This is my plan with my psychiatrist soon. Cross over to Valium and wean from there. I am hoping the fact that I'm regularly at 0.25 mg and never went above 0.5 mg in a 24 hour period, I don't experience hell. I have reactivity so we shall see.
You should be fine, just take it very slow.
What happened to me is probably one in a billion but these drugs have the ability to f*** your life up beyond recognition.
Yeah man. I'm on 2 mg of Klonopin per day, at night. I first need to wean off the 1 mg of Alprazolam, and then, go ahead and do so with the Klonopin. But the thing is, my tinnitus has ALREADY reached bad levels of loudness... But still, I must do it.
Can you tell me your story of Klonopin? So, after continued use, you started experiencing worse and worse tinnitus?
I was on Klonopin for 4 years from 2016 to 2020. 1 year later a car alarm went off near me, a super loud one, and it caused a retrospectively tiny spike in my previously super mild tinnitus.
I went to my doctor and asked for Klonopin, the day after the first pill I had taken in over a year, I heard this weird electrical noise and it just kept getting worse and worse. All doctors told me it was my anxiety and that the spike would settle down so I kept taking the Klonopin. This went on for 6 months, me still thinking it was the car alarm, and I got worse and worse with all these crazy horrible electrical noises.
By the 6-month mark, the tinnitus had progressed into this insane dentist drill type sound in my head. I finally found out it was the Klonopin and that I was paradoxical on the drug the entire time, so I withdrew for 6 months and at the very end I ended up with ridiculously severe hyperacusis. I can't watch TV, can't go outside, all sounds cause me significant pain. This has been happening since January and I have seen some improvements but it is still very very bad.
The only good news I have about this is that the electrical stuff seems to be getting better, but I am stuck with like four or five tones that fortunately are not super loud but very reactive.
I can't give you any medical advice but the go-to is switching everything to Valium, then tapering slowly.
If you need them, you need them, but you need to be prepared for the worst if you are one of the unlucky ones.