Juliane Aug 21, 2023 I should have told them I loved them every day instead of being proud. I have always been alone. I am doomed. Help me please, I am breaking
I should have told them I loved them every day instead of being proud. I have always been alone. I am doomed. Help me please, I am breaking
Juliane Aug 21, 2023 I love my family so much. I am so so sad. I have wasted my life being proud and ignorant of what matters. Forgive me. Please
I love my family so much. I am so so sad. I have wasted my life being proud and ignorant of what matters. Forgive me. Please
Juliane Aug 21, 2023 You are all in my prayers and thoughts. Wish we will all be healed! God please help us heal. Please forgive our sins. We are human
You are all in my prayers and thoughts. Wish we will all be healed! God please help us heal. Please forgive our sins. We are human
Juliane Aug 21, 2023 I am so so sorry for everything I've done wrong in this life. I could have done better. I know I am a bad person. I am so sorry
I am so so sorry for everything I've done wrong in this life. I could have done better. I know I am a bad person. I am so sorry
Juliane Aug 21, 2023 I know I have done bad things in my life. I have hurt people who loved me. I have been unkind, had unkind thoughts. Am I being punished?
I know I have done bad things in my life. I have hurt people who loved me. I have been unkind, had unkind thoughts. Am I being punished?
Juliane Aug 21, 2023 My tinnitus has only increased after starting my new job. I am thinking of quitting. Could it be stress driving it?
My tinnitus has only increased after starting my new job. I am thinking of quitting. Could it be stress driving it?
Juliane Aug 20, 2023 If my T ever decreases and becomes stable, I'll never complain about anything again!!
Juliane Aug 20, 2023 If not for Tinnitus Talk I would have been so depressed. I still am, but TT makes me feel less alone. SO glad I found all of you!!
If not for Tinnitus Talk I would have been so depressed. I still am, but TT makes me feel less alone. SO glad I found all of you!!
Juliane Aug 20, 2023 Because of T, I have no defense against old trauma left. Sorrow and pain overwhelm me at the moment. Anyone else feel this way?
Because of T, I have no defense against old trauma left. Sorrow and pain overwhelm me at the moment. Anyone else feel this way?
Juliane Aug 20, 2023 4/4 highest peak. I want to make heroes of those who honor their limitations. Be a new, quieter kind of hero. Leyla Ailyn.
4/4 highest peak. I want to make heroes of those who honor their limitations. Be a new, quieter kind of hero. Leyla Ailyn.
Juliane Aug 20, 2023 3/4 speed. I want to make heroes of those who slow down and sit with the ache in their hearts. A task many find harder than summiting the
3/4 speed. I want to make heroes of those who slow down and sit with the ache in their hearts. A task many find harder than summiting the
Juliane Aug 20, 2023 2/4 your body said "enough". How bold, how rebellious - you, out there - honoring your own natural rhythm, going against the culture's
2/4 your body said "enough". How bold, how rebellious - you, out there - honoring your own natural rhythm, going against the culture's
Juliane Aug 20, 2023 1/4 How brave you are for slowing down. For not finishing that to-do list. How courageous you are for not crossing that finish line because
1/4 How brave you are for slowing down. For not finishing that to-do list. How courageous you are for not crossing that finish line because
Juliane Aug 20, 2023 When I was young I had a feeling nothing really bad could ever happen to me. Perhaps a belief in God? Now I feel cursed by dark forces.
When I was young I had a feeling nothing really bad could ever happen to me. Perhaps a belief in God? Now I feel cursed by dark forces.
Juliane Aug 19, 2023 The silence, ignorance and lack of understanding from my so called closest is fueling my suicidal ideation.
The silence, ignorance and lack of understanding from my so called closest is fueling my suicidal ideation.
Juliane Aug 19, 2023 This is no way to live. I wanted to try and get through without sleeping pills, but not sleeping is making me severely suicidal
This is no way to live. I wanted to try and get through without sleeping pills, but not sleeping is making me severely suicidal
Juliane Aug 18, 2023 Scared I messed up my GABA regulation by zopiclone use in spring and drinks during summer... All is lost
Scared I messed up my GABA regulation by zopiclone use in spring and drinks during summer... All is lost
Juliane Aug 18, 2023 2/2 Could my recent alcohol induced spike therefore be compared to a "benzo withdrawal" spike?
Juliane Aug 18, 2023 1/2 I'm reading on Benzo Buddies that zopiclone works in a similar manner to benzos and, incidentally, alcohol does as well.
1/2 I'm reading on Benzo Buddies that zopiclone works in a similar manner to benzos and, incidentally, alcohol does as well.
Juliane Aug 18, 2023 1/2 Before my worsening, in spite of being deaf in one ear, I had a beautiful life. But I was always in a hurry, being impatient. Don't know
1/2 Before my worsening, in spite of being deaf in one ear, I had a beautiful life. But I was always in a hurry, being impatient. Don't know
Juliane Aug 18, 2023 Looking into booking a place in quiet village via Airbnb but then comes nxt problem: what if the smoking alarm should go off?? Paranoid
Looking into booking a place in quiet village via Airbnb but then comes nxt problem: what if the smoking alarm should go off?? Paranoid