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  • Sorry to report that after almost 2 years my Tinnitus has spiked up to severe levels again. I am struggling and scared.
    Dealing with this right now too! I had a flu or something, so I'm hoping that's why and that it's just a spike.
    I hope it keeps improving and that you're back to your baseline very soon. Mine seems like it's gotten worse as the day has gone on today, but it's just part of my usual variable cycle.
    im very sorry to hear this ;(
    17 months in and doing okay. Keep positive, stay positive. ❤️
    I'm at 5-6 months and my bad days still far outweigh the good. I hope one day to be as positive as you.
    @Bob3382 You'll get there. Mine didn't start getting easier until 6 months.
    Has anyone ever seen a Neurotologist yet?
    @RunningMan I want to do more research but what they specialize in could (possibly) be a benefit with the recent finding of this malformation I was apparently born with. This malformation can also cause Tinnitus but ultimately it was probably that medication. They're hard to find though. I bet U of M has 1. Have you have an MRI?
    I haven't had an MRI. ENT didn't mention it on my visit to him, and I didn't go back after my hearing test showed mild to moderate hearing loss both ears. Although I do have a separate tinnitus issue with my left ear which is low frequency T, and can hear my footsteps bone conduction through my left ear if I don't keep my head up when walking. So something is different with that ear.
    I did. He was a total idiot even though he was at one of the best hospitals on the East Coast. He said "How can your auditory nerve be damaged if it's encased in bone? That's ridiculous."
    Hey, I read your posts about treating hyperacusis and pain by reintroducing noise slowly. How did you manage around your daughter during that time? My toddler is so loud I feel that even earplugs aren't enough!
    @Zigs I received my advice and therapy plan from the University of Michigan and had a hyperacusis test. Took around 9 months to get back to almost normal. Some noises can cause spikes but no longer painful. I don't live wearing earplugs anymore.
    @BellaMia thank you, I really needed to read this today x
    @Zigs be extremely carful with this advice. if you actually have nox this advice could be harmful.
    Vacation went fine. No issues on the airplane. A little discomfort when landing but overall fine. Back to the daily grind.
    I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe 4th of July! I spent it cleaning and lighting sparklers with my daughter.
    @gameover Yeah they celebrate it for months here in Detroit.
    They were mostly concentrated on the 4th in my neighborhood and stopped around 10 PM, so it worked out ok. I had to deal with some fireworks explosions when out walking on the 3rd and 4th and fortunately was wearing ear protection on the 4th for a loud explosion.
    @RunningMan That was a good call! You just never know what is gonna happen around this time.
    do you also experience ear fullness and ear tingling in the ear canal and outside the ear canal?
    @ellees I had ear fullness, pain and loudness. I make ginger/tumeric tea to make that go away. I had symptoms of TTTS for awhile but that went away. Try making that tea . It sounds like inflammation. Are you new to T?
    About 14/15 months in and it has improved but also can struggle some days. Keep pushing forward.
    @RunningMan Thank you my dear friend. We leave in 4 days and while I'm super nervous to go with just my daughter now and the airplane... I'm going to put on my brave face and do it. Wish me luck! I will report back. How have you been?
    @BellaMia Yes, definitely wish you luck with it. I can't see myself flying anywhere, these days, but I have my decent days and bad days, so not much of a change in my status.
    @RunningMan Like my mom always said "we can't live in fear" I'm going to take every precaution that I can. I have 5 hours on this flight and hope for the best. I've talked to lots of T suffers including my brother and all was fine. Hopefully we hear an update on that shore device.
    I'd like to ask you a question. Is your vision still ok after taking the antidepressant? Some people got visual snow syndrome along with tinnitus after taking antidepressants, you have no photophobia, afterimages and other visual stuff, right?
    It's actually an anxiolytic - anti-anxiety medication rather than an antidepressant. But yes, it has been associated with T. I'll add that I have taken a few different actual ADs in the past and didn't get VSS. I would like to try the anti-anxiety med buspirone, but when I asked my doctor about it, he said I couldn't take it with lorazepam that was already prescribed, although I rarely take that.
    @BB23 I barely took any of the medicine. I'd split the lowest dose in half and no it had zero effect on my eyes. I still have perfect hearing even with extended testing.
    @BellaMia i don't think hearing loss is necessary for tinnitus anymore. There's a subtype that happens due to hearing loss but not all cases are related to hearing loss imo.
    @BellaMia what kind of therapy did you do with your hyperacusis. My T is still bad 24/7 I'm dealing with it better, but it is still hard every day, it's still debilitating, but I have to keep pushing everyday for my family and I have started back working and that's also very hard, but it helps not to be home by myself all the time that was driving me crazy.
    I work a ton so I get it. It helps to stay busy. I went through the University of Michigan for hyperacusis therapy. I had both pain and loudness hyperacusis. I slowly started to introduce sounds that bothered me. Like dishes clanking together. I'd put the dishes away and listen to the noise. Slow and safe exposure on a daily basis will help with hyperacusis.
    It will hurt at times but as long as the sound is safe keep pushing through the discomfort. I no longer have pain or discomfort from hyperacusis. It took a few months for it to settle. You just have to retrain your brain that noise isn't harmful. Listen to sounds on low with YouTube videos 5 mins a day and go up from there. I made homemade ginger and tumeric tea to treat the pain and discomfort.
    Does anyone have a rumble in their ear when you touch your cheek bone? I'm wondering if it's inflammation or nerve damage? No TTTS
    @BellaMia It does not come and go. it is always there. I have not been diagnosed with anything. Doctor could not figure it out. My audiogram is basically normal.

    agree with @MindOverMatter about ttts though. i have also had multiple bouts that have resolved but i can always make my ear rumble by touching my neck.
    I get those occasional TTTS thumps from touching face, neck, head. And other times, they will thump every little bit lying or sitting completely still, sometimes set off by an initial movement. I get the continued fluttering TTTS from external sounds, also intermittently. To this point, it doesn't appear to have any connection with my anxiety level.
    @MindOverMatter You put a triangle cone in your ear and their specialized machine sends out certain sound waves. The cone detects how your little tensor tympani muscle responds to it. It sends the information back to the machine to see if working correctly.
    My muscles are so sore from bootcamp I can barely bend my arms. No pain, No gain! Haha Hope you all are doing great. ❤️
    You are truly incredible.
    That's very sweet of you to say. You are too!
    Hi Bella, I just wanted to say I hope life's giving you some small wins and things are improving
    Hey, life is going okay. I recently joined a gym and am doing bootcamp to get fit and toned. I'm just working on myself and my health while picking up hours at work. I'm figuring this new life out and think I'll be just fine. Thank you for checking in. How have you been? Any summer plans?
    That's great to hear about the gym and working on yourself. I also love the positive attitude! Here in Aus we are oppsite to you, so we are approaching winter. My plans for that are to set up a nice fire pit in the back yard, stay warm and make plenty of stews and soups!
    Happy end of the world day. Come onnnnn Jesus! Haha
    I thought it was just esclipse day. hehe I don't think we are lucky enough for it to all end, yet.
    Here comes the lovely spike from hell. I'd like to thank caffeine (probably) and emotions!
    @Anomalous - me too. Can't eat anything good. Bellamia - you have something about you. You will be okay with time. Just have that feeling.
    @4Grace You'll be okay too. Keep your head up. ❤️ @Anomalous Life is too short. Eat the chocolate. Lol
    I used to have 3 cups of caffeine coffee every weekday morning, and it never affected my tinnitus as best I could tell, but I avoid it now, because it just worsens my stomach pains.
    Never pictured myself to be single & starting over at 39 & turning 40 by myself. That's kind of depressing. Wonder if I have a soulmate?
    My son is 42 and on his second failing marriage because he didn't teach his wife's how to treat him early in their marriage; he has no spine against their constant bitching. Setting limits and demanding respect eludes him. I'm sure another woman will pick him when his 2nd divorce is finalized; another woman looking for 'a man with a paycheck'.
    Unfortunately I just want him. Maybe in time it will get easier. Thanks @RunningMan my heart breaks all over again seeing him. The reality of not having what I wanted for the rest of my life is hard. I can't see past the storm right now. Maybe one day I will.
    You will get past that person you wanted. been there. took just over 2 years to get over it all. There is someone for you out there, dont worry about it.
    Moving on w/life the best I can. Going to work on myself & health during this time of transition. I contacted a personal trainer.
    This is great!
    Good to hear, do you have any old hobbies you can pick up to start doing to?
    @Stayinghopeful I do have a few. Right now I'm just repairing and repainting my house so it looks like new again. Then the gym because why not make myself feel good and look good. I don't like sitting around especially now with Tinnitus lol
    Feeling kind of sad. I hate grief and I hate Tinnitus. I wish this life would hurry up. I'm over it.
    @RunningMan I haven't used it yet. I just tried it out the 1st day I got it and it's pretty cool. I should test it out at night. It seems a lot of my stress from this condition comes from the middle of the night and early morning when waking. I just don't have the tolerance for the noise at those hours.
    @RunningMan Maybe if I ever date again the Bluetooth headset would come in handy so I don't disturb the other person when sleeping with my weird Tinnitus soundtrack haha
    Possibly. I got mine before I got my bluetooth speakers, which I use overnight now. Anxiety usually starts hitting me shortly after waking up while still in bed, but not right away.
    It isn't the actual alcohol that spikes T , what spikes the T is the higher blood pressure that is caused by drinking . People who frequently drink will have higher blood pressure than people who seldomly drink or don't drink at all
    So if you have hypertension it could be making things worse i guess?
    Could it not also be related to GABA dysregulation? Alcohol works on those receptors
    Had my first glass of wine with a friend. First glass I've had in years....and since tinnitus. Pray for no spikes. Haha.
    @BellaMia I had two glasses of alcohol on Thursday and still feel horrible. I regret it so much. How are you today?
    @Juliane I'm doing okay. Tinnitus has been annoying me more lately. It could be that my tolerance has just gone down more. Yeah, I've always been really, really sensitive to alcohol. It's best I never touch it. Did you have a buzz going?
    @BellaMia Do you mean if I was a bit tipsy? Yes, haha :-) I tolerate alcohol badly, I am tipsy after 1-2 drinks.
    Happy 1st day of spring! It's 30 degrees in Michigan. Haha
    Happy Spring. It was about the same early this morning here in IL but up to about 60 now, but breezy. And cooling off after today.
    It's super windy here too! You guys are colder then us!
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