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Member, Male, from United Kingdom

Cmspgran was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Sep 8, 2024 at 12:36 AM
    1. ErikaS
      Hey @Cmspgran , read your posts about the lidocaine patches and was rather intrigued! Have you continued at all following the temporary drop in hearing? Been in a spike for a lot of the summer and go back to work tomorrow, need something to help with my sound reactive component.
      1. Cmspgran
        Hi @ErikaS id followed your story too, so can appreciate and relate to your suffering. Sorry about your spiking, I’m certainly nowhere near on the straight and narrow either. I’ve stopped for now and mainly relying on clonazepam, the patches definitely were working but the drop in hearing really freaked me out. Probably something to do with conduction as Nick said but still too nervous to use them again.
        Aug 18, 2024
      2. Cmspgran
        I’ve found high frequency noise from dale snales channel masks my reactive tinnitus, took a while to find the correct sounds but worth a shot?
        Aug 18, 2024
    2. mrpetrov
      Hi @Cmspgran - I saw that your T is very much like mine - in the sense that it is reactive morse-code like beeps that ride on the back of other sounds (especially white noise type sounds for me). May I ask what background noise you use at night (if any)? I've tried sleeping in dead quiet, but my T keeps waking me up, and white noise just exacerbated the morse code loudness. Thanks!
      1. Kiyomi likes this.
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      3. Cmspgran
        How long have you had your symptoms and how did they come about?
        Apr 5, 2024
      4. Andrew40
        Hello friends in misfortune. I have Morse code against a background of chorus and other sounds in one ear, and shrill monotones in the other. Very reactive noise. I can't go outside if you can do it very well. I've been staying at home for 3 months
        Apr 10, 2024
      5. RunningMan
        All the OTC meds, trazodone, and hydroxyzine along with many supplements haven't helped my sleep. Only zolpidem (Ambien) seems to work. I take it about everyday, but use it in the middle of the night sublingually trying to keep dose under 3 mg. I use a "thousands of crickets" video from youtube overnight.
        Apr 11, 2024
        Cmspgran likes this.
    3. Juliane
      Hi dear @Cmspgran. How are you holding up? I am sorry, I am losing all hope. I cannot cope with this anymore. It is too much. I hope you will heal completely and soon <3
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. Cmspgran
        I feel your pain, don’t give up you’ve been amazingly strong and I know you’ll continue to be. I wish we had some sort of in person support group if we all lived in the same country!
        Feb 13, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
      4. Juliane
        @Cmspgran I want to quit my job and go to the country side too. This winter has been so long and painful
        Feb 19, 2024
      5. ZFire
        @Cmspgran , stay strong. I’ll sure your distortions won’t be an issue for you down the line. You’ll see some kind of resolution. it’s rough I know, but you’ll get there. Cheers.
        Mar 13, 2024
        Juliane, tpj and Cmspgran like this.
    4. Juliane
      Every time I see that sweet cat of yours, I feel happy and sad at the same time. He/she looked so cute! Hope you are OK ❤️
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. Juliane
        Might just read that book...Sounds interesting. Does it help you?
        Jan 31, 2024
      4. Cmspgran
        I find comfort in reading peoples accounts of suffering severe illness and injury and finding a way to continue and it talks about that quite a lot. Sounds sadistic but I’m sure you know what I mean!
        Feb 1, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
      5. Juliane
        I understand. Makes sense.
        Feb 2, 2024
    5. Juliane
      Happy new year dear @Cmspgran Hope you are OK given the circumstances?

      I am terrified as in a few weeks it will no longer be allowed to work from home at the company I work with. I wanted to ask if you go to the office for work and how do you handle that with bothersome reactive tinnitus?
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. Juliane
        @Cmspgran Yes you are right. I need to play with completely open cards. I don't have a choice.
        Jan 8, 2024
      4. Pinhead
        Honestly, I find that being in the office sometimes gives my brain more to focus on. I have severe, constant tinnitus, and slight hyperacusis, and the office environment hasn't been too tough. I have also laid all of my cards on the table with my bosses, and they allow me to play background noise/music in the office. It doesn't bother anyone.
        Jan 23, 2024
      5. Cmspgran
        How do you cope with the constant reactive element? Sounds like you have kind understanding bosses which I'm really glad about for you.
        Jan 23, 2024
    6. Andrew40
      Hi! Sorry, i mean reactive tinnitus...
      1. Cmspgran
        Hi Andrew, sorry for delay the only thing that I have found that makes any difference for reactiveness is clonazepam.
        Jan 4, 2024
    7. Andrew40
      Hello, I know that you also feel bad from jet tinnitus... do you know of any cases of cure (at least partial) of such a problem?
      1. Cmspgran
        Hi Andrew, sorry don’t understand what you mean by jet tinnitus.
        Jan 1, 2024
    8. Cmspgran
      Thank you to all those that have offered me kindness and words of comfort as well this year. Only fellow sufferers understand.
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      2. Juliane
        Beautifully said ❤️
        Dec 26, 2023
        Cmspgran likes this.
      3. Juliane
        Who knows, perhaps years from now we will randomly meet somewhere in the real world both only having tinnitus as a distant unpleasant memory because it has improved for both of us!
        Dec 26, 2023
        Cmspgran likes this.
      4. Cmspgran
        Wouldn’t that be something. I know you’ve been struggling as much as me lately but stay strong and keep going into 2024. We all need each other to lean on.
        Dec 26, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
    9. Cmspgran
      Wishing everyone I’ve conversed with this year a better 2024, 2023 has been the worst year of my life.
      1. Andrew40, Juliane, PennyCat and 4 others like this.
      2. Juliane
        Same for me. Never had a more horrible year. I am almost afraid to hope for a better 2024 as hope can be devastating. But I do hope for a better new year for both of us, for all of us.
        Dec 26, 2023
        Cmspgran likes this.
    10. Juliane
      Sorry to ramble on your wall, but I have been thinking if the fact that we are still working might be making us worse? Have you thought about this? I know it's easier said than done but what if we just took a "break" from the world and work for, say, 2 years and moved somewhere quiet, would we become better? I am seriously considering doing this.
      1. Jupiterman likes this.
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      3. Cmspgran
        You don’t have to apologise you can post anytime you’re want to reach out on my wall, same for anyone here. I’ve had the same conversation with my sister just as this started I’d moved careers and in my current state I’d be off work if I wasn’t mainly working from home so it’s like fate in a twisted way, but I’d said I need a year off to try and recover and she agreed.
        Nov 24, 2023
        Juliane and gameover like this.
      4. Cmspgran
        I just can’t afford it, part of me thinks it’d be a good idea but then part of me thinks would it be case of just wallowing in your own misery , whereas at least with work you still have some structure and purpose?
        Nov 24, 2023
        Juliane and gameover like this.
      5. Juliane
        @Cmspgran I understand. I have the same thoughts. It is so damn devastating to deal with something that continues to be horrible and life-shattering - with no end in sight. Just so difficult to know what to do.
        Nov 27, 2023
        Cmspgran likes this.
    11. Cmspgran
      Flipping between the perils of dysacusis morse and reactive electrical buzzing tinnitus. How does anyone get past this!
    12. Juliane
      Hey there ❤️ Have the morse code tones reduced?
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      2. Cmspgran
        I’m unsure what to do at this point, I’m so sorry you are having to lead the same life, I can’t offer you much only that I totally understand how you feel and daily torment of it all. None of us deserve this, I’ve tried to be a good person, but not good enough it seems.
        Oct 31, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      3. Juliane
        @Cmspgran I think that you being able to tolerate online meetings better is a sign of a small improvement?

        I am so sorry too. About all of this and for all of us. I still hope that one day we'll be able to tell each other that things are a lot better. AND I am sure you are a good person. Bad stuff happen to good people all the time :-(

        Sending you good vibes and wishes ❤️
        Nov 1, 2023
      4. Cmspgran
        Sorry @Juliane didn't see this, you are a really kind soul and I wish to God that however long it takes we can be sharing tales of success in some form whether it is 12 months away or more.

        Sending you good wishes and vibes back for the week ahead, keep fighting and keep staying strong, we're all in it together ❤️
        Nov 5, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
    13. Cmspgran
      Developed morse code tones in both ears, at different pitches on top of reactive electrical screams. I just want my regular tinnitus back!
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      2. Juliane
        Oh no :-(
        Oct 22, 2023
      3. Stayinghopeful
        Sorry to hear this brother. Is it Mask able? My machine gun/morse code is only maskable by dale snales 13000khz masker.
        Nov 16, 2023
      4. Cmspgran
        Thanks @Stayinghopeful it is maskable, the left ear is around 1000hz and the right 2000ish, this is on to of multiple sine wave tones (which I'd always had) and electrical reactive fizz to external sounds in the left. I use Dale Snales sounds too.
        Nov 16, 2023
    14. Cmspgran
      Reactive tinnitus is the utter pits, fellow reactive sufferers how are you doing? What's helping and what's not?
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      2. Cmspgran
        So sorry @ErikaS I can relate totally but your case sounds even worse than mine. Stay strong, I pray to god we can all improve at some point soon.
        Oct 14, 2023
      3. GG_Ear
        Mine improved for 3 weeks in July and would only spike if I spoke wearing earplugs. I think it was because the 2-3 weeks prior I spent most of my time at home and wan't exposed to loud noise.... however in August it came back.
        Oct 17, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      4. Stayinghopeful
        Mine hates showers, driving and noise lol. It’s the most stupid frustrating condition.

        Mine doesn’t go above any sound it just spikes from the above, like fans and things are fine.
        Nov 16, 2023
        Cmspgran likes this.
    15. Cmspgran
      What an utterly rubbish year, lost my most precious cat last night, catastrophic tinnitus takes ahold, relationship breakdown, 2023 f’off
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      2. Cmspgran
        Thank you @Michael Leigh you are always so kind with your words. I'm hoping for better times ahead.
        Sep 26, 2023
        JeffToob, 4Grace and Michael Leigh like this.
      3. Juliane
        So so sorry @Cmspgran. It is horrible to lose a loved pet. And very sorry about your relationship too. When it rains, it pours... 2023 can go f... itself. You seem like a kind person. Better days MUST come our way soon! ❤️
        Sep 26, 2023
        tpj, TracyJS, Cmspgran and 1 other person like this.
      4. Cmspgran
        @Juliane my dream would be we are all posting how much better we are in 12 months time on here but it just doesn't feel like that's going to happen for me on current progress. I shall remain hopeful for us all!
        Sep 27, 2023
        tpj and Juliane like this.
    16. Cmspgran
      Who's currently dealing with pretty bad reactive tinnitus? What are you doing to improve? I'm almost at the 4 month mark and no better...
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      2. 4Grace
        @Cmspgran i am not sure if it was last noise trauma, Meds, anxiety when I was off the meds, the place where I stay during the day. I’m 50. I can’t see how to do this. Honest to God don’t see how. I don’t know how long I can sustain the worsening. Sorry for the negative post. If I continued to stay inside I would have gone insane the same.
        Sep 27, 2023
      3. Cmspgran
        So sorry you are feeling this way, I can completely relate I’m 40 and have wasted years with other health issues in the past and now feel like here I am again, life wasting away. Don’t be sorry for being negative I can relate and understand to how you feel, reactive tinnitus is ten levels above regular T and I would give anything just to go back to how I was.
        Sep 27, 2023
      4. 4Grace
        @Cmspgran - it’s the best of the ADs for T. I think my problem is that mine really reacts to food. I can’t see how being on it would not impact my T. Honest to God I trend worse daily. I have reached that insane loudness point and I know it can get louder because I have had scary fleeting tinnitus. There is no mercy with this thing. I feel my case is a little unique.
        Sep 27, 2023
    17. Cmspgran
      What a rollercoaster tinnitus can be a couple of reasonable days, followed by a horrific day, no rhyme, no reason. Emotional torture...
      1. Juliane, jimvee and PennyCat like this.
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      3. Cmspgran
        No, working from home has been a blessing I couldn’t have coped 5 days back in.
        Aug 31, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      4. Cmspgran
        It does involve lots of teams calls but for me it beats going back to the classroom as given what I’m currently going through I wouldn’t have been able to do it. I currently work as a Business Analyst, there should be remote jobs that don’t involve lots of calls I’m sure, what about things like video editing or graphics, coding?
        Sep 10, 2023
        Stayinghopeful and Juliane like this.
      5. Cmspgran
        I'm finding it hard to keep going even with a remote job as it's a daily rollercoaster of anxiety and despair but I think it's really important to keep going.
        Sep 19, 2023
    18. Cmspgran
      Keeping going to meet the day I’ve beaten this..
      1. Pinhead, Juliane and Joe Cuber like this.
      2. Juliane
        I hope and think you will.
        Aug 15, 2023
        Cmspgran likes this.
    19. Cmspgran
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Juliane
        I know how you feel. I am guessing that your new job may be stressing you. It did for me, it challenges the entire system. Please hang in there. The working week is almost done.
        Aug 9, 2023
        Cmspgran likes this.
      3. Cmspgran
        Thanks Sarah, been out on two walks today to try and get some form of relief, just can’t escape the ringing. Why must we all endure this torture. Hope we all have a better day tomorrow.
        Aug 9, 2023
      4. SarahMLFlemmer
        Yeah, the only escape seems to be sleep. It's insane. =[
        Aug 10, 2023
        Cmspgran likes this.
    20. Juliane
      Hi @Cmspgran Just wanted to check in to see how you are doing? Hope the new job is working out well for you!
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      2. Juliane
        Hi Paul,

        So happy to hear you are seeing a bit of improvement! Hope it continues to improve even further.

        I will definitely check out the YouTube video. Looks interesting.

        I have not really been experiencing any improvement unfortunately but I am trying to do the "right" things: eating healthy, exercising moderately and avoiding stress. It is a bit rough at the moment. But have to try and stay positive.
        Jul 24, 2023
      3. Cmspgran
        Sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch, coincidentally the day after I wrote those messages above, I had a terrible day and felt back to square one. How many months has it been for you now?
        Jul 25, 2023
      4. Juliane
        @Cmspgran I have had T for many years but the worsening came after a loud firecracker on New Years Eve...
        Aug 9, 2023
    21. Jupiterman
      What phase of education are you in?

      Do you use any ear protection at work? Eg musicians earplugs?
      1. Cmspgran
        Hi Jupiter man nice to meet you. I teach secondary which is 11-18 but soon to be leaving for a new career. I don’t need plugs at work as not around loud noise.
        Jun 18, 2023
        Jupiterman likes this.
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    United Kingdom
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Loud noise