2020 US Presidential Election

It's going to be very messed up if Trump can't run. He's been warning them about the mail-in ballots for years. People have already voted for him. What is going to happen if he drops out or dies? We will have to install Pence as president and have another election in a year or two after the dust settles.
As much as I hate Trump, he was elected president. I hope he recovers and Biden can outright beat him in a peaceful transfer of power.
As much as I hate Trump, he was elected president. I hope he recovers and Biden can outright beat him in a peaceful transfer of power.
I would rather see Trump alive if Biden wins the election. It just wouldn't sit right with me if he passed away.

I also assume Biden wants Trump to be there at inauguration day.
It's going to be very messed up if Trump can't run. He's been warning them about the mail-in ballots for years. People have already voted for him. What is going to happen if he drops out or dies? We will have to install Pence as president and have another election in a year or two after the dust settles.
Wouldn't the election just go ahead as planned (maybe with a delay)... but... wouldn't the Republicans have to choose a candidate to put forward, ie Pence was never put forward as the Republicans' candidate for president for this upcoming election, even if he does take over from Trump for the remaining days of this current term?
I could see various legal battles.

@Christiaan do you know the exact answer? After all, you are our resident US political expert... even though you are Dutch:p
Wouldn't the election just go ahead as planned... but... wouldn't the Republicans have to choose a candidate to put forward, ie Pence was never put forward as the Republicans' candidate for this upcoming election, even if he does take over from Trump for the remaining days of this current term?

@Christiaan do you know the exact answer? After all, you are our resident US political expert... even though you are Dutch:p
According to this:

What Happens to the U.S. Presidential Election if a Candidate Dies or Becomes Incapacitated?

It's too late to pick a new candidate and the House (Democrat controlled) would have to agree to delay election and they likely wouldn't.

In addition, each state has its own rules for how their electoral votes are counted in that case but it seems to favor a vote for the incapacitated candidate (and thus VP Pence in this case if Trump wins).

You would have to delay the election and re-vote otherwise. But that would also take a court challenge.

It seems highly unlikely to be anyone but Pence and I can't imagine the electoral college picking anyone else since people technically voted for Pence since he was on the ballot.

Curious what @Christiaan's thoughts are too though.
It's going to be very messed up if Trump can't run. He's been warning them about the mail-in ballots for years. People have already voted for him. What is going to happen if he drops out or dies? We will have to install Pence as president and have another election in a year or two after the dust settles.
Nope. Delaying the election would require an act of congress. Democrats in congress would never let that happen.
Wouldn't the election just go ahead as planned (maybe with a delay)... but... wouldn't the Republicans have to choose a candidate to put forward, ie Pence was never put forward as the Republicans' candidate for president for this upcoming election, even if he does take over from Trump for the remaining days of this current term?
I could see various legal battles.

@Christiaan do you know the exact answer? After all, you are our resident US political expert... even though you are Dutch:p
Here's an article exploring what would happen, they basically conclude that Trump's name would stay on the ballot since there's not enough time to change it and the electoral college electors would likely vote for the RNC replacement in states won by Trump.

We're in the final stages of the presidential election. What happens if a candidate withdraws or dies?
Here's an article exploring what would happen, they basically conclude that Trump's name would stay on the ballot since there's not enough time to change it and the electoral college electors would likely vote for the RNC replacement in states won by Trump.

We're in the final stages of the presidential election. What happens if a candidate withdraws or dies?
Wow, that's freaky that the dead President's name would appear on the ballot for the upcoming election.

And do you know what, that might up the chances of the Republicans staying in power, ie there would almost certainly be a wave of patriotic feelings after the death of the President and his funeral; yes, even Trump's.
What do you mean with putting money in the right pocket? And are we talking about Pablo Iglesias or the more radical Alberto Garzon?
I guess both, but most likely Pablo Iglesias, whose money could come from Venezuela... this Iglesias guy has bought 2 houses worth over 650k in just 4 years... and being a congressman is not a job for life, so it cannot be counted like a stable job by a bank to give credit. So, where did the money come from?

Actually there was another guy, named Monedero, that co-founded the party with Iglesias and Errejón, and he was found to have received 450k from Venezuela just for a paper about a new currency.. and this guy does not have the technical expertise to write anything about macroeconomics really, so what's the payment for?

At the end of the day, Iglesias has pushed aside or crossed out his two biggest rivals inside the party (Monedero, out due to corruption - the Venezuela scandal) and Errejón (just defeated in an "internal election" whose result was decided beforehand).

About "putting it in his right pocket" I mean they do NOT donate the money. They transfer it to a "foundation" or "NGO" or some shell company and the money is used by them or the party. It is not donated to anyone else. And Trump probably donates his salary in this same way... to himself or to organizations he controls.

Coming back to the US, and comparing it with international politics: in Germany politicians resign for plagiarism (in a Master's thesis, PhD etc), in Spain politicians have to publish not only their tax statements but also all the properties, equities etc they own... and in the US Donald Trump does not even make his tax statements public.

For me this is shocking because in the US, the self-called country of freedom, and transparency, and equal opportunity, this Trump guy just does what he wants, including hiding his tax statements, and is not held accountable for anything.
What I want to know is how can all these ex members of the President's team (Trump's and presidents' from the past) get away with writing tell it all books about what goes on in the White House? The same goes for recording supposedly private conversations. There seems to be no or little concern for national security and security in general.

In Russia you'd just be shot, thrown off a balcony or poisoned for betraying the President. I'm not saying things should go that far, hell no, but there seems a real lack of national concern among some of the people who get hired to work with the president. It makes the US look stupid and weak. Literally like a soap opera.

Another thing is the way White House press conferences are held. They are so unprofessional and a free for all. Journalists should know their place and be made to respect the office of President, even if they hate the President. It doesn't mean they shouldn't be critical and ask biting questions, but to start arguing and goading the President is another thing. Again, it makes the US look weak and inept. A bit more control is needed.
Chris Christie and Kelly Ann Conway now too.

They are saying the Amy Coney Barret event at the rose garden was likely the super spreader event based on who is getting this and the timing. So much for outdoors being "safe."
Now Ron Johnson has COVID aswell.

Anyone else getting strong Masque Of The Red Death vibes?
Wow, that's freaky that the dead President's name would appear on the ballot for the upcoming election.

And do you know what, that might up the chances of the Republicans staying in power, ie there would almost certainly be a wave of patriotic feelings after the death of the President and his funeral; yes, even Trump's.
Eh, I don't know about that. I don't think most Americans would vote for a dead guy. I understand your view, but polling suggests patriotism is at an all time low.
Ron Johnson is the third GOP senator to get get COVID. They no longer have enough quorum votes for the Senate to do anything.
Why does having the coronavirus stop them from voting? Do they actually physically have to go somewhere to vote?
Eh, I don't know about that. I don't think most Americans would vote for a dead guy. I understand your view, but polling suggests patriotism is at an all time low.
True, but it's still high, at least in the "proud" to be an American section, although not in the "very proud" one. At least going by the reports I've seen.

I always see the US as one of the most patriotic nations in the world; well, at least in the Western world.
Why does having the coronavirus stop them from voting? Do they actually physically have to go somewhere to vote?
On the senate floor, yes. To cast a vote form Barrett they'd have to go to the senate floor. I got to see it in person while I was in DC last year. It's very small and cramped together for some reason.

Not ideal for COVID patients.
I always see the US as one of the most patriotic nations in the world; well, at least in the Western world.
We historically have been but this last year has really taken that down a notch. Polling shows dissatisfaction with America at all time highs. You can see it in people. The divisiveness is really taking a toll on our sense of patriotism and the numbers reflect it.
President Trump has been saying for some time that voting by mail was a very bad idea. As usual, the dopes didn't listen. If it causes problems, they'll blame him, as they do for everything else. Democrats have no critical thinking abilities, and it's only getting worse. He will survive the coronavirus as 99.9% of people do, and will be back to work in no time, while Biden sits in the basement.
I'm surprised by how many leftists in the internet peanut gallery are thinking this was a stunt on Trump's part. Seems like everyone, left and right, has lost grasp of reality to some extent.
I'm finding myself getting very angry that the President who admitted on tape to downplaying the coronavirus and then suggesting Hydroxychloroquine as a cure, got Regeneron's antibodies and Remdesivir immediately all while initially calling the coronavirus a hoax, defying mask orders etc.

Notice he didn't take Hydroxychloroquine when it came to his health.

He is a sociopath who doesn't care that Americans have and are dying.
Any Trump supporters want to weigh in why this is okay:

I'm finding myself getting very angry that the President who admitted on tape to downplaying the coronavirus and then suggesting Hydroxychloroquine as a cure, got Regeneron's antibodies and Remdesivir immediately all while initially calling the coronavirus a hoax, defying mask orders etc.

Notice he didn't take Hydroxychloroquine when it came to his health.

He is a sociopath who doesn't care that Americans have and are dying.
I don't agree with the people wishing him dead. But I must say, it's unbelievable that Republicans are just pretending like they weren't minimizing the impact of coronavirus, and that Trump himself wasn't mocking people (Biden) for wearing masks. I (regrettably) turned on Fox News yesterday, and Tucker Carlson was playing the victim. He drew a "you deserve it" analogy between Trump getting COVID-19 and a girl wearing provocative clothes getting assaulted, trying to point out the hypocrisy on the left. It's such a sociopathic analogy, showing anti-social thinking. One is a virus harming a human, while the other is a human harming a human.

It's sad how easily Trump can get any treatment he wants. Meanwhile, there are people, even on this forum, who struggle to get medication prescribed. I realize he's the President, but it's still heartbreaking.

The equivalent would be a Tinnitus Talk family member mocking tinnitus. Then they get tinnitus themselves from a loud noise exposure and immediately have teams of doctors pumping them with Dexamethasone, FX-322, SPI-1005, etc.
@all to gain & @FGG Nice words, but I don't know how it would play out if Trump is unable to fulfil his duties as presidential candidate, as there has not been a precedent concerning this bizarre situation. @Born To Slay has found a good article that explains what could happen in that situation.

The Guardian also has a good article on this subject. So basically, the takewaway from the article is that we know there is constitutional clarity concerning the replacement of a presidential candidate who defends his title as president during election time, but there is no clarity when it concerns the replacement of a presidential candidate (in casu Biden) of the opposition party:


What happens if Trump is incapacitated?
''Under the 25th amendment to the US constitution the president himself – or the vice-president with the agreement of eight cabinet officers, supported by Congress – can ask the vice-president, in this instance Republican Mike Pence, to take over as acting president.''


''The least tricky part of the amendment is section 4, which stipulates what would happen should Donald Trump be indisputably physically debilitated either from an injury or ailment, so much so that he couldn't communicate but remained alive.''

''Then the vice-president is in charge unless and until the president recovers.''

''If Pence is also unable to assume control, then under the constitution powers are delegated to the speaker of the House of Representatives, in this case, Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic California congresswoman. In the US Congress, the Democrats currently control the House, while the Republicans are in a majority in the Senate.''
Do you think it is time to change the way how you can become President in the USA and make it so you have to be currently serving in the Senate or House of Representatives?

In New Zealand to become Prime Minister how it works is that they must be part of House of Representatives and the MPs who are part of their political party vote for who they want as their leader for their party. Then when the NZ election comes out the people vote for which political party they want to run the country.
I'm surprised by how many leftists in the internet peanut gallery are thinking this was a stunt on Trump's part. Seems like everyone, left and right, has lost grasp of reality to some extent.
The amount of chaos is certainly stunning. I really fear for my country. This is why having a President that thrives in chaos is a horrible thing for the country.
Do you think it is time to change the way how you can become President in the USA and make it so you have to be currently serving in the Senate or House of Representatives?

In New Zealand to become Prime Minister how it works is that they must be part of House of Representatives and the MPs who are part of their political party vote for who they want as their leader for their party. Then when the NZ election comes out the people vote for which political party they want to run the country.
No. Trump would have never been voted President by the Republican members of Congress at that time in 2016. A lot of them were anti-Trump (Cruz, McConnell, etc.) but later changed when they learned that Trump is very loved and is effective in pushing policy. The people should have direct impact on who they want as leader of their country.

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