I am so glad I started this thread it's great to read what we all do apart from tinnitus !! Cher xx
Yea that is what I worry about too, I am pretty young and don't even have a job yet. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do but I have a few ideas on what I would like to do.You all seem to have amazing careers in very interesting fields. Maybe only talented people are affected with TSince one of my worries is how I am going to have a career and family with T it is consoling to see you all being successful. I myself am currently a theology student in the Uni of Tartu hoping to become a prison chaplain one day.
Yea that is what I worry about too, I am pretty young and don't even have a job yet. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do but I have a few ideas on what I would like to do.
I still don't know if it was just because of the ear infection but it had a part in it. I used to use my headset and watch videos online and play games and I think the volume was a little loud. Also I didn't know I had a ear infection right away do it got worse before I started to treat it. But I will definitely choose a job with low noise levels!Yeah in your case it is really stupid. Cant believe they cant cure T that results from an earinfection!!! Shouldnt be so difficult. Chances are though that your nerves havent really been damaged) Choose smth with low noise levels
I still don't know if it was just because of the ear infection but it had a part in it. I used to use my headset and watch videos online and play games and I think the volume was a little loud. Also I didn't know I had a ear infection right away do it got worse before I started to treat it. But I will definitely choose a job with low noise levels!
I am so glad I started this thread it's great to read what we all do apart from tinnitus !! Cher xx