Oct 11, 2020
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Member, Female, from US

Hope you all are doing well! I just started my 4th year teaching college and hopefully, I'm working on the last year of my dissertation! Sep 18, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    1. Eleanor89
      I also find quiet times help to relax with hyperacusis….
      1. twa and ZFire like this.
    2. Eleanor89
      I am so sorry about your husbands reaction.
      I hope your ok, the shock of the noise won’t of helped your anxiety and response to sound…
      You must remain strong and keep pushing forward,, and stay positive….
      Sending hugs and my prayers
      1. twa likes this.
      2. twa
        Thanks so much Eleanor. Had a rough evening, but with a few hours of quiet, I was feeling better. I'm doing ok. I am having more ringing today. Trying to press and get my paper done that's due tomorrow.
        Dec 4, 2021
    3. twa
      I told my husband about a noise exposure I had this week with fire engine sirens which were right by me. No empathy or comment whatsoever.
      1. Nadia231, JPGL and Damocles like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. TheDanishGirl
        Sorry about that :( It's so unbelievably hard to get people to understand the severity of this.
        Dec 4, 2021
        twa and JPGL like this.
      4. twa
        Thanks all. I think a compassionate, "I'm sorry that happened" would have helped.
        Dec 4, 2021
      5. LilSass
        Hi Teresa! I'm sorry to hear that you're not receiving the kind of support you deserve from your husband. It's sad when the ones we love cannot attempt to sympathize with something that affects us so profoundly. I sincerely hope that you find what you need with your fellow tinnitus friends. **hugs**
        Dec 6, 2021
        twa likes this.
    4. twa
      Did anyone ever hear from Christiaan?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Leila
        I really hope he's okay. It's scary when somebody who's always been so nice to talk to suddenly seems to drop off the face of the earth.
        Nov 29, 2021
        Steph1710 and Wrfortiscue like this.
      3. Leila
        I'm still hoping he's just taking a bit of a break.
        Nov 30, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      4. Stacken77
        Nov 30, 2021
        Leila likes this.
    5. twa
      Happy Thanksgiving friends! I'm thankful for the many of you who helped answer my many questions and give support over this past year!
      1. JPGL, MBH, Guywithapug and 5 others like this.
      2. Leila
        Happy Turkey Day to you and your loved ones! I would love to beam over to the States for Thanksgiving it's such a great holiday...
        Nov 26, 2021
        twa, MBH and Damocles like this.
      3. Shelbylynn
        Nov 26, 2021
        twa and Damocles like this.
    6. twa
      After dealing with this for a year, the three things I have found that impact me the most are sleep, exercise and water.
      1. JPGL, aura, Jack Straw and 9 others like this.
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      3. Leila
        It's wonderful to hear that you're continuing to do your thing without letting tinnitus drag you down. Initially it sounded a bit as if getting into working on your doctorate was more stressful than you expected it to be (I bet it still is) so I'm extra happy for you that everything worked out and you are working towards you dream. Is it okay to as about the topic of your thesis?
        Nov 11, 2021
        Damocles and twa like this.
      4. twa
        It has been stressful, but it helps me focus on my goals rather than my hearing issues. My area is Curriculum and Instruction. I haven't decided on a thesis topic yet.
        Nov 12, 2021
      5. twa
        @Nadia231 I think when I'm well rested, get exercise and hydration my ability to tolerate the T/H is better. There are some days when it does seem much quieter and it's more of a static noise rather than ringing. I'm sorry none of these things are helpful to you.
        Nov 16, 2021
        JPGL likes this.
    7. twa
      Good night friends, spent the afternoon at the park. Such a beautiful day with family! Get out and enjoy the weather! :-)
      1. JPGL, Damocles, Ondine and 6 others like this.
      2. Damocles
        Nov 9, 2021
      3. twa
        Night, friend.
        Nov 11, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
    8. twa
      I took my Dad and aunt to the fair this week. I was able to drive everyone into downtown Dallas and walked for 2 1/2 hours.
      1. Steph1710, Damocles, Nadia231 and 5 others like this.
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      3. Damocles
        Oct 17, 2021
      4. Damocles
        Also @Nadia231. She can come to the fair too.
        Oct 17, 2021
        twa likes this.
      5. twa
        @JPGL on a good day. On a bad day it's constant ringing.
        Oct 18, 2021
        Damocles and JPGL like this.
    9. twa
      Good night friends! Stats quiz due tonight. :-(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. twa
        @Damocles I grant extensions only for extenuating circumstances. I have some who think, " I woke up with a headache, so I won't be in class today", qualifies. I want to say well, I woke up with a noise in my head that never stops and I can't tolerate sound, but I'm here. :-) After this year, I can sometimes lack in the empathy department.
        Oct 14, 2021
        JPGL, Damocles and Stacken77 like this.
      3. twa
        Oh, the stats quiz was for me. I worked on it Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night. It was 6 pages and took about 6 hours to complete. So glad it wasn't timed!
        Oct 14, 2021
        Damocles, JPGL and Stacken77 like this.
      4. Damocles
        You're a strict disciplinarian that don't take no nonsense, Professor twa!

        I like it!
        Oct 18, 2021
        twa likes this.
    10. twa
      I went to the State Fair this week. I did not think this would be possible a year ago!
    11. twa
      The guys were loud today & set the car alarm off with me in the garage. I've had ringing instead of static/airplane noise all day long.
      1. JPGL, Wrfortiscue and aot like this.
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      3. Kriszti
        You mean you hubby and son? I guess your child is too young to fully understand your condition, but your husband should be much more cautious and considerate. I'm sorry and I hope you won't have a worsening.
        Oct 3, 2021
        twa, Wrfortiscue and Steph1710 like this.
      4. aura
        Sorry to hear that. It happens with kids. I know how it is...
        Oct 3, 2021
        twa, Wrfortiscue and Damocles like this.
      5. twa
        Thank you all! I should have taken NAC. I'll take some today. Yes, my husband and son. My son is loud, but my husband is just as loud and gets mad at me for asking him to please be quieter. He actually yelled at me when he set off the car alarm.
        Oct 4, 2021
        ALS, Damocles and Wrfortiscue like this.
    12. twa
      I was teaching my college classes today and I did not notice my T, until I was walking to my car.
      1. GoatSheep, Wrfortiscue, ALS and 13 others like this.
      2. aura
        Yeah! Kick that tinnitus in the ass!
        Sep 30, 2021
        JPGL, Damocles, twa and 2 others like this.
      3. AfroSnowman
        small victories :)
        Oct 1, 2021
        Damocles and twa like this.
      4. twa
        Thanks guys! I notice it the least when I am teaching.
        Oct 3, 2021
        JPGL and Damocles like this.
    13. twa
      Good night friends! Sending much love to you!
      1. Damocles
        Thank you @twa! Same to you <3
        Sep 29, 2021
        martinberryhorse likes this.
      2. twa
        Thanks so much @Damocles. Hope your back & legs are doing better.
        Sep 29, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
    14. Eleanor89
      @twa yes it magnified four weeks after surgery….this year…
      But I’m hoping to habituate again like I have for 26years,,,,, it started in 1995,
      But we have to push through….
      I have cried like many on this forum
      I hope for all of us…. We will slowly get better
      Sending prayers ….
    15. Eleanor89
      @twa little steps but your getting there….
      I’m only 4 months in with this after 26 years habituation to tinnitus…..
      It’s hard but it will get better
      Your so positive
      1. LilSass likes this.
      2. twa
        @Eleanor89 I'm so sorry. 26 years is so long to have this condition. You are truly a warrior! Did you have a worsening this year? My otologist said they have seen an increase in tinnitus since the pandemic. I think mine has multiple causes, but my year anniversary is this month. Sometimes I feel like the walking wounded, but I keep pressing on by God's grace.
        Sep 25, 2021
        JPGL, LilSass and Eleanor89 like this.
    16. twa
      I've been upset w/myself most of this yr for having this condition & not being able to do normal mom things. Lately, things are much better!
      1. Robster, LilSass, aura and 15 others like this.
      2. Robster
        Wish I could be as positive as you. Glad to hear things are getting better.
        Sep 25, 2021
        LilSass and twa like this.
      3. Eleanor89
        I had totally habituated didn’t notice it and then after surgery it magnified along with sensitivity….
        I’m hoping to habituate again …. But it takes time
        Do you still get ear fullness….etc
        And how is your tinnitusdo you here it all the time
        I think your doing amazing
        I pray also and it helps x
        Sep 25, 2021
        twa and LilSass like this.
    17. twa
      You are brave and stronger than you know.
      1. LilSass, ALS, Tanni and 6 others like this.
      2. Damocles
        and smarter @twa. Don't forget about smarter.

        Sometimes I shock myself...
        Sep 16, 2021
        twa and Steph1710 like this.
      3. Steph1710
        Sep 16, 2021
        Damocles and twa like this.
      4. twa
        And witty! :-D
        Sep 17, 2021
        Steph1710 and Damocles like this.
    18. twa
      Hey friends, thinking about you today.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. twa
        @Eleanor, I'm almost a year in. I'm much improved, but things do still bother me. I wear earplugs all the time I'm away from the house. I think things started to improve a lot this summer, so about 10 months in. I'm able to do so much more than during the last 10 months. I am teaching, which I never thought I'd do again. I can take my kid most places within reason.
        Sep 23, 2021
        Eleanor89 likes this.
      3. Eleanor89
        @twa What ear plugs do you wear and do you still have tinnitus….
        Do you have ear fullness still
        Sep 23, 2021
      4. twa
        I wear Mack's foam earplugs from Amazon. I do still have tinnitus that fluctuates and changes tones daily. The ear fullness is much, much better. So are all the strange pains and burning. When this started a year ago, I could barely function because of the pain is my jaw, ears and temples. The headaches were terrible. I used to keep a hot pack on my face or ears all the time.
        Sep 25, 2021
        Eleanor89 likes this.
    19. twa
      How's everyone doing? I miss all my usual TT friends!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Wrfortiscue
        Enjoying life despite suffering with T and other ailments. How you doing?
        Sep 10, 2021
      3. Christiaan
        How are you, twa? Hope you still enjoy teaching despite T&H. I'm doing ok and will start working full time in about two weeks
        Sep 10, 2021
      4. twa
        Hello all my friends! It was good to hear from you! I'm doing well, still teaching 2 classes and taking 2 doctoral classes! What was I thinking? It's been a challenge, but good for me. It has help ground me lately with a good routine and schedule. Hope you all are doing well, praying for you and thinking about each of you!
        Sep 12, 2021
    20. twa
      It's raining and thundering this morning. I drive down a two lane highway to get to my college. Praying it will subside soon.
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      2. twa
        @Eleanor I do wear foam earplugs when driving. We have so many big trucks and commercial 18 wheelers along with construction vehicles that I always wear them.
        Sep 8, 2021
      3. Nadia231
        Can I ask you what type/brand of foam earplugs you wear? I need them while driving but the ones I use cause me pain, occlusion and the tinnitus feels really loud
        Sep 8, 2021
      4. twa
        @Nadia123 I ordered beige foam earplugs from Amazon. They are called Mack's Ultra Soft.
        Sep 10, 2021
        Nadia231 likes this.
    21. twa
      Hope everyone in the US has a peaceful holiday weekend! XO
      1. Damocles
        What about those of us that aren't in the US, @twa??

        You want us all to have a horrible holiday weekend!? >:O
        Sep 5, 2021
        Wrfortiscue, aot and twa like this.
      2. twa
        @Damocles, I can always count on you for a witty rebuttal. :-D My thought was that only the US is celebrating Labor Day this weekend, but feel free to join in the celebration!
        Sep 5, 2021
      3. twa
        @Eleanor, I'm doing good. Vertigo and dizziness are better. Tinnitus and hyperacusis are still here, although I can tolerate more sounds. This is the 10th month since my acoustic event. Hope you are doing well.
        Sep 5, 2021
        Eleanor89 and Damocles like this.
    22. twa
      So much to be thankful for, but feeling overwhelmed.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. twa
        Thanks @Mister Muso. This was a hard week, 4 classes and two are doctoral level.
        Sep 4, 2021
        aot and Mister Muso like this.
      3. Eleanor89
        @twa Do you still get days of ears feeling more sensitive and full,….
        Oct 5, 2021
        twa likes this.
      4. twa
        I do get ear sensitivity some days. I find it is often after a loud day, the next day I'm more sensitive.
        Oct 7, 2021
    23. twa
      First student with Covid. Ugh.
      1. aura
        Take care!
        Sep 1, 2021
        Christiaan, Steph1710 and twa like this.
    24. twa
      Ringing for two days straight. Really tough. Usually, I have periods of airplane engine/static throughout the day and it is tolerable.
      1. Charburchar likes this.
      2. Charburchar
        I hope it gets better twa, hang in there!
        Sep 1, 2021
        twa and Christiaan like this.
      3. twa
        @Charbuchar I've had some static today and it helps. Thank you for the kind words. I don't know if it's that I've been sick and my allergies are bothersome or adding more stress with work and school.
        Sep 2, 2021
        Charburchar likes this.
      4. Eleanor89
        Hope your ok now x
        Sep 3, 2021
        twa likes this.
    25. twa
      First day as a college professor. Everything went well!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. twa
        @Christiaan I teach Reading and Writing. I would love to teach Spanish, but professors need 18 graduate hours in the discipline they are teaching.
        Aug 25, 2021
        Christiaan and Damocles like this.
      3. Christiaan
        Still awesome to teach those subjects @twa . These were def one of my favourite things when I studied English & French literature
        Aug 25, 2021
        twa likes this.
      4. Eleanor89
        Congratulations professor x
        Sep 5, 2021
        twa likes this.
    26. twa
      Working on class syllabus, for a few moments everything seemed quiet.
    27. twa
      Enjoy the days that are good and give yourself grace on the rest of them.
      1. ALS, Stacken77, Steph1710 and 5 others like this.
      2. Christiaan
        Thanks for these words of wisdom @twa It really helps to put things in perspective at times
        Aug 18, 2021
      3. twa
        Aug 20, 2021
        Damocles and Christiaan like this.
    28. twa
      First faculty meeting for higher education today. It seems that K-12 education has the monopoly on organization.
      1. Charburchar likes this.
    29. twa
      An improvement I've noticed is that I am better able to tolerate my own voice. The resonating sound of my voice has calmed down.
    30. twa
      Rapid Covid test is negative, flu is negative, waiting on the PCR test.
      1. ZFire, Steph1710, RishRamsey and 3 others like this.
      2. twa
        PCR was negative, must be a bad respiratory infection. We all three have it.
        Aug 16, 2021
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    2017- mild /Sept. 2020-moderate
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    meds/acoustic trauma