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  • How do you all deal with droning type 55-75 background generator or etc noise? I had to set up a baby shower and there was this ag pump?
    I can never tell if my ear discomfort is actually my t reacting to my day or if it's my allergies. Bets are on allergies as it's one ear
    How do u guys deal with smoke detectors at home? This is prob dumb but I legit took mine out of my room. Have to move tho, inspectors comin
    If you want it legally, put in a used dead battery and insurance is happier.
    @Exit excellent tip! Never thought of that.
    Yeah this is clever @Exit and @TheDanishGirl. Problem is the damn thing was still beeping in my hand after I had torn it out of the ceiling, removed the battery, cut the wires and smashed it half to pieces; was f*cking indestructible.

    Would be nice if the rest of my electronic appliances worked this well, but then that would mean life not being a sh*t...
    Is there a lot of modified loud cars where you guys live or is it just me? I'm waiting in the parkinglot in a car, 2 here and my poor ears:(
    Nothing quite like a loud backfiring car to keep you on your toes! Pop pop, bang, pop pop. Listen to my engine getting damaged...
    Yes. Hate them with a passion.
    I didn't like them even before having ear problems.
    I was always asking my husband " So are they doing this to their cars on purpose? Like...why?! "
    The first time I've dropped and shattered a mug on tile floor. I just covered my ears instinctually but yeah. Sigh. Hopefully it's fine
    The way I look at it, those kind of things are bound to happen...My two year old daughter randomly screams at the top of her lungs at least once or twice a week when I pick her up while she has other plans...I just grit my teeth say, so goes life!
    Ugh i can't get my birth control pills for a week, so now I get to have a hormonal change that I really hope doesn't effect my tinnitus :(
    @Steph1710 Thank you<3 that gives me some piece of mind.
    @BuzzyBee I'm not sure. I was on birth control already when I developed tinnitus. I was worried it would make it worse initially but it hasn't had any effect that i know of. But i know getting off meds sometimes makes people spike, but i guess it all depends.
    Whatever happens it will probably be temporary.
    I attempted to vacuum with the peltor x5a muffs for about a minute max. Ehhh I think I'll use double protection instead, vacuum is LOUD
    If I hoover or use any power tools, I wear plugs and muffs! And I don't do whatever I'm doing for very long.
    @Steph1710 I'll try that! I despise ear plugs but I'll have to give in lol. My dust mite allergy means I have to vacuum semi frequently. I need to get rid of the carpet.
    Weird. I just came home and the neighbor was using a small pressure washer thing outside but it didn't seem loud to me. maybe 15 feet away
    Tinntius always seems louder after a busy day but I think it's just going from being masked to unmasked because I'm in relative silence.
    How do you feel you've habituated since it started two years ago?
    Ugh someone turned the tv WAY UP for halftime show as I was walking by. Probably like 85 at least. Idk. Hiding now. Hope no spike. Blehhb
    Similar thing happen to me last week actually. I got blasted by my TVs volume at maximum level. Left me really anxious, The experienced pros here assured me that I would be alright. It's been one week later and I'm still okay. You'll be okay
    @ZFire So far good for me aswell. I mean I'm OK. So that's great. I'm glad you're ok as well. Things like that are so anxiety provoking. Electronics actually stress me out now cause i worry they'll blast meLOL.
    @buttercake Blehhb is the vibe when tinnitus is getting ya down.
    I said I was going to get know my own personal tinnitus better and stop prescribing myself with others t. Anxiety has decreased slightly
    was wearing ear muffs while blow drying the front of my hair with one of those blow dry brush machines but i could hear the vibration?
    Dang I wish I would have known about Texas Roadhouse, I live an hour away from one tho. I would have made the trek
    looking 4 sensory friendly screenings near me (lower volume). Screenings are catered towards kids, as if adults don't have disabilities.
    why are you an autist? can you fix that?
    @Lurius That's great! It should be everywhere, but I know they likely don't do it because financial reasons. If it doesn't make money, it's not available. It sucks.
    @ajc I'm not autistic, but I was looking for screenings with lower volume for my hearing/t sake. In the US movie theaters have unregulated volume so it can be really loud and varies from theater to theater, Unlike what I see from other countries who say it's 85 dB average
    Going through hills to go to beach with etd issues is miserable. I can't take decongestants cause of heart issues. Sigh
    So does covid-19 permanently spike t? or is more likely just to spike while sick?
    @ZFire thank you for responding, I was exposed to covid Friday (I normally don't socialize sigh but the one time I do) so I'm just waiting to see if I end up Ill and stuff. Hopefully it's a temporary spike. I didn't spike with a cold until I got an ear infection. So hope it's similar. And that I don't get a secondary infection this time!
    I didn't spike until I started recovering. It's been 3 week since testing negative and the spike hasn't gone away.

    I don't socialize either. Saw my daughter at christmas and that was all it took. She must have gotten it from a birthday dinner a few days before.
    @kingsfan how are you now, in regards to the COVID spike?
    Friend from out of state visiting, I was invited to bar, but upon hearing my t issues decided to come over 4 drinks instead. Warms my heart!
    @DimLeb Yeah. It's hard for them to grasp how one can change so much... I hope my friends finally do, having known me play live music, host parties, go to concerts etc.
    @DimLeb Hopefully there are activities and things you can bond over still. I like home movie, and coffee dates. But I don't have h or anything so I can do moderate loud like a cafe.
    @Shelbylynn True! No hyperacusis as well, except for some TTTS spasms. Unfortunately, there's still covid and that makes going out stacked in people kinda concerning. So, home stuff it is. How's your T?
    I was roller skating indoors and dropped a wall remote for the fan yeah It crashed vertically and made noise for a plastic thingmay try NAC
    Roller skating indoors? :p What in the world!? :p
    Thanks @Wrfortiscue genuinely appreciate. I'm too panicky and gotta learn to calm myself but hearing someone else remind me helps tremendously
    @Lurius haha!well see, the thing is, I'm not good yet so I'm afraid to strap wheels to my feet in public still. I gotta practice first. I need 2 find a quiet outside place to practice, an empty tennis court maybe
    What do y'all do when the cars bass next to you is bumping super loud at a stop light? I can't really cover my ears cause it's bass freq
    So I may very well be working in an office very soon, which is nerve wracking. Anyone have any words of advice? Any loud equipment? Tips? :)
    @Damocles I actually don't have it *FOR SURE* yet. BUT FINGERS CROSSED they'll have me. I'm going to hound them until they accept :) But thank you for the congrats and the positivity.
    @twa Thank you for the advice! I haven't secured it yet, but I'm hoping they'll have me! We shall see what happens. Thank you again. <3
    @Barry098 Thank you! I didn't secure it yet, but hoping they'll accept me. I was referred to the office by an acquaintance, so fingers crossed.
    The worst sound ever is a bus breaks which sound like dying screeching demons. It's always the moment I am not wearing any hearingprotection
    I once had a spike after a bus slammed the breaks directly next to me as I was walking past. I always wear earplugs now even to the shops because of these awful things. They're so loud!!!
    @Charburchar I'm so stubborn! I don't want to wear it in passing moments because I knew I was just going inside a building in a few seconds. But I keep thinking "Oh well I'll be in a quiet place soon I'll walk fast" And nope even then. I've even waited til loud things pass outside before i walk out LOL.
    What's even more terrifying, car alarms! Got out of the grocery store and didn't want to look like a weirdo by walking back in. That was a bad evening lol
    T srsly has me considering hanging outside near the music venue I used to frequent in hopes I can hear the music outside. band I like play
    Stupid half asleep me flopping on the bed and my ear twice .-.
    Me half asleep is a whole diff person lol.
    That said, it can't have done any permanent damage, so relax... but not so much that you flop again! φ(ºДº)φ

    Jeez this is complicated...
    @Damocles it ended up not having any effect on me.... BUT YEAH. WHY DO I DO THAT?! OK next time I'm just getting up. Someone just sedate me ._. peace
    1.How long does it take you guys to get used to a new tone/sound? 2.Do you more often get just an increase in volume or a new sound? or both
    @Steph1710 yeah sort of a spark sound occasionally. I have the same base sound but I get little extra stuff occasionally, but then I think it goes away. It's not constant, the accessories that is (the remixes lol), sometimes it feels louder and quieter too
    @Wrfortiscue do you mean your sounds are always changing? Is there no constant one ?
    Matt G
    For 20 years I had stable, non-irratic T. Last June developed a new tone for the first time that sounded like a jet turbine, as well as reactivity. That slowly dissipated to a non-issue by late October early November. The new tone is there but can only be heard when falling asleep.

    Unfortunately, developed yet another new tone however this one is incredibly intrusive :(
    noticing a new tone w/ my white noise tone left ear. Today I either notice more or it's louder. Sound unlocked: electrical spark.tst ts tsst
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