BellaMia Feb 15, 2024 1yr ago today I was at U of M with tachycardia caused by something unknown. They said it was anxiety but it wasn't. A HR of 140 for 3 days.
1yr ago today I was at U of M with tachycardia caused by something unknown. They said it was anxiety but it wasn't. A HR of 140 for 3 days.
BellaMia Feb 12, 2024 And why do these status boxes only allow so many letters? Anyways wanted to warn anyone just in case I vent or rant in the near future.
And why do these status boxes only allow so many letters? Anyways wanted to warn anyone just in case I vent or rant in the near future.
BellaMia Feb 12, 2024 It's like I'm back in that state of living in constant anxiety and stress. The noise seems more intense like it did in the first months. Ugh
It's like I'm back in that state of living in constant anxiety and stress. The noise seems more intense like it did in the first months. Ugh
BellaMia Feb 12, 2024 It's more of an eeee tone now and it's loud again at night. I was finally starting to get into an okay place and now I have a setback. #sad
It's more of an eeee tone now and it's loud again at night. I was finally starting to get into an okay place and now I have a setback. #sad
BellaMia Feb 12, 2024 I'm starting to get a feeling that the detector may of change my T tone or knocked me back a few months in healing.
I'm starting to get a feeling that the detector may of change my T tone or knocked me back a few months in healing.
BellaMia Feb 11, 2024 Today it's a 4/10. At times I heard complete silence. What the hell?! This condition is going to be the death of me. How are you guys?
Today it's a 4/10. At times I heard complete silence. What the hell?! This condition is going to be the death of me. How are you guys?
BellaMia Feb 10, 2024 I feel like if it was a spike from the detector then it wouldn't of been a good day yesterday? This is giving me bad anxiety.
I feel like if it was a spike from the detector then it wouldn't of been a good day yesterday? This is giving me bad anxiety.
BellaMia Feb 10, 2024 Why the sudden change? Could this be random or caused by something? Does this happen to you? From the detector? Wow, this is very hard.
Why the sudden change? Could this be random or caused by something? Does this happen to you? From the detector? Wow, this is very hard.
BellaMia Feb 10, 2024 Guys, what is up with this condition? It was quiet yesterday and now I wake up in the middle of the night with the worst spike I ever had?
Guys, what is up with this condition? It was quiet yesterday and now I wake up in the middle of the night with the worst spike I ever had?
BellaMia Feb 8, 2024 Ear feels slightly sore today and T has spiked. Thanks to that detector. Let's hope it goes back to baseline. Hopefully no damage was done.
Ear feels slightly sore today and T has spiked. Thanks to that detector. Let's hope it goes back to baseline. Hopefully no damage was done.
BellaMia Feb 8, 2024 What was I thinking? Went to move a carbon monoxide detector closer to my furnace & it went off... killing my ears! LORD HELP ME! Ugh.
What was I thinking? Went to move a carbon monoxide detector closer to my furnace & it went off... killing my ears! LORD HELP ME! Ugh.
SharonBell Feb 6, 2024 @BellaMia is your tinnitus in both ears and do you hear it in your head? Mine is in both ears and my head 24/7. Buzzing static electricity.
@BellaMia is your tinnitus in both ears and do you hear it in your head? Mine is in both ears and my head 24/7. Buzzing static electricity.
BellaMia Jan 28, 2024 First U of M wins the championship and now the Lions are getting close. My city is on fire. Let's see how tomorrow goes. Go Lions!
First U of M wins the championship and now the Lions are getting close. My city is on fire. Let's see how tomorrow goes. Go Lions!
BellaMia Jan 25, 2024 Anyone have Tinnitus that sounds like a magic noise or sleigh bells? That's mine.
BellaMia Jan 24, 2024 My Tinnitus seems to be super loud lately. No matter what I do I can't seem to get rid of this inflammation feeling.
My Tinnitus seems to be super loud lately. No matter what I do I can't seem to get rid of this inflammation feeling.