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  • And why do these status boxes only allow so many letters? Anyways wanted to warn anyone just in case I vent or rant in the near future.
    It's like I'm back in that state of living in constant anxiety and stress. The noise seems more intense like it did in the first months. Ugh
    It is often 2 steps forward and 10 steps back when it comes to living with T. I feel your frustration about the anxiety. Seven years of dealing with this and at this point I could care less about the multitude of noise in my head, it's the seemingly uncontrollable anxiety reaction that is so debilitating!
    @Barry098 I hope to get to a point you're at. I really do! Thank you for the encouragement.
    I'm not a role model for how to deal gracefully with tinnitus. I'm more of a brute force method guy. I just keep walking until I put enough distance between myself and my injury!
    It's more of an eeee tone now and it's loud again at night. I was finally starting to get into an okay place and now I have a setback. #sad
    @RunningMan but I had my husband test the detector and it's only 70-77bd. So maybe it was the pitch of tone that got me because that's not enough to cause hearing damage.
    High frequency sounds effect me much more than low ones at the same level
    Beware of smoke detectors! My husband took them all down until I can heal again.
    I'm starting to get a feeling that the detector may of change my T tone or knocked me back a few months in healing.
    You will fight through this temporary setback @BellaMia - stay strong and try not to overthink it. It can't be undone. Im positive you will start feel a bit better again, if you can manage to rest up for some time, in a few weeks time.
    @BellaMia I sure hope so. It took so long to get to a point I was almost okay. It's just aggravating and stressful. Keep pushing forward. I read that detectors are only 85dec? But I'm having my husband test that out with a sound reader to see how much zapped my ear.
    Today it's a 4/10. At times I heard complete silence. What the hell?! This condition is going to be the death of me. How are you guys?
    @BellaMia - silence is a lost dream for me. I chronic loud 24/7. By 9pm I am spent and I spend most of my day masking. Listening to it is too exhausting.
    If you could hear complete silence, it might even go away for you. I hope it does, so you can spend more time with your family worry free.
    I feel like if it was a spike from the detector then it wouldn't of been a good day yesterday? This is giving me bad anxiety.
    @RunningMan You're right! This condition is so unpredictable. This is the loudest it's been since my onset of T. I'm not looking forward to tonight. It's a 10/10... So hard to pretend you're keeping it together in real life. I don't even want to leave my bed.
    @RunningMan Yeah, mine changes in intensity too. How's your hyperacusis? I think my slightly returned from that freaking detector. I don't have hearing loss... How would a sound cause a spike! Ugh.
    @BellaMia My hyperacusis is still there, but it's mild. It seemed to be at its worst last Sept. TTTS is occasional, and I can deal with moderate hearing loss. It's the tinnitus that's the big issue for me and causing a lot of anxiety and insomia two years now.
    Why the sudden change? Could this be random or caused by something? Does this happen to you? From the detector? Wow, this is very hard.
    I have severe hyperacusis. My T can spike even from tiny sound like 50 db. I have spike very often. I am in spike from yesterday. In my case usually noise is responsible for spike.
    @aab I also had pretty bad hyperacusis but it started to improve as the months went on. I feel like after my little alarm incident that it's bad but mild. How long have you had hyperacusis?
    More than 5 years with H.
    Guys, what is up with this condition? It was quiet yesterday and now I wake up in the middle of the night with the worst spike I ever had?
    @kingsfan it's intense! I hate it. I was up crying at 3am. How do you stay calm?
    @Vassili you got that right! Today mine is blaring. The worst it's been since my onset. Tonight is gonna be even worse trying to sleep.
    @BellaMia I only handle it bc I know it's temporary, so I just go back to sleep or stay up a little if I can't and eventually it settles.

    You're still having a spike today?

    I've just recently been through this. Spiked a bit at onset of the acoustic trauma and major TTTS. Then the spike just gradually got worse and worse over the next few days.
    Ear feels slightly sore today and T has spiked. Thanks to that detector. Let's hope it goes back to baseline. Hopefully no damage was done.
    had a smoke alarm go off not long ago, was cooking and got smokey.... fortunately my son turned it off for me... I hate feeling so helpless.
    I used to be very adamant of having pelters in every room bc of those things lol I'm more lax now but I do have a pair in important rooms
    I put in earplugs before doing anything with any smoke alarms like changing the batteries. Hopefully your T recovers back to baseline.
    What was I thinking? Went to move a carbon monoxide detector closer to my furnace & it went off... killing my ears! LORD HELP ME! Ugh.
    @BellaMia is your tinnitus in both ears and do you hear it in your head? Mine is in both ears and my head 24/7. Buzzing static electricity.
    I can make it feel like its in my ears and head all by how I focus on it
    @SharonBell It all depends. It's mainly in my right ear and sometimes in my left, very rarely in my head. My noise changes from static, to eee, to heart beat, to sleigh bells. It all depends on the day. It's gotten less intense as the months go on but it's still pretty loud. I used to feel the noise but I don't anymore. Mine is from medication, no hearing loss. How about yourself?
    I'm ready for vacation. Let's go July!
    Copenhagen sounds fun! I'm off to L.A., Catalina Island and Vegas. Been there a few times but my daughter and husband haven't. So it will be fun for them. ❤️
    mine is in both ears and head 24/7. Right ear is worse severe profound hearing loss above 10,000, left ear is mild. Mine is debilitating. It did get better for over a week not sure why, but now it's back loud again.
    I'm so sorry to hear that. How did you get T?
    Lions lost not surprised.
    I wanted the Ravens and the Lions to win but it's entertainment in the end and many make big money.
    @BellaMia I got it from Covid I had it twice I. 2021 and 2022 and it was just ringing at night, but when my extended high frequency hearing loss got bad that's when my Tinnitus got worse. So I can be around really loud noise and I cant wear ear plugs because then it's worse it makes my head sizzle.
    First U of M wins the championship and now the Lions are getting close. My city is on fire. Let's see how tomorrow goes. Go Lions!
    Anyone have Tinnitus that sounds like a magic noise or sleigh bells? That's mine.
    Just the high pitched electrical buzz thing. I assume yours has changed from what it was?
    I honestly have a difficult time interpreting others' descriptions of their tinnitus. Hell, I have a hard time describing my own.
    @Tryn2BHopeful It's always been like this. It reminds me of like a magic wand lol
    My Tinnitus seems to be super loud lately. No matter what I do I can't seem to get rid of this inflammation feeling.
    @HearingHell That does stink! I know I had that in the beginning. It was bagpipes that would be distorted, I also had pretty bad hyperacusis and reactive Tinnitus. I did therapy and it took my hyperacusis down. It's practically gone. I'm so sorry you have those distortions though. This condition sure is wild.
    @HearingHell Well I'm here to vent to on the hard days if you need someone. I was on here a few months ago and left for a few months but I'm back because I like this forum and people who really suffer with this condition understand each other.
    @BellaMia Thank you. Appreciate it. It definitely is wild. Never imagined a condition like this could exist.
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