Ryan Scott

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  • (1) Favorite quotes Cameron Hanes "We must endure". We have to find a way to fulfill our lives w tinnitus until there is viable treatment.
    A treatment seems to me as far away as ending up in paradise one day
    Still listen to fishing podcast every weekend sitting in the boat rigging rods. Still have the drive just can't get on the water anymore.
    Seems like that would be quiet and relaxing.
    I find it hard to stay away from the few things I love. They worsen me but I do them anyway, I'm an idiot. Not doing them is just as damaging for me. I can't find reason for living if I can't do anything. I know we need to change. Don't follow my advice. :(
    Ryan Scott
    @4Grace I have also been letting go and getting out more, taken chances. I was letting tinnitus ruin the relation and friendships I have in life.
    You have hearing loss due to gunshots just as me. Do we have hope to make recovery? Is your life 1 year later still lingering heavily on this? Do you feel like you can live a normal life nowadays?
    Cmon Scott don't leave me hanging like this
    Hey Ryan, what is your baseline volume? Do you get quieter days?
    Ryan Scott
    @Pixelito I pretty much hear it all day everyday unless I am staying busy doing something outside. I have noticed that if I go in a noisy environment for a few hours (like people playing music too loud 75 dba), that I get a spike for usually right around 2 weeks. So far it has settled back to baseline every time though.
    How have you been doing?
    Ryan Scott
    Hey @4Grace not much has really changed everything is pretty much the same as the day it started tbh. Just taking it day by day and trying to stay as busy as I can to distract me from it. The mornings are not nearly as rough as the afternoons.
    Ryan Scott
    Do not get me wrong, I hear it in the mornings loud and clear, but it does not bother me as much. By the time the afternoon comes it just gets so loud its starts to really consume my concentration.
    Same here
    Dude on the side of me in the sauna has his airpods on so loud I feel like I'm watching TV, can hear every word lol.
    tinnitus is like that pesky algebra equation with the unknown variable that cannot be simplified to solve.
    @Ryan Scott. So you are 1 year in. Noise trauma from gun shots. No hearing loss (in normal range), right? Seeing how many people improved or even completely got cured in situation exactly like yours, I bet we will be celebrating your recovery in like 1 year. Or sooner.
    Ryan Scott
    @gameover I do not have hyperacusis; however, I would not consider the tinnitus stable. I am constantly getting spikes for no reason. What kind of work are you doing, I do not find that work necessarily distracts me from T.
    Ryan Scott
    @ErikaS I am unfortunately pretty doubtful that I will see an improvements regarding the volume of tinnitus or spikes for no reason, the spikes just seem to be apart of this awesome condition. I am definitely hopeful, for habituation at least lol.
    @Ryan Scott Software. My ability to get distracted from T varies, hard to know why sometimes it works, sometimes not at all.
    @Ryan Scott how's it going? Are you doing any better…. I am kinda reaching out to people since my T has taken a turn for the worse today. Hope you are doing better
    Ryan Scott
    @4Grace I am not really doing any better a year into my tinnitus journey, still hoping for the best and praying everyday though. How are you doing?
    @Ryan Scott - very sorry to hear. I am the worst I have been tinnitus wise. For the moment, for some reason, I am feeling indifferent about it. I think I may have just discovered why mine is so unique. Posted a thread. Talking to God.
    Would love to be enjoying a few beers, the cool front and college football at a party right about now.
    Just imagine if funding for tinnitus research was not a problem. We would probably already have a treatment option.
    Just have to keep praying harder than ever. Can't give up on prayer.
    What was the noise that caused your T? I forget if you shared that...
    Ryan Scott
    Someone shot a shotgun on the side of me before I could put hearing protection in or cover my ears.
    @Ryan Scott reminds me of a time when I was younger. We were at farm. My cousins had a shot gun with a scope. We took turns shooting a target. It was so loud you went completely deaf for a few seconds after each shot. We thought it was funny. Little did we know we were playing with fire.
    @Ryan Scott - another story Favourite band Tool. They once played at the Humming bird Centre in Toronto. 3000 person theatre.I remember telling my friend "holy f..k it's loud" you could feel the music. Now when I think back I am so angry. It should be illegal. They used enough speakers for a stadium. Okay it was awesome at the time ..but now that I know the danger… it's not right.
    Took an Adderall yesterday to get some work done and had a cup of coffee. Won't be doing that again anytime soon lol.
    If people who didn't have tinnitus, would actually listen and try to understand people with T it would make life a little easier.
    How are you Ryan?
    Ryan Scott
    Here Sarah thanks for checking in. I am back at the office at work so I am actually enjoying that quite a bit. My tinnitus is pretty much the same, just been taking long walks in the afternoon to try and exhaust myself enough for sleep. Still just waiting on Dr. Shore and future researchers lol.
    Good to hear that you're back at work, that's progress! I'm still taking Amitriptyline for sleep. =| But I have had quite a few "good days" again so, that's good.
    Hey @Ryan Scott It is very positive to hear that you enjoy being back at the office. May I ask if online meetings are part of your job? And if so, how does your T respond to wearing a headset?
    Gym is 55 dBs loud I wonder if that would be a problem? Seems unsafe to workout with ear plugs.
    @Ryan Scott not so much but I've been looking into it lately. All the local gyms in my area seemed a bit noisy. Especially the recreational center.
    Ryan Scott
    @MeadowLane22 Yes they do unfortunately. I am pretty sure that majority of gyms these days do though.
    Ryan Scott
    @MeadowLane22 I have not yet but am planning to try soon. I have been running and it doesn't seem to effect my t. Those tonal gyms look pretty nice.
    Has anyone tried taking Calm (Magnesium powder)?
    I second magnesium glycinate - especially in powder form, where you can regulate your dose better. I also find it to be more effective than capsules for some reason (could be a brand thing though).
    I would avoid the Calm because it's got other things in it & it also has a very high amount of magnesium.
    I have the powder and take it hot like tea before bedtime onve in a while. But I prefer the calm gummies because they are quick and I just dose with my other vitamins. I quit looking for something to help with my t and just started taking them for health benefits.
    Getting in my truck set the cruise on 25 and just going ride around all night. Tired of fighting it in bed.
    Bad night here also - up until 3 AM with anxiety and high pitched squealing tinnitus over my crickets audio, and only got to sleep then after taking zolpidem, then only to wake up 4 hours later and not able to sleep more.
    I wish I didn't have to take meds to sleep. ;(
    Ugh, my heart breaks for you. I know you are hesitant of meds, have you tried a Benedryl, melatonin, and magnesium combo? My melatonin that dissolves in the mouth is the best kind I have ever had.
    I have never felt so lonely and in such a dark place in all of my life. Like I keep climbing struggling but somehow keep falling.
    My dog is like another kid to me, I would feel the same way! He will always be with you. You will get through this!
    Ryan, I am SO so sorry for the loss of your pup. My pup is my world. Don't feel you need to minimize this loss and that he was "just a dog". This is like losing a family member. I think it is safe for you to try something like Remeron, especially with this recent loss.
    Ryan Scott
    @ErikaS & @Tryn2BHopeful thank you for the encouragement. I am just so heart broken and devastated. He just meant so much to me. Then I guess already being in such a dark place with tinnitus doesn't make it any better.
    2 Pac - It's a struggle everyday got to hold on. Another long sleepless night.
    Ryan Scott
    As far as sleeping with noise goes I always use crickets as background noise, there is no way possible way for me to tolerate a quiet room lol. I often use an air purifier also.
    Well I hope you can get your sleep back soon. Sleeping is a huge factor in the healing process, it's when our brain detoxes, heals, and resets.
    I am taking Mirtazapine (remeron) at a low dose... Apparently its one of the "Safer" drugs as far as ototoxicity. It does help me sleep "better" No ill effects other than being hungry all the time thus far.
    Hope you are doing well brother, weathers really nice here and I'd love to be out on my boat with a couple of cold ones and my lines set. One day…
    Ryan Scott
    @Hardwell I agree man and hope hope you are starting to feel better. This is the best time of year, all my friends from high school just got back from a weekend fishing trip we take to an island every year. Hopefully one day we can all enjoy life again, I guess until then all we can do is live like a hermit and pray.
    Sorry man I completely missed this, I ironically got an email the same day I wrote this to you. To inform me my rod licence has expired which was another kick in the teeth. I'm curious with your T and not sure if I asked you before or not. Does it change or react at all? Or does it remain constant pitch and volume?
    Ryan Scott
    @Hardwell Sorry man just seeing this. For the most part it stays a constant high pitch but does seem to get worse as the day progresses. How are you doing brother?
    @cjbhab Does the sound of hitting the golf ball off the face bother your T? Does anyone else play golf?
    You could even go somewhere and mark out a fake green and just use your PW/SW and practice getting it into your demarcated green? Then hit some with your 3 iron and see how that sounds/feels?
    Ryan Scott
    @Stayinghopeful I have been going to the putting some afternoons and that has been pretty fun. Idk guess my nervous are still too bad probably just give it a little more time. I guess watching golf on TV will suffice for now lol.
    Definitely consider doing some chipping stuff when you feel confident and build up from there
    Hey @Ryan Scott. Since you work from home, are you able to forget about T while you concentrate on work tasks?
    @Ryan Scott Remeron seems to be the safest antidepressant for many. I take it at a very low dose (3.75mg) as a sleep aid which does work well for that, but I am not at the mg amount that is used for depression (15-30mg). I will try Tegretol if/when I know I need a medication for mood and possibly help my morse code tones.
    What do you do for work Ryan?
    Ryan Scott
    @Stayinghopeful My degree is in chemical engineering my job title is process design engineer. Basically plant designs and safety system.
    I had to get an abscess on my back lanced and drained today. Doctor prescribed me Keflex(antibiotic) anyone have experience with this on?
    Hello @Ryan Scott take the medication as it may get worse, and sounds very painful.
    I'm just finishing a course of steroid and antibiotics.
    Ryan Scott
    @Eleanor89 It was very painful when he was cutting it open because he said the numbing anesthetic doesn't work once their is inflammation. He had to cut it 3 times I honestly almost passed out but didn't feel anything when he was draining it. Anyways tinnitus is way more torture than that was I'm going to ask my family doctor his opinion tomorrow I'm terrified of making my T worse.
    Hey, @Ryan Scott. It's like 6-7 months for you. No improvements at all?
    Ryan Scott
    @gameover It has been 6.5 months and unfortunately no man I haven't seen any improvements, actually pretty sure the opposite to be honest. At the point this bs has pretty much sucked all the life out of me. Just got to keep praying and hoping for better days.
    16 months since tinnitus went to a level that really changed my life, and there's only been some worsening since then - new tone, worse piercing sound.
    Hello @Ryan Scott

    You will get very poorly if you don't take your medication, and stop reading the horrific posts on what MIGHT happen….
    I have been frightened, but I do know that infections need to be dealt with quickly….
    The stress your putting yourself under, worrying over tablets is far worse for your tinnitus….
    Take care x
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