 4 bowel cancer that it's "not that bad" because their own experience wasn't since it all falls under the umbrella term "cancer"
Unfortunately even normal tinnitus sufferers are almost our enemies in a way because they're able to habituate thus researchers thinking this is the case for all of us and those who can't are "depressed" or need to get a grip on "anxiety"
Researchers AKA close minded psychologist and psychiatrist that dominate the field need to be called out. They hold back the progress of medical/biological sciences by assuming all horrifying diseases have effective management strategies when they don't.

I believe the people who "research" psychological resilience are harming us. Do people with horrifying health problems elect these clowns? Or are they all coming from the NIH without any patient advocacy?
Researchers AKA close minded psychologist and psychiatrist that dominate the field need to be called out. They hold back the progress of medical/biological sciences by assuming all horrifying diseases have effective management strategies when they don't.
I'm sure there are really good psychiatrists and psychologists out there who do help people and have done good research but for the most part I think Psychiatrists and "therapists" are just here to fill out anti-depressant prescriptions. If you're struggling with issues like grief (I don't even know what else to list tbh) it may help talking to a professional but for tinnitus I truly can't see how it would help.

I actually had a Psychopathology professor tell my class of 500 people that if they were considering becoming a Psychiatrist they should seriously reconsider it because they'd regret it (funny enough I just checked and this course is no longer offered)

Would be more effective to set up vending machines that spit out SSRI's at this point than have someone charge you $200+ to teach you coping mechanisms that you can get from a book off of Amazon.
THIS! I recently had a "friend" tell me I need to get over it because she has a lot of friends who also have tinnitus (mostly musicians) and "they get on with life fine" and I need Psychological help.

When I first got my T/H I actually asked her to ask her friends for tips with my noise sensitivity/masking and all of them came back saying they never experienced that at all so CLEARLY we're not dealing with the same thing. They're all able to continue playing in bands and going to shows and I'm here debating quitting my relatively quiet office job, giving up everything I've worked hard to accomplish to move back in to a crime ridden town with my parents that I worked so hard to escape from

Unfortunately even normal tinnitus sufferers are almost our enemies in a way because they're able to habituate thus researchers thinking this is the case for all of us and those who can't are "depressed" or need to get a grip on "anxiety"

It's equivalent of someone with a mild forum of removable skin cancer telling someone with Stage 4 bowel cancer that it's "not that bad" because their own experience wasn't since it all falls under the umbrella term "cancer"
Yeah my dad had tinnitus for 10 years and didn't even tell me. You'd think he'd warn me cause this is definitely something I would have protected against but he's an old school redneck farm boy who thinks you just gotta tough it out. He's a diesel mechanic and works on loud equipment still to this day. When I first got tinnitus/hyperacusis I went to stay at his house after I got out of the psych ward and he had the nerve to ask me if I wanted to help him mow his grass even after I had explained in detail what was happening to me. Then while I was there he was using a loud ass wood chipper to do yard work. All the while I was telling him the sound of the air conditioning unit outside the bedroom I was in was driving my tinnitus through the roof. It's like he just didn't get it and still doesn't.
Because we are on the 100th page.
I'm sure there are really good psychiatrists and psychologists out there who do help people and have done good research but for the most part I think Psychiatrists and "therapists" are just here to fill out anti-depressant prescriptions. If you're struggling with issues like grief (I don't even know what else to list tbh) it may help talking to a professional but for tinnitus I truly can't see how it would help.

I actually had a Psychopathology professor tell my class of 500 people that if they were considering becoming a Psychiatrist they should seriously reconsider it because they'd regret it (funny enough I just checked and this course is no longer offered)

Would be more effective to set up vending machines that spit out SSRI's at this point than have someone charge you $200+ to teach you coping mechanisms that you can get from a book off of Amazon.
Psychologists are good for getting over a girlfriend/childhood traumas/eating disorders/spousal abuse trauma/PTSD... etc, etc.
Psychologists are good for getting over a girlfriend/childhood traumas/eating disorders/spousal abuse trauma/PTSD... etc, etc.
Yeah so basically things that feed off of traumatic memories and negative emotions. No argument there. I'm sure a psychologist will be able to help me deal with the trauma from having tinnitus/hyperacusis once we get legitimate treatments.
I can't believe it, I have unrelated fucked up health problems that have nothing to do with ears. They have strange parallels. Little to no academic research on the top, psychologist and psychiatrist running the show.. It's far worse and even less is known. There really is no proper patient/research advocacy forum.

It's very rare so I don't expect it. Also I don't even bother reading about my new health problems because of the anxiety it gives me.

My suicide is at the altar of everything I feared the most. I don't understand this fucked up dejavu scenario happens twice in a row. Coincidence?
Have you tried an anti-inflammatory diet to see if that helps? I hate to be one of those "diet" people, but it's something I've been wanting to test out to see if it helps a tiny bit. If it is some sort of nervous system inflammation, perhaps it will take the edge off a tiny bit :/ my ears are burning right now too but I can't tell if it's because I have ear plugs in or not. The back of my neck also feels like there's cold wind blowing on it :(
Interesting update: I spoke to someone on Reddit who found that switching to a keto diet seemed to help their hyperacusis get better.
Interesting update: I spoke to someone on Reddit who found that switching to a keto diet seemed to help their hyperacusis get better.
Pain or loudness? Or both?

How long have they had it? Maybe it's the anti inflammatory effects helping.
Interesting update: I spoke to someone on Reddit who found that switching to a keto diet seemed to help their hyperacusis get better.
That's where I got the idea! Granted I think this person had way less severe hyperacusis than me and way less noise damage (actually none) so idk how well it will work for me as well but worth a try.

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