Pinhead Aug 20, 2024 Waking up with my masking noises off is the worst. The buzzing and hissing slowly transforms into inconsistent ringing and chirping.
Waking up with my masking noises off is the worst. The buzzing and hissing slowly transforms into inconsistent ringing and chirping.
Pinhead Aug 1, 2024 Sometimes it hits me harder than a train."This is it. Life is over. You are one of those people parents warn their children about becoming."
Sometimes it hits me harder than a train."This is it. Life is over. You are one of those people parents warn their children about becoming."
Pinhead Jul 29, 2024 Strange, troubling turn of events: I found a journal of mine from ten years ago, and I mention ringing in my ears...I have no memory of it.
Strange, troubling turn of events: I found a journal of mine from ten years ago, and I mention ringing in my ears...I have no memory of it.
Pinhead Jul 27, 2024 Sleep = laying in bed with my eyes closed for eight hours a night while my head screams.
Pinhead Jul 20, 2024 Can't even think straight anymore. It's like I have dementia. I can't hold a thought and my short-term memory is totally shot.
Can't even think straight anymore. It's like I have dementia. I can't hold a thought and my short-term memory is totally shot.
Pinhead Jun 7, 2024 "Reduce your stress!" Okay, tinnitus is the most potent cause of my stress. Thanks for the useless advice.
"Reduce your stress!" Okay, tinnitus is the most potent cause of my stress. Thanks for the useless advice.
Pinhead Jun 4, 2024 Discovery: Jameson whiskey makes my ringing worse, and bourbon does not. Any ideas why???
Pinhead May 28, 2024 Every noise is causing my ears to feel full. Footsteps, water, even talking, all accompanied by a new shrill shriek that I've never had.
Every noise is causing my ears to feel full. Footsteps, water, even talking, all accompanied by a new shrill shriek that I've never had.
Pinhead May 28, 2024 Went to a wedding with my girlfriend Saturday. I will regret it for the rest of my life. Hearing is muffled and tinnitus is very reactive.
Went to a wedding with my girlfriend Saturday. I will regret it for the rest of my life. Hearing is muffled and tinnitus is very reactive.
Pinhead May 25, 2024 It's like a permanent state of psychosis... I can't tell what auditory stimulus is real anymore. Reality is lost. I'm gone.
It's like a permanent state of psychosis... I can't tell what auditory stimulus is real anymore. Reality is lost. I'm gone.
Pinhead May 22, 2024 The worst part of living now is waking up. Walking outside, hearing my ears scream as a car drives by. They scream as I ride in the car.
The worst part of living now is waking up. Walking outside, hearing my ears scream as a car drives by. They scream as I ride in the car.
Pinhead May 18, 2024 My prediction: There will be a connection in the future between tinnitus and the heavy presence of COVID-19 in the trigeminal ganglion.
My prediction: There will be a connection in the future between tinnitus and the heavy presence of COVID-19 in the trigeminal ganglion.
Pinhead May 17, 2024 Had a complete and total mental breakdown this morning. My main tone increased in volume many times over.
Had a complete and total mental breakdown this morning. My main tone increased in volume many times over.
Pinhead May 16, 2024 "What does it mean to be alive except to court disaster and suffering at every moment?"
Pinhead May 15, 2024 Almost told my Lyft driver to pull over and drop me off on the highway. The tires on the road just make my ringing unbearable.
Almost told my Lyft driver to pull over and drop me off on the highway. The tires on the road just make my ringing unbearable.
Pinhead May 15, 2024 Reaching the end. I can hear it in the shower now. There is no peace for me now.
Pinhead May 13, 2024 My office mate just had temporary tinnitus in both ears as we sat together. I looked him in the eyes and said, "Now imagine that...forever."
My office mate just had temporary tinnitus in both ears as we sat together. I looked him in the eyes and said, "Now imagine that...forever."
Pinhead May 13, 2024 Came to work and my boss said it looks like someone "punched me in the face". Sinus infection in full swing.
Came to work and my boss said it looks like someone "punched me in the face". Sinus infection in full swing.
Pinhead May 13, 2024 Hopefully this is just a spike. I can't sleep. I can't hear the TV. I have to blast cover noise at 85db to drown it out. Help.
Hopefully this is just a spike. I can't sleep. I can't hear the TV. I have to blast cover noise at 85db to drown it out. Help.
Pinhead May 12, 2024 Girlfriend went to a sauna today. Sitting in a boiling hot quiet room sounds like actual hell.
Pinhead May 11, 2024 Three new tones and muffled hearing because of this infection. Never leaving my house again.