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  • 2/2 Could my recent alcohol induced spike therefore be compared to a "benzo withdrawal" spike?
    1/2 I'm reading on Benzo Buddies that zopiclone works in a similar manner to benzos and, incidentally, alcohol does as well.
    2/2 what you got till it's gone. Why is that? I have so many regrets
    As they say, hindsight is 20/20. But there is no use dwelling on the past as you can't change it. There's no use obsessing over the future as you can't predict it. That just leaves trying to live in the present the best way we can.
    Things I used to think were a big deal seem much more trivial now. Its all relative to you at the time. Dont be so hard on yourself.
    1/2 Before my worsening, in spite of being deaf in one ear, I had a beautiful life. But I was always in a hurry, being impatient. Don't know
    Same. ;( I totally understand this. And now I'm sucked into my phone looking for a way out. Wasting precious time.
    Looking into booking a place in quiet village via Airbnb but then comes nxt problem: what if the smoking alarm should go off?? Paranoid
    I've been staying at multiple hotels in the past two weeks and this also made me uncomfortable. Always kept earmuffs and plugs within reach and had no issues.
    And not searching for a cure and wasting money on uselessness will hopefully destress the nervous system a bit. Here is hoping.
    Acupuncture, massage, b12 injections, therapy - nothing produces any results whatsoever. I am done searching for a cure. This is my fate.
    2/3 I can see clearly how obsessed I was with non issues before this nightmare when I should have been more interested in the suffering of
    1/3 I am not ever going to say that something good has come out of tinnitus but I do feel other people's pain more these days.
    Major spike hasn't gone down one bit since Saturday. Scared, panicking, losing hope. Why did my life end like this?
    Could also be poor sleep for days prior and then the alcohol was the tipping point.
    I haven't had an alcohol induced spike myself, but from what I've read from others it will go down again. Hang on in there, stay strong!
    did this spike subside?
    Haven't taken a zopiclone pill in 2 months. If I take one tonight to help sleep and then stop again immediately, will that be risky?
    I do remember reading @SilverFox had some bad experiences with the Z sleeping pills...
    @Juliane well taking it once in a while is def better than taking it every day. If you had no problem with it before you should be fine with it.

    I take gabapentin on and off with no problems. It's also a gaba antagonist
    Agree with @kingsfan , infrequent usage probably won't do much to alter your GABA/glutamate profile.

    Frequent usage however. will likely modify a person's GABA/Glutamate balance more significantly.
    Guys and girls, I need your advice please: I haven't slept for days due to alcohol induced spike. Is it safe for me to take a zopiclone?
    Can I really be spiking so horribly even 3 days after drinking some wine? There is no other culprit I can think of. If yes, is it GABA?
    Thank you so much @kingsfan ! Here is hoping. Hope your spike will settle too!
    Reading this made me realize that the reason for sudden very loud tinnitus I woke up to yesternight might have been some wine I had that evening. I didn't sleep that night, but after two days it seems to have gone down to almost previous level. So, if it was wine, it can go back down.
    @SilverFox Sorry you had a spike too, but good that it calmed down for you. I guess for most of us wine and beer is part of life and also provides some relaxation, so will be hard to completely cut out. But sucks if spikes are involved.
    I have lost all respect for so called doctors. They mock people like us and sometimes even damage us beyond repair. So useless
    Also, sleep deprivation can really make things a lot worse (as though they aren't bad enough already, right?). Have you tried taking any natural remedies to help?
    2/2 I know you're worried about taking a break from work because you recently started, but maybe that would help give you some breathing space? Allow you to focus on your health & healing?

    Sending so much ❤️
    I am definitely considering that now. Sending a lot of ❤️ back at ya!
    1/2 Hey, I'm not really on much today since I'm having a really hard time but I just saw this & wanted you to know that I care & that you're not alone. I can definitely relate strongly to how you feel & so wish I could take our pain away, & everyone else's here.
    I know you are having a really hard time and I very much appreciate you taking the time to comfort me during your own struggle. Means the world to me. ❤️ Big hug
    I just can't do it anymore. Feel so bad for the ones I love. But this world has become too cruel. This is it
    I have not been so close to giving up before. Relentless torture for 7 months now. Stupid doctors who haven't got a clue. I am done
    I know, I can relate but you have to carry on. It's the only way. Life is still beautiful. When I look back on my time with tinnitus, the suffering is a small part of my memory and the good things outnumber it.
    @Lorca Thanks for your encouragement. How is your tinnitus today? Has it improved at all?
    To be honest no, but I carry on and can only hear it at home most of the time. I know im lucky in that regard. Since getting tinnitus I also got visual snow and floaters which are just as bad if not more. Be very happy you don't have to deal with those nightmares.
    I cannot continue like this. I just can't.
    Recovery is not linear, hopefully you will go back down in a day or so.
    Same here, crap Monday, sat and my ears ringing in overdrive. Keep going you're not giving in! None of us are, I want us all back here in five years all saying remember when…
    @Cmspgran I am so sorry. I don't think I can continue for long. This isn't a life anymore. I am sorry
    Wish I had a time machine. I would travel 5 years into the future to see how we're all doing. Or 5 years back and prevent this
    @Juliane I guess its the point that I really did nothing that I can think of to cause this other than take a drug that was prescribed to help me (which is seems I didnt need). It still rubs me the wrong way that the GP had no idea of the side effect, and I had to dig on the internet to find out after the fact.
    @Tryn2BHopeful I am really sorry to hear that. So unfair. What drug was it?
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