2020 US Presidential Election

I don't know how many total members but their founder Gavin McGinnis proudly admits the point of the group is violence towards leftists. He even once advocated "choking trannys to death."

Whether a large group or not, their literal stated goal is violence, they don't sugar coat it.

Here is a recent consequence of that:

OK, there's a bad apple. The president told this extremely small organization to stand by and stand back. One 50 year old idiot that is not a "Boy", didn't listen. Gavin McGinnis admits that much of what he says is tongue-in-cheek. Do you really think that he believes in choking transsexuals to death? Do you know how many people have told me that they'd like to see Trump dead and they are NOT joking?

By redirecting attention away from the savage, wanton destructive of the left, to this innocuous little group of a few hundred suburban kids with time on their hands, and a few who are in it for the laughs, and publicity, which I'm sure is at least part of the reason McGinnis is in it, the media is making a mockery of justice, freedom of speech and rational thinking.
We have to wear masks in stores here and I comply as well as do social distancing. I'm sure they help more so in the high risk groups. I just don't think a seat belt analogy is a good one.
The way infectious disease works though, lower risk people contracting the virus can eventually lead to a high risk person dying. It's a numbers game.

I'm extremely glad to hear you are wearing a mask.

I used the seatbelt analogy because, like the mask, it's a simple thing people can do to reduce risk that doesn't impact them too much (I wore a mask continuously for 4 hours a day, 3 days a week for 15 years under hot surgical lights... it's *not* that bad) and literally saves lives.

I think we have a social responsibility to try to protect the most vulnerable in our society. Especially with something as easy as mask wearing. If I see someone refusing to wear a mask, I can't help but feel they just don't care if they hurt others.
Being a 'Brit' I suppose it could be seen as none of my business to comment - but then whoever becomes president of the USA affects us all.

Trump confirmed what we already knew him to be: an unscrupulous bullying thug.
(I cannot forget how he mimicked that handicapped guy on television.)

Biden came across as a nice genuine guy, but not strong enough, not tough enough, probably not well enough to do the job.

Are these two really the best candidates that America can come up with, for what is the world's top job?

But then look at what we are saddled with.
A total buffoon called Boris Johnson !!
It is very suspicious that Donald Trump has not made public his tax statements, as all US presidents before him have done. What is he hiding?
I have to say Biden looks ridiculous when he wears his mask just for the camera. COVID-19 affects less than 1% of the population. I think it's blown out of proportion a bit.

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Hi! It's not overblown. Wearing a mask is literally[/I ]the least we can do to help ourselves and others slow the spread. As far as who it affects, my 27-year-old healthy brother got COVID-19 in April and he still experiences awful symptoms more days than not.

If you don't agree with wearing a mask, you aren't just denying science, you are being an ignorant ass that is showing they legitimately don't care if they are a part of spreading something that can honestly ruin peoples lives. If nothing else, it is common freaking decency.

Remember this is a virus so it doesn't leave your system...w ho the hell knows what the long term effects are. You want to tell healthy people in their 30s who suffered strokes because of it that it's overblown? Or my brother who averages 2-3 hours a sleep per night?
Yeah Biden looks silly with a mask but tell me how good Trump looks...

I wonder if Biden violated social distancing by sniffing Trump's hair backstage at the debate? That would explain Trump's behavior. As for Biden telling Trump to "shut up" maybe Biden is "just a little bit jealous " of Trump.
It's funny that Biden supposedly stresses social distancing but he is more in your face and touchy/feelie than Trump, at least in public. He's so bad that he became a joke and meme.
I don't know much about the man, but I saw that he is married to a Native American lady and has both Canadian and British citizenship.

Yeah he has described himself as a "Western Supremacist, not a White Supremacist" so there is that distinction (hence why he is married to a native American I guess) but he definitely advocates extreme violence and flat out says he's not joking.
OK, there's a bad apple. The president told this extremely small organization to stand by and stand back. One 50 year old idiot that is not a "Boy", didn't listen. Gavin McGinnis admits that much of what he says is tongue-in-cheek. Do you really think that he believes in choking transsexuals to death? Do you know how many people have told me that they'd like to see Trump dead and they are NOT joking?

By redirecting attention away from the savage, wanton destructive of the left, to this innocuous little group of a few hundred suburban kids with time on their hands, and a few who are in it for the laughs, and publicity, which I'm sure is at least part of the reason McGinnis is in it, the media is making a mockery of justice, freedom of speech and rational thinking.
Now when suburban liberal kids hurt people, you act like it's disgraceful but when suburban right wing kids hurt people, you are not bothered.

Joe Biden condemned the violence eon the left. Donald Trump won't condemn the violence on the right.

Out of curiosity does your brother have some pre-existing condition that made him more susceptible to Covid? I do wear a mask as I said in an earlier post and also do social distancing. As for if I'm an ass I'm not sure? I am sorry to hear about your brother and hope he gets better. I only met one person that got Covid and I thought he said he fully recovered with no lasting symptoms.
Because Antifa is not a group. The FBI concluded this.
It's like saying we need to physically fight "flat Earthers" or "anti-vaxxers".

Maybe this will help, because the right has a hard time with this concept: anyone can say they are "anti-fa", but you have to be a member of the KKK to say you are part of it.
Let me just ask; Why do so many white supremacists love Trump? Why has hate crime violence risen?

As far as Trump goes; he was sued in the 70's for lying to black applicants who wanted to rent at his apartments. He would lie and say he had none available when their were. He straight up wouldn't rent to black people.

How can you defend that?

1973 | Meet Donald Trump

He said he wanted 5 black ppl executed for a violent crime in NY, then when DNA evidence cleared them he still (in 2016) insists they are guilty.

Donald Trump Still Thinks The Central Park Five Are Guilty (They Aren't)

In his casino he would remove black dealers from the floor when a racist big spender came in.

Trump Plaza loses appeal of discrimination penalty

Out of curiosity does your brother have some pre-existing condition that made him more susceptible to Covid? I do wear a mask as I said in an earlier post and also do social distancing. As for if I'm an ass I'm not sure? I am sorry to hear about your brother and hope he gets better. I only met one person that got Covid and I thought he said he fully recovered with no lasting symptoms.
Read the post... I stated 'healthy brother.'

I'm glad the one person you know is fine, but if you think that Covid is being overblown (after 200K deaths), then yes you are an ass.
Now when suburban liberal kids hurt people, you act like it's disgraceful but when suburban right wing kids hurt people, you are not bothered.

Joe Biden condemned the violence eon the left. Donald Trump won't condemn the violence on the right.
How bothered are you about the fact that the left is doing 100X as much damage as the right? You want a condemnation of the right wing trouble makers? Trump has condemned white supremacists. What percentage of the arson, attacks against the cops and civilians, property damage, looting and general mayhem, is caused by these extremely small groups? I would estimate that it is less than 1%.

The white suburban liberals are the problem - they just don't get it. They have no experience with growing up in a highly diverse, melting pot of people in inner cities like New York.

I suggest throwing the left wing, wealthy white Social Register rioters who have been indicted, into Riker's Island jail, NYC, with no bail. I guarantee that they will not come out with the same opinion that they have now - they'll probably vote for Trump, lol.
It is very suspicious that Donald Trump has not made public his tax statements, as all US presidents before him have done. What is he hiding?
What is there to hide? When a man becomes president, he has to divest many of his interests. Trump never accepted his $400,000 salary, he donated it.

Do you understand that Trump and his organizations need at least 100 accountants, from the top firms, to do taxes for his financial empire, and all of these people are the best of the best in their profession? Or, do you picture Trump with a green visor and a banker's lamp, sitting at a rolling desk manually filling out tax forms himself, with a fountain pen? Get real, he isn't hiding anything.
How bothered are you about the fact that the left is doing 100X as much damage as the right? You want a condemnation of the right wing trouble makers? Trump has condemned white supremacists. What percentage of the arson, attacks against the cops and civilians, property damage, looting and general mayhem, is caused by these extremely small groups? I would estimate that it is less than 1%.

The white suburban liberals are the problem - they just don't get it. They have no experience with growing up in a highly diverse, melting pot of people in inner cities like New York.

I suggest throwing the left wing, wealthy white Social Register rioters who have been indicted, into Riker's Island jail, NYC, with no bail. I guarantee that they will not come out with the same opinion that they have now - they'll probably vote for Trump, lol.
The FBI is pretty concerned about white supremacy.


That's not to say left wing violence isn't a problem but if right wing terror is bad enough for the FBI, why isn't bad enough to get a condemnation from Trump?
Because Antifa is not a group. The FBI concluded this.
And? It is a movement, which can be denounced. And, I said Antifa and friends.

Like it or not, their are a lot of bad apples in these protests. More than 220 have been of a violent nature. That's not just an isolated incident.

All these people should condemned, regardless of which side of the fence they are on.
Yeah he has described himself as a "Western Supremacist, not a White Supremacist" so there is that distinction (hence why he is married to a native American I guess) but he definitely advocates extreme violence and flat out says he's not joking.
I just watched a few minutes of his interview with Joe Rogan and read the Wikipedia article.

He seems a pretty articulate man, but going by his Wikipedia article definitely likes saying things that incite division and hatred.

"In July 2018, the group had 160 members and up to 300 pending applicants, according to the unidentified Proud Boys L.A. president"

I wonder how many members it has now. It seems groups of this nature tend get a lot of attention, but in actual fact have little membership. Constant talk of them is just fueling their membership.
I wonder if Biden violated social distancing by sniffing Trump's hair backstage at the debate? That would explain Trump's behavior. As for Biden telling Trump to "shut up" maybe Biden is "just a little bit jealous " of Trump.
Got this saying from Jimmy Kimmel. No I don't like Jimmy bashing our President or Vice President. I thought it was just a little bit funny.

Donald Trump's the kind of guy that would be the small percentage of cases where pregnancy occurs with a condom. He would then sue the condom company for his own birth, record the court fees as deductible business expenses, use the income from not paying taxes to hire a prostitute, knock her up, then tell her to get an abortion.

And he would convince millions of Americans that this whole series of events was Obama's fault.
I just watched a few minutes of his interview with Joe Rogan and read the Wikipedia article.

He seems a pretty articulate man, but going by his Wikipedia article definitely likes saying things that incite division and hatred.

"In July 2018, the group had 160 members and up to 300 pending applicants, according to the unidentified Proud Boys L.A. president"

I wonder how many members it has now. It seems groups of this nature tend get a lot of attention, but in actual fact have little membership. Constant talk of them is just fueling their membership.
That's true of anything. It's been proven social media and media coverage of everything from Isis to school shooters increases their presence.
And? It is a movement, which can be denounced. And, I said Antifa and friends.

Like it or not, their are a lot of bad apples in these protests. More than 220 have been of a violent nature. That's not just an isolated incident.

All these people should condemned, regardless of which side of the fence they are on.
He DID condemn the violence though. What you are missing is that Antifa is the idea of being against authoritarianism and fascism. A percentage of which are violent but most are not (as determined by the FBI).

To give you an analogy, should Biden condemn environmentalists because some like Greenpeace have committed terrorism?

This is different than the Proud Boys whose stated purpose is violence.
That's true of anything. It's been proven social media and media coverage of everything from Isis to school shooters increases their presence.
Yeah, of course it does.

Violence etc in films too? I think so...! People are easily influenced, even if subconsciously.
He DID condemn the violence though. What you are missing is that Antifa is the idea of being against authoritarianism and fascism. A percentage of which are violent but most are not (as determined by the FBI).

To give you an analogy, should Biden condemn environmentalists because some like Greenpeace have committed terrorism?

This is different than the Proud Boys whose stated purpose is violence.
No, I realise the aims. Admittedly though, I don't follow the news a great deal about Antifa. The problem is though that people will and are jumping on the Antifa bandwagon but are doing it by using violence, intimidation etc. It then becomes difficult to separate those from people genuinely following the movement. Over time, the movement is becoming associated with violence and so on. It will define the movement in the end.

It's like skinheads. Skinheads come in many different varieties (and originally they were influenced to quite a degree by the Jamaican rude boy culture), but the one we all know is the violent Nazi racist type.

I feel all these groups on both sides need calling out for what they are (or are becoming).
Trump isn't doing a good job of it as he doesn't want to lose any possible votes.

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