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  • Hard to believe I've lost 17 pounds in the last year. Can't bring myself to eat. Used to follow a healthy diet.
    Same here with the weight loss. It's fallen off and clothes don't fit. Thinking of you, friend.
    I lost 18 when I first got T but then gained it all back. And then some.
    Just got really, really dizzy. Tinnitus is the worst it's ever been. What's happening to me?
    Dizziness accompanied by tinnitus may be a symptom of Meniere's disease.
    I think I may have it. It's 6:30 am here and I was just woken up by a new tone. I think I am soon to be fully disabled.
    In case of Meniere's disease, betahistine is often used to manage symptoms. You could consult your doctor about this.
    Just reading about how tinnitus could be the sensible result of system entropy within the brain. We're all small pieces of a dying cosmos.
    @Pinhead I prolly clicked every fricken link in my Google search result when I got T. You know what I accomplished... Nothing except finding this forum. I got myself more upset, more worried, and more depressed and stressed then ever. I ultimately dont know if it made the situation worse, but it certainly didnt help. Just sayin...
    @Tryn2BHopeful After three tiring, grueling, straining years of this I can only accept that it will get worse, and that I will most likely be housebound or end my own life.
    I can appreciate that. I hope things get better for you.
    Magnesium relaxes me, but creates new tones in my ears that subside when the magnesium leaves my system. I can't catch a break.
    What type of magnesium are you taking? Certain kinds affects my tinnitus and others don't. Maybe try some other forms. L-threonate seems to get along with mine.
    @kingsfan Currently taking bisglycinate. I think I've tried L-Threonate, but don't really remember if it had the tones or not. I'll go back to that.
    @Pinhead I get worse T with Glycinate, I didnt try any others.
    I always wonder how many long-time active users that are no longer posting have ended things.
    @ajc i have every right to be here as much as you do. Once again you don't know me or the suffering i live with. And you contradict yourself i thought you want people who got better or habituated back to tell their tale?
    @ajc There have been plenty of people posting on here who haven't told people they will all get better or that anyone can do what they do. People who have been talking about taking their lives people with small children people who had been suffering who then say they are doing a bit better, get oh you're only doing better because your mild and that you should of expected that.
    I am with @Jupiterman. I also do not believe that people would be that selfish, not after such trauma. Therefore I think many are gone from this world, at least severe cases.
    Now, I distract myself with videos and random mindless things. Why did I study philosophy again? Why did I travel? An entire life, lost.
    The hardest part of this is hearing loved ones speak about how you're "going through" this and telling them that there is no "through".
    "Unbearable, isn't it? The suffering of strangers, the agony of friends."
    "Oh come, you can hear its faint echo right now. I'm here to turn up the volume."
    Perhaps try something holistic. If you have a loved one to give you a head and temple massage, that will help. If you can afford to pay for one, then givevit a try. Saunas and steam baths, anything that can relax you. If your capable of exercising then do thus till exaustion. Good luck , prraying for you
    Thanks. I was a routine gym-goer up until three weeks ago when I walked into the gym lobby and was gifted a new tone. Now the lobby is an area of trauma for me.
    Are there any anxiety or depression medications that are assuredly safe for tinnitus sufferers? The doctors haven't answered me.
    Honestly not really. There are some that are "Better" than others but almost all of them have a disclaimer for Tinnitus on them.. I take Mirtazapine for sleep so far nothing has changed that I am aware of. Escitalopram was a no go for me obviously (I believe it caused my T), but it works fine for others. Wish I had a better answer for you.
    It seems the SSRIs and SSNRs have the most incidence of tinnitus. TCAs are apparently safer in that regard. I never had an issue with Nortriptyline affecting tinnitus. There's Wellbutrin (bupropion), which can cause it. Buspirone (BuSpar) can cause it. Mirtazapine and Trazodone seem to have lower likelihood of causing tinnitus, but there's no guarantee with any of them.
    Another day trying off to act like I'm normal. I can't keep this up. The other shoe will drop soon.
    I can commiserate with you. Expected to act like nothing is wrong for my kids, at work, with family. Inside your screaming..
    @Pinhead I wish I had more to say than "hang in there."
    Was just awoken by a tone of about 3000KhZ in the middle of the night. Really, really loud. It lasted about 5 minutes. Both ears screaming.
    @Pinhead - I am sorry to hear this. You are not alone. Hope things get better for all of us.
    Trying to sit in quiet and the sounds of the cars two blocks away are making each ear 'squeak' at different times and levels. :(
    The sound of the laptop fan at work, the cars driving by outside, and the central air system are making it impossible to be here. Help!
    Sounds familiar @Pinhead as I've been there. It got gradually better with rest at first, then getting in soothing, natural noises - combined with counselling/CBT. If there is an audiologist you could make an appointment with, that works with h and t, I'd looked into that option asap.
    I had the same the first couple of months. It got better as long as I didn't over protect. Loud fans and road noise still bug me but not like they did.
    @Tryn2BHopeful its migrated to my other ear. For the past three years it was only in one and I avoided forums like this one.
    Do we have any idea as to what causes the temporary tapering tinnitus incidents? I get about two a day and each one makes me panic.
    Fleeting Tinnitus, happens to me here and there... last 30 seconds or so and stops... no idea why
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