2020 US Presidential Election

Trump being banned from all Big Tech is not good news. I'm afraid he might lose the spotlight soon.
Trump being banned from all Big Tech is not good news. I'm afraid he might lose the spotlight soon.
Isn't he starting his own digital media empire though? Wouldn't that help his supporters stay loyal until 2024, well that's if he plans to re-run.
Isn't he starting his own digital media empire though? Wouldn't that help his supporters stay loyal until 2024, well that's if he plans to re-run.
Yes but I think it's going to be difficult to get as many people to join his new platform as his Twitter, Facebook, etc accounts had followers. On the mainstream big tech platforms he was able to convert people into supporting him. Now he won't have that advantage anymore.
Trump being banned from all Big Tech is not good news. I'm afraid he might lose the spotlight soon.
He has amassed over 250 million dollars since the election into his war chest, for use in backing any Republican he or his son's decide is fit. He is not going anywhere with those kinds of resources. Don't worry.

@Born To Slay, that money skews the bet in your direction but I still think he'll screw it up. Like R. Giuliani yelling "trial by combat" at the rally before the march on the Capitol.
I have a few questions that I wanted to ask everyone that has participated in this group discussion.

Answer yes or no and explain your reasons.

Did you support the rioting and looting during the BLM protests?

Most Hollywood celebrities and the media ignored the rioting and looting by staying silent about these issues or by excusing it saying that it had to be done to protest against police brutality.

Do you think that celebrities should have spoken up and told their fans to not riot and loot instead of staying silent or excusing it?

Many Republicans did not support the attack on the US Capitol the other day and did not support the riots and looting all throughout the year due to BLM protests.

Do you condemn the attack that happened in the US Capitol and also the rioting and looting that happened all throughout 2020 due to BLM protests?

There have been people saying All Lives Matter. This has caused the people on the left to overreact as they think that all white people have privilege which is certainly not true at all. Some white people did not have a good upbringing or they were poor etc which doesn't mean they have white privilege.

Are you ok with people saying All Lives Matter?

If you said no, what if All Lives Matter was about those who have suffered police brutality, prejudice or racial attacks, would you be ok with people saying All Lives Matter?

Final question... People are becoming more progressive now, meaning that they are more likely to vote for Democratic candidates instead of conservative Republican candidates.

Do you believe that a Republican will ever be President again or do you think that people will continue to vote for progressive Democratic candidates until Republicans shift to the middle?
Yeah, I condemn any political violence. Just as people like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi did.

No, I don't support saying "All Lives Matter" because the people that are being mistreated by the police are disproportionately POCs. I'd question why the same people who don't like BLM, are okay with saying "Blue Lives Matter". It's beyond hypocrisy, I'd assume it's subconscious racism tbh. But yeah, white people do have privilege in America. That doesn't mean that white people don't have problems but it means that in certain areas, there's just things that are far less likely to happen to them and there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that.

Finally, no I don't think the GOP will have any problem electing Presidents. I could easily see them put another Trump (not him after the riots) in there in 2024.
Yes but I think it's going to be difficult to get as many people to join his new platform as his Twitter, Facebook, etc accounts had followers. On the mainstream big tech platforms he was able to convert people into supporting him. Now he won't have that advantage anymore.
When you have 25-33% of Americans at your beck and call, you no longer need mainstream social media. It's too late for them to silence Trump. His voice is just too massive imo.
Is it true that the reason why far right ideology isn't that popular in Spain like in some other western states is because of the more recent times of living under Franco's rule? I got told people hated life under his government.
I think there is something very powerful that makes people rise against governments that attack their own identity, and that's what happen in a dictatorship. When people are discriminated due to race, religion, sexual orientation etc, everything else takes a second stance, and people fight those discriminations till the end.

Actually, after the nonsense that Trump has done in the US, many people in Spain that used to support the far right are reconsidering their views.
Also from the LA Pro-Trump "peaceful" protest:


What a bunch of dirty inbred looking motherfuckers.
There is a new right wing party here, created like 5 years ago, a spin off from another party. Many opportunistic people joined its ranks and they try to make a lot of noise on forums and social networks. These people insert comments on any newsboard praising their party, and probably they will get more votes in the next election.

However, the party leaders are somehow doomed from the start. They lack any credibility, as there are already suspicions of corruption looming over them. On top of that the party leader has never had any kind of job aside from politics; he has been living from politics since he was like 20 years old, decades living from institutions related to political parties, and in different positions within another party. He founded his new party, but cannot deceive anyone who remembers what he has been doing for the last decades.

So basically those new right wing parties thrive on discontent and benefit from the unstable economy and the crisis, but they lack any real program or political agenda, it is just people who try to shout louder and have their free lunch living out of politics... so I don't think they will be able to get enough votes to rule the country.

This is more worrying:

Pelosi raises prospect of impeaching Trump for second time
House speaker consults military on preventing 'unstable president' from launching nuclear strike

It is reasonable to make Trump go now before he does something that cannot be repaired, something worse that the assault on the US Capitol.

A coup d'état attempted by Trump': America's failed insurrection
Yeah, I get your point. The rise of VOX almost correlated with the protests in Catalonia. It seems more people in Castilia and the old guard are afraid that Spain falls apart. But their policy for a more centralised Spain would only contribute to more opposition from minorities who want more autonomy, such as the Basque countries and in minor part Galicia. Hopefully PSOE & Podemos will address the inequalities in society and recognise the rights of different ethnic groups in order to quell separatist factions.

It seems like almost every far right wing party has composed an election program based on false or ill-founded policy statements. We have a couple of far right parties, of which one (PVV, run by Geert Wilders) is rising in the polls as #2 in potential votes, that often copy certain positions of other parties, without any substantial argument how they are going to pay for it or how they will implement it.

There are a lot of similarities between Vox and the PVV. One example is that both Vox and the PVV claim that Europe is threatened by Islamic people, who will impose their religion on us. The PVV has recently published its program for the next elections, in which they stated that it would use the military to ''conquer the streets '' with a subtle hint to foreigners, if the situation demands such measures. This is just incredibly fascist, but there are enough gullible people in my country who think that the PVV is a normal party that respects democracy. I'm not buying it.
I think there is something very powerful that makes people rise against governments that attack their own identity, and that's what happen in a dictatorship. When people are discriminated due to race, religion, sexual orientation etc, everything else takes a second stance, and people fight those discriminations till the end.

Actually, after the nonsense that Trump has done in the US, many people in Spain that used to support the far right are reconsidering their views.
That and the fact humans are social creatures. Why do you think they always make the heroes beat the shit out of the bad guys in movies? Naturally it's in most people's nature to want to do good for others which you can look into soon most people think it's 100% greed that motivates us all when it's not as simple as that. It's just that the material conditions of the system some of us live in puts us into the situation of greed and fucking others over. I always say that if you put people in nasty conditions, then they'll act more nasty.

My granddad's only reason to fighting in WW2 was because of the treatment he heard about Jews, so he joined the army just to blow some Nazis head off. He came back home taking part in defeating Nazi Germany who thought they were the greatest country in the world (this is what happens when they eat too much of their own propaganda). He did come back with tinnitus and hearing loss though, but he wasn't too bothered about that as compared to the situation the Jews endured.
I remember someone calling Veganism communist propaganda. Similar to how some say Hollywood is encouraging homosexuality to make communism possible. This isn't satire, as I remember accidentally stumbling upon an online right wing community on it where they took this discussion seriously. Makes no sense.

"I don't know but I've been told!
Joe McCarthy's good as gold!"
Everything that is apparently not mainstream could easily by tied to far fetched conspiracy things these days. Thank god I haven't noticed it around here. Veganism as a concept is generally associated with left wing politics (basically any left wing ideology is against any form of exploitation) but I know a lot of right wing people here (in America they would probably be called centrists) who also happen to be vegan.
these gullible people believe all this shit that's fed to them
I am convinced that democracy doesn't work thanks to the lack of critical thinking skills of the average person.

Trump is merely a symptom of societal deficits. You don't see this sentiment expressed by politicians or the news because it's effectively lobbing an insult at the general public, but that's the problem.

The only way democracy can work is if voting is a privilege, not a right, one you have to qualify for via a basic competency exam. I mean, you have to work harder to get a driving license than to register to vote.
Trump being banned from all Big Tech is not good news. I'm afraid he might lose the spotlight soon.
Afraid? I've read a handful of your posts now and I have yet to see you express anything other than declare your undying support for Trump and hatred towards Biden/Harris, so much so that it comes across as almost like a sarcastic gag rather than genuine. If you actually have something useful to add to the thread, please offer it.
Mainly in western countries that is happening. In Latin America there is some instability, but it's mainly leftist uprisings instead of the right wing kind we have seen recently. Based on what this Peruvian woman I know said anyways. In eastern Asia there's nothing like that whether that's Japan, China, Korea (both north/south) etc etc. A thing that shocks so many Japanese people I spoke to is that they couldn't understand the fact they you could get fired for expressing your political beliefs in the west, although they mainly talk about the US on this specific part. This is just me giving a small example on how united they are compared to the current divided states of some countries in Europe and the 5 eye nations. They don't make a fuss about masks either.

They say we have just entered the Asian century because the worlds largest and wealthiest trade area was signed there (RCEP). Japan alone almost dominated economically and culturally before the Plaza-Accord. China, Japan and South Korea have been becoming more co-operative lately both economically and politically, where not so long they wouldn't have agreed to the RCEP. Then there's the belt and road initiative and the infrastructure boom in Africa with it where a lot of the fastest growing economies in the world are there too.

The future is starting to head to a more multi-polar world with more focus on development and peace. I'm actually rather optimistic about the future, although there might be some bumpy roads for certain countries that are declining.
You are very well informed in Asian politics. Do you happen to live there of have you spend some time abroad?

The RCEP is indeed a good development vs. the new NAFTA and the European Union. It's one way to strengthen their own economies instead of getting played by the bigger trade blocs. Hopefully they will continue on this route.
Everything that is not apparently mainstream could easily by tied to far fetched conspiracy things these days. Thank god I haven't noticed it around here. Veganism as a concept is generally associated with left wing politics (basically any left wing ideology is against any form of exploitation) but I know a lot of right wing people here (in America they would probably be called centrists) who also happen to be vegan.
I'm vegan and in some vegan circles and can confirm that while most vegans are left wing, we do have some radical Trump types that are vegans as well.
I posted a video on it here, but looks like it was 2 days ago as that was when it streamed.

Here's more detail here. Oh look, they were screaming "aLl LiVeS maTtER!!1!1!!", but then proceed to attack her.
Good idea to place the video. Most people would only have to look at the picture & think that the bearded guy was probably one of these A*******. Good thing he stepped in to save her. Hopefully the police will look at this video and lock those people up.
Everything that is not apparently mainstream could easily by tied to far fetched conspiracy things these days. Thank god I haven't noticed it around here. Veganism as a concept is generally associated with left wing politics (basically any left wing ideology is against any form of exploitation) but I know a lot of right wing people here (in America they would probably called centrists) who also happen to be vegan.
This conspiracy theory has a name (you might have seen it in some YouTube comment, as it's popular with right wingers) and one notorious guy who used to post here a lot mentioned it before. Technically the claims they're making doesn't even exist last time I looked into it, so their conspiracy theory is based on mere conjecture. The Hollywood promoting homosexuality because of communism makes no sense and here's why:

I spent some time living in Bangkok because my parents moved all over and sometimes we would visit Vietnam too. Thailand and Vietnam have some similarities in their cultures (both heavily influenced by Buddhism), yet I have met more openly LGBTQ+ people in Thailand (many Thai people are chill about it and they're openly accepted in their media) than in Vietnam which is ruled by an actual communist party. So, apparently communism "forces" gay propaganda on people... so where the fuck was it every time I visited Vietnam?

One thing I did notice when speaking to some Thai folks is that not all Thai people are chill about LGBTQ+ people and they say it's mainly people who are poor living in the rural areas which is pretty common all over the world.

So applying those right wingers logic, then you could say turning people richer is communism because improving the economic conditions of people improves tolerance for LGBTQ+ people.

Then let's stay poor then because I don't want no damn commie making me richer because then I will become more accepting to homosexuality!
I'm vegan and in some vegan circles and can confirm that while most vegans are left wing, we do have some radical Trump types that are vegans as well.
That's interesting. I get it if some vegans are drawn to Trumpism because it has an anti-establishment touch to it. But I'm wondering if they have ever read the Republican Party program, as it is full of pro-agriculture economics and less about sustainability and almost none about animal welfare.

FWIW, years ago I was actually convinced by Moby of becoming a vegan ;)

Here's one video about animal rights:

The right views vegetarianism with contempt, hence the "soy" meme, associating soy consumption with the feminization of men (either literally due to the belief that estrogen in soy has an effect or more as a figurative cultural critique, like latte liberal, etc...). Soy is now a euphemism for the word fag.

The right and masculinity go hand-in-hand. This should be self-evident. And meat eating projects masculinity--think King of the Hill and BBQ obsession. Same deal with hunting, big trucks, etc... There is a HEAVY element of culture-war in the left/right divide.
That's interesting. I get it if some vegans are drawn to Trumpism because it has an anti-establishment touch to it. But I'm wondering if they have ever read the Republican Party program, as it is full of pro-agriculture economics and less about sustainability and almost none about animal welfare.

FWIW, years ago I was actually convinced by Moby of becoming a vegan ;)

Here's one video about animal rights:
Well neither party is really pro-vegan. But I do think that anti establishment touch does attract some vegans, many of the vegans I know tho are far left socialists (and I actually mean that, like they're for collective ownership and everything), so I think many vegans like antiestablishmentarianism. Of course most vegans I know are normal people.
The right views vegetarianism with contempt, hence the "soy" meme, associating soy consumption with the feminization of men (either literally due to the belief that estrogen in soy has an effect or more as a figurative cultural critique, like latte liberal, etc...). Soy is now a euphemism for the word fag.

The right and masculinity go hand-in-hand. This should be self-evident. And meat eating projects masculinity--think King of the Hill and BBQ obsession. Same deal with hunting, big trucks, etc... There is a HEAVY element of culture-war in the left/right divide.
I'm a proud soy boy, fuck those fake macho bitches. They lost anyway. Soyboys unite! We now have the Congress!
You are very well informed in Asian politics. Do you happen to live there of have you spend some time abroad?
I don't live there now, but I spent a decent time of my life there. I used to live in Singapore, Bangkok and Seoul. Went to international schools so I didn't need to speak the local languages haha. Took regular trips to the neighbouring countries too. I just like to follow the news about Asia and I consume quite a bit of their media as well. That and the fact I speak some Mandarin and Japanese so it was natural that I was going to communicate with some people over there to keep up with the times. I do miss certain aspects living there though and I would if there was a possible way for me to integrate that doesn't involve me working as an English teacher for the rest of my life.
The RCEP is indeed a good development vs. the new NAFTA and the European Union. It's one way to strengthen their own economies instead of getting played by the bigger trade blocs. Hopefully they will continue on this route.
Yep, and looks like a lot of them will become more bullet proof against another trade war. There's also ASEAN which is kinda like the EU of South East Asia.

ASEAN actually started the RCEP, because I remember a lot of the media kept adding China in the title for some reason, but never mentioned ASEAN much even though they created it and called the shots. I assume some of their crucial industries will be protected which is pretty fair knowing the economic difference between say Philippines and Japan. There's no banana courts involved like there was in the TPP which people were against for, well based on what I keep hearing about it.

Speaking of Unions, there is the African Union too (every single one in the continent united and also they signed a Trade Agreement in more recent times) and they have been having some major successes where they're growing fast and currently in a similar situation that China was in the 80s. This is quite interesting; Rwanda from Africa is in a similar situation that Singapore was in not so long ago and is currently in a state of exponential growth with their economy growing rapidly. Their city has been known to be extremely clean (just like what people know Singapore for) and rather nice despite the country being a developing nation:

@Born To Slay, that money skews the bet in your direction but I still think he'll screw it up. Like R. Giuliani yelling "trial by combat" at the rally before the march on the Capitol
I see "trial by combat" means judicial duel, not physical violence. We'll have to wait and see who actually broke into the Capitol. The President said peaceful protesting. I wouldn't jump to conclusions that regular Trump supporters were the perpetrators. Rudy thought it was a "set up" by antifa or other extremists groups infiltrating into the crowd.

How many normal people would scale the Capitol's walls with ladders and ropes?
I see "trial by combat" means judicial duel, not physical violence. We'll have to wait and see who actually broke into the Capitol. The President said peaceful protesting. I wouldn't jump to conclusions that regular Trump supporters were the perpetrators. Rudy thought it was a "set up" by antifa or other extremists groups infiltrating into the crowd.

How many normal people would scale the Capitol's walls with ladders and ropes?
FBI: No Evidence Antifa Involved In Capitol Chaos

The FBI has already said no to the Antifa theory.

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