2020 US Presidential Election

COVID-19 does a good job of illuminating false thinking because it is an unrelenting feedback loop. Keep doing the wrong thing--keep reaping the same negative consequences. Again, this clip is the perfect analogy:

Unfortunately the human animal has a seemingly unlimited capacity to rationalize and deny. I keep waiting for some inflection point where anti-maskers and the like finally realize the error of their ways but I doubt they ever will. If even Trump can have a brush with death and just continue onward as if nothing happened then everyone else will adopt the same mentality. Only a small fraction peeled off and turned on Trump. I can only hope another small fraction peels off and turns the runoff election towards the Democrats because the peak of this sh*t-show will probably be right when that vote happens.
Two guys that use a Simpsons cartoon to express their points illustrates a major problem for America.
Is there legitimate fraud or is it made up, manufactured? That's the question. Nothing else. But, around 50 (?) % of the population just parrot what the MSM tell them. Most of you haven't investigated anything (like most other issues). How can you when you only use social media and MSM, which censor anything they don't like. If it sounds shady or peculiar, it's taken down.

Sounds really ethical and democratic to me!!!

Oh yeah, can't forget about the fact checkers!
Haha, that made me laugh :). A severely disabled dude on a tinnitus forum who dislikes Trump is enough evidence to formulate a hypothesis that there's fraud. Talk about fascist mentality. The ultimate "you deserve it" mentality.
Nothing against you my friend, just that some people despise Trump enough to do some unlawful things. I think we're all disabled on this forum, some much worse than others. Hopefully we all have a brighter future with our afflictions at some point in time.
@Lucifer, you are part of the COVID-19 cult? :) Too bad. I am watching a video of a guy talking about the linearbs of the world. :)

But, I urge you and others who don't want to be brainwashed stooges...

Look up the 500 medical doctors in Germany aka 'Doctors for Information.'

Doctors in Netherlands: 'Doctors for Truth.'

Spanish doctors, 600 of them, 'Doctors for Truth" said that COVID-19 is a false pandemic, manufactured for political purposes.

There's an American documentary, Plandemic and reportedly, at least 27, 000 medical doctors support informing the public of this lie.

Governments colluded with hospitals which reported COVID-19 as cause of death even if it was something else. That's deception and highly unethical. How is that not conspiracy?

Man who died in motorcycle crash counted as COVID-19 death in Florida: Report
Curious to know what is a Democrat's definition of fraud?

There are a combined total of thousands of affidavits, all from witnesses of numerous types of fraud. I agree there should be additional evidence, which will soon come to light via recounts, lawsuits, examining the voting systems, etc. However, affidavits/statements from witnesses of crime carry a lot of weight in law. Also, if the computer "glitches" all lean one way, that is also fraud.

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Just looked into this and it appears that most of the affidavits are people alleging that GOP poll people weren't treated as well as Democrats were. The actual voter fraud claims account to less than 1,000 total ballots, even if all these claims were true, which we don't know yet, that's not a lot at all compared to the massive lead Biden has in the state. So worse case scenario is 1,000 ballots get thrown out.

The Trump campaign has released 234 pages of affidavits regarding alleged voting regularities in Michigan. Here's what they say.

Also, the source is pretty right wing, so take it for what it's worth.
Nothing against you my friend, just that some people despise Trump enough to do some unlawful things. I think we're all disabled on this forum, some much worse than others. Hopefully we all have a brighter future with our afflictions at some point in time.
I agree with you that I hope we all have a brighter future under any President. If you think Trump and his supporters don't despise liberals enough (just see this thread) to do some unlawful things, there's nothing I can tell you to change your mind.
Trump was concerned about the integrity of mail in voting months ago.
I think it would be far more accurate to say Trump was concerned about losing months ago, so he started his phony election fraud campaign to try to preempt his image being tarnished as being a loser. What's he's done instead is branded himself as much worse than that. He'll probably go down in history as the most pathetic loser ever.
@Christiaan, I found out why I'm cuckoo my friend.:)
Also, where is the global warming? That would feel good about now.
@Lucifer, you are part of the COVID-19 cult? :) Too bad. I am watching a video of a guy talking about the linearbs of the world. :)

But, I urge you and others who don't want to be brainwashed stooges...

Look up the 500 medical doctors in Germany aka 'Doctors for Information.'

Doctors in Netherlands: 'Doctors for Truth.'

Spanish doctors, 600 of them, 'Doctors for Truth" said that COVID-19 is a false pandemic, manufactured for political purposes.

There's an American documentary, Plandemic and reportedly, at least 27, 000 medical doctors support informing the public of this lie.

Governments colluded with hospitals which reported COVID-19 as cause of death even if it was something else. That's deception and highly unethical. How is that not conspiracy?

Man who died in motorcycle crash counted as COVID-19 death in Florida: Report
I do believe COVID-19 is real and can be devastating if people have underlying conditions or old age. Even though most people that get it are fine there seems to be some devastating effects with the scarring of lungs that may cause issues in the future which we are uncertain of and the side effects that come with it too such as hearing loss, tinnitus etc.
Just looked into this and it appears that most of the affidavits are people alleging that GOP poll people weren't treated as well as Democrats were. The actual voter fraud claims account to less than 1,000 total ballots, even if all these claims were true, which we don't know yet, that's not a lot at all compared to the massive lead Biden has in the state. So worse case scenario is 1,000 ballots get thrown out.

The Trump campaign has released 234 pages of affidavits regarding alleged voting regularities in Michigan. Here's what they say.

Also, the source is pretty right wing, so take it for what it's worth.
FWIW, 100% of the MSM is liberal or left wing. 100% of social media is left wing and they all censor fraud allegations. FWIW, right? :rolleyes:
FWIW, 100% of the MSM is liberal or left wing. 100% of social media is left wing and they all censor fraud allegations. FWIW, right? :rolleyes:
How much attention is the media supposed to give to these allegations?
Just google the term voter fraud and you'll get hits from outlets such as Fox News, The Washington Post, NYT and Yahoo from just the last few hours.

Here you have a right wing outlet showing once again that there isn't evidence of voter fraud. They went through the affidavits and found most of it was irrelevant. There is nothing to see here.
I do believe COVID-19 is real and can be devastating if people have underlying conditions or old age. Even though most people that get it are fine there seems to be some devastating effects with the scarring of lungs that may cause issues in the future which we are uncertain of and the side effects that come with it too such as hearing loss, tinnitus etc.
Not to mention there is a sizable cohort of people - many of whom young and fit -who are suffering from Long COVID-19 which seems to be very similar (or identical even) to ME/CFS, which is a completely devastasting illness.
It is reported that Trump is angry about Fox News abandoning him. Rumor is, he's planning to open his own network. It is also rumored that he will announce next month, that he is planning to seek the Republican nomination for President, in 2024.

The ramifications of Trump's loss are looking better and better, lol. No Blue Wave, Dems lost seats, etc. Pelosi is stuttering, AOL hates her, it's incredible.

I voted for him and now I think that watching Biden try to handle the Presidency, with BLM, AOC, and the Social Democrats demanding a place in the government, will be hilarious.

I think that it's going to make for a fabulously entertaining show.
It is reported that Trump is angry about Fox News abandoning him. Rumor is, he's planning to open his own network. It is also rumored that he will announce next month, that he is planning to seek the Republican nomination for President, in 2024.

The ramifications of Trump's loss are looking better and better, lol. No Blue Wave, Dems lost seats, etc. Pelosi is stuttering, AOL hates her, it's incredible.

I voted for him and now I think that watching Biden try to handle the Presidency, with BLM, AOC, and the Social Democrats demanding a place in the government, will be hilarious.

I think that it's going to make for a fabulously entertaining show.
I hope he does run again. I have to admit that as much as I can't stand him, I'm going to miss not being able to stand him. I hope all the rumors are true.

That said, the Dems didn't do as bad as you are making it sound. If they win the Senate, which they really still could, then I'd say they accomplished all objectives. Won the White House and the Senate and keep the House. We'll see about the Senate.
I voted for him and now I think that watching Biden try to handle the Presidency, with BLM, AOC, and the Social Democrats demanding a place in the government, will be hilarious.

I think that it's going to make for a fabulously entertaining show.
But remember. We never cheer for the demise of America around here. That would be hating America, which is only reserved for the evil sheep that hang on to every word that Jake Tapper says!

It really is funny how that works. Projection is a powerful drug.
It is reported that Trump is angry about Fox News abandoning him. Rumor is, he's planning to open his own network. It is also rumored that he will announce next month, that he is planning to seek the Republican nomination for President, in 2024.

The ramifications of Trump's loss are looking better and better, lol. No Blue Wave, Dems lost seats, etc. Pelosi is stuttering, AOL hates her, it's incredible.

I voted for him and now I think that watching Biden try to handle the Presidency, with BLM, AOC, and the Social Democrats demanding a place in the government, will be hilarious.

I think that it's going to make for a fabulously entertaining show.

The Democratic Party are starting to become more of a progressive party which will lead to moderate and conservative Democrats switching to the Republican Party. It is no longer the party that your parents and grandparents voted for.

At this rate progressiveness in the Democratic Party will be their downfall.
But remember. We never cheer for the demise of America around here. That would be hating America, which is only reserved for the evil sheep that hang on to every word that Jake Tapper says!

It really is funny how that works. Projection is a powerful drug.
I am going to watch with interest, the dissolution of the Democratic Party as it exists today, that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are members of. They used violence and intimidation to get votes, not to mention other nefarious methods. They'll pay for it, and the very people that will take them to task, are BLM, and the Social Democrats such as AOC.

Businesses and other buildings in NYC, and elsewhere, can now take down the boards from the windows, as the Republican's who lost are not going to go on a Nazi-like rampage, the way the Democrat good squads did and would have, if their candidate Joe Biden had lost. Those who brought terrorism to the country, in hopes of intimidating anybody who planned to vote Republican, now want their payment, and they are not going to forget about what they went through. I don't blame them, they put their lives on the line. If Biden doesn't reward them, he's asking for trouble.

It's time for Joe to pay the piper and I hope the sake of the Republicans that they give those people their due. They should thank their lucky stars that the Trump voters are civilized, and not prone to seek revenge because if they did, well, just think about that for a while.
How much attention is the media supposed to give to these allegations?
Just google the term voter fraud and you'll get hits from outlets such as Fox News, The Washington Post, NYT and Yahoo from just the last few hours.

Here you have a right wing outlet showing once again that there isn't evidence of voter fraud. They went through the affidavits and found most of it was irrelevant. There is nothing to see here.
Whatever. The MSM 'debunks' every accusation without any investigation. It's really scary, this collusion.

I don't even bother with them anymore. They are unethical liars.

Go on other sites and just give them a few minutes of your time. There's some peculiar sh*t going on.
This ain't looking good for Biden.

Only if you believe Breitbart has credibility when it comes to accurate reporting--which I don't. For all I know, the story may have merit, but I won't (and don't) believe anything until it's verified by other news outlets. -- Whether or not this article has validity, I still connect Breitbart with Steve Bannon, who has his own host of serious legal problems to deal with.
Only if you believe Breitbart has credibility when it comes to accurate reporting--which I don't. For all I know, the story may have merit, but I won't (and don't) believe anything until it's verified by other news outlets. -- Whether or not this article has validity, I still connect Breitbart with Steve Bannon, who has his own host of serious legal problems to deal with.
Only MSM are creditable, right?

If you haven't looked into the Biden corruption, anything you post isn't creditable.
Only if you believe Breitbart has credibility when it comes to accurate reporting--which I don't. For all I know, the story may have merit, but I won't (and don't) believe anything until it's verified by other news outlets. -- Whether or not this article has validity, I still connect Breitbart with Steve Bannon, who has his own host of serious legal problems to deal with.
Well I doubt the media and tech companies will even bother but they better start investigating and finding out if it's true or not. The media and the tech companies basically helped the Democrats win the election.
I think it would be far more accurate to say Trump was concerned about losing months ago, so he started his phony election fraud campaign to try to preempt his image being tarnished as being a loser. What's he's done instead is branded himself as much worse than that. He'll probably go down in history as the most pathetic loser ever.
I'm more resentful of the voters who put him there, who lapped up his rhetoric, turned the US into an infected trainwreck, and will fill his debt-ridden coffers after he leaves office as he assumes his rightful place as the king with the tinfoil hat, displacing Alex Jones. We really WOULD be better if the country were split in two so that the Trumpites could live physically separate like a leper colony. They and their mentality are the REAL pandemic.
It's in the 70s here in New England in mid November with no end in sight. Anyone who makes the "look, it still snows every now and then" argument against global warming simply isn't that bright.
That sounds like nice weather to me. I googled The Netherlands and they had the warmest day on record last year. How about India, China, and the deforestation of the Amazon as bigger contributors to global warming than the US? A lot of people won't want to pay for going green because of higher utility bills. We will probably gradually transition that way though. It is currently 8 degrees here in Southern Minnesota. I see Boston will be in the 40's to low 50's the next few days, no 70's. Maybe you were mixed up with the temperature in your house?
That sounds like nice weather to me. I googled The Netherlands and they had the warmest day on record last year. How about India, China, and the deforestation of the Amazon as bigger contributors to global warming than the US? A lot of people won't want to pay for going green because of higher utility bills. We will probably gradually transition that way though. It is currently 8 degrees here in Southern Minnesota. I see Boston will be in the 40's to low 50's the next few days, no 70's. Maybe you were mixed up with the temperature in your house?
I think he meant last weekend. Here on Long Island, it was in the damn low 70s. I was able to go to the beach. Not that that sucks because the beach is like the only good reason to live on this boring island but it is a little strange. This weekend is a bit more in line with what you'd expect but it's still been a lot warmer than usual.
I'm more resentful of the voters who put him there, who lapped up his rhetoric, turned the US into an infected trainwreck

@GlennS -- Well put. For me as a U.S. citizen, it's an embarrassment that tens of millions of Americans can be so easily bamboozled by a mean-spirited, egotistical con man like Trump. Not to mention his greedy cohorts at Fox News and other right wing media outlets, who make untold amounts of money by spewing political garbage they know is not true.

But it seems they can't resist the tens of millions of dollars they can make by fabricating ridiculous things out of thin air to an almost pathetically gullible group of people who will devour whatever red meat is thrown to them. Obama was not born in this country? No problem for these people to believe. Obama a Muslim? No problem. I saw numbers that said over 70% of Republicans believed these made up fantasies.

I actually don't quite understand why I'm still surprised and almost shocked when I hear a similar percentage of these people consider the recent election fraudulent. No proof whatsoever. Just another set of outlandish fabrications that are made by Trump and other Republicans because they know their ardent followers will lap it up just like every other lie they've fed them over the years. Just an absolute national embarrassment.

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