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  • How risky for tinnitus is acetaminophen? This fever is unbearable, need to keep it reduced somehow
    Acetaminophen is fine. Don't give it two thoughts
    @RunningMan I used to not have any issue with NSAIDs either, but as of recently they now spike my T. It's only temporary, and acetaminophen doesn't work at all for me, so I just take the NSAIDs anyway and deal with the spike.
    @kingsfan Yeah, things can change. For a while, I thought I might be done with NSAIDs because they can cause internal bleeding combined with AD's. My Dr never even mentioned it. But now I'm off of an AD's, so at least I can take NSAID if needed. Sometimes Acetaminophen hasn't been enough for me in the past and needed NSAID.
    If my tinnitus doesn't go back to baseline after my sickness goes away, I am 100% ending my life. Mark my words
    Sorry you are feeling like this. Hope you feel better soon.
    L along the way
    Sorry to hear & honestly.. i've thought about this myself many times too... never had any actual plans. Also never under influence or impulsive. But sometimes i do say "life... plz take me away, or please heal me"... pfft... the only thing i'd say is.. try to go easy on yourself & give yourself as much time as you need to find some healing
    Please hang on. ❤️
    Extremely sick, fever. New tones, will these stay or go away once im not sick anymore?
    It's definitely possible after your body heals from the sickness. Don't panic and give it some time after you're feeling better.
    Asshole in neighborhood revving very loud bike (Probably a Harley), I want to find the address it's coming from but it's far and risky for T
    If it's a harley they're probably struggling to keep it from stalling. Those things are junk.
    Are your guys spikes usually delayed? Like instead of happening the same night it'll happen the next morning?
    Birthday today, turned 19. Woke up to terrible tinnitus spike. Going outside is dangerous and harmful.
    you should be out getting blacked out at the club with your ear on the speaker tonight like the rest of the 19 year olds and never getting T.
    I am so sorry. Please try and have a happy birthday dispite stupid T!
    Happy Birthday! I'm so sorry you're dealing with T and a spike on your birthday. You're so young :( That might mean greater possibility to heal and habituate tho. Hang in there.
    I feel like I'm at such a dead end, knowing I can't get a job with T, knowing I can't go outside, knowing I'll wake up everyday to the same.
    I'm not in a position to know about your situation of course, but have you thought that the hearing protection may have caused the spike? I mean some people spike to external noise (seems I don't), but several times I have spiked from hearing protection maybe from not letting enough auditory input (or maybe randomly) and it went away after exposing for a few minutes. Just saying.
    Each person is different though, and no two people will have the same tinnitus. Wish you are better soon.
    @DimLeb I've had that happen before with me aswell, but it's usually the same tones just becoming louder rather than new tones
    Is it just me or does T spike everytime you feel like you're starting to mentally recover from the last spike and try to be productive
    having this issue myself. I was feeling good and T was on the back burner. I am to blame for going to work Christmas lunch.
    Does talking to people cause spikes for you guys?
    I can't really tell but it does hurt my ear when talking in enclosed spaces, especially in cars. I get this weird awful pain.
    Yeah, too loud and too long would be an issue. In car is bad. Outside is best.
    @cyberspace I find that difficult to answer. Having a one-on-one conversation is fine with a person speaking "normally" / quietly. A one-on-one with a loud person talking a lot is very stressful and will spike me instantly.
    Leafblowers leafblowers leafblowers, they're E N D L E S S .
    People should shove their leafblowers somewhere where the sun doesn't shine. Same with hairdryers and ALL electrical tools
    Decibels of glass shattering in a room next to you?
    I wouldn't worry about it. It's a very short exposure.. like what, 1-2 seconds? and in another room so most of the impact would be dampened.
    Anyone else get insanely annoyed by barking dogs?
    Yes, ones of the most annoying things. Not just the dog barking itself but the people that let their dogs bark all the time. It's hard to avoid because so many people have dogs.
    Would you guys say this is the darkest forum on the internet?
    @BB23 that can be a possibility. I'm trying to get off of it and sleep naturally but I end up tossing and turning all night long. I feel like a rock in a hard place. =(
    @BB23 i haven't taken any drugs the whole 13 months. I've had this, and I'm not getting better. H and Nox got worse in fact.
    @BB23 what other option is there when you're so severely depressed and ADHD that you cannot function enough to even brush your teeth or eat let alone hold a job (CBT is utter cope)
    Anyone ever gotten a spike from the microwave beeping?
    Yes it has its high pitch even though it's low decibels. I'm beginning to think decibels are important but if it's high pitch it can do damage if if low decibels.
    Horrible spike. Tones going crazy from listening to music on iPhone on low volume. Why does my tinnitus spike to music but not showers?
    (3) What do you guys think?
    L along the way
    honestly.. don't know.. personally i just try to sleep and rest as much as possible.. for me it seems that sleep, healthy lifestyle, and time is the best way for the possibility of healing
    (2) Volume in response to living a normal, typical life, and my non-spiked volume is an artificially suppressed volume from being bedridden
    (1) No matter what I do, my tinnitus spikes, so I'm starting to become convinced that maybe my spiked volume is my "natural" tinnitus
    Microsuction is an evil procedure.
    This condition completely ruined my life, I can't do it anymore. Doctors and their microsuction procedure ruined my life.
    L along the way
    Sorry to hear.. i also feel duped by society/life. I went to extremely loud raves when i was young and insecure, and unaware. There weren't any warnings or advice of caution for it... and now having to live with this. Life feels unfair.. why does life is/seem so unfair... But well.. maybe it can heal with time, trying to move on best we can.. and going day by day..
    Half ass doctor just told me that I have an ear infection but didn't even tell me which ear. Posted my eardrum pics. What do u guys think?
    Call the office and ask them to email you your chart
    @kingsfan Yeah, the guy nodded his head when I asked if it was the left ear, but the paper says right ear. Nothing matches up and he was in a rush and didn't care at all
    Do you guys put earplugs/earmuffs on when you're inside the house and hear a loud car going by or something
    No. even if a fire truck goes by with the siren on it is still under 60db inside the house. I put muffs on to use the blender or something like that.
    Could someone check my post and see if it looks like an ear infection? New separate cut thing btw but skin is dry and flaky this time
    Is it possible to get an ear infection from earmuffs?
    Good question. Not letting your ears breathe and keeping them confined behind muffs could create a moisture issue that could increase the possibility. I imagine you would have to be a bit obsessive with cleaning.
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