2020 US Presidential Election

Any Trump supporters want to weigh in why this is okay:

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I have some doubts that Trump knew mid-day Wednesday that he had the coronavirus. What is the source? He tweeted late Thursday night/early Friday morning that he and Melania had the virus. Also, I watched Hannity's interview with Trump on Thursday night, where Trump said he doesn't know yet if he has the virus.
Do you think it is time to change the way how you can become President in the USA and make it so you have to be currently serving in the Senate or House of Representatives?
I'm really big on experience; I'm kind of a bump on the log, who is skeptical of outsiders and likes plain, experienced politicians to be politicians. With this being said, I consider Trump to be a fairly uniquely unqualified outsider capable of becoming President through some combination of charisma and deceit. I would hate to lose out on a great outsider candidate some day over some rule.
Overall, I knew it was a matter of time before Trump gets the virus since he is very exposed. Trump himself has said that people over 65 or so and those with underlying issues should stay at home, so I'm sure he knew he was taking a risk. I think generally people who have underlying conditions or are elderly recognize that the virus can be lethal, however I think healthy people believe they are invincible (people who attend rallies, BLM protestors, etc.) since what they will experience most likely are flu-like symptoms or they might be asymptomatic. So, with Trump, my view is that he knew what he was getting into, that given his age and weight he probably knew he would likely experience more moderate/severe symptoms but that was a risk he was willing to take.
I have some doubts that Trump knew mid-day Wednesday that he had the coronavirus. What is the source? He tweeted late Thursday night/early Friday morning that he and Melania had the virus. Also, I watched Hannity's interview with Trump on Thursday night, where Trump said he doesn't know yet if he has the virus.
Love him or not, agree with his policies or not, think he's good for the country or not, can you honestly not see that he's a pathological liar? If Trump says something is the case, it provides zero evidence for or against that claim. That's how much he lies.
I have some doubts that Trump knew mid-day Wednesday that he had the coronavirus. What is the source? He tweeted late Thursday night/early Friday morning that he and Melania had the virus. Also, I watched Hannity's interview with Trump on Thursday night, where Trump said he doesn't know yet if he has the virus.
The source was his doctor who now says he "misspoke" but at the very least they knew they were exposed from Hope and notified no one.

And as @Zugzug pointed out he is a pathological liar who has admitted on the Woodward tapes to lying about the coronavirus.

And he very clearly lied about his faith in hydroxychloroquine because that's not what he was given.

Why would anyone believe him at this point?
Love him or not, agree with his policies or not, think he's good for the country or not, can you honestly not see that he's a pathological liar? If Trump says something is the case, it provides zero evidence for or against that claim. That's how much he lies.
I would much rather trust his Twitter feed than the MSM.
I agree, does that mean we can get rid of the electoral college?
No. Without the electoral college, candidates would only focus on large urban cities primarily on the East and West Coasts and would fly over Utah. The electoral college gives voice to voters who do not live in large urban areas; that is what the Founding Fathers wanted. In 2016, Trump won 2,626 counties and Hillary won 487 countries; this shows that most of the country when you take into consideration geography wanted Trump.
I'm really big on experience; I'm kind of a bump on the log, who is skeptical of outsiders and likes plain, experienced politicians to be politicians. With this being said, I consider Trump to be a fairly uniquely unqualified outsider capable of becoming President through some combination of charisma and deceit. I would hate to lose out on a great outsider candidate some day over some rule.
Me too. I would prefer someone who has experience in Politics than an outsider. It just doesn't seem right to me that someone who isn't currently in the Senate or House of Representatives has a chance of being President.

Wouldn't you want to know how this person is like in politics before deciding if this person is fit to even be President.
No. Without the electoral college, candidates would only focus on large urban cities primarily on the East and West Coasts and would fly over Utah. The electoral college gives voice to voters who do not live in large urban areas; that is what the Founding Fathers wanted. In 2016, Trump won 2,626 counties and Hillary won 487 countries; this shows that most of the country when you take into consideration geography wanted Trump.
Why does geography matter? So land voted for Trump and actual people voted for Hillary.
And he very clearly lied about his faith in hydroxychloroquine because that's not what he was given.

Why would anyone believe him at this point?
A while ago I saw a video from Dr. Ivette Lozano who treats COVID-19 with HCQ; she said that basically everyone below 50 who took HCQ responded well. Not sure why Trump did not take it, but it would interesting to hear what he has to say. My guess would be that the doctors wanted to treat Trump more aggressively given his age.
A while ago I saw a video from Dr. Ivette Lozano who treats COVID-19 with HCQ; she said that basically everyone below 50 who took HCQ responded well. Not sure why Trump did not take it, but it would interesting to hear what he has to say. My guess would be that the doctors wanted to treat Trump more aggressively given his age.
Placebo controlled studied did not find an effect, though. It is likely the "effect" she was seeing was younger patients doing better than older patients.
Wouldn't you want to know how this person is like in politics before deciding if this person is fit to even be President.
Our bigger problems are the voting system. The electoral college, more than anything, is bad because it is designed to create polarization. I have less of a problem with giving weight to less populated areas than I do the fact that the all-or-none scoring system demotivates people from participating in the process. Ideally, a well-run voting scheme would naturally weed out the Trumps. I think improving the voting system is better than trying to fix things manually.

I was thinking the other day about how much I follow politics, especially when I was healthy. I would spend at least an hour per day listening to political podcasts, YouTube videos, etc. And yet, I had zero say in the primary process -- Biden already won by the time I would have voted. I don't say this to say "poor me," as I know many others deal with this problem as well. But it definitely speaks to a broken political system where a random person in the right state has more voting pull than someone who is really interested.

This isn't just a liberal problem. What about conservatives in California? What's their motivation to be engaged? We have to fix these problems first.
I have some doubts that Trump knew mid-day Wednesday that he had the coronavirus. What is the source? He tweeted late Thursday night/early Friday morning that he and Melania had the virus. Also, I watched Hannity's interview with Trump on Thursday night, where Trump said he doesn't know yet if he has the virus.
Such a bad virus, that you don't even know if you have it.
Overall, I knew it was a matter of time before Trump gets the virus since he is very exposed. Trump himself has said that people over 65 or so and those with underlying issues should stay at home, so I'm sure he knew he was taking a risk. I think generally people who have underlying conditions or are elderly recognize that the virus can be lethal, however I think healthy people believe they are invincible (people who attend rallies, BLM protestors, etc.) since what they will experience most likely are flu-like symptoms or they might be asymptomatic. So, with Trump, my view is that he knew what he was getting into, that given his age and weight he probably knew he would likely experience more moderate/severe symptoms but that was a risk he was willing to take.
Blah. Someone that old, under pressure and extreme stress with constant conflicts with people, gets a bad cold or flu. Shocker. Plus, who knows what his diet or exercise regimen is?

If he's okay after the 14 days, what will people conclude? What will happen? I wouldn't be surprised if someone tries to poison him so COVID can be blamed. I definitely think he needs to bump up security detail and he better be on good terms with them.
Placebo controlled studied did not find an effect, though. It is likely the "effect" she was seeing was younger patients doing better than older patients.
She was treating patients who were turned away from hospitals with nothing, and as soon as she gave them HCQ, they got better.
You don't think people who live in the fly-over states should have a voice?
Respectfully, here's what I can't understand. The Republican approach to COVID-19 has (basically) been to not overreact because it doesn't impact that many people. Indeed, the talking points are always about how it rarely kills healthy people etc. How closing the economy causes more harm for the most number of people.

Okay then. Doesn't it stand to reason that cities (the most population) should have the most say?

Moreover, let's say, hypothetically, it did give more voting power to urban areas (which have higher minority populations). Given the history of the country, is it like insane for a person of color to momentarily have more of a voice than a white person in Kansas? I realize two wrongs don't make a right (and I'm not an enemy of the person in Kansas; I want them to have a say as well), but why are we so paranoid over this? Why is it when a failed national COVID-19 response leads to disproportionately killing people in urban areas, it's just a small thing that isn't worth doing much over?

Either Republicans mean the greatest good for the greatest number of people or they don't. If they really believed it, they would be jumping up and down for higher voter turnout in cities. But that's not how it works.
You don't think people who live in the fly-over states should have a voice?
Why wouldn't they have a voice in a popular vote system? Even if they're out voted, they still have a voice. They just lost the vote. That's like saying New York doesn't have a voice in the EC just because NY's candidate lost. They had a voice, they just didn't win.

Regardless, to me it's ridiculous that the President of any party didn't get the most votes.
Here is the 2016 election results by precinct, and this is why the popular vote is worse than the electoral vote system. Yes, everyone has one vote, however what happens is that in urban areas there are too many votes which all lean Democrat and most of the country doesn't lean that way. Hillary won by 2.9 million votes in 2016, however in NYC alone she led Trump close to 2 million votes. So what would happen is NYC and a few cities in California decide the election. I believe in the last election, if you removed New York and California, Trump won the popular vote overwhelmingly. Should New York and California decide the course of the country? I don't think so.

The Ultimate 2016 Presidential Election Map?

Yet, regular posters in this thread will keep harping about it.

I think a politics discussion is pointless if you can't call out people. The MSM and politicians of all stripes are all in on this distraction game.

The FBI avoiding to denounce antifa, DHS declaring "White Supremacy" as America's most distressing danger (while Antifa and BLM are rioting all over the US). The MSM and foolish people focus on Trump and in particular, one organization, that the MSM describe as White Supremacist. They are such prominent White Supremacists that they have black members and an Afro-Cuban chairman.

The regulars here have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. They get insulted when their foolishness gets called out and scream and cry to their "Mommy." I am just trying to help.

The MSM and the system is rigged so the dumb electorate concentrates on this absurdity instead of important issues but that topic is too complicated for most people.
Here is the 2016 election results by precinct, and this is why the popular vote is worse than the electoral vote system. Yes, everyone has one vote, however what happens is that in urban areas there are too many votes which all lean Democrat and most of the country doesn't lean that way. Hillary won by 2.9 million votes in 2016, however in NYC alone she led Trump close to 2 million votes. So what would happen is NYC and a few cities in California decide the election. I believe in the last election, if you removed New York and California, Trump won the popular vote overwhelmingly. Should New York and California decide the course of the country? I don't think so.

The Ultimate 2016 Presidential Election Map?

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And if you remove Texas from the electoral college, Clinton would've won. Should Texas decide the course of the country?

And also, if most Americans lean that way, as evidenced by the fact that they've voted a Democrat in 6 of the last 7 elections, then most of America leans that way.
Trump also use the Oval Office to kill. Drone strikes are killing more civilians than ever.

Civilian Deaths in U.S. Wars Are Skyrocketing Under Trump. It May Not Be Impeachable, but It's a Crime.

Not to mention, he kept us involved in the Yemen civil war after Congress tried to pull us out. He vetoed that bill. Why? And why do you keep pretending he's a dove when he's just as big a war mongerer as Bush or Obama?
You really think that Trump is the (only) one deciding on foreign wars?
Wow. :rolleyes:

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