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California Dreaming

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Member, Male, from California Dreaming

My little buddy in my head is really getting on my nerves today. Jun 29, 2024 at 5:06 PM

Supersix was last seen:
Jul 2, 2024 at 3:40 AM
    1. Supersix
      My little buddy in my head is really getting on my nerves today.
      1. _Shoto_, weehiru, ECP and 2 others like this.
    2. Supersix
      Any exciting plans for the weekend?
    3. Supersix
      The military will soon have a pill that can cure tinnitus. It is intended for the troops to prevent hearing loss from combat noise.
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      2. crescentsky
        I hope so. I feel like at the rate we are moving, I'll be dead lol
        Jun 28, 2024 at 1:43 AM
        Supersix likes this.
      3. RunningMan
        No cures likely, just some partially effective treatments eventually. It takes a long time. Hopefully some of us will gt some relief with the Shore device in the next year or two.
        Jun 29, 2024 at 7:13 PM
      4. gameover
        Lol, military is a joke. I don't think so. They will sooner build better weapons causing T.
        Jun 29, 2024 at 9:34 PM
    4. Supersix
      The chief audiologist at my hospital, Kaiser, has severe tinnitus. We spoke for an hour, and he knows everything there is to know about T.
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. Lipshitz
        He knows everything there is to know about his T , he don't know everything about others T cause it's different for everybody. Don't believe everything you hear about doctors n audiologists etc. The medical field is a business before anything and they will tell people they have T as a business tactic to lure the Tinnitus patients there .
        Jun 29, 2024 at 9:55 PM
      4. Supersix
        He is completely trustworthy. I have no doubt in my mind that he is being entirely honest with me. He explicitly stated that there is a push for audiologists to treat tinnitus patients and emphasized the importance of their education on the matter. He made it clear that ENTs may not have the necessary time or expertise. It's important to note that he never tried to sell me anything,
        Jun 30, 2024 at 12:19 AM
      5. Supersix
        @gameover He works at a business complex outside the hospital, which the hospital leases, and supervises about 8 employees.
        Jun 30, 2024 at 12:30 AM
    5. Supersix
      The 1st online Gene Therapy and Pharmacology Conference in the U.K. is scheduled for June 28, 2024.
      1. tpj and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
    6. Supersix
      May I find relief. May I find peace. May I be at ease. Say this to yourself several times a day It is good for the soul
    7. Supersix
      Stay strong, my fellow T-Knights!!
      1. ECP and streifzug like this.
      2. streifzug
        you, too!
        Jun 20, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
    8. ellees
      have you tried gabapentin? did it make your tinnitus worse?
      1. Supersix likes this.
      2. Supersix
        I tried taking 100mg once, but it made me feel mellow. I have GERD, and it triggered it, so I can't take it. My advice to anyone out there: don't be afraid to try anything. It can't be any worse than what you're going through now, and it might improve your quality of life. And if it does spike, it will come down. I'll try anything now; in the past, I was terrified, to.
        Jun 8, 2024
    9. Supersix
      I was approved for SSDI due to my chronic tinnitus. It's challenging to prove, but you have a chance with the proper medical evidence!
      1. gameover, Sansa, tpj and 3 others like this.
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      3. JeffToob
        Yeah, I'm grateful too I'm financially stable. I had a minor tbi 6 months prior to tinnitus and STD coverage kicked in. I was later granted SSDI and the medical coverage is the best I've ever had. It's a huge relief having support through this.
        Jun 8, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      4. kingsfan
        I was financially stable, but after 3 years of being unemployed and too distraught to make competent financial decisions, everything I spent 20 years working for is gone. Was always just behind housing prices, could never quite catch up. By the time I saved to afford a ~$300k house, the average price rose to $800-900k. And that would have been a house way out in Redlands, CA with a looong commute to LA/OC
        Jun 8, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      5. Supersix
        @kingsfan You need to move to Central California. Your money will go further.
        Jun 8, 2024
    10. Supersix
      I had a filling today. The drilling noise was terrifying, but I think it lowered my Tinnitus,lol
      1. _Shoto_, snizzleberry and Sansa like this.
    11. Supersix
      108 degrees in the forecast. It's too early for extreme heat.
    12. Supersix
      Who takes medication every night for sleep, and what do you take?
      1. RunningMan likes this.
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      3. 4Grace
        @Varda - when I was in university I was like that … could sleep for days. Needed to alarm clocks to get up. Now I can’t stay in bed. Going insane. I wish I could.
        Jun 6, 2024
      4. 4Grace
        Two alarm
        Jun 6, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      5. RunningMan
        I slept fine in college at a university. My sleep did get worse when I had mild tinnitus but went to hell went it got severe. I had some nights with zero sleep, even back to back. Now I might get 5 to 6 hours broken sleep with meds before bedtime plus overnight.
        Jun 6, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
    13. Supersix
      The search for a cure for tinnitus is becoming more intense. It's a billion-dollar industry.
      1. snizzleberry likes this.
      2. cjbhab
        I'm unfortunately not sure its that intense.
        Jun 5, 2024
    14. Supersix
      My ENT told me that Japan is on the verge of finding a cure for tinnitus. He mentioned they have a pill, but it causes severe side effects.
      1. cjbhab and snizzleberry like this.
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      3. songh
        i believe it, the japanese research capabilities . they are much more focused and less profit-centered than US
        Jun 2, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      4. songh
        there are too many secrets in this world. Real information is hard to get
        Jun 2, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      5. gameover
        That's ossiculoplasty. Nothing exactly "new", I believe.
        Jun 3, 2024
        Supersix and BB23 like this.
    15. Supersix
      In which stage of habituation are you currently? There are four. You can find more information on the ATA website. I'm between 3 and 4.
      1. weehiru likes this.
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      3. weehiru
        Jun 4, 2024
        Utdmad89 likes this.
      4. RunningMan
        I was habituated to mild tinnitus. Then it turned severe suddenly well over two years ago, and has actually worsened, so I'm further removed from habituation than ever, although some days are worse than others.
        Jun 4, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      5. Supersix
        I have ADHD and A little OCD.
        Jun 4, 2024
    16. Supersix
      The wild world of tinnitus. I laugh at it now because it's so predictable. It can't hurt you, but it can make you miserable some days
      1. Sansa, _Shoto_ and weehiru like this.
    17. Supersix
      I am wishing you a fantastic Memorial Day weekend! Take advantage of the great weather and fire up the grill for delicious ribeyes!
      1. Sansa, weehiru, Ngo13 and 2 others like this.
    18. Supersix
      If you suffer from allergies and it makes your ringing/hissing louder, I suggest trying Azelastine Nasal spray. It helped lower my T.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supersix
        May 14, 2024
      3. kingsfan
        Not yet. Actually forgot to pick it up last time I was at the store. Maybe next time
        May 15, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      4. Supersix
        The pollen levels are decreasing. I'll use it if I get irritated by my pets or if bad air quality affects my ETD.
        May 15, 2024
    19. Supersix
      How's everyone doing? Hope you all are having a great weekend
      1. RunningMan likes this.
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      3. Supersix
        I suffer from allergies and ETD, and when they flare up, everything seems to go wrong. Recently, I decided to use a prescription nasal spray that I had been sitting on for a year. However, I finally decided to try it. I told myself it couldn't make my T any louder than it was, which was a good decision. The spray dried me out. I love the results so far and am curious to see how I feel over the next few days.
        Apr 28, 2024
      4. Supersix
        Azelastine HC is the prescription that helped alleviate my tinnitus and dry me out. Let's see how tomorrow goes.
        Apr 28, 2024
      5. RunningMan
        I wasn't clear earlier. I meant that I think the new sleep med is making me feel worse since upping the dose. Sadly, I'm not sleeping any better, yet, either. I'm hoping I adjust and it improves.
        Apr 28, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
    20. Supersix
      I suggest that everyone should get a Swedish massage as it is beneficial for the central nervous system.
      1. L along the way and BrOKeN_1 like this.
      2. Jammer
        I concur. Highly recommended.
        Mar 25, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
    21. Supersix
      Has anyone tried Lavela WS 1265 lavender oil? My daughter said it works well and calms her down, but I have yet to try one.Great reviews
      1. Kiyomi likes this.
    22. Supersix
      @RunningMan It might be worth trying Remeron, which I think helped reduce the severity of my symptoms, along with a Swedish massage.
      1. Kiyomi and RunningMan like this.
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      3. RunningMan
        I don't have Remeron, but I have a little Ambien left. When I wake and can't get back to sleep, Ambien helps me get back to sleep at a small dose better than the full pill of Lorazepam. But I no longer have an Ambien prescription. Dr. less likely to prescribe Remeron, especially since he prescribed Quviviq. That's why he stopped Ambien. I need to give Quviviq more time.
        May 3, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      4. RunningMan
        Well had the upper GI. No problems seen but waiting on random biopsies.
        May 4, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      5. Supersix
        That's great news. I had scarring on my lower esophagus I have to take a-PPI for maintenance every day, Luckily it doesn't spike my T
        May 4, 2024
        RunningMan likes this.
    23. Supersix
      "Hello, everyone. I hope you all are doing well."
      1. L along the way, Kiyomi, tpj and 2 others like this.
    24. Supersix
      I noticed my hissing spike had lowered in tone, and I am unsure why. The only thing I can think of is that I had a Swedish massage.
      1. Supersix
        I noticed my hissing tone improved two days after the massage, but I'm unsure if it was directly related. I was like, wait a minute, my tone is quieter now. What happened? It's been two weeks now, and it is still the same. I hope it stays.
        Feb 14, 2024
        sspencermo likes this.
      2. BrOKeN_1
        Mental Note... "Get Swedish Massage". :)
        Feb 14, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
    25. Supersix
      Who listens to white noise through airpods
      1. kingsfan
        I've tried with my airpod pros, but it doesn't give me any benefit. I just use them for at-home audiograms from time to time with the MiMi app since they are specifically calibrated for it.

        Also the "connecting" sound they play when I put them in my ears is uncomfortable.
        Feb 3, 2024
        Tryn2BHopeful and Supersix like this.
    26. Supersix
      Have you tried any new anxiety medications that are coming out in 2023-2024?
      1. RunningMan
        I don't know of any, but "new" usually means expensive and insurance doesn't cover when there are lower cost drugs available.
        Feb 2, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
    27. Supersix
      What are your plans for this weekend?
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      2. Supersix
        @cyberspace "I'm sorry, dude. I hope things will change for you in the future.
        Jan 27, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      3. Juliane
        Getting through it. Then getting through the working week to get to the weekend. Then the cycle repeats. No real enjoyment ever.
        Jan 27, 2024
      4. Cmspgran
        @Juliane completely relate and SICK of living this way.
        Feb 3, 2024
        Supersix and Juliane like this.
    28. Supersix
      I found out yesterday that I could restore hearing in my Right ear that I was told since birth It was a dead Ear
      1. tpj likes this.
      2. Supersix
        I visited an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor who is a semi-retired professor and a graduate of Stanford University. He had asked me to bring my medical records four months before my visit, which he reviewed. During the examination of the hearing test, he noticed that although I could not hear from my right ear, the bones in that ear could still receive sound. He explained that there is a surgical.
        Jan 26, 2024
      3. AfroSnowman
        That is incredible! Congratulations
        Jan 26, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      4. Supersix
        It's called Orsicular Chain Reconstruction with titanium in my right ear. He said they could restore the hearing to 80-70 DB, and I would wear a hearing aid. He stated it would make my life better and offset the Tinnitus in the left ear.
        Jan 26, 2024
        Juliane and sspencermo like this.
    29. Supersix
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Tryn2BHopeful
        @RunningMan My insurance wont cover them... I dont qualify for a hearing aid as far as for amplification as my normal audiogram is fine. However despite my efforts none of them would offer me maskers. I feel I have been pretty much dismissed everywhere I go.
        Jan 25, 2024
        Supersix and RunningMan like this.
      3. RunningMan
        @Tryn2BHopeful Oh, I see. Yeah, I actually have hearing loss, although I don't normally have trouble hearing in conversations, even in groups, so I haven't been quick to get hearing aids, even though I would like to try the masking (or sound enrichment, whatever. lol).
        Jan 25, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      4. Supersix
        To use white noise with your hearing aid, you'll need one that has Bluetooth connectivity. Many hearing aids come with a companion app that can play white noise. The Resound hearing aid app is one such app that allows you to customize the sounds you hear. and it's especially handy when I experience sudden spikes in my T Additionally, you take calls on your mobile phone directly through your hearing aid.
        Jan 25, 2024
    30. Supersix
      Pink, Brownian, or White Noise? Which one works best for you? When I'm having a lousy spike, I prefer Rain noise.
      1. Tryn2BHopeful
        Sadly nothing works for me. Everything seems to make my T react more... So I dont even try.
        Jan 25, 2024
        Supersix likes this.
      2. Supersix
        "I have trouble listening to white noise when I sleep because it makes my tinnitus sound louder, Occasionally, during the day, when my tinnitus is particularly intense and wearing on me mentally, I'll listen to rain noise for a short time.
        Jan 25, 2024
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  • About

    California Dreaming
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Mild hearing loss ETD Left Ear,Profound hearing loss R
    Don't ever give up. Fight the good fight we will have more bad days than good but every day is a good day when you're alive,
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