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  • Tryn2Bhopefull. Love the name. I can't believe the irony in that I need the med that caused you tinnitus and sent me to the hospital in an ambulance to survive. That's insane.
    It's unfortunate that there is sometimes no rhyme or reason for how T happens. Some people have great success with escitaloprám... others get to be the 1% :( not much I can do about it now.
    I had it all 8 months ago. It's to far a drop. I cannot see people habituating when it is super loud. I cannot see people habituating when you cannot even go to a family dinner. God help me. I wish all of you strength.
    Ryan Scott
    @Ryan Scott diet and exercise. That's pretty much it.
    @4Grace it's hard not to feel that way. That said I did what I thought was best under the supervision of a medical professional. They couldn't of predicted this, however they could of been more informed. The last time I talked to them they didn't know alot of the side effects, just that they should wear off in 3-5 weeks.... kinda sad.
    I finally get an official diagnosis from the Neurologist tomorrow & a plan for my brain. Symptoms my whole life now finally make sense.
    @RunningMan Thank you! I don't know why I'm nervous. I already know I have 1 or 2 things. I think the reality of the situation scares me and how bad this malformation can make life if it decides to "wake up."
    How did it go?
    @MadeleineHope It went better then expected. They don't want to do surgery because my symptoms are not considered severe enough to open up the skull. They're afraid that surgery will make things worse. I may get a second opinion but kinda also agree with them. If it's not interfering with my life that bad then why mess with it?
    I don't know how to avoid loud places. Im Italian. Just having a conversation with family is very loud. I can't stand the ear plugs. My tinnitus blasts plus I find it very hard to talk with them on. Forget about eating with them on.
    @4Grace Time is helping me but but it's still hard. I wear earplugs when I vacuum and blowdry my hair. I should probably wear them at my son's karate practice but I don't.
    @4Grace I have them on me at all times. I bought the loop ear plugs. Sometimes when I see my patients in the ICU their vents make a loud screech and it has messed with me a few times. So yes only when needed but I try not to. I understand. My son was special needs. He needed every 3 hour care. I'm sure you're completely overwhelmed but this isn't forever.
    @4Grace There will come a day when it starts to be okay. I have no doubt someone as strong as you will conquer this. It's hard to see a way out when you're in the middle of the storm but storms never last. Don't let this consume or destroy you. Unfortunately time is the only healer and sometimes time can really be slow!
    You wake up every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before, and that, my love, is bravery.
    So it's 1am & for some reason I've been waking up with very loud T. Wonder if it's head position, diet, or noise from the fan related?
    Might be all or none. Isn't tinnitus fun?
    @Tryn2BHopeful See I've been the opposite. I wake up to lower volumes. I have been drinking diet pop (1 daily) to replace coffee and Ive been using the fan at night as well. Both started at the same time. So maybe it's the pop. Only way to know is to stop 1 and see and then the other.
    @Jammer Yeah, I'm having the time of my life right now. Haha
    Talking to medication induced tinnitus people give me hope. One lady said it was hell for the 1st year and now she forgets she even has it.
    Now there's always a slim chance of it being permanent no matter what but non hearing loss tinnitus has hope. Your brain needs to heal to whatever affected it, unfortunately the brain takes months and months and months and months to slowly heal those nerves. It's just the luck of the draw. There's much more to it but I tried summing it up.
    Even with hearing loss though people have treatment options. I didn't want to exclude them. Everyone matters.
    My brain needs a pep rally!
    Unilateral Tinnitus in right ear sometimes left. No hearing loss. Can medication cause 1 ear Tinnitus? Or is this a muscle issue. Curious.
    @Mo8409 you know, I think I noticed it in both ears about month 5 maybe?? The left ear is definitely louder that I notice it more, but if I really tune in I can hear it in both. I feel like my right ear is half the volume as my left, or maybe the pitch is different. I'm not sure.

    I had my hearing checked and it's fine/normal.
    @SarahMLFlemmer This entire condition doesn't make any sense. It's madness!
    I've seemed to of developed slight dizziness. Not sure if it's anxiety or my malformation. Does anyone have dizziness with tinnitus?
    I've been kinda dizzy lately myself.
    Me as well my friends... I'm wondering if it's just the heat. Idk
    Has to be guys!
    Passed hearing, extended hearing, no TTTS found. Ear drum flutters is stress. At my son's hospital carrying on his tradition in his memory
    How did they exclude TTTS? I didn't know there was a way. Was it because they didn't hear/see any sounds being generated at the time of the exam?
    And yes, I agree with @RunningMan - TTTS can be caused be stress.
    @MadeleineHope I asked for every test possible and gave them a list of my symptoms. For TTTS they put things in your ears and play sounds that would make the eardrum over react. The waves pick up on the ear drum movement and that little bone.

    They tested my ear hairs, middle ear, ear drum, ear pressure, hearing, vascular ear issues, etc.
    Ready for my 2nd hearing test at University of Michigan. Let's see if I still pass. I'll tell Susan hello. Lol
    So cool that you are there
    @kingsfan I've been coming here my whole life. My dad ran the Cardiac ICU there for 30 years and also my son lived there for a year. U of M is my safe haven for when stuff gets bad.
    Since my symptoms aren't considered "normal" I have another hearing test tomorrow. Let's hope for another passing test
    Good Luck! Got my ENT apt on Thursday... I don't know if I want their to be something wrong or not... because at least I would have a good explanation if there was...
    @Tryn2BHopeful It's always better to find out now so different treatment options open up for you. Good luck on yours! Hopefully mine stays the same with results.
    Ears have been hurting & feeling full on & off. Lack of sleep from the noise. At work feeling like I just want to cry in the bathroom.
    @Joe Cuber I am an IT guy, I agree sometimes Mr. T can get a little annoying and make it hard to focus on things. I can work remote but my wife works from home as well and she is the Human Megaphone when she is in meetings. I tell her its like she is yelling into a speakerphone from the 90's!
    Hey Mo8409 have hope, you will learn to manage this condition. Everyone on this site spiraled down in the beginning…that's par for the course. But it will get easier with time.
    And enjoy your vacation!…it will help you immensely. A change of scenery and sounds is a great way to get out of a rut. I hope you travel somewhere close to water. That's my safe place!
    It's my day off & can't seem to find the energy to get out of bed. I miss the mornings I'd wake up & drink coffee. Wish I'd stop waking up.
    It's certainly been hard. Last night I said screw it and took the wife and kids to a local 50s style ice-cream car hop for dinner. We had ice-cream and Fries for dinner, it was a nice change of pace.
    @Joe Cuber I wish mine would go down to that. I think I started off at moderate and don't know any better. Plus the occasional ear pain and sensitivity certainly doesn't help.
    @Tryn2BHopeful You aren't kidding! Sometimes you just have to remove yourself from the stress of it all. I'm glad you had a good icecream experience.
    Does anyone experience ear popin, burning, and have their ear drum vibrate to noises? Is this hyperacusis? My ears burn more when standing.
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful In May, I went to the ENT because I had pain and ringing in both my ears, but after that I experienced a spike and then the trigeminal/facial pain slowly progressed. Mid-June, I noticed clicking and jaw pain that hasn't stopped.
    Marina Moon
    @MadeleineHope Thank you for the article and for your guidance. I know very little about TMJ and only began experiencing clicking in mid-June. (the ear pain and ringing came first in May)
    Marina Moon
    @Mo8409 Thank you for your guidance! This is a really confusing time for me :( The pain is somewhat constant but
    cycles around my head (tongue, cheeks, eyes, jaw, ears) but has lately been concentrated in my jaw. I'm trying to convince my parents to take me to a dentist. I wish you well and good luck with your hearing test!
    2 more weeks until I find out if the University of Michigan wants to perform my brain surgery. Crazy how my life has changed in 3 months.
    @SarahMLFlemmer When I went to U of M for tinnitus they did a CT and saw something wrong with my brain. Then I went for an MRI and found out I have Chairi Malformation.
    @SarahMLFlemmer That's when your brain is herniating out of your skull. You can be born with it. Surgery can correct it by removing part of the skull but surgery is also dependent on your symptoms. So July 21st I'll see what we're gonna do.
    @Mo8409 Wow Mo, that's a lot. Do you have symptoms from it?
    I hope that if my tinnitus doesn't fade with time that it stays at 0-2. To make it a liveable condition. We shall see what the future holds
    Oh that stinks, I'm so sorry I also have reactive tinnitus but no hearing loss. I asked for an extended but they refused me and said it wasn't needed. So idk.
    Well I didn't hear it over the mower with earplugs in unless I looked for it. Typically higher than the TV and gets louder with most sounds... including my own voice.... ugh...
    @Tryn2BHopeful I think that's everyone. Most people rate their T at 6-8. Since day 1 I've heard it over the TV and everything. I don't know any different. Mine doesn't react to my own voice but will react to fans and white noise. You're not alone.
    I believe desperation & depression has started. I took b vitamins & I get a spike?! Come on now. Ears popping, noise loud, idk how to live.
    I noticed mine was worse with a more intense high pitched squealing June 9th and continued to today except on the hissing days. Started magnesium glycinate and 5-HTP 100mg shortly before that. I don't know if either could have triggered or if it just happened. I've kept taking both.
    @RunningMan The magnesium seemed to of changed my T to the center on my head and b vitamins took my hissing into a more solid ring tone. If that helps.

    I stopped taking them and it's starting to slow down again back to my normal.
    @Mo8409 Oh, I started taking a Super B Complex vitamins about the same time as well. I've stopped all these for now. But 5-HTP builds up its effect over time like antidepressants, so any changes may not be immediate.
    What's your favorite Holiday and why? Mines Halloween. I love decorating my house for the kids who walk by.
    Yes in California. I was a passholder for over a decade. Know the park inside out. Used to abuse the fast pass system until they revised it.
    Haha. I would to if I lived that close. I believe I lived in Vista but moved back home to Michigan.
    I'm more around a season than a specific holiday, for many reasons. I relish the simple old traditions.
    Does anyone have a tingling sensation with their tinnitus? Also with ear drum flutters?
    I frequently get random tingling sensations underneath my scalp. No eardrum flutters or facial numbness, though. I don't mind the tingling, but it drives me crazy not to know what causes it.
    @ECP I know, right?! I didn't mind the tingling at first but now it's starting to annoy me. It's crazy how we all experience something a little different from each other.
    @ECP I get that too, it's weird. Although, it hasn't happened for a while.
    I wonder if life will ever give me a break.
    @Mo8409 sometimes i wonder what exactly did we do to deserve this. sometime in our life back then did we do something trivial that led to someones death. think the butterfly effect. then you got guys like putin responsible for so much death, or child traffickers who wont ever face nothing near as torturous as this.
    @Mo8409 in a just world id like to think the super unfortunate tragedy your dealing with is so great that its more than enough reason for god to relieve you from this curse praying for you. and btw you know your in the infant stages of it so its very very possible for it to go away.
    @KoolKat Thank you so much for your kind words. I was just having a hard time today. We're all in the same boat of the hellish condition but it helps so much to know you're not alone. ❤️
    My noises change up from day to day lol on today's playlist.... A hissing sound. Sounds like a speaker plugged in with no music.
    Did the ENT or audiologist diagnose with ETD? That will cause hissing.
    Lookup Adam Fields DC he has a Youtube video with different Massage techniques.They helped me with My ETD. I really like the one he does massaging the Ear Lobes.It helped open up my ET.
    @Supersix I think every test known to man was tested on me. Extended hearing, vein issues of the ear, CT, MRI, TTTS test. Everything came out clear and fine. I can try the massaging though. Doesn't hurt.
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