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  • How loud does clogged sensation last from noise trauma?
    @Shelbylynn yeah it's crazy. I'm starting to notice ear trauma can cause pain just around anywhere in the head, neck, jaw etc. I get pain near my temple and jaw/ear area. I think you're at a point where you just need to play it cool and don't blast your ears lol. Heed the warning
    @Wrfortiscue trust me me too !! I really can't be around anymore blasts
    Mine took 2 months, I would have good days, bad days. Have you gotten a hearing test yet?
    What really sucks is I had noticeable decrease in volume/sounds last night. I felt like I lost a ring and it was only hissing.
    Oh my god another Burgular alarm Went off by me this morning and I walked right next to the box. If my t survives this then I will truly believe I have stable t
    I think I'm spiking slightly for the first time but we will see how it goes. I took NAC and magnesium. Gotta just ride this out :/
    Stay Active. Breathe Deep... Remind T who is in charge. Take a bath... meditate... I think I'm recovering from my first real spike. We have the tools. Best of luck!
    Hang in there. Try and distract the mind you'll get better <3
    I must have the worst luck in the world. Was at a taco place for lunch and their burglar alarm went off for like 4-5 seconds WHY ME.
    You'll be ok. I think we all have bad luck. Dropped like 3 pans in 3 days, stubbed my toes on metal bins twice, dropped my sons metal water bottle all unprotected
    Wanted to update on my t journey: went to a louder party for about 2 1/2 hours Sat. I used foam plugs. No spike! Gives me some hope. :)
    That's great! Did you communicate with others well enough? Or did you have to remove them to speak and stuff?
    @DimLeb I could communicate! At first I used some attenuated ones when the music was quiter so I could definitely hear people then, and then I switched to foam. But I could still hear since people were talking louder since there was music. It's kind of ironic but I have "good" hearing, I can hear speech decently well.
    Now why the hell did this attachment make the vaccum 100 db?! I didn't even know for 5 min. Thank science for peltors I guess?
    @kingsfan Oof lesson learned. I was trying to get under my bed. I wouldn't be so thorough if it wasn't my dust allergy. Next time i'll just swivel it the best I can underneath w/o attachment. And double protect. Luckily i'm finding my ears aren't reactive or spike if i use protection while vacuuming and do it quickly/breaks. sorry though, IT's definitely LOUD.
    @kingsfan, "I need to vacuum the crevices of my couch" - that made me laugh. Sounds funny. XD
    @Steph1710 gotta get all those mcdonalds french fries out.
    I took really good care of my ears for two years and the sound is relatively the same. I never had pain. This is as good as it gets for me.
    I feel like a very cautious armchair scientist experimenting with my t in whatever safe way possible and introducing diff noise scenarios.
    Uber loud alarm went off again but this time I had peltors on so thank goodness for that. They really can block noise.
    You deserve a Tinnitus Medal of Honor for readiness and preparedness!
    I'm gonna volunteer for a local county office for experience and I am really hoping they don't have me on the phone too much
    Ya phones are a biggie
    @Rockman Hmm, well Luckily I think it's mostly scheduling appts if that so there should be breaks in between, I'll definitely have to see.
    Tried to go to a picnic thing but turned around asap because the music was pretty loud from a distance. I hate the isolation!!
    Unfortunately two events I was invited to likely will have loud music; deciding what I wanna do. May make an appearance/let friends know :/
    @Steph1710 yeah my friends are aware of my issues but I think sometimes it's hard for them to grasp how consuming it can be. I think I am going to bring it up to them and see what they say. At least let them know I'm nervous about it so I may not show up or stay long. They've been pretty understanding/accommodating so far.
    @Steph1710 one is celebrating their degree and the other is a b day so I may end up taking them out in a celebratory way that I CAN do lol.
    @Steph1710 if I may ask what social engagements are you able to participate in? And what is a no go for you? I don't have h so I feel like I can do a bit that others aren't due to that.
    Has anyone had an adt alarm go off around them? They're measured at 140 db. I just had happen to me.
    @Damocles Life is full of loud surprises. I've been taking NAC and just finger crossing. I've been ok so far I know spikes can delay though. Luckily I haven't experienced any pain or anything while my family said it was painful for them. Thanks to the muffs, likely knocked down the db to more tolerable. I think.
    @Damocles Thats crazy? People can just deploy fireworks kids no less? Isn't that dangerous for everyone?
    I'm use my ear plugs a lot more now as well. Too much unpredictable stuff. Usually nothing this bad though. I always have Peltors in my bag
    @Shelbylynn thanks for reminding me about another big problem about my exit plans to Spain.
    Always been puzzled why Spanish clerks follow you around in a 1€ shop:))
    They don't know we pay 150€ every night for every room in hotels? :D
    Take care of yourself <3
    Well I had a good time despite my t a few nights ago so now I have to have a setback. Is it always one step forward two steps back?
    Sometimes I don't think it's a healing journey, more of this is just the way our T is. My day AND night was wonderful yesterday but crap today. Hang in there <3
    @Wrfortiscue thanks I am. I'm gonna be ok regardless! I gotta be. I just have to throw a bit of a fit first. I hope you feel better soon. <3
    I didn't wear my obnoxious embarrasing ear muffs getting gas and then a ambulace started up near me. looked up the db 120-130. Rip my ears
    well I took NAC for the first time, and so far things are ok so let's just hope I'm spared. I think I was only exposed for like 3 seconds and I clamored into my car
    Plugs are life savers, they're not perfect by any means. I own 3 diff brands now too. I like the loops ease of use and can hear people well
    T triggered my anxiety issues because now when I get invite out to a restaurant I feel the need to ask "is it loud?" We shall see
    Fresno makes me think of something they'd serve in Starbucks.
    Is it a guarantee that all folks who have noise induced tinnitus will result in louder t if they're exposed to noise? Or is individual basis
    Got a job opportunity to work with disabled children but the application says "excessive noise levels" like… that is what scares me :(
    @Damocles I honestly think that I could wear like high fidelity plugs and it would be fine since I would still hear it would just take everything down a lot so that anything loud would be more reasonable.
    @Steph1710 I don't want to but been stuck lately and I'm running out of options, not many jobs are quiet :( I have to do something. it isn't permanent, something to get some experience and for references I wanna go back into a grad program. Maybe a year or 2. going to ask them more about what that means, and perhaps voice my concerns, or see if i can observe a day.
    it's too bad I didn't get the office job. Something about other people starting the process before me. I don't care I will just be an office peasant at this point if it meant a quiet work environment.
    the fire alarm went off above me today and I grabbed my x5a it didn't seem too loud. But I feel my t is more aggressive. sigh Hopefully heal
    Trying to find work that isn't "loud"has been pretty much impossible. I actually broke down from the stress and depression of it.
    Ilias T
    My stress got tired from stress. Can you imagine...
    Would you consider your tinntius traumatizing?
    My spike back in October caused a period of depersonalization and derealiszation. Feeling like all my memories were fake or somebody else's. Being certaib that I didn't actually exist and my tinnitus was an extension of some sort of punishment for pretending to be a person. I'm not strong enough to see a therapist so I just stew in a black sea of torment. Unable to drown or swim to shore.
    I certainly would count it among mine. People see t as no big thing, yet it's a complete shift in our daily reality and perception, I don't need drugs to trip I hear phantom sound all day every day. And people can't empathize with that?
    @Shelbylynn Yeah, it's a whole new kind of (sad) existence. I liked the analogy with tripping. Is yours at least livable/maskable/easy to deal with?
    Ignoring my t/not monitoring my t and just trying to be safe but not sweat the small stuff is doing wonders for me.
    Hey, I have some wisdom teeth I have to get out due to a cavity that snuck up on me and caused decay. Did you ever have any long-term problems from your removal? Did they have to drill or did they just remove the tooth without drilling? I saw you posted originally you regretted doing it, so was curious on any post-effects.
    No it didn't effect my tinnitus at all. I'm glad I got it over and done with. I may have to do more dental work unfortunately because of cavities. :( I think they did use a drill.
    I also had to use high dose ibuprofen after- no effect on t
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