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  • Waking up with my masking noises off is the worst. The buzzing and hissing slowly transforms into inconsistent ringing and chirping.
    New doctor. New therapist. Same hell.
    Im sorry to hear that man. Correct me if I am wrong but did you mention you were into philosophy? If so do you have any particular favorites or ones you especially dislike? Hoping this look up for you soon friend.
    @cullenbohannon Yes, more than just an interest. I have a graduate degree in philosophy. My specializations included Martin Heidegger, technology, postmodern thought, Deleuze, and more. Albert Camus holds a special place for me. His thinking is easy to approach and enact.
    Impressive, I just read for fun but I have read much of Camus. Deleuze is very interesting to me but I will say there is something very difficult for me to pierce with him. I sometime feel I have some idea of what he is trying to get at, but in a very superficial sense. I like your taste and I am sorry you are suffering as much as you are.
    Sometimes it hits me harder than a train."This is it. Life is over. You are one of those people parents warn their children about becoming."
    Strange, troubling turn of events: I found a journal of mine from ten years ago, and I mention ringing in my ears...I have no memory of it.
    Sleep = laying in bed with my eyes closed for eight hours a night while my head screams.
    That's why I take medication to sleep now. I hate it but I can't not sleep. Tinnitus sucks so bad.
    L along the way
    I'm using meds for sleep too.. and still struggle a lot with getting to sleep. I've been feeling so much sadness lately about this whole situation. The pain, and it's just too ridiculous for words, really. The basic need of sleep, if it interferes with that.. all the time.. good heavens. I pray for healing.
    I am so destroyed that I fall asleep with the blasting because the day is over. Everyday I pray for 10 pm so I can go into my bed. Blasting.
    Can't even think straight anymore. It's like I have dementia. I can't hold a thought and my short-term memory is totally shot.
    Me too. I get lost often. Alzheimers
    "I understand, I get migraines." Oh, and they go away? Then you have no idea.
    Exactly. This is exactly why tinnitus and hyperacusis are among the worst conditions you can get. There's never a break! If they came and went like with migraines, I would not be bothered to complain about it. Such luxury conditions are not worth mentioning. In fact, I dare say that most people would not be able to endure T and H.
    Migraines do give you somewhat of a break as you typically don't suffer from them every single day of your life, but they can be relentless. When I get them they tend to last for days or weeks at a time, but then they'll go away for an extended period of time. I'll never forget the Nov 2019. I had a migraine that entire month.
    Migraines are no fun. But I will gladly choose my reoccurring migraines over shit tinnitus. At least I'll feel 75% content/per month. vs 100% under house arrest. They will never understand the constant 24/7 T/H/N/ETC.
    "Reduce your stress!" Okay, tinnitus is the most potent cause of my stress. Thanks for the useless advice.
    Money can be used to reduce stress in a lot of ways but you'll notice no one that tells you to "reduce your stress" ever just forks over cash
    That's because everyone thinks tinnitus is just some faint jingle bells or cricket sounds. I got recommended meditation. Yes, I will meditate with what sounds like a small airplane propeller in my skull.
    Discovery: Jameson whiskey makes my ringing worse, and bourbon does not. Any ideas why???
    You can drink!!! What a blessing. Must be something in that Jameson. Cheers with the Bourbon. Have one for me please.
    How have things been since the wedding? Hope you are doing better.
    @4Grace It's been up and down since then. For two days after the wedding I had SEVERE TTS or something, unlike any thing I've ever experienced in my life. The high-pitched shrieking has died down but it's still there. Now my tones are just more intrusive in each ear.
    Every noise is causing my ears to feel full. Footsteps, water, even talking, all accompanied by a new shrill shriek that I've never had.
    I am at this point too.
    The problem is I can't survive staying in. Also cannot survive ear plugs. The more I walk in the woods or exercise the worse I get. I'm in big trouble. Cannot go inside stores. Nothing. I tried. No limit worsening. Nightmare!!
    I have been thinking of you and really hope you are okay. I am so sorry to hear this news.
    Went to a wedding with my girlfriend Saturday. I will regret it for the rest of my life. Hearing is muffled and tinnitus is very reactive.
    So many people have T with no pain or worsening. Seems like everyone I know. Seems so much different for us.
    One of my friends had bad T but he lives as if he does not have it. Wedding. Concerts. Everything. His does not change with movements food or sound. He can have a bucket of ice cream no change. Concerts. No change.,
    @4Grace The friend you describe has mild T. A non-issue, I would say.
    It's like a permanent state of psychosis... I can't tell what auditory stimulus is real anymore. Reality is lost. I'm gone.
    The worst part of living now is waking up. Walking outside, hearing my ears scream as a car drives by. They scream as I ride in the car.
    I am the same. Talking in a cell phone with my hands over the speaker hurts my ears.
    My prediction: There will be a connection in the future between tinnitus and the heavy presence of COVID-19 in the trigeminal ganglion.
    Had a complete and total mental breakdown this morning. My main tone increased in volume many times over.
    Sorry to hear :( hopefully it's only a temporary increase. Hope it gets better soon.
    So so sorry. Does your tinnitus change by touching your head? Or moving your neck? Foods?
    "What does it mean to be alive except to court disaster and suffering at every moment?"
    Fk! Who would have ever imagined. I tried so hard. Exercising. Walking in nature. Best shape of my life. Something is eating away at my auditory nerve. Clenching teeth becoming worse and worse. This is not a life
    I feel like anyone without this condition is blessed. I think stable T is not a problem. H - N reactive T is a monster.
    Almost told my Lyft driver to pull over and drop me off on the highway. The tires on the road just make my ringing unbearable.
    You don't wanna be out of your car on the side of the highway. Trust me. Been there. Done that. Paid the price.
    My tinnitus isn't generally reactive to noise as much as it is my own body movement but being in a car is a horrendous experience.
    @Pinhead - we are so much in the same place.
    My office mate just had temporary tinnitus in both ears as we sat together. I looked him in the eyes and said, "Now imagine that...forever."
    Came to work and my boss said it looks like someone "punched me in the face". Sinus infection in full swing.
    Girlfriend went to a sauna today. Sitting in a boiling hot quiet room sounds like actual hell.
    I've heard it could be good for T though.
    Maybe. I can barely walk down the street, though. Don't want to risk it. I wouldn't have any fun.
    Cool. I have a fever and some kind of pimple IN MY EAR CANAL.
    This will probably increase my tinnitus dramatically. This is hell.
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